Kav LaOved - Migrant Caregivers

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The Evolving Reality of War Creates Confusion and Uncertainty Among Many Israelis, but Foreign Workers - Far from Home and Not Necessarily Fluent in Hebrew - Face Unique Challenges in This Context. In Light of the Escalation in the North, the Foreign Workers Help Center is Preparing to Assist Workers and Convey Relevant Information to Them in Their Language.

The Center, Operated by the "Center for International Migration and Integration" (CIMI) on Behalf of the Population and Immigration Authority, is in Constant Contact with the Home Front Command and Other Authorities, and Transmits Updated and Translated Emergency Instructions to the Workers.

The Help Center Employs Interpreters in Many Languages for Workers in the Construction, Agriculture, Home Care, Institutional Care, and Hospitality Industries. The Center Also Contacts Workers by Phone, Through an Online Form, and Through Groups on Various Applications.

"We Translate the Instructions into Hindi, Chinese, Thai, and Other Languages, Publish Them on Our Website, and Also Distribute Them in Groups with Workers Who Come to Israel to Work Through Bilateral Agreements," Says Anastasia Grinyte, Director of the Center.

According to Her, There are Veteran Workers from Countries Like China, Ukraine, and Moldova Who Are Already Relatively Familiar with the Israeli Reality, but There are Also Workers Who Have Only Recently Arrived in the Country, Some of Whom Work in the North and South.

"When New Workers Arrive and Encounter a New Reality, Naturally There are Fears and Questions. Therefore, It is Important That There is Someone to Answer Them in Their Language. The Workers Want to Make Sure They Understand the Instructions and Are in a Safe Place.

"It is Important to Emphasize That Even for Foreign Workers, There is an Obligation to Provide Sheltered Spaces Just Like Everyone Else. If Workers Encounter Problems in This Regard, They Can Contact Us, We Are in Contact with the Immigration Authority on This Matter as Well to Assist."

The Phone Number of the Foreign Workers Help Center is: 1-700-707889. You Can Also Submit a Request Via a Form (a link in the first comment).


A difficult war broke out in Israel on October 7, 2023, and is still ongoing. Many workers have been affected by the war, and we at Kav LaOved want to learn about the extent of the impact and the consequences of the war on you. It’s important for us to hear from you about what you have dealt with and what you are currently facing. If the war has affected your sense of security, your daily life, your salary, and employment opportunities – we would appreciate it if you could send us an email at [email protected], and we will get back to you. If you feel more comfortable sharing your story in person, we would be happy to schedule a meeting at our office in Tel Aviv.


AIRPORT BANK (HAMIZRACHI) Opening hours in Sept-Oct
When you return to your country, and if you have money in the Pikadon (the fund where Bituach agencies put the separation pay and pension) - you can get it from the airport bank (Hamizarachi bank). Hours in Sept-Oct are :
a) All time except for Fridays after 16:00 (15:30 in Oct) and Saturdays before 22:00.
b) In Sept. there are no Jewish holidays, so no additional days on which the bank is closed.
c) In Oct, the bank closing hours because of Jewish holidays:
Oct 2nd, from Wednesday afternoon (16:00) until Saturday night on Oct 5th, for Rosh Hashana
Friday, Oct 11th, the bank will be closed at 12:00, for Yom Kipur
Oct 16th, from Wednesday at 15:30, until Thursday night on Oct 17th, at 21:00
Oct 23rd, from Wednesday at 15:30, until Thursday night on Oct 24th, at 21:00

You will get the money from the bank if:
1) You are going through terminal 3
2) You already got in your phone the document from Misrad Hapnim called PAYMENT NOTICE, which details your pikadon, the tax and fines - if relevant, and final sum you should get from the bank.


Some of you have asked about what happens to the funds deducted from the deposits of workers who leave Israel late. Well, Kav La'Oved recently contacted the Ministry of Justice to understand who benefits from these funds. The answer: the funds are transferred to the Public Guardian who allocates them for the benefit of migrant workers in Israel, especially to support refugees. For example, in January 2024, a sum of 1,500,000 NIS was directed to support and care for the infants of foreign workers in Tel Aviv. Each year, the funds are transferred to a different purpose according to the decision of the Public Guardian.


Delayed Your Departure from Israel? Here's the table of deductions:

Planning to leave Israel soon? ✈️ It's important to know that delaying your departure can significantly impact the amount of money you'll get back from your deposit. If you leave within 3 months after the last day of legal employment (e.g. - if your employer died - after the day your employer died) - it is NOT considered a delay. The delays detailed below are the number of month AFTER the 3 months are over.
We've looked into the new regulations (starting 19-02-2024), and here's what we found:
For delays of 1-2 months, a 3.75% deduction will be applied to your deposit. This percentage increases progressively for longer delays, reaching 75% for those exceeding more than one year. It's crucial to plan your departure carefully to avoid significant financial losses.
Note: The longer the delay, the higher the percentage deducted from your deposit.
Delays of _____months Percentages of deduction
1-2 3.75%
3-4 15%
5-6 22.50%
7-8 30%
9-10 37.50%
11-12 45%
13-14 52.50%
15-16 60%
17-18 67.50%
Over one year 75%

There's good news! In some cases, like illness, family issues, or a bureaucratic error, you can request a reduction or cancellation of the fee for delaying your departure from Israel.
And - in cases that a Special Visa was requested, the date that should be considered is one month after the rejection of the visa (unless it is during the war time)


*** Calculations and help for caregivers - only VIA Online
We continue to work online to provide help for you, and we don't have reception in the office.
Due to a heavy backlog it usually takes ABOUT A MONTH to handle your case, although we (a team of volunteers) are doing our best to help the dozens of workers who are contacting us every day.
You have fill a form and submit it with all your information. Please mention anything you need in this form:
This form *must* be SUBMITTED in order to "join the line".
*The form is for caregivers only.*
If you are going home soon then mention the date in the form.
Within about 4 weeks, one of our team members will call you or contact you via Whatsapp.
In order to get our assistance you will be asked to pay 150 NIS – our team members will send you the bank account details for the money transfer.
****the first question in the form is for your email address. In the case that you don't have an email address - just write n.com


For all caregivers in Israel -
We are sorry that you have to go through another difficult time here in Israel. We hope you find enough strength to continue. It is hard for all of us right now; we need to remain as calm as possible, stay busy with daily tasks, and hope that this entire war will end and we will reach days of tranquility and peace.
Read these instructions and keep Safe!
- Instructions on how to behave when the alert siren is heard:
When the alert siren or an explosion are heard, it is necessary to complete the process of protection, depending on the time available to you and to act according to the following instructions:
In a building: enter the protected space, shelter, or reinforced security room, depending on the time available, and close doors and windows.
Outside – enter the closest building, depending on the time available. If there is no building or cover/shelter nearby, or if you are in an open space, lie down on the ground and protect your head with your hands.
Residents of the top floor in a building of over 3 floors without a protected space, shelter, or reinforced security room should descend two floors down.
Residents of the top floor in a building of 3 floors without a protected space, shelter, or reinforced security room should descend one floor down.
Civilians are requested not to be out in the building entrance area, since there is a risk of shrapnel and explosions as a result of missile landings in the area near the building.
Unless otherwise instructed – after 10 minutes you may leave the protected space.
It is important to stay away from any foreign objects or rockets lying on the ground. In such case, please keep curious by-standers away and notify the police.
Continue listening to the instructions issued by the media.


The payment of the fee for extending the visa ( work permit) in Israel, and the re-entry visa s to be paid by the worker.
However, the payment is usually done by the employer, as the fee can only be paid with an Israeli credit card (which most foreign workers do not have). In this case, the employer will pay the fee and will be entitled to deduct the payment from the worker's salary.

An employer of a foreign caregiver employed at the patient's home is not allowed to deduct any amounts from the worker's salary for National Insurance (bituach leumi).


AIRPORT BANK (HAMIZRACHI) Opening hours- for the Pikadon

When you return to your country, and if you have money in the Pikadon (the fund where Bituach agencies put the separation pay and pension) - you can get it from the airport bank (Hamizarachi bank). Hours in July-Aug are :
a) All time except for Fridays after 16:00 and Saturdays before 23:00.
b) In addition, the bank WILL BE CLOSED on TUESDAY AUG 13th.

You will get the money from the bank if:
1) You are going through terminal 3
2) You already got in your phone the document from Misrad Hapnim called PAYMENT NOTICE, which details your pikadon, the tax and fines - if relevant, and final sum you should get from the bank.


Regarding annual leave and PAYMENT FOR THE ANNUAL LEAVE:
According to the law, an employer should encourage the employee to take annual leave once a year (16 days per year in the five years, 14 days to be paid ( and more - in the following years).

Most caregivers do not take vacation every year, and in that case - the employer is not obliged to pay for vacation days at the end of every year. The vacation pay should be paid when the vacation is actually taken, or, if the vacation days are not fully used - upon the end of the employment.
Example: If the employee takes 32 days of vacation after two years, then they will be eligible for the debt of the annual vacation days (14 paid vacation days per year).
Note that vacation days can be accumulated for 3 years, and if you don't take vacation for more than 3 years, then the days from before the last 3 years are nullified.
Remark: Although the employer does not have legal obligation to pay yearly for the vacation - some employers prefer to pay yearly (as was usual in the past) in order to avoid having to pay too large a vacation sum in the future - all at once. This yearly payment, if done, should be recorded in writing, and seen as an advance payment (so that the vacation payment is not paid twice).


Extension of legal work in certain conditions - from PIBA
* Please note: the decision explained below of PIBA is NOT about getting a Special Visa, but rather about the possibility, in certain conditions, of continuing working until the end of October 2024, without visa, after application/rejection of Special Visa*
This is a new update from PIBA (Misrad hapnim, Immigration Authority) regarding caregivers for whom an application for Humanaitarian Visa (Special Visa) was submitted and rejected *
Until 31.10.2024 PIBA's decision is that there will be no detention and deportation for caregivers who don't have a valid visa for whom the following conditions hold:
1.An application for Special Visa was submitted for an employer who has a permit to employ a foreign caregiver
2. The caregiver is employed for that employer as a live-in caregiver for the same employer for whom the application was submitted and rejected
3. The caregiver was in Israel less than 13 years when the application was submitted
4. The application for the Special Visa was rejected after 07.10.2023, and before 31.10.2024
Caregivers for whom those conditions are fulfilled can continue working for the employer with no risk from Immigration, and deductions from the Pikadon ("the airport money") will not be performed for them when they leave Israel soon after 31.10.2024


if you need our assistance, calculation or want to complain, please fill the form that you can find in the first comment. it will take as one month till you will get our answer. sorry for the delay. so many people are waiting in the line.........


hi, i need your help. i want and need to know if and how the 7th Octobers' war affect your life as a caregiver in israel. please share your story about these changes. thanks


A forced Leave
An employer is allowed to put their employees on forced leave, provided they notify them in advance: if it is a leave of more than 7 days, the employer must inform them at least 14 days in advance. If the employer does not notify them in advance, they cannot deduct the leave days from the employee's accrued annual leave quota.
It is not permitted to put an employee on leave if they do not have enough accrued leave days and to deduct the leave days from their future leave quota.


Dear Caregivers,
Recently, I have encountered several cases where caregivers went abroad without an inter-visa. The country's laws require obtaining an inter-visa if you wish to return to Israel. Even in emergency situations, and unfortunately, such things happen: illness of a close family member or, heaven forbid, a death. Even in such cases, you must not leave without an inter-visa. Leaving without one means there is no way to return.

Recently, I heard from a worker who left to attend her mother's funeral. She explained that she had to fly because it's part of her culture, and I believe her, but the laws of the State of Israel are strict, and without obtaining approval from the Ministry of the Interior, it is not possible to return.
This worker told me that she heard a friend left without an inter-visa and managed to return. Do not take the risk and do not do this; the efforts you will have to make to return are tremendous, and it is not at all certain that you will succeed. To obtain an inter-visa, you must go to your agency.
Instructions from the Ministry of the Interior on the matter: In order to streamline and shorten the process of handling applications for re-entry visas (inter-visa), here are important notes:
1. Do not attach the document to the passport like a sticker, but attach the approval to the passport as an accompanying page. Sticking the document as a sticker in the passport may be suspected as forgery!!
2. When submitting the application for an inter-visa, you can request a date 7 days later than the planned return date to prevent issues in case of a short and unplanned delay in the return flight.
3. Ensure to submit applications 21 days before the requested departure date. Note: in the case of emergency - try pressuring the agency, possibly with the help of your employer's family (as detailed in the attached case description of one of the caregivers.
4. The obligation to pay the fee for the inter-visa lies with the worker.
5. Applications must be submitted 60 days at most before the expiration date of the visa. The passport should be valid for one more year.



Dear Caregivers,
Sometimes it happens that a caregiver is employed under difficult conditions, which we refer to as "employment under slave-like conditions." This refers to cases where the employing family exploits and controls her. For example, the family has access to her bank account, holds her passport, does not allow her to go outside or to talk on the phone, employs her for many hours a day, including tasks that are not caregiver tasks, does not pay on time, or does not pay at all, does not allow her to eat enough, provides unsuitable living conditions, threatens her, or uses violence against her. If some of these conditions occur with you or at the home of a friend you know, please tell us. You can contact us privately at phone number 0525903264.


Dear caregivers, we need your help!

Kav La'Oved is going on a campaign to raise donations to allow us to continue and assist you and other workers, as we do for the past 33 years. Every Shekel that will be donated will be doubled by a very generous donor and make twice the impact.

We ask you to kindly support us, help us keep helping you, and help us remain an organization supported by workers for workers 🙏🏻

Here is the link where you can donate, please also share!


Vulnerable workers in Israel have been abandoned after 7 October 23/05/2024


Vulnerable workers in Israel have been abandoned after 7 October Support Kav LaOved in ensuring their rights and dignity.


Dear caregivers,

We ask you to keep all your payslips, work diaries, medical summaries, employment contracts, placement letters, payments you have received, important dates, addresses, and phone numbers of family members, the agency, and the nursing company during your work. You can keep photos on your phone. This will be very helpful in the future.


Hello all,
Recently we have seen more and more cases of caregivers who were given deportation notice because they did not give a proper prior notice. We would like to emphasize that it is crucial to give prior notice before you leave a job. A caregiver that leaves immediately without notice can also face criminal charges.
EXEMPTION: if you are sexually harassed, threatened with violence, or violence has been used by the employer / family member against you – leave immediately but you must do your best to document everything that happened and contact the agency IMMEDIATELY. If they are not answering on the phone – go there.
Explanation of the Prior Notice regulation for caregivers:
Caregiver who works for their employer for more than 7 DAYS
Give prior notice
1. To the agency (where he/she is registered)
2. To the employer. IMPORTANT: if the employer can not understand the notice letter, give the notice to the agency and to a family member who is in charge. SEND THIS ON WHATSAPP, document you giving your notice.
You are not allowed to leave the employer before the notice period is over.
In the notice letter you must write that you plan to leave your employer, the date you give your employer the letter, and the last day of work (according to the period this procedure states).
1. For work period between 7 days to 3 months - 7-days notice
2. For work period of 3-6 months - 14-days notice
3. For work period of 6-12 months - 21-days notice
4. For work period over one year - one month notice
Always keep a copy of the notice letter to yourself. If you can, ask the employer and the agency to sign your copy to confirm they received the letter.
If you do not follow this procedure and don't give the notice letter in time, you may lose your working visa and be at risk of deportation.
Note: In case your employer fired you, or in case you are asked to leave before your notice period is over, in order to protect yourself (so the employer cannot claim you left without notice), try to follow the actions below:
1. Ask your employer for a letter of dismissal / a letter that releases you from your notice. If he refuses to give it to you, ask a family member for such a letter. It is very important to get this letter.
2. If you can't get a letter, try to have any kind of proof that you were fired or asked to leave before the notice. A good proof can be a recording or a video on your cell phone, or screengrab from whatsapp conversation.
3. After you are fired / asked to leave before the notice period is over, immediately call your agency or go there. Explain what happened, and try to get from the agency a letter or a recording, that you were fired by the employer and did not quit

Example for a notice letter:

Resignation letter

Date: ___________________
To: ___________________

I, the undersigned, hereby hand my letter of resignation and wish to terminate my employment.
My last day of work will be ____________, according to the notice period determined by law.


_____________________ (your full name and passport number)
_____________________ (your signature)

Received by: ________________________ (signatures of the family and the agency) Date:_____________


Caregivers from India and Sri-Lanka – we need your help!
As you know, Kav La'Oved helps caregivers in Israel for many years.
In the last 6 months, new workers from India and Sri-Lanka started work in Israel in more sectors – agriculture and construsction. We are here to assist workers in these sectors too!
If you have friends or relatives working in Israel in Agriculture or Construction, who have a question or a problem with their employers or agencies, please tell them about us. They can contact us (in English) in the following ways:

Agriculture – Facebook-message at: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064761274220&fref=ts
Or Whatsapp message to 052-5349873
Construction – Whatsapp message to 054-5807570


there was a mistake in the last post about yearly benefits. sorry



We will take this opprotunity to thank you for your work and efforts in these harsh times to elderly people and people with disabilities is Israel!

Passover is the holiday of liberty, and this is what we wish to all of us, together.

(independece day - closed).


you asked for calculation of yearly social benefits ("bonus") starting April 2024, so here it is !!!!!!!!

Photos from Kav LaOved - Migrant Caregivers's post 17/04/2024

New Leaflet of Rights in English + Hebrew - Updated to April 2024.

More languages coming soon.

Please share with fellow caregivers!

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Our Story

Reception hours in our offices are temporarily cancelled.
For online help:
Please write to us through, mentioning:
1. the issue you need assistance with
2. picture of your passport
3. your telephone number
Please mention if you had an appointment.
Email address:
[email protected]
WHATSAPP no: o 0525903264 - (calls will not be answered!)

Videos (show all)

This week we celebrate 30 years of activism in Kav LaOved, in a 3-day crowdfunding campaign starting from today. In this...
Facebook live with Kav LaOved's Caregivers team


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