
Tel Aviv's #1 Spot for Classic American Spices! Our Flavors:

Everything Bagel
Pumpkin Spice
The Eve


the everyday

I use it... everyday

Sauces, soups and roasted potatoes there's nothing a little pinch won't enhance

The perfect blend for your roasted chicken on shabbat or add some mustard, dill and lemon ans you've got a marinade for salmon

And I just added 25% off on our website because I want to encourage anyone who hasn't tried it to enjoy, our secret best seller (behind everything bagel)

Free shipping on orders over 100 shekel!



Purim is less than a month away!

Are you ready with your mishloach manot?

How about a 5 pack of your favorite spices!

Don't forget we have free delivery on orders over 100 shekel until the end of February!

*Just make sure to let us know if you're ordering for purim so we can add the fancy wrapping!


Welcome Home from America Giveaway!

I just spent the last two weeks celebrating friends and family in the US and I couldn't help but pick up some of my favorite American treats!

Enter for a chance to win this gift package which includes:
1 Bottle of Tajin
2 Jars of .spices
2 White Claws
2 Classic Dunkaroos
2 Reeses Fast Break (My favorite!)
2 Packages of Milanos
2 Packages of Mini Pop tart Bites

All this for the price of supporting a small business!

How to win:

It's a raffle! The more tickets you have the better chance you have of winning!

1 Ticket - Comment and tag a friend
2 Tickets - Share this post!
5 Tickets - For every jar of spices you order on the website between now and July 4th!


Chag Shavuot Sameach! One of my favorite holidays and every year my board seems to grow!

Looking forward to the next couple of months of summer crazy and preparing for the wedding!

There's 20% off all spices on the website no code necessary and it'll run until I fly Thursday!

馃 馃馃珤

Photos from Israelidelicious's post 02/03/2022

I am so excited to announce that Bayla from .it.out will be joining our live cooking class this Sunday!

Order your taco seasoning today and let's get cooking!

This no recipe cooking class will teach you all the tips and tricks you need to effortlessly throw together a delicious meal, whether you're meal prepping for the week or cooking for date night we'll be done in an hour!

Send me a message for all the details and tag a friend below who you think should join!

Photos from Israelidelicious's post 22/02/2022

Well, scheduling birthday week extravaganza and second manufacturing run for the same week might not have been the most sane idea!

From the scavenger hunt to the cooking class and the photo contest these events could have spanned months not just 10 days!

Thank you to everyone for supporting me and my small business whether that meant buying during the sale or joining for the cooking class it really means so much to me!

As always please keep sending me your pictures, I love to see what you make uses our spices like these amazing tikka masala skewers by

Of all the things I enjoyed this month the cooking class was definitely my favorite so I'm already planning my next! March 6th! So mark your calendar!

Comment below what spice I should highlight next!



Here's your chance to win a full set of .spices

To enter just make sure you're following both our accounts and .spices and tag a friend below who you think should enter for a chance to win as well!

Bonus points! Share on your story for an extra chance to win!

And don't forget we've still got 30% off the whole website using code BIRTHDAY30 if you just can't wait!

Giveaway ends on my birthday (February 10th) and is in no way affiliated with Instagram

Photos from Israelidelicious's post 06/02/2022

Not too late to sign up!

Our first ever cooking class where I'll teach you all the tips and tricks you need to make easy Indian inspired recipes using .spices tikka masala spice!

I'll be cooking 2-3 vegan dishes tonight so if you want to follow along pick one or two items off each of these graphics and send me your emails so I can forward all the details! For the Zoom link!

Photos from Israelidelicious's post 01/02/2022

Kayla's 30th Birthday Extravaganza!

I am so so excited to finally share all the fun things I've been working on!

Stay tuned for the next 10 days for tons of prizes and games and activities!

Use code BIRTHDAY30 for 30% off at checkout now until my Birthday! (February 10th)


A year ago today we launched our fifth spice

By far my favorite and most complex of the spice mixes

With double digit number of ingredients this blend of .spices is the perfect addition to any meal

Try it with tofu, chicken, veggies and more! Recipes on our website 馃А馃馃挌


Feeling so so thankful to have been able to spend Thanksgiving live in the i24NEWS English studio talking about on the rack spices.

What a crazy year it's been, can't wait to see where we are next Thanksgiving season!

For now, remember it's never the wrong season to eat Pumpkin Pie and if you missed out yesterday we still have stock so order today!

Photos from Israelidelicious's post 14/11/2021

Pumpkin Spice Shoutout!

Highlighting our spice of the month 馃巸馃尪

The perfect addition to any pumpkin dessert this fall season or even better use in place of cinnamon for any apple or fruit treat 馃ェ

Order now to make sure you grab one of these jars before Thanksgiving! 馃馃崅

Combined with a can of pumpkin puree and Graham Cracker Crust for the perfect pumpkin pie!

Certified Kosher & Delivery across the whole country!

Order today!


Pumpkin Pie Kits from .spices 馃А

馃巸 A coveted can of Pumpkin puree
馃巸 A hard to find Graham Cracker Crust
馃巸 The perfect jar of .spices by israelidelicious Pumpkin Spice Seasoning!

Kosher with a tehuda with delivery across the entire country!

Order now via the website in our bio 馃尪馃コ

#讬砖专讗诇 #转诇讗讘讬讘 #驻诪驻拽讬谉


We launched!

What started as a passion project for friends has been reimagined and I'm SO excited to share the new face of .spices with you!

Thank you so much for all your support this past year, I literally would not be where I am without each and everyone of you. For all your likes and your shares, for your purchases and repurchases. For your amazing photography and for the label redesign by
my heart is forever grateful.

I'm so excited for the next phase of .spices and can't wait to see what's next!

Orders are open so head to the link in our bio!
30 NIS delivery for the entire country!


Ready for a fun fact?

These were the giveaways at my brother and sister in laws wedding three years ago!

They packed together little jars of everything bagel seasoning for all of their guests and my mother loves to remind me I stole their idea!

My brother even has a tatoo of an everything bagel!

I guess it really does run in the family!

Happy 3rd Anniversary love birds! Thanks for letting me build a business off of your idea 馃挏


Our first and favorite spice mix!

Everything bagel is definitely our top seller and rightfully so! Perfect on avocado toast, runny eggs or even your Friday night challah!

We're doing deliveries next week (11.7) to Rehovot, Rishon and Holon - DM us with any questions!

And if you've made it this far, don't forget to use code Instagram10 for 10% off your order 馃挏



Summer is here but I'm still craving fall flavors 馃巸馃ィ!

Pumpkin spice oatmeal makes the perfect breakfast topped with fresh figs and coconut!

How do you top your breakfast bowls?


Happy Taco Tuesday!!
spices by is here to bring all the best taco essentials right to your home! 馃尞馃嵒馃

Basket Includes:
6 Pack of Corona
12 Pressed Corn Tortillas
1/2 Kilo of fresh limes
Jar of on the rack taco seasoning
Black Bean and Corn Chili Recipe
Cinco De Mayo Educational Pamphlet! (Hint: The holiday as many Americans know it has nothing to do with Mexican independence day and was popularized by beer companies in the 80s!)

Celebrate with friends or enjoy them all to your self! Cinco De Mayo orders are open until May 2nd and will be delivered during the day May 5th!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.



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