Mondeo Studio - Graphics & UX/UI

Graphics & UI/UX 📍Ibn Gabirol St 30, Tel Aviv-Yafo
📍Gev Yam Negev Park, WeWork, Be'er Sheva


The Future of SaaS Design –Mondeo's Vision

Looking ahead, we envision a SaaS world where design is not just a discipline but a philosophy. A world where SaaS products are intuitive, engaging, and indispensable. We're on a mission to lead this change, one startup at a time. We believe that the best SaaS experiences are yet to come, and they will be driven by design thinking that prioritizes users above all.

To the SaaS startups out there, it’s time to rethink your design strategy. It’s not just an add-on; it’s the heartbeat of your product. Let’s chat if you’re ready to embrace this change and create a SaaS product that doesn’t just exist but thrives and resonates. Let's create something amazing together, DM us to get started!

Photos from Mondeo Studio - Graphics & UX/UI's post 20/08/2024

Ready to turbocharge your startup's branding game? 🚀 Here are 4 no-nonsense tips from a design studio that'll have your brand shining like a supernova in no time:

✅ Toss the "We'll Do It Tomorrow" Mentality

Critics who view branding as an expendable luxury miss the forest for the trees. Branding is doable on a startup diet of instant noodles and sheer grit. Start simple yet scalable, focus on core elements, and be mindful of future growth.

✅ Your Story is Not About You

Think of design as your brand's love language—it's how you communicate your essence to those who matter. Your story is your unique selling point, but it should focus on your audience, addressing their needs and aspirations.

✅ The Digital Age's Ultimate Currency: Attention

Without a solid brand, you're just another voice in the crowd. Grab attention, or fade into obscurity. Start mining for attention like your brand's life depends on it—because it does.

Dive deeper into these game-changing tips by checking out the full blog post!


Startup Mistake #3: Design as an Afterthought – A Fatal Mistake

One of the biggest mistakes SaaS startups make is treating design as the final layer, something to 'beautify' the product after all the heavy lifting is done. This is a flawed approach. Design needs to be there from day one, in the boardroom, influencing decisions, and aligning closely with your product strategy. It’s not just about the user interface; it’s about the user journey – from the first website visit to daily product interaction.


Branding Beyond Logos

SaaS startups often think of branding as a logo and a color palette. We disagree. Branding is your story, your ethos, and how you make users feel. It's not static; it evolves with your product and audience. We delve into creating a brand experience that resonates at every touchpoint, making sure your SaaS product isn’t just another tool, but a vital part of your users’ daily workflow.


Startup Mistake #2: Aesthetic vs Functional Design – A False Dichotomy
There's a widespread myth in SaaS circles that you have to choose between beauty and utility. This is a false dichotomy. Our approach is to marry aesthetics with functionality. Every design element must serve a purpose, whether it’s guiding the user's eye or making the experience more intuitive. A well-designed SaaS product isn't just about looking good; it's about enhancing user interaction and making complex processes feel simple.


Startup Mistake #1: The Underestimation of User Research

Too many SaaS companies skimp on user research. They're so engrossed in their product vision that they forget who it’s for – the user. The result? A product that’s more a reflection of internal assumptions than user needs. We believe in digging deep into user personas, not just superficially, but to the core of their pain points. This isn’t a one-off task; it’s a continuous journey alongside product development.


Here's our take on startup website design—sans the sugarcoat


We often hear about the importance of sleek UI/UX in SaaS, but what does it really take to achieve that? After collaborating with several high-growth SaaS startups, here’s a reality check:

→ Investing in User Research: We’ve seen companies underutilize this. One client spent $200K on features that users never touched. After proper user research, we redirected focus, enhancing key features that drove a 40% increase in user engagement.

→ Iterative Design Process: It’s not just about a beautiful interface. We’ve iterated designs for a client 20+ times before hitting the sweet spot that increased their conversion rate by 25%.

→ Aligning Design with Business Goals: A fancy design that doesn't convert is art, not a solution. We revamped a client’s landing page, aligning it with their sales funnel, resulting in a 3X increase in lead generation.

Remember, design in the SaaS world is more than aesthetics. It's about user-centric, goal-aligned strategies that drive growth!

👉 DM us for a “Design Audit” and let’s optimize your SaaS design for real results!


Startup Design Tip from Mondeo: Your Story is Not About You

Think of design as your brand's love language—it's how you communicate your core, your essence, your soul to those who matter.

At the heart of every startup is a story—hopefully, one that's more gripping than your average "Terms & Conditions" page. Consumers are bombarded with messages from all angles, and your brand must stand out to grab their attention. As a startup, your story is your unique selling point, one that sets you apart from the rest.

But here is the kicker - your story is not about you. Shocking, I know. It's about your audience, your future fans, your would-be die-hards. The crux of killer branding isn't in shouting "Look at me!" from the rooftops; it's whispering "I see you, and here's what I can do for you" directly into your potential customer's ear.

Design is about communication - it's the visual language that conveys your message to your audience.

Photos from Mondeo Studio - Graphics & UX/UI's post 18/07/2024

Startups often have to move at warp speed. In just 3 weeks, we completed a stunning redesign for Ottopia.

From concept to ex*****on, our team designed, animated, and implemented the new look on Webflow, ensuring a seamless and visually captivating experience.

Check out the transformation and let us know what you think!


The Cult of the ‘Intuitive’

Every startup wants their product to be as 'intuitive' as breathing. But here's a reality check: what's intuitive to you might be someone else's digital labyrinth. We've seen too many startups drink their own Kool-Aid, believing their UI is the next Rosetta Stone of tech. Spoiler alert: it's not.

Testing with real humans (yes, those creatures beyond your development team) is not just a good practice—it’s your lifeline. Don’t skip it, or you might find your users lost in space.

Unicorn Wranglers: 12 Traits of Outstanding UX/UI Designers 11/07/2024

A standout UX/UI designer possesses a unique blend of skills, traits, and characteristics that elevate their craft from good to great. In this blog, we'll explore the essential traits that define a top-notch UX/UI designer, offering insights into what sets them apart.

Unicorn Wranglers: 12 Traits of Outstanding UX/UI Designers A standout UX/UI designer possesses a unique blend of skills, traits, and characteristics that elevate their craft from good to great. Let's dive into traits we value the most in our amazing designers at Mondeo Studio!


Ready to shake up the biotech world? Dive into our guide to design for biotech startups! We're spilling the beans on how to inject personality into your brand, simplify complex science without it becoming a snooze fest, and tell stories that'll make even the skeptics interested. Get ready to disrupt the status quo and revolutionize your design game – because in biotech, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of sameness!

Design or Die: No-BS Guide to Startup Marketing Design 04/07/2024

Design isn't magic; it's hard work. But with the right strategies, your startup's marketing materials can make a lasting impact. We tried to summarise our experience in this No-BS Guide:

✅ Know Thy Audience, Deeply: Understand your target audience's demographics, interests, and behaviors to guide your design choices effectively.

✅ Keep It Simple: Embrace simplicity in design to convey your message effectively without overwhelming your audience.

✅ Brand Consistency: Maintain consistency in visual elements across all marketing materials to build brand recognition and trust.

✅ Design for Tomorrow. Today: Create designs that are scalable and adaptable to future changes in your startup.
Focus on First Impressions: Ensure that your landing page and other initial touchpoints make a strong, positive impression on visitors.

Each tip is a crucial piece of the puzzle in creating a successful startup marketing design strategy. Ready to elevate your brand's visual identity and make a lasting impact? Dive into the full blog post to learn more!

Design or Die: No-BS Guide to Startup Marketing Design Your startup’s marketing design is more than just a visual aesthetic; it’s a strategic tool that, when wielded with expertise and precision, can significantly amplify your brand's presence and impact.


Tip from Mondeo: Attention might just be the most precious commodity out there. Time to start mining for it like your brand's life depends on it—because it does.

In an era where a goldfish's attention span is envied, a solid brand isn't just your best bet; it's your only bet. Critics who view branding as just another line item under "Miscellaneous Expenses" are missing the point. Without it, you're just shouting into the void with everyone else.


Startup Design Tip from Mondeo: Toss the "We'll Do It Tomorrow" Mentality Out the Window

Critics who view branding as an expendable luxury miss the forest for the trees. In the digital age, where consumer attention is the ultimate currency, a well-defined brand is your most potent weapon.

And hey, we get it. You're thinking branding is this giant, scary monster that's going to eat up all your cash faster than you can say "venture capital." But here's the kicker: creating a brand that sticks is totally doable on a startup diet of instant noodles and sheer grit.

The key lies in starting simple yet scalable, focusing on core elements that resonate with your audience, and being mindful of future growth.

To those treating branding like a forgotten gym membership—filed under "I'll get to it eventually"—you're missing the boat, the dock, and probably the entire ocean!


Planning a branding strategy can be overwhelming for startups, especially if you’re just getting started. Branding is a delicate and complex art, and missteps can have significant implications. The key to success is avoiding rookie mistakes that could completely derail your brand identity from the get-go.

We have identified five key areas where startups typically stumble. We're offering solutions to sidestep these traps before they detonate - follow this link to learn more 🤯


UX vs UI

Are you treating UX and UI like they're the same thing? Hold your horses! Let's break down why they're not twins and why it matters.

🔍 UX (User Experience): Think of it as the architect, crafting the entire journey. From how users interact to solving their problems, it's all about creating a smooth ride.

💡 UI (User Interface): Meet the interior designer. Their job? Making sure everything looks slick and snazzy. Buttons, colors, typography – it's their playground.
But here's the kicker: lumping them together is a recipe for disaster.

🛑 Why?

1️⃣ Different Skills: UX and UI demand unique talents. Don't expect your UX whiz to be a UI guru (or vice versa).
2️⃣ Unique Roles: One might lure users in, but if the other isn't top-notch, they'll bounce out faster than you can say "next!"
3️⃣ Collaboration, Not Confusion: Let UX and UI dance together, not step on each other's toes. It's all about harmony, folks.
4️⃣ Evolution: As your startup grows, so do the complexities. UX and UI specialization becomes a must.

💡 Bottom line? Understand the difference, embrace the synergy, and watch your startup soar!

Read more in our blog

Photos from Mondeo Studio - Graphics & UX/UI's post 17/06/2024

🌟 Exciting News Alert! 🌟

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our latest masterpiece: a brand new website for our awesome customer,! 🚀

We want to extend a huge shoutout to Nikol and the entire team for their unwavering passion and dedication throughout the design process. Their innovative spirit truly shines through in every aspect of the website. -sergeev


🚀 Ready to turbocharge your startup's branding game? Look no further! Here are 11 no-nonsense tips from a design studio that'll have your brand shining like a supernova in no time:

✅ Toss the "We'll Do It Tomorrow" Mentality: In the digital age, a well-defined brand is your most potent weapon. Start now, even on a startup budget.

✅ Your Story is Not About You: Your brand story should speak directly to your audience, addressing their needs and aspirations.

✅ The Digital Age's Ultimate Currency: Attention: Without a solid brand, you're just another voice in the crowd. Grab attention, or fade into obscurity.

✅ Functionality First, Aesthetics... Also First?: Balance aesthetics and functionality to create a brand identity that's both visually appealing and practical.

✅ Design for Your Audience, Not Yourself: Your personal preferences don't matter. Design for your target audience to maximize impact.

Dive deeper into these game-changing tips by checking out the full blog post!


Steve Jobs once noted, "Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works." We wholeheartedly agree.

Design transcends mere aesthetics—it's about crafting systems that intuitively meet user needs, solve problems creatively, and deliver seamless experiences. Yet, many SaaS startups still view design as merely a cosmetic finish. This mindset is outdated.

At our studio, design is fundamental, embedded in every phase of product development, from ideation to ex*****on. We prioritize a deep understanding of the market and, more crucially, our end-users. This approach has enabled us to create some of the most intuitive and beloved SaaS products on the market.

For SaaS startups looking to make a mark: it's time to elevate your game. Design is about building an emotional connection and empathy with your users. Let’s transform your product into an experience that not only meets needs but delights and retains.


In the SaaS industry, standing out is key, but how? Here’s what we learned from transforming the digital presence of multiple SaaS startups:

→ Custom Illustrations Over Stock Images: We switched a client from generic imagery to custom illustrations. Result? A 50% longer page visit duration and a memorable brand identity.

→ Mobile-First Design: For a client, focusing on mobile UX increased their mobile user engagement by 60%. SaaS isn’t just desktop anymore!

→ Interactive Elements: Adding interactive demos on landing pages can skyrocket engagement. We saw a client’s time-on-page jump by 70% with this single change.

Rethink your design strategy. It's not just what looks good, but what actively engages and converts your audience.
📈 Want to revolutionize your SaaS product’s design? Reach out for a consultation!

Photos from Mondeo Studio - Graphics & UX/UI's post 04/06/2024

🚀That’s a Wrap on the New Upstream Security Homepage! 🚀

What a ride it's been! We're over the moon to see Upstream Security's fabulous new homepage live and kicking. Big shout-out to Ravit Stern Ginat and the rest of the team for being absolute stars throughout this adventure. Couldn’t have asked for better co-pilots on this project, you've made this journey an absolute blast and a smooth sail!

A massive thank you for choosing us and here’s to this being the first of many fun projects together. Let's keep pushing boundaries and turning those wild ideas into reality. Onward and upward!

Curious to see the transformation? Check it out here >

Design for Startups: Why Building a Strong Brand from the Get-Go is Essential 30/05/2024

🚀 Unlocking Startup Success: The Ultimate Design Checklist 🚀

Ready to elevate your startup's design game? Here's your comprehensive guide:

Research Your Audience, Competitors, and Trends:
→ Understand your target audience's preferences and needs.
→ Analyze competitors' designs for insights and inspiration.
→ Stay updated on industry trends to remain relevant and appealing.

Define Your Brand Identity:
→ Create a brand style guide for consistency.
→ Reflect your brand's personality and values in every design element.
→ Maintain consistency across all platforms for a cohesive image.

Keep It Simple and User-Friendly:
→ Less is more; avoid clutter and prioritize essential information.
→ Utilize white space effectively for balance and clarity.
→ Stick to a limited color palette that aligns with your brand identity.

Prioritize User Experience:
→ Ensure accessibility for all users, regardless of disabilities.
→ Design intuitive and easy-to-navigate interfaces.
→ Optimize for mobile viewing to accommodate the increasing use of mobile devices.
→Maintain consistency across platforms for a seamless user experience.

Think Creatively and Innovatively:
→ Stand out by differentiating your design from competitors.
→ Experiment with typography to create a unique look.
→ Incorporate illustrations and graphics to convey your message creatively.
→ Put your spin on current design trends to make them unique to your brand.

Embrace the MVP Approach:
→ Start with essential design elements and iterate as your startup grows.
→ Test rigorously to identify and address any issues or bugs.
→ Continuously gather feedback and data to improve and update your design.
→ Collaborate with designers and team members to optimize design solutions.
→ Seek feedback from your target audience to enhance appeal and usability.

Stay updated with the latest design trends and techniques to remain competitive. Check out our blog for more insights!

Design for Startups: Why Building a Strong Brand from the Get-Go is Essential Design for Startups: Why Building a Strong Brand from the Get-Go is Essential | Discover why design is crucial for startups: Establishing credibility, connecting with audiences, and standing out. Make your mark with stellar design.

Photos from Mondeo Studio - Graphics & UX/UI's post 27/05/2024

Alright, let's cut to the chase. In the startup world, design isn't just the cherry on top; it's the whole darn sundae. Here are a few reasons why design for startups from the get-go isn’t just smart—it’s non-negotiable.

1. First impressions count, and in the digital age, your design speaks first.

2.Consistent branding across all touchpoints ensures your startup doesn’t just get noticed—it stays top of mind.

3. Design transcends visual appeal; it’s a conduit to your audience’s heart.

4. Cutting corners on design might seem like a budget-friendly move initially, but it's a false economy.

5. We judge books by their covers and startups by their digital presence.

6. Ever got lost in a poorly designed website? That’s a surefire way to drive users away.

7. Inconsistencies in design send mixed signals. A cohesive brand identity across all platforms isn’t just nice—it’s your lifeline.


The Tyranny of Trends

Ah, trends—the double-edged sword of the design world. While staying current is crucial, slavishly following design trends can lead to a homogenized digital landscape where every startup's website is but a variation on a theme. Our stance? Use trends as a source of inspiration, not a blueprint. Dare to differentiate. Remember, the aim is to stand out in the sea of sameness, not to blend in.


Design for Humans, Not Just Users

In the analytical maze of user experience (UX) design, it's easy to forget that at the end of every click, swipe, or tap is a human being. User personas are great, but they're just a starting point. Our approach? Design for humans. Consider emotions, contexts, and the serendipity of human behavior. Websites should adapt, surprise, and delight. They should cater to the early morning coffee browser, the midnight oil burner, and everyone in between.


Your Message Matters

Design and copy go hand in hand like Batman and Robin. Design can make your message appealing, but copy is what makes it stick. Too often, startups get swept up in the aesthetics of design, forgetting that content is king. Your website should be a conversation starter, not a monologue. Use language that's relatable; research your target audience so you can speak their dialect. If you want to stand out, ditch the buzzwords and speak human.

Scary how many startups ignore this.


Simplicity vs. The Kitchen Sink Approach

In our years of collaborating with tech startups, we've witnessed the 'kitchen sink' syndrome time and again. There's a misguided belief that more is more: more sliders, more animations, more jargon. Here's a Mondeo mantra: simplicity is not about having less; it's about having enough. Users don't have the time or patience to navigate through a labyrinth. They seek clarity, speed, and intuition. Your website isn't a puzzle—it's a portal.


The Conundrum of First Impressions

Let's face it: in the digital world, you don't get a second chance at a first impression. Your website is your handshake, your business card, and your sales pitch, all rolled into one. Yet, so many startups get caught in a web of trying to look 'professional' by emulating the giants, losing their unique voice in the process. Our first rant? Stop mimicking the Googles and Apples of the world. Authenticity isn't just a buzzword; it's your soul. Your website should scream "you," not echo someone else.

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Videos (show all)

Here's our take on startup website design—sans the sugarcoat
Planning a branding strategy can be overwhelming for startups, especially if you’re just getting started. Branding is a ...
🚀 Level up your designs with Mondeo's Design Process! 🚀 We craft bespoke brand identities and UX/UI that align with your...
🎥🌆 Exciting News! Mondeo Studio's latest project illuminated Times Square for QuEra's big announcement! From initial des...
🚀 Big Reveal from Mondeo Studio! 🌟 Witness the stunning transformation of's website!🔍 Before:'s websit...
We're thrilled to present our latest collaboration with @Dexoligo, the innovative arm of the renowned Dexal company. Dex...
🎉 Exciting Project Alert! 🎨 We recently tackled a unique challenge for Eyres, specialists in safety glasses.The task? Cr...
We're thrilled to share our latest video reel showcasing the highlights of our work. From stunning animations to impactf...
🌟 Big News at Mondeo Studio! 🎨 We're thrilled to announce our latest collaboration with Cynomi, a leader in AI-powered v...
📣Calling all Creative Website Designers! 🎨🖥️Are you passionate about digital design? Do you excel in crafting captivatin...
🚀 Startups, it's time to elevate your website game! 🚀 First impressions count, so make a statement with a website that c...
🌟 Ready to infuse motion & emotion into your UX/UI design? Look no further! 🌟 Let's craft visually captivating & interac...



Ibn Gabirol Street 30, Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
Sunday 09:00 - 18:00

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