Ujala Cygnus Rainbow Wellness
Rainbow wellness is our holistic clinic at RAINBOW Hospitals, AGRA.we believe in adding a holistic a HOLISTIC AND STRESS MANAGMENT
Vote too him MODI ko hee kareenga Narendra Modi is baar phir MODI SARKAR
Happy Internationsl women's Day ....talking to women on their problems womb to Tomb ......Wishing good health to all the women in this world
*सभी को स्वास्थ्य दिवस की शुभकामनाएं:*
याद रखने योग्य महत्वपूर्ण बातें:
1. बीपी: 120/80
2. पल्स: 70 - 100
3. तापमान: 36.8 - 37
4. सांस : 12-16
5. हीमोग्लोबिन: पुरुष -13.50-18
स्त्री- 11.50 - 16
6. कोलेस्ट्रॉल: 130 - 200
7. पोटेशियम: 3.50 - 5
8. सोडियम: 135 - 145
9. ट्राइग्लिसराइड्स: 220
10. शरीर में खून की मात्रा: पीसीवी 30-40%
11. शुगर लेवल: बच्चों के लिए (70-130) वयस्क: 70 - 115
12. आयरन: 8-15 मिलीग्राम
13. श्वेत रक्त कोशिकाएं WBC: 4000 - 11000
14. प्लेटलेट्स: 1,50,000 - 4,00,000
15. लाल रक्त कोशिकाएं RBC: 4.50 - 6 मिलियन.
16. कैल्शियम: 8.6 -10.3 मिलीग्राम/डीएल
17. विटामिन D3: 20 - 50 एनजी/एमएल.
18. विटामिन B12: 200 - 900 पीजी/एमएल.
*वरिष्ठ यानि 40/ 50/ 60 वर्ष वालों के लिए विशेष टिप्स:*
*1- पहला सुझाव:* प्यास न लगे या जरूरत न हो तो भी हमेशा पानी पिएं, सबसे बड़ी स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं और उनमें से ज्यादातर शरीर में पानी की कमी से होती हैं। 2 लीटर न्यूनतम प्रति दिन.
*2- दूसरा सुझाव:* शरीर से अधिक से अधिक काम ले, शरीर को हिलना चाहिए, भले ही केवल पैदल चलकर, या तैराकी या किसी भी प्रकार के खेल से।
*3-तीसरा सुझाव:* खाना कम करो...अधिक भोजन की लालसा को छोड़ दें... क्योंकि यह कभी अच्छा नहीं लाता है। अपने आप को वंचित न करें, लेकिन मात्रा कम करें। प्रोटीन, कार्बोहाइड्रेट आधारित खाद्य पदार्थों का अधिक प्रयोग करें।
*4- चौथा सुझाव:* जितना हो सके वाहनका प्रयोग तब तक न करें जब तक कि अत्यंत आवश्यक न हो. आप कहीं जाते हैं किराना लेने, किसी से मिलने या किसी काम के लिए अपने पैरों पर चलने की कोशिश करें। लिफ्ट, एस्केलेटर का उपयोग करने के बजाय सीढ़ियां चढ़ें।
*5- पांचवां सुझाव* क्रोध छोड़ो, चिंता छोड़ो,चीजों को नज़रअंदाज़ करने की कोशिश करो. विक्षोभ की स्थितियों में स्वयं को शामिल न करें, वे सभी स्वास्थ्य को कम करते हैं और आत्मा के वैभव को छीन लेते हैं। सकारात्मक लोगों से बात करें और उनकी बात सुनें।
*6- छठा सुझाव* सबसे पहले पैसे का मोह छोड़ दे
अपने आस-पास के लोगो से खूब मिलें जुलें हंसें बोलें!पैसा जीने के लिए बनाया गया था, जीवन पैसे के लिए नहीं।
*7-सातवां सुझाव* अपने आप के लिए किसी तरह का अफ़सोस महसूस न करें, न ही किसी ऐसी चीज़ पर जिसे आप हासिल नहीं कर सके, और न ही ऐसी किसी चीज़ पर जिसे आप अपना नहीं सकते।
इसे अनदेखा करें और इसे भूल जाएं।
*8- आठवां सुझाव* पैसा, पद, प्रतिष्ठा, शक्ति, सुन्दरता, जाति की ठसक और प्रभाव;
ये सभी चीजें हैं जो अहंकार से भर देती हैं. विनम्रता वह है जो लोगों को प्यारसे आपके करीब लाती है।
*9- नौवां सुझाव* अगर आपके बाल सफेद हो गए हैं, तो इसका मतलब जीवन का अंत नहीं है। यह एक बेहतर जीवन की शुरुआत हो चुकी है। आशावादी बनो, याद के साथ जियो, यात्रा करो, आनंद लो। यादें बनाओ!
*10- दसवां सुझाव* अपने से छोटों से भी प्रेम, सहानुभूति ओर अपनेपन से मिलें! कोई व्यंग्यात्मक बात न कहें! चेहरे पर मुस्कुराहट बनाकर रखें !
अतीत में आप चाहे कितने ही बड़े पद पर रहे हों वर्तमान में उसे भूल जाये और सबसे मिलजुलकर रहें!
* # स्वास्थ्य दिवस की शुभकामनाएं ❤️*
NewMe diets 📞9891111230
NewMoM miracle online program
Diet plans for pregnant ladies
Monthly plans or trimester wise plans
NewMe diets special offers....
21 days weight loss challenge ....
@ 999 online program for 21 days
My First
1) *My first restaurant* => * my mother's breast *
2) *My first toilet* => * my mother's laps *
3) *My first school* => * Mom's kitchen *
4) *My first teacher* => * my mother *
5) *My first doctor* => * it's my mom *
6) *My first thermometer* => * my mother's fingers *
7) *My first friend* => * it's my mom *
😎 *My first dresser* => * it's my mom *
9) *My first vehicle* => * my mom's back *
10) *My first lawyer* => * it's my mom. *
Thank you mom for all you did for giving me life....
Mother hood comes with so many responsibilities and roles
NewMoM miracle online program helps you and guide you to do some preparations for this new role as Mom .....
Connect- 9891111230 WhatsApp message
NewMoM miracle online program for planners and pregnant couples
Should You Bank you Baby's Cord Blood?
Listen Live Dr. Narendra Malhotra on this topic
Should you bank your baby's cord blood? | Dr Narendra Malhotra | iMumz Live
Join Live to connect infertility experts and ask your queries
*_Medicine Is Not Always Found In Bottles, Tablets or Vaccines_*
"Detoxification is Medicine
Quitting Junk Food is Medicine
Exercise is Medicine.
Fasting is Medicine.
Nature is Medicine.
Laughter is Medicine.
Vegetables And Fruits Are Medicine.
Sleep is Medicine.
Sunlight is Medicine.
Gratitude And Love Are Medicine.
Friends are Medicine.
Meditation is Medicine.
Being Fearless is Medicine
Postive attitude is Medicine
Unconditional love towards all living beings is Medicine
Listening is medicine
Speaking up and sharing is medicine .
Food is your medicine-
Connect for online diet plans
Prevention is always better than cure
Let’s fight against cancer-
Take care of all aspects of health, complete wellness....
NewMe diets-📞9891111230
Online diet plans and lifestyle management
Vitamins are sources of nourishment for the physical body and fill it with strength. We take vitamins through various sources of food. Spiritual wisdom and meditation are both connections with God, which nourish the soul with 7 spiritual vitamins -
*1. Peace* - An experience of deep calmness where there are no questions asked, there is a deep contentment and subtle acceptance of everyone and everything. A beautiful thought of peace is – “I am a soul full of peace ... I feel, experience and radiate peace to everyone.”
*2. Joy* - An experience of overflowing lightness and enthusiasm, where there is a feeling of connecting deeply with the qualities of the self, others and nature. An affirmation of joy is – “I am joyful and light ... I touch everyone with my inner positive energy.”
*3. Love* - A deep feeling of goodness for the self, God and everyone and everything around, where the heart feels like benefitting and fulfilling. A deep reflection of love is – “I am an angel of love ... I care, share and express myself deeply for the benefit of others.”
*4. Bliss* - A beautiful emotion, where one feels that one has found everything that the heart desires and does not need anything else. A very deep feeling of bliss is expressed as – “I am a blissful soul ... I connect with God and fill myself with everything He possesses.”
*5. Purity* - A deep experience of cleanliness, where the soul has erased all its negativity and has become perfect. A positive affirmation of purity is – “I am a pure spiritual energy ... I learn and experience God's wisdom to clean myself of all sins and mistakes.”
*6. Power* - An emotion of strength and stability, where the soul has stopped fearing and is tolerant at the same time. A positive reflection of power is – “I am soul conscious and completely free from body conscious ... no situation can shake me and touch my inner strength.”
*7. Truth* - A feeling of becoming an embodiment of the wisdom of the soul and God and experiencing that wisdom in every thought, word and action. A deep thought of truth is – “I know all truths from God and remain in self-respect ... at the same time
NewMe diets offers online diet plans
Eat healthy nutritious homemade meals
NewMe diets online diet plans-
Do you want healthy diet plans for your child ?
Do you know about nutrients absorption?
Do you know what kind of food helps in nutrients absorption?
Let's talk about it....
Nutrient absorption is very important for our kids because only feeding nutrient-dence food is not make our kids stronger enough. When the nutrients are properly absorbed can these contribute to your kid’s growth, making their bodies function properly leading to healthier development.
The small intestine absorbs most of the nutrients in your food, and your circulatory system passes them on to other parts of your body to store or use.
👉One of the ways you can ensure nutrient absorption in your kid’s diet is by including food high in Prebiotics. Prebiotics is a source of good bacteria which is very important for your child as they help in the absorption of nutrients. Foods like bananas, onions, garlic, berries, watermelon, Rajma, soybeans, pomegranate, and oats are good sources of natural prebiotics.
👉Some food pairings that will increase nutrient absorption:
To best absorb iron, you need to give it a little boost by pairing it with a source of vitamin C. The vitamin C helps break the iron down into a form that the body can more easily absorb.
In tomato, you’ll find lycopene, an incredible disease-fighting antioxidant. Cooking the tomatoes, as well as serving them with a bit of olive oil, has shown to enhance the body’s absorption of the photochemical.
Turmeric has been used as a flavoring agent for centuries, but it also has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Black pepper makes the beneficial compounds in turmeric more bioavailable, so combination of both spices in one dish has maximum benefit.
This vitamin-and-mineral combo will help keep your bones healthy. Vitamin D helps bring in more calcium from the foods you eat.
These protein sources are often obtained from animal products like meat, poultry, fish, dairy and eggs.
Your intestine absorbs certain vitamins — vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K — when they’re paired with a fat source. Getting enough of these vitamins and maximally absorbing them is important. If possible, make the fat source a largely unsaturated one, such as nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil or olives. You’ll find vitamin A and vitamin K in leafy green veggies; vitamin A in orange and yellow veggies and tomatoes; and vitamin E in a variety of nuts and seeds.
Now make sure to provide prebiotic rich food to your child for good nutrients absorption as well as healthy development.
NewMe diets offers online diet plans
Your children need proper healthy ,well planned home made meals
Proper diet , exercise yoga and meditation , regular sleep pattern and no to stress - can help to improve our wellness
Start 2022 with good lifestyle
Advice from WeCan club - women’s wellness club -to all women in 2022*
Women’s wellness is most important and neglected issue .let’s start this year 2022 with looking after women around - grand mother , mother , wife ,sister , friend , helper ..........
All women around ...
Gift her full body check up
Gift her holiday weekend
Gift her Thank you cards
Little care and compassion
Etc etc
The advice is simple and straightforward. Please share with every woman out there so all can get healthier and better in 2022*
1. You cannot finish all the house chores in one day. Those who did are stressfully sick and some are buried already.
2. Please create time to rest, it is not a sin to sit down , put up your legs on the table and pick popcorn whilst reading a book or just relaxing,some exercise, yoga and meditation 🧘♀️
3. Please sleep 6-8 hours of sound sleep 💤 if need be that headache will go. Those who refuse to take vacation, or leave, or time out or rest time, their families are missing them because they have gone untimely to their maker.
4. Stop taking sedatives to sleep, you are destroying your brain and organs. At a point you will begin to forget things. Relax the brain , worry less, think less, laugh more , smile more. Everything will pass with time.
5. Sometimes go and sit outside quietly on your own, do nothing say nothing , just admire God's handiwork, breathe in fresh air calmly. Hurry not.
6. Stand by your mirror smile to yourself, laugh , dance sing, that turns on a positive aura around you so you can glow.
7. Eat healthy nutritious meals,your health is as important as your families ,Go buy yourself a snack or two or drink if you choose to do so. Just do something for yourself, so you offload the things in your head.
8. Get necessary home gadgets to ease your work in order to avoid stress. Stress is the highest silent killer of women.
9. If you are not feeling well say it , do something about it, go to health centre, hospital or call a nearby nurse, do not sit around, your life matters .
10. Check your blood pressure and sugar level occasionally, whether you are sick or not. It has saved a lot of women in the past. Trust me on this.
Remember to share with all the women you love & let them enjoy 2022 in good health and abundance.
Ladies this is a reminder to all of us.👆🏻We are important and must take care of ourselves. ❤️
*Always check:*
1. Blood pressure
2. Blood sugar
3. Triglycerides
4. Cholesterol
5. Uric acid
1. Salt
2. Sugar
3. Bleached flour
4. Dairy products
5. Processed food
6. Maggi cubes
*Food needed:*
1. Vegetables
2. Legumes
3. Beans
4. Nuts
5. Eggs
6. Cold pressed oil (Olive, Coconut, ...)
7. Fruits
*Three things you should try to forget:*
1. Your Age
2. Your Past
3. Your Complaints
*Three essential things:*
1. Your Friends
3. Your positive thoughts
4. A clean and welcoming home.
*Three basic things:*
1. Always smile / laugh
2. Do regular physical activity at your own pace
3. Check and control your weight
*Seven essential things:*
1. Do not wait until you are thirsty to drink water
3. Do not wait until you are sleepy to sleep
4. Do not wait until you are tired to rest
5. Do not wait until you are sick to have medical examinations
6. Do not wait for miracles to trust God
7. Never lose confidence in yourself
8. Stay positive and always hope for a better tomorrow ...
Health is true wealth
Need to take care of all aspects of health-complete wellness
NewMe diets-connect for online diet plans 📞9891111230
NewMoM miracle online program-
Offer of this month - get this book free with one month plan-complete pregnancy companion
📞9891111230 WhatsApp for any query
NewMe diets offers online diet plans
Easy homemade meals designed according to your nutritional needs ....
Connect for plans
📞9891111230 - WhatsApp message
Weight loss is a journey ,I can help you and guide you .....
Role of healthy eating and meal planning during pregnancy-
1- your baby inside your womb is totally dependent on you for nutrition so you need to include all food groups in your diet
2- Quality,quantity and timings + way of cooking n storing,even vibrations of person cooking n serving, utensils in which food is cooked matters
3- every thing you put into your mouth has great impact on-Your baby under construction .....
4- healthy eating and good lifestyle can save many adulthood diseases
(Fetal origin of adulthood diseases)
5 -include at least one pregnancy super food daily in your diet
NewMoM miracle online program
NewMe diets offers online diet plans
Food is your medicine
Health is true wealth
Connect for detox plans , preconception, pregnancy, postpartum, pcos etc diet plans
ABC of weight loss n Healthy life style
A-attitude -i can do helps
B-breakfast important meal of day
C- calories monitoring helps
D- don’t diet -eat healthy instead
E-exercise plays important role
F-fibre gives fullness
G-gum chewing helps to control sweet tooth
H-happiness n health are interrelated
I- invest in pedometer to track activity
J-just do it
K-key to success is -be active
L-learn to keep blood sugar steady
M-mind full eating
N- no to nighttime snacks
O-one more helping adds calories
P-protein is secret of weight control
Q- quit old unhealthy lifestyle
R-rearrange your pantry
S-smaller size plate
T-track your eating pattern n activity
U-use green tea n coffee
W-water is your life line
X-Y-Z- yes to fresh fruits n vegetables, zero sugars , 💤 good night sleep.
Focus on nourishing your body instead of depriving
Dr Bela Mohan
NewMe diets
[email protected]
Preconception counselling is very important for couples planning for incredible journey of pregnancy...
Connect for diet plans , Garbhsanskar tips and womb healing, affirmations etc
NewMoM miracle online program
You are what you eat ...
Food is your fuel so put best quality fuel-food , quantity and timings also important ...
Connect for online diet plans
NewMe diets 📞9891111230
Best gift you can give to your sibling...
Healthy nutritious diet plans....
NewMe diets 📞9891111230
Connect for online diet plans....
Happy Independence Day to All
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NH-2 , Rainbow Hospitals
Opening Hours
Monday | 11am - 5pm |
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Wednesday | 11am - 5pm |
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Eros Green is dedicated to provide its customers high quality raw materials, extracts, spices, herbs for the purpose of making natural products.
18 Adan Bagh, Dayalbagh
Agra, 282005
Wish All Nature Cure is a specialized Diet/Exercise clinic cm wellness consultancy website.
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Medicine on Wheels is a unique retail outlet of medicine home delivery service using technology for
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Water is life. Our body is 70% water. To live a happy and disease free life, drink ionized alkaline water which eliminates the root cause of disease.