South Sudan first

south Sudanese youth's are the changes
peace love❤ and unity
south Sudanese youth's
have to learn


Listen carefully

Africa SOUTH SUDAN DISMISS FINANCE MINISTER APPOINTS YOUNG ECONOMIST Kiir Juba Nairobi Kenya Uganda Kenya and capital city Nairobi with president William Ruto in a speech is a leading country in Africa that is transforming its economy and business and inves...

Photos from South Sudan first's post 07/07/2023

South Sudanese refugees base in Tunisia 🇹🇳 are in deep problems
may God protects them and make A way for them 🙏 🙌 let wish them Good luck

Photos from South Sudan first's post 30/04/2023

South Sudan first 🥇
John Frog Malu majibbu
Slate Nation walla Kang JJ
Ashan naath Australians🇦🇺🐨🐑
Can see JINUBEEN Musical industry is
Working together
Where is Promota Kay Two ✌
Promota Kay Two
Come and solve this problem.

Photos from South Sudan first's post 26/04/2023

Thanks to H. E, Mama Mary Ayen Mayardit for airlifting more than 150 households (South Sudanese) who have recently fled from Sudan, particularly Khartoum the Capital City after the war broke out between the RAF/RSF and SAF.

I appluad this kind of tremendous Humanitarian support from the First Lady and I wish more other well-wishers particularly the National Governament to continue transporting those returnees who are fleeing from war in Sudan to their respective States in South Sudan.

📸 Cde Dhel Peter Mangok

Free the Slavery-Forty two ways Ft Dazzle BOY/Don Victor 22/04/2023

Free the Slavery-Forty two ways Ft Dazzle BOY/Don Victor free the the slavery in Sudan and The world wide written by forty two ways and don Victor/dazzle boy produced by mastered by African boyz records

Photos from South Sudan first's post 22/04/2023

Speak your mind😏


South Sudanese are in a big Trouble in Khartoum Sudan🇸🇩

Photos from South Sudan first's post 15/04/2023

مسقط النوير "نئ تئ نأث"..!!

قد كتبت أمس مقالة تهدف إلى شرح معنى "نوير"، وما كان يقصده الأسم من المعنى والدوافع أو بالأحرى الأسباب الذي جعل الأسم شائعا اليوم عند أفراد القبيلة وعند بعض القبائل والدول في أنحاء العالم.

ولقد سئلت من قبل بعض الإخوة القراء الكرام من المتابعين الأفاضل، عن أصل النوير وعن المكان الذي قد يكون أتوا منه وأساس منطقتهم الأصل. ما إن المقالة التي كتبته أمس، قصدت فيها شرح معنى "نوير" باللغة " نأث" أو بالأحرى "نئ تئ ناث"، أي البشر باللغة العربية.

ولكن لم يكون عيبا مطلقا أن يسأل البعض عن أصل النوير، وعن المكان الذي أتوا منه. فهذا من حقنا جميعنا أن نسأل عن شيء لا نعرفها أو مثلا لم نسمع بها قبلا أو قد نكونوا سمعنا عنها ونريد التأكيد من المعلومة ومن صحتها إذا كانت صحيحة أم لا.

النوير كما ذكرت في مقالتي السابقة التي كتبت على صفحتي، قبيلة كوشية أصيلة من أصل الكوش، والكوش هنا ليس مجرد إسما فقط. بل إنه من سلالة نوح عليه السلام، كما جاء في بعض الكتب السماوية والتاريخية.

كان للنوح ثلاثة أبناء وزوجاتهم قبل الطوفان الذي دمر به سبحانه الله العالم وقتها، بعد كثرة الخطاياة وعدم إنصياع الشعب لكلمته وأحكامه. فقرر سبحانه أن يؤجه نوح ويكلفه مهمة إنقاذ نسله وبعض من الحيوانات البرية، فعرعا نوحا للإنصياع أوامر ربه وقام ببناء سفينة مغلقة ومن ثم أخذ نسله والحيوانات بداخله.

وإستمروا بداخل السفينة لمدة 40 يوما، وعندما جفت الأرض وهبطت المياه أخرج نوح نسله والحيوانات التي معهم بداخل السفينة. وأصبحوا البشر الوحيدين الذين نجحوا من الطوفان على وجه الأرض وقتها كما جات في الكتب.

و كان للنوح ثلاث أبناء سام، حام و يافث . و أنجبوا جميعا أبناء وبنات لهم، وأصبحوا الأجداد لكل البشرية بعد الطوفان، بحيث شكلت العالم أو بالأحرى خرجت سكان العالم من نسل نوح ومن هولاء الثلاثة وزوجاتهم كما جات في الكتاب.

وكان لحام الأبن الثاني للنوح أربعة أبناء، أكبرهم كان كوش، مصرائم، فؤت، و كنعان. وعلى حسب التفسير وعلى حسب ما جاء في الكتب التاريخية المكتوبة. سكن الأبناء الأربعة لحام بن نوح في أرض السودان اليوم، و تفرقا من داخله حتى.

فذهب مصرائم إلى أرض مصر "المشتق من إسمه مصرائم"، وفؤت إلى جمهورية ليبيا حاليا "الذي كان يعرف في الكتب بأرض فؤت"، و كنعان إلى شرق الأوسط بسوريا ولليوم يوجد أحفاده هناك في سوريا. بينما أخاهم الأكبر كوش، فضل أن يبقى على أرض أبيه في السودان.

ومنه قد خرجت سلالات عظيمة من القبائل الإفريقية، منها قبيلة النوير نئ تئ ناس". لذا قبيلة النوير من أصل القبائل الكوشية ومن خير الأحفاد للكوش، وأبناء عظماء للمملكة الكوش التي سميت بأسم جدهم ووالدهم الأعظم.

لهذا السبب سميت السودان وقتها بأرض الكوش نسبة لهذا التاريخ، ولاحقا بأرض النوبة، بسبب الذهب الكثير الذي كان يتأجر بها شعب المملكة مع الأجانب و الأسيويين، الذين أعطوا أسم "نوب"، وأطلقوه للشعب الكوش وعلى الأرض بحيث كانوا يسمونها بأرض النوبة، أي أرض الذهب عندهم. لان كلمة الذهب "النوب" تعني "ذهب"، باللغات الاسيوية الذين كانوا يأتوا لشراءه في المملكة.

هكذا ظهرت أسم النوبة وفرضت عن نفسه على أفراد الكوش جميعا، لم يكون أسم نوبة أو الكوش مخصوصا لبعض القوميات وقتها، بل كان إسما لجميعنا بمختلف جغرافياتنا المتعددة وقتها. لهذا دائما أكتب وإستخدم كلمة كؤش أحيانا، لأنني أدرك بأن الكوش هو الجد الأعظم للسودانيين وللأفارقة عامة.

لانه هو الذي تزوج وله الكثير من الزوجات ومن أبناء شجعان هزوا العالم و حكموه، ومن ضمن أبنائه الملك نمرود الذي بنى بابل، حكم الأرض بيد من الحديد. وعلى حسب بعض المصادر، يقول بأن النوير قد خرجوا من سلالة هذا الملك، على حسب بعض حكاوي كبار القبيلة من لا يزالون يعرفون تاريخ القبيلة وأصلها.

لهذا اليوم نرى دائما القبيلة، مختلفة تماما من غيرها و إستثنائية في كل شيء. فالشجاعة عندهم تشبه بالشجاعة الملوك، والكرم واللطف عندهم، لا غبارا فيه ولا فرقا له مع الكرم الذي دائما نراه في القصور.

وهذا لو دل على شيء فإينما يدل على أن قبيلة النوير منحدرة من سلالة مالكة، لها تاريخ عظيم يحترمها الجميع في كل أنحاء العالم. ولكن مع عدم معرفة البعض لهذا التاريخ جعل من البعض يحتقرون أنفسهم وينسون من كانوا قبلا في التاريخ.

هذا ليس لأنني أنتمي لهذه القبيلة العظيمة، ولكن الواقع تشهد بهذا، أن حقيقة هذا الحديث وإصالة هذا التاريخ عن القبيلة.

علاوة بأن معظم القبائل النيلية والسودانية شمالا وجنوبا جزأ لا يتجزأ من تاريخ الكوش ومن هوية الكوش و أصالته الأصيل.

السودان لنا نحن ونحن له، جميعنا أبناء هذا الأرض أرض الأجداد. وجدنا فيها ولا زلنا فيها، حكمناها قبلا وضحينا فيها دماء في حماية تربته وإنسانها.

فاليعيش السودان شمالا و جنوبا عزيزا مكرما بشعبه و بإنسانه المتواضع.

فالأرض لنا جميعآ ومنها قد خرجنا..

جال مقوك نيال
جوبا، جنوب السودان



1) Largest country in Africa by land mass - Algeria 🇩🇿
2) Largest country in Africa by population - Nigeria 🇳🇬
3) Largest movie industry in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
4) Largest democracy in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
5) Richest Black man - Nigerian 🇳🇬
6) Richest African woman - Nigerian 🇳🇬
7) largest single solar power plant in Africa - Morocco 🇲🇦
😎 Largest Museum in Africa - Egypt 🇪🇬
9) Tallest building in Africa - Egypt 🇪🇬
10) Largest rice mill in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
11) Largest fertilizer plant in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
12) largest oil refinery in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
13) largest fish farm in Africa - Egypt 🇪🇬
14) largest cement plant in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
15) largest tea farm in Africa - Kenya 🇰🇪
16) largest music industry in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
17) largest stadium in Africa - South Africa 🇿🇦
18) Fastest train in Africa - Ethiopia🇪🇹
19) longest subsea gas pipeline in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
20) largest city by population - Nigeria 🇳🇬
21) Largest news network in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
22) largest car race arena in Africa - South Africa 🇿🇦
23) largest pharmaceutical industry in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
24) Fastest woman in Africa - Nigerian 🇳🇬
25) Fastest man in Africa - Kenyan 🇰🇪
26) largest stock exchange by market capitalization in Africa - South Africa 🇿🇦
27) largest stock exchange by number of listings - south Africa 🇿🇦
28) longest concrete road in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
29) largest airline in Africa - Ethiopia 🇪🇹
30) most streamed musicians in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
31) most awarded artist in Africa - Nigerian 🇳🇬
32) largest mall in Africa by structure - Morocco 🇲🇦
33) most valuable tech startup in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
34) most valuable company in Africa - South Africa 🇿🇦
35) largest economy in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
36) Most tribes in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
37) most languages in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
39) largest seaport In Africa by size - Morocco 🇲🇦
40) largest university in Africa by area - Nigeria

Photos from South Sudan first's post 13/04/2023


Date: 12/April/2023

Mary Akuot Agany, a minor who was deliberately blinded by her father, in Abiook Village in Tonj East County, Warrap State, has been airlifted to Juba for specialized treatment by a businesswoman.

Agany K*t Achuil allegedly took his daughter to a forest on 2 April and pricked her eyes because she was wayward, joined the wrong groups, eloped when she was 13, and brought shame to the family.

Speaking to journalists at the Juba International Airport upon arrival from Wau Airport on Wednesday, Sarah Enoka, the businesswoman who has been facilitating Akuot’s treatment condemned her father’s actions and urged the government to bring the latter to book.

“What happened to Akuot should not be allowed to happen to anybody’s child,” she said. “We have laws in this country and if anyone takes the law into his hands that is wrong.”

Enoka urged the government and NGOs to take the lead in treating the girl and protecting the people against such crimes.

“We call on the government and NGOs to support us in treating Akuot. It is our collective responsibility,” she implored. “The government should also make sure the person responsible should be brought to book as an example. Because after Akuot who is next?”

For his part, Police Spokesperson Gen. Daniel Justin said they have so far completed investigations into the matter and very soon the alleged perpetrator will be arraigned in court in either Tonj or Wau. He said the girl’s father is in police custody in Tonj in Warrap State momentarily.

Gen. Justine decried a rise in gender-based and domestic violence across the country and called on mothers and children to report cases to the police.

“This gender-based violence has become an issue these days so we are appealing to the public to please treat their children well and also for the mothers and children themselves whenever there is a case, to report it to the police,” he advised. “They should not shy from reporting a case against your father or mother.”

Meanwhile, Mathew Mathiang Magordit, the chairman of the Luacjang Community attributed the blinding of Akuot to a misunderstanding between the girl and her father.

“What happened was a family misunderstanding between the girl and her father but the father did not understand his daughter and he injured both eyes and this is not right,” he said. “If you have an issue with your daughter, sit with your brothers to settle such disputes.”

MODERN South Sudan first

Nyetingoaw_Forty two ways south Sudan musics 08/04/2023

Nyetingoaw_Forty two ways south Sudan musics Nuer Traditional song Written📝 by Forty two wayssouth Sudan music🎶produced and mastered by Rashid producer💆😎relax studio🎙️



The Neolithic period was a time of global agricultural revolution marking the beginning of human settlements and more rapid population growth. Wild grasses were among the first widely domesticated plant species, and they were bred to produce crops such as wheat, corn, sorghum, and varietal millets. In Africa, sorghum and a range of millets — including pearl millet, finger millet, teff, fonio, and guinea millet — were developed, and they remain important staples for hundreds of millions of people hence they developed several millstones and hand tools which were early mortars, pestles, and grinders, and they were used to pound and mill African cereals. Two round stones — one stationary, the other rotating above it — ground grains such as sorghum, teff, and pearl millet into flours purposed for multiple gastronomic uses.

Sorghum is a cereal grain that grows in both subtropical and semiarid regions. The impressive grain was first cultivated in Northeastern Africa, with evidence of domesticated species found at archeological sites near the eastern Egypt-Sudan border dated 8000 BCE. Sorghum, because of its caloric and nutritional content, was invaluable for Neolithic and Iron Age agricultural societies of the eastern Sahel. It then spread west across the Sahelian belt to the Niger River Basin, adapting to a range of ecological environments and leading to its cultivation in all regions of the continent, where it continues to be a vital and versatile cereal. Sorghum is paired with pearl millet to make Sahelian couscous. It is also pounded into flour used to make leavened bread and dumplings and is essential for brewing beer and making porridges. Porridge, which can be made with both fermented and unfermented sorghum, is an important breakfast throughout the continent. The filling meal provides carbohydrate energy packed with essential fatty and amino acids.

Teff is an annual cereal grain indigenous to Ethiopia and Eritrea. For thousands of years, it has been the region’s staple, especially in Western Ethiopia, where it accounts for two-thirds of consumed dietary protein. The nutritious grain is also loaded with iron, fiber, calcium, and magnesium. Evidence of domesticated teff species dates back as far as 3350 BCE, when seminomadic groups found the tiny grain well suited for carriage across great distances. This ancient cereal is most commonly ground into a flour used to make injera, a traditional fermented flatbread central to Ethiopian and Eritrean cuisine. Injera is consumed in spiritual and cultural ceremony and in daily meals. The spongy bread functions as a large plate upon which meat and vegetable stews (called wats or wots) are served. Torn pieces of injera also function as a sort of edible cutlery used to scoop up main and side dishes.

In some of the world’s driest regions, pearl millet is among the most important cereals for food security. Domestication began some four thousand years ago in Northern Mali, where the variety adapted particularly well and became the region’s most productive cereal grain. Cultivation spread east across the Sahel to Sudan, with evidence of crop domestication in the east as early as 2 BCE. Pearl millet is used in traditional dishes throughout the continent. Like sorghum, it is used to make fermented and unfermented porridges as well as beer and wine. Pearl millet is a key ingredient in the preparation of couscous, pap, and tô — starches that serve as bases for meals and vessels for stews and sauces. It is also pounded into flour used to make breads, fritters, and sweet deserts. High in protein, fiber, and the amino acid lysine, pearl millet flour is commonly blended with other flours, such as corn or cassava, depending on desired taste and texture.

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Photos from South Sudan first's post 30/03/2023

Government in Unity State has today dispatches more than 15 trucks loaded with food items to Rubkuay and Leer County to support families and Flood Displaced persons in Southern Unity.

This comes after H.E. Governor Dr Joseph Manytuil toured Mirmir, Rubkuay, and Leer County two weeks ago, aimed to inspect the progress of road renovation.

Credit: Office of governor, Unity State Bentiu

Photos from South Sudan first's post 29/03/2023

Their arrival marks the beginning of yet another era of cosmic diplomacy, not war. The'd been here; we know them because they know us.

Photo courtesy.


Brigadier General Omar Hassan Al Bashir's military coup speech on 30 June 1989


Prophet Abraham Chol freed today after almost 2 years in prison when he was charged and sent to jail for his prophecy that suggested end of country 's presidency.

Upon his release, Abraham praise God for his release and promised not to involve anything related to Politics

Photos from South Sudan first's post 27/03/2023

This movie🎥

Robert Powell, since 1977, I repeat to the world that I am not Jesus Christ. The famous lead actor in the movie Jesus of Nazareth, or his goes by The name of Jesus, hasn't finished suffering the consequences of his role. Since then people can't tell The difference between his characters in the movie and his own person. ''I'm not Jesus I don't even call myself Jesus, I was just 33-years old playing my part to make a living like Olivia Hussey... "He conclude
"We're really shocked and we've exhausted everything we can to tell people they're wrong "so help us tell men to burn our pictures and destroy our images to turn to God to Jesus Christ in spirit and truth.. Me I try to please God but am addicted to alcohol and to***co.. Oh poor those who love my younger pictures and Olivia Hussey (Marie) Producers multiply just to make money and give us quotas to sell our pictures.. Today I'm old and no one can easily imagine that the young one in the picture is me they adore, we hide the truth from them... Soi say this truth so as not to be guilty of your foolishness. But if anyone listens and love these pictures, that is their problem. "He left you "

Robert Powell. Since 1977 I repeat to the world that I am not Jesus Christ.


South Sudan artist base in Belgium🇧🇪 will be live at passa porta festival Belgium🇧🇪
Forty two ways
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