
#o2f is an initiative to help people achieve long-lasting #fitness by educating the right and #healthyeating manners.



Read this if you have hypothyroidism.

Your thyroid,which is located at the bottom of your neck,produces a hormone called T4 which is an inactive thyroid hormone✅

T4 converts to T3 which is the active thyroid hormone and 80 percent of conversion happens through your liver, 20 percent happens through your kidneys🙅‍♀️

T3 goes into your cells and speeds up your metabolism as well as weight loss🔥🔥

Many peoople with hypothyroidism have a fatty liver, which declines the ability of converting T4 to T3🔅

To improve this conversion and to reduce the fatty liver, you have to start eating as per your body composition🧠

Also, to speed up this process, I recommend giving enough of Selenium, Iodine and Zinc to your body💪


Are you tired of gymming and not losing weight❓

Before you read this further, let me tell you that I am not against any gym or saying that you don't have to workout ✅

I just want to clarify the real goal behind working out💯

Work out is necessary to cause hypertrophy of the cells in the body. It is the base if your goal is to improve your strength or stamina🤗

Yes, workout does burn calories when you do it. However, without a proper diet, you cannot shed off those excess kilos.🔥🔥

Weightloss is not just about calorie defecit and workout, but, is all about eating in enough quantities as your body demands, to meet its needs so that it not only survives but thrives🏃🏃‍♀️

So what are you waiting for, start eating right.

DM if you need help in learing the right way to eat💪


If you ask me, the most stupid way to track weightloss is,

watching the number on your weighing scale🤐

The number on the weighing scale doesn't give you the whole picture🙅‍♀️

Here are the top 5 ways to check if you are on the right track

1️⃣ Measuring Tape - Fat loss happens in inches and measuring tape is an economical way to track your progress.
2️⃣Check you clothes - Take out those favourite old dress and see how it is fitting you.
3️⃣ Progress Photos- Photos will show you which the weighing scale can't show, they show how your body is changing day by day.
4️⃣Redued Sugar Craving- If your body isn't asking for all those sweets, refined grains and ice cremes, that's a better indicator too.
5️⃣Body Composition Scales - In addition to showing your weight, body composition scales also give you the break up and a better understanding about whether the weight you have is because of fat or due to the muscle mass.

So, what are you waiting for, keep tracking and share in the comments below how these are working for you.

you ask me, the most stupid way to track weightloss is,

watching the number on your weighing scale🤐

The number on the weighing scale doesn't give you the whole picture🙅‍♀️

Here are the top 5 ways to check if you are on the right track

1️⃣ Measuring Tape - Fat loss happens in inches and measuring tape is an economical way to track your progress.
2️⃣Check you clothes - Take out those favourite old dress and see how it is fitting you.
3️⃣ Progress Photos- Photos will show you which the weighing scale can't show, they show how your body is changing day by day.
4️⃣Redued Sugar Craving- If your body isn't asking for all those sweets, refined grains and ice cremes, that's a better indicator too.
5️⃣Body Composition Scales - In addition to showing your weight, body composition scales also give you the break up and a better understanding about whether the weight you have is because of fat or due to the muscle mass.

So, what are you waiting for, keep tracking and share in the comments below how these are working for you.


How to speed up Weightloss?

1️⃣Donot fear the FAT🎅
Unlike the saying that fats makes you fat, FAT is actually required for you to survive and thrive. 🙅

Second to water, FAT is the major component in the body and is responsible for good hair, skin, digestion and hormonal balance (remember, the body needs FAT to make hormones) 💯

2️⃣ Get Adequate Protein
Protein isn't only for the gym goers. It is the basic structural component of the cells every living organism including us, the humans🥚🥚

Even if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you need about 1gm per kg weight of your body as a thumb rule so that you can repair and maintain your cells properly ✅

In addition, since protein gives you satiety, weightloss is a bonus you get by avoiding overeating 💯🙅

3️⃣ Get your micro nutrients
These are the most generally ignored, Vitamins and Minerals 🙆‍♂️

Though they don't give energy to the body, they are necessary for the production of energy in the body.

In addition, they help you maintain a good immunity and ensure the smooth functioning of body🤗🤗

4️⃣ Try HIIT
HIIT, meaning high intensity interval training, involves short bursts of high intensity workouts using your own body weight or by the use of external weights, followed by a very short duration of rest

This type of training is a boon to you if you have hectic work schedules. intervals. You only need 20mins of time for your work out✌️✌️

In addition to burning fat it also tones your muscles💪💪

5️⃣ Get enough sleep
A newly built wall needs to rest for a couple of days to settle down and become hard and strong. It is the same with your body.

Not getting enough sleep😴😴 leaves you hungry by triggering the hunger hormones and makes you over eat.

Now that you've learnt how to bring that fire 🔥🔥 in your belly, share this with your friends who you think need that fire 🔥🔥


How to lose stubborn fat?

Stubborn fat in the body is hard to loose.

The following fatloss aids, along with the right nutrition, helps you in speeding up the process of fatloss.

1️⃣Caffeine ☕
In addition to making us alert, caffeine also helps the secretion of feel good hormones like epinephrine and the dopamine. These inturn helps in the release of Hormone Sensitive Lipase (HSL) an enzyme which helps in your fat metabolism.

2️⃣Carnitine - Helps in transporting the long chain fatty acids into the muscle 💪💪cells for energy productions.

Available in the market in two forms:

A. Carnitine Tartarate
B. Acetyl L Carnitine

Both have the ability to support fatloss. However, the latter, in addition to fat loss, has the ability to cross the blood-brain🧠🧠 🧠
barrier thus improving your mental heath as well.

3️⃣Phosphatidyl Serine

A phospholipid which helps with Visceral Fatloss.

With the quality of sleep😴😴 plaguing you, and

😥😥 stress levels going up, cortisol secretions in the body goes up.

Many studies have proven the relation between cortisol and visceral fat increase in the body.

🤯🤯An expensive supplement though.

If you have the bandwidth and want to speed up your visceral Fatloss, go for it.


This is the difference between Intermittent fasting and continuous calorie deficit diets🤫

Which of these would you like, 1hr of rain 🌧️ each day of the week or bright sunny day's 6 days and 7hrs of continuous Rain 🌧️ on the 7th day of the week?

Are they both same❓

The answer is a NO.

Averages don't tell the full story💯

So, why would you think that, restricting 300calories a day is same as restricting 2100calories in a day❓

The difference is like Day 🌨️and night 🌃

Each of these situations initiate a completely different hormonal responses in your body.

After all, who hasn't tried portion control and calorie deficit diets?
Do they really work?

I say it never works💯💯

Because, continuos calorie restriction creates a compulsive increase in the hunger and a decrease in the metabolic rate✅✅

On the other hand, intermittent fasting succeeds 🏆 because it brings in benificial hormonal changes in the body which calorie restriction cannot⛔🙅🙅

Now that you've understood the difference, mention in the comments below⬇️

what you think about Intermittent fasting and calorie restriction🤔

Which according to you, would give better results❓

Would love to hear your thoughts🤗🤗


Before you get Pregnant 🤰
watch this🙏🙏


Is coffee a waste/ worthy fatloss aid❓🤔

Caffeine, the active ingredient in coffee, has a similar chemical struture to ATP (Adenosine Tri Phospate) which is the energy currency🤑 of our body.

Caffeine makes you alert🚨,
while adenosine makes you sleepy😴

A regular cup of coffee is all you need to get a decent shift in your alertness.

In addition to improving alertness, caffeine has also got excellent lipolytic (fat breakdown🔥🔥) effect with weak thermogenic effect (increase in the metabolic rate after eating a meal).

But the catch here is that, nearly 65% of the fats broken down take U turn ⤴️⤴️
back into triglycerides (FAT) via a process called re-esterification.

So, if you are eating as per your body make up✅,

which is a fatty protein way of eating with a very low carb diet, having induced a state of nutritional ketosis, the free fatty acids of the triglycerides are converted to ketones and the glycerol is converted to glucose without any re-esterification. 💯💯

If you are non-fat adapted person, the lipolytic effects of the caffeine☕ has to be coupled with a workout🏋️ to increase the thermogenesis and thus the breakdown of fats🔥🔥

Now that you know how to use caffeine to improve fatloss, share it with a friend who need to know this😎


Wishing you a Happy Sri Rama Navami🙂

Jai Shri Ram✅

Paanakam Mandate💯💯

Have you had your Paanakam yet❓


If you feel your weight loss has plateaued, watch this 💯

Over a period of 12weeks, if you don't see🙈 any improvements in your body,

only then you've reached a weight-loss plateau otherwise it's not 🤗

Improvement means, not only in weight loss, better digestion, reduced sugar cravings, better sleep and improved energy levels, reduced period pains means weight-loss is bound to come next💯


Watch this before using weightloss shakes💯🤫

Weightloss market is filled with vide range of meal replacers and weightloss shakes😵‍💫😵‍💫

But, the effectiveness of these shakes in weightloss is a question mark❓❓

According to science, partial meal replacement plans give a better weightloss compared with low calorie diets in short time 👏👏

Yet, in the long run🏃, like a year or two down the lane, it is very difficult to maintain and sustain this restricted way of eating😬😬

Along with the partial meal replacers, right nutrition🍎🍗🍗

and physical activity🏋️🏃 has to be included💯


If you are losing hair💇‍♀️
along with your weight during weight loss journey, do these💯

1️⃣Instead of counting and cutting down the calories, start eating as per your body composition.
2️⃣Make sure that you give enough proteins and fats to your body. Specially, you should be giving all the essential amino acids without fail.
3️⃣Ensure that you are giving your body the micro nutrients. Vitamins like Biotin, Iron, A,D... are essentials.


Weight loss is about eating the right foods in the right quantities🍱 ⚖️

If you desire to lose weight, including these nuts in your diet regularly helps 🌰🥜

1️⃣ Pistachio
2️⃣ Almonds
3️⃣ Peanuts


When you start to take care of these4️⃣

you don't have to think🤔

about weightloss pills/ surgeries💯

🥇 Nutrition/Diet
2️⃣ Exercise
🥉 Sleep
4️⃣ Blood Tests

Blood tests are to know if you have any hormonal imbalances⚖️

so that you can correct your diet accordingly🍱💯


It isn't just about losing your weight, but about maintaining it the rest of your life.

Tired of trying fad diets, work on becoming healthy first instead, weightloss will become a by-product.


Are you dieting and working out, but not losing your weight😥

Watch the video to check and avoid the 3 common mistakes during your weightloss journey 💪🔥


Do you often see yourself eating foods that make you gain weight despite your best interest in losing it❓❓

Do you find it difficult to overcome and is wondering how to handle these cravings for these foods❓❓

The key to avoid cravings is to avoid the food cues in your environment🤩

Watch the video for more information💪💪


Is it okay to have alcohol on diet❓

Will it effect your weightloss progress❓❓

Alcohol has been linked to light up the reward centers in the brain💥💥

In addition, it leads to the production of the teaching signal "Dopamine."

In order to reach your hardwired goals like eating, drinking, reproduction, safety & comfort, it teaches, how to feel, think & behave so that you are alive 🤗🤗

In addition to dopamine, endorphins are also released in the brain🤯🤯

These endorphins are responsible to bring in that sense of pleasure and comfort.

Since comfort is one of your hardwired goals, brain will start to think about the activity that was performed just before you got that feeling of pleasure and will reinforce this when you repeat the activity several times 🔥🔥

And this reinforcement happens so strongly that your conscious goal of weightloss will have to take a bow⤵️⤵️

And the only way to overcome is to start avoiding that one more🥃🥃


Which workouts are better for weightloss?

Is it, Cardio?🤔

Weight training?? 🤔🤔

Or, is it yoga???🤔🤔🤔

Well, any workout you do spends your energy.

With weightloss, it isn't about the workout, but what you eat and how much rest you give to the body post workout.

If you think that you've burnt enough calories during the workout and eat anything and everything after the workout and doesn't give enough rest to your body for recovery, any workout will not workout.

Focus more on right nutrition and rest.

And remember,

weight loss is 70% right nutrition and 30% workout.


Sugar is an addiction.

And if you want to know how to avoid these cravings to lose weight, watch this.


I remember, I made a lot of resolutions in the past.

A few of them, I have succeeded and many of them I've left behind.

Yet, this is that time again, one more time.

May this year we grow mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually together and impact the lives around us in and make world a better place to live.

Happy new year guys 🤩🤩🥳🥳



This is Karthik Appana

I am a Power Plant professional and Working as a Senior Engineer - Electrical🔥🔥

Due to some personal circumstances,
I am unemployed for few months and presently employed🤩🤩

During my unemployment period my weight got increased drastically to 83 kgs where my weight is 70 kgs while i am doing job🤯🤯

I was feeling very lazy and not active in my job responsibilities😪😪

During my random browsing through social networking sites I came across Tiruveedhula. Rajesh and I thought why can’t I try to have a perfect and fit body and started changing my life style🥗🥗🍱

In one month, my weight reduced to 70kgs and I am feeling very active in my life and able to conquer the problematical issues in my career life 🔥🔥😍


Consistency and trust in the plan, is what has led Karthik Appana to shed those excess kilos💪💪

Congratulations Karthik Appana 💐💐🥳🥳


How often to eat to lose weight❓

Is it one large meal once in a day❓

Or 3 mid sized meals❓

or 6 small portions of meals❓❓

Before thinking about, how many time to eat and how much to eat, remember one thing🧠

Hunger is biological, not behavioural🤗

Leptin and Ghrelin are the two hormones which control the appetite in you.

Due to wrong eating habits and lifestyles, an imbalance is formed in between these two 😥

When you start to eat correctly as per your body requirements and keep a healthy lifestyle, your body will bring back the balance between these two again.

Now, your body itself will tell you how many time and how much to eat 😍

Whether it is for weight loss or for weight gain💪💪


Eat as per your body composition 🍱🥗🦐

That's all you have to do.

Your body is blessed with amazing potential to heal itself when you do for it, the right things.

Weightloss then, is a by product🔥🔥


You not only lose weight, but will be able to maintain when you feed as per your body make up.


You don't have to do many things.

Especially when it is with becoming healthy and losing weight.

Learn your body well and feed it as per your requirement.

It always rewards you well.

Follow or Contact on:


Elite Productivity without a quite vacation leads to long lasting destruction, says Robin Sharma in his wonderful book the 5AM club.

It is so true, that often, occupied by our mundane life you ignore the importance of taking that time out to rejuvenate.

Now is the time for

If you take care of yourself first thing in the morning, the rest of the day will take care of itself.


What is more important for weightloss❓

Workout or Diet❓

The reason you workout is to initiate the process of hypertrophy in the body cells.

When you workout, you are placing external stress on your body which it wasn't accustomed to earlier.

This leads to micro trauma in the cells, a very minute injury😧😧

And when you go back 🏠🏠 home, eat the right foods🍱🍱 and give enough 🛌🛌sleep to your body, it will start to heal the micro trauma inside the cells.

This process when repeated over a time, the body not only heals the micro trauma, it also makes you immune to that external stress that you started to out on it, making you strong💪💪

Where as with weight-loss it is about correcting your eating habits and metabolism to function the way it is supposed to be.

Remember, weight-loss is

70% correct nutrition
30% workout.


The amount of sugars your body requires is about 5gms...

Which is equivalent to a tea spoon of sugar.

This is all you need in your body.

Given the sedentary lifestyles that you are leading currently and the amount of sugars that you're eating daily amount to nearly 500-600gms of sugars.

Don't overload yourself.

Eat mindfully according to your body composition.


If you're eating right and wanting to speed up your fat loss🔥🔥

I'm sharing here the best fat loss aids which can help you achieve your goals quick 😃🤗

provided you are on right nutrition💯

1️⃣Caffeine ☕
In addition to making us alert, caffeine also helps the secretion of feel good hormones like epinephrine and the dopamine. These inturn helps in the release of Hormone Sensitive Lipase (HSL) an enzyme which helps in your fat metabolism.

2️⃣Carnitine - Helps in transporting the long chain fatty acids into the muscle 💪💪cells for energy productions.

Available in the market in two forms:

A. Carnitine Tartarate
B. Acetyl L Carnitine

Both have the ability to support fatloss. However, the latter, in addition to fat loss, has the ability to cross the blood-brain🧠🧠 🧠
barrier thus improving your mental heath as well.

3️⃣Phosphatidyl Serine

A phospholipid which helps with Visceral Fatloss.

With the quality of sleep😴😴 plaguing you, and

😥😥 stress levels going up, cortisol secretions in the body goes up.

Many studies have proven the relation between cortisol and visceral fat increase in the body.

🤯🤯An expensive supplement though.

If you have the bandwidth and want to speed up your visceral Fatloss, go for it.

Also remember that these supplements only support you if you're eating right as per your body composition.

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STOP‼️Read this if you have hypothyroidism.Your thyroid,which is located at the bottom of your neck,produces a hormone c...
STOP‼️  Read this if you have hypothyroidism.  Your thyroid,which is located at the bottom of your neck,produces a hormo...
Are you tired of gymming and not losing weight❓Before you read this further, let me tell you that I am not against any g...
If you ask me, the most stupid way to track weightloss is, watching the number on your weighing scale🤐The number on the ...
How to speed up Weightloss?1️⃣Donot fear the FAT🎅Unlike the saying that fats makes you fat, FAT is actually required for...
How to speed up Weightloss?  1️⃣Donot fear the FAT🎅 Unlike the saying that fats makes you fat, FAT is actually required ...
How to lose stubborn fat?  Stubborn fat in the body is hard to loose.   The following fatloss aids, along with the right...
How to lose stubborn fat?Stubborn fat in the body is hard to loose. The following fatloss aids, along with the right nut...
This is the difference between Intermittent fasting and continuous calorie deficit diets🤫Which of these would you like, ...
This is the difference between Intermittent fasting and continuous calorie deficit diets🤫  Which of these would you like...
Before you get Pregnant 🤰 watch this🙏🙏#obese2fitindia #obesityfreenation #pregnancy #pregnancyweightloss #pregnant #nutr...
Wishing you a Happy Sri Rama Navami🙂Jai Shri Ram✅Paanakam Mandate💯💯Have you had your Paanakam yet❓#shriramanavami #paana...





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