Midway Spiritually

Midway Spiritually

Mind is the Space within, with no Specific Co-ordinates

Photos from Midway Spiritually's post 20/04/2024

When your morning starts with a copy of your own book 📚📖...

You feel like _on the top of the world_


Here it is ... for all ..
Coming soon ... My first book based on my own life experiences, spiritual experience and above all ...
"How to Reclaim Lost Control of Your Life?"

Now, I have written this book as per my own experience and exposure with various tumultuous situations, I have been through.

Also, all the various chapters, the opinions and guidance I have shared is solely based on how I unraveled my own personal healing journey and reversed my own mental health issues.

This book is not claiming to act as a supplant or supplement for your personal ( physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) well-being. But to guide you through a path of healing, self awareness, self help and self discovery.

The book revolves around the idea -
"how we outgrow our childhood as adults?"

Midway Spiritually Mind is the Space within, with no Specific Co-ordinates


As always for me, Writing is a way of healing and serves as a catharsis. With this in mind, my first authorship in Industry is going to reach the market within 30 days. Sharing the here.
I am sharing the content list of this book - and this book being on - kindly comment on this post below if you wish to book a copy of yours.
My Space, My Story
Chapter 1- Power of Forgiveness and taking ownership
Chapter 2- How to stop feeling lost?
Chapter 3- Is it bad to be a Mediocre?
Chapter 4- You’re 35 years old, sad as being treated poorly. Now, What to do next ?
Chapter 5- Don’t Speak unless really required. Your value is measured by your words.
Chapter 6- How to not take things Personally?
Chapter 7- Learning to say ‘No’ and Establishing Boundaries.
Chapter 8- The Art of Being Alone
Chapter 9- Understanding Pain, its Nuances and the Possibility.
Chapter 10- Rejection is a Pain to Brain and can leave open scars if you don’t Heal today.
Chapter 11- How to get HEALED and find an emotional closure from a heart wrenching break-up?
Chapter 12- Chapter 12- Know your Attachment Style today to develop Healthy Relationships
Chapter 13- Channeling your Anger into Growth and Possibilities.
Chapter 14- Why do we lose Control of our Life?
Chapter 15- Turning “C” to “T” is a Life’s Journey, not a one-day Job.
My Unsaved Armor

How your Attachment Style keeps you Detached from experiencing True Love? 10/03/2024

Do you know your unhealed relationship issues, complex trauma and childhood baggages can keep you disoriented in a relationship?

Even at times, your brain chemistry and physiological structure leading to some clinical nature of mental illness can give you a Disorganised Attachment Style.

Read this below article which shall help with reasons for you exhibiting two extreme emotional states, swirling between love and hate at the same time for the same person


How your Attachment Style keeps you Detached from experiencing True Love? Here we talk about Disordered Attachment Style.

How your extreme need for Independence drives away your Partner in a Romantic Relationship? 10/03/2024

Happy Sunday!
Are you an extremely independent person who values your independence and self respect above every other thing in life ? Do you keep yourself and your need to be alone even above your partner's needs and the relationship?
Such of you, might be facing relationship issues and may be struggling to keep your partners too.
Are you aware of your Attachment Style that you belong to ? You may have Avoidant- Dismissive Attachment Style

In this article, you may find some awareness of this nature. Read below in this link 🔗


How your extreme need for Independence drives away your Partner in a Romantic Relationship? Here we are talking about Avoidant Attachment Style.

In the Pursuit of keeping your Love for Life, how you eventually push them away? 09/03/2024

Are you Anxiously attached ? Do you know your Attachment style? If not, Read this below article.

How an Anxiously Attached Person remains in a constant pursuit of experiencing True Happiness and Love remain detached from it?

In this article, I have also mentioned the reasons behind an Anxiously Attached Person falls in the Trap of being into a Constant Anxiety Stricken- Running-Chasing in the Romantic Relationships.


In the Pursuit of keeping your Love for Life, how you eventually push them away? Here we are talking about Anxiously Attached Person struggling to maintain and keep Love in their Life.

Know you Attachment style today to develop Healthy Relationships. 08/03/2024

Do you know an insecure attachment style can make you connect and attract wrong romantic relationships?

Here in this article in medium channel, I am sharing a basic detail on the various Attachment styles with a Book Review on by Amir Levine & Rachel S.H.Heller.

Find this insightful reading along with others in this Medium Channel.


Know you Attachment style today to develop Healthy Relationships. Know thyself first to have True Love- Heal through.

What is so Surreal about Pain? How can Pain be a Portal to Enlightenment ? 08/03/2024

Are you succumbed to the idea of living a life filled with resents, pains and hurts? Are you feeling the world to be crueler on your part, making you suffer with huge tempestuous situations?
Here I come with this Medium Article sharing on how to make the best use of your Pain. How Pain can be a portal to Enlightenment and a tool to regain ultimate peace and spiritual serenity ?

What is so Surreal about Pain? How can Pain be a Portal to Enlightenment ? You can not negate Pain from your life, but you can choose not to suffer.

Understanding Pain and its Nuances 08/03/2024

Let's talk about Pain today and the Nuances Pain offers us.
Anything that is crueler to death is watching our hopes and expectations crashing down infront us. This causes so much of a tempestuous effect on our Psyche that we suffer from the pain incurred. Read this article below to know more on this.

Understanding Pain and its Nuances Learn to Profit from the Darkest Time of your Life.

PsychoTherapy | Midway Spiritually 06/03/2024

Writing on various Self Help topics serves as a Catharsis for me than a Professional Niche.

However, please find few of my online Sessions for Psychotherapy and Alternate Healing Methods for dealing with everyday Mental Health issues and emotional distress, and also for finding Peace, Healing and holistic wellbeing in this link.

PsychoTherapy | Midway Spiritually We are offering online therapeutic support and psychotherapies like DBT, CBT, SFBT, REBT.

Healing through Words | Midway Spiritually 05/03/2024

Now, find our updated online psychotherapeutic and alternative healing services in our website.

Voluntary Counselling and Therapeutic Supports are offered in online mode. We aim to help to equip with nuances of various spiritual philosophies can offer for a better and fuller living.

Healing through Words | Midway Spiritually Words have Power and they can Heal. With this notion, Words can have tumultuous effects too. With this aim, Midway Spiritually offers insights into dealing and understanding the various intricacies of Human Minds, and how to live a Better & Happier Life. Voluntary Counselling and Therapeutic Support...

How to get HEALED & find emotional closure after a break-up? 05/03/2024

Romantic Rejections is really painful and make you feel gruesome.

Here, I share a nine step method on how to get an emotional closure while healing yourself from the ongoing emotional pain one encounters out from Romantic Rejections.

How to get HEALED & find emotional closure after a break-up? Getting Healed through your Pains can be liberating.


~ To err is Human ~
I believe to be a fully Human, you need to be deeply infallible. This journey of being into living a life, one doesn't become a perfectionist. He who knows that he has committed mistakes and allows himself to correct them, is a true human.

The language of Love what is overflowing in today's world is quite different and from the perspective of life, is also challenging. Hardly people have time to make true and meaningful connections, yet they will complain about their loneliness and sufferings.

If you have loved someone and now feel hurt of loving them, and also grieve that you have lost due to non reciprocation from the other end, don't feel bad, sad and mad about yourself. Remember, you ultimately always win because you have loved.

Just make sure, in the grief of unrequited Love, you don't turn your Pain into suffering and grief into anger and jealousy.


We often find our Self-Worth getting boosted by the idea of being KIND to others even at adversarial times.

While we are trying to be kind enough, we often fail in our pursuit. We then blame others for having incorrigible behaviors towards us, for taking us, our kindness and our endurance for granted.

But, we often miss a single point on our part. "How our actions and words are being felt by the other side? Are we really sounding them kind enough or do we look extremely mean in their eyes by our actions, presence, and words?"

Yes, it is quite surreal to find that in the pursuit of living a happier, peaceful, guilt free life, we ignore taking care of our own Mental Health and the problems we clinically suffer from having an irregulated mind we have within us.

Now, it is time for us to take care of our own Mind and our behaviours and yes, if it sounds selfish - that it may.. but definitely Mental Health matters the most and we must be -


If my Presence is a Pain, my Absence would definitely be a Pleasure! 16/02/2024

The dichotomy of presence and absence is not a binary but a spectrum. We may want to remain in another's life, but if our absence adds more value - why not with our absence we stay in their deep and dark unconscious realms.

In one of the inspirational quotes by Lang Leav-
"When words run dry, he does not try, nor do I. We are on par. He just is, I just am and we just are."

As we twirl through this existence, it's essential for us to be mindful of the impact of our moves. The energy we bring, the smiles we share and even the moments of silence we contribute for building the choreography of our life and our relationships. It's not just being a flawless dancer but also about being an authentic one too.

If my Presence is a Pain, my Absence would definitely be a Pleasure! Photo by Akshar Dave🌻 on Unsplash

Rejection is a Pain to Brain and can leave you with open scars. 16/02/2024

Take a leaf out of Whitney Houston’s book as she sings - Greatest Love of All.

“Because the greatest love of all is happening to me. I found the greatest love of all inside of me. The greatest love of all is easy to achieve. Learning to love yourself, It is the greatest love of all.”

Rejection is a Pain to Brain and can leave you with open scars. Impacts of Rejections in your body and mind.


Healing through the pain of Unrequited Love - could be cumbersome and Handling Emotional distress from such Romantic Rejections can be Tempestuous for you. Yet - in the words of William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream

"Yet but three come one more.
Two of both kinds make up four.
Ere she comes curst and sad.
Cupid is a knavish lad.
Thus to make poor females mad.”

Why we tend to loose our value by being an incessant communicator? 15/02/2024

I call it massive injustice to one-self when we keep ourselves in denial and keep putting band-aids one above the other on our Dark side.

If you are not embracing your dark side, you can't have any good self esteem. Why so?

It is because we all have a wrong notion about the idea of Self-esteem and self worth. We are always taught to believe that our self worth is determined by the SUCCESS we have in the outside world. No, it's completely wrong.

Know that, self Esteem isn't the ability to accept our perfection, that areas where you are good at, and you want to show it off. A great Self-esteem actually depends on your ability to accept all those things (mostly) where you're not good at.

Remember, one thing - what does it require to really increase your value? A belief in your inherent worth, regardless of what you're doing, or not doing, what you're being, or not being, what others are thinking or not thinking about you.

Why we tend to loose our value by being an incessant communicator? Links to your Poor Self Esteem & deep rooted childhood traumas.

You are suffering from Limerence. You are not in Love. 14/02/2024

As per famous relationship therapist, Boquin, - 'Love is more steady and has a grounding nature, where as when you are suffering from Limerence, you are living with a feeling of being in clouds."

She also explains, "Love is a deep connection and can develop mutually between two people, experiencing the feeling and life together, as well as overcoming challenges together".

Heal your relationship wounds so that you can experience freedom and true love.

You are suffering from Limerence. You are not in Love. Have you heard of the term — Limerence. This is a sub-clinical form of depression accompanied by extreme Grief and Loneliness. This is a…


" Know thyself first, to experience True Love and Freedom in a relationship. "

If your emotional turmoils and irregular mental health symptoms decrease, even come at levels of being normal, merely by absence of a significant person in your life, understand that for your Mental Health, that one being can be a poison.

Experience you take in from that individual on daily basis is like exposing yourself to slow poisoning. At times, even an extremely gentle, nice and emotionally stable person from outside can be a toxic and passive aggressive from inside.

Now you might be getting confused on the fact that the person who seems to be extremely cheerful, good and healthy from outside, how can make you feel so empty, pity and bad. You might start thinking that there must be a substantial amount of problem lying within you than others. But.. 🫴

Love is not what you give or get, Love is what you are. So on the eve of Valentine's Day 2024, be the LOVE yourself. Be you 🌹❤️💐

Don't speak unless really required. Your value is measured by your words 12/02/2024

We must know the reasons for allowing others to devalue us. It is often found that when we talk incessantly, our words really loose their value.

Like an economist mindset, Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, we tend to loose our value along with our words and opinions when we allow us or our words to be easily and hugely available.

Don't speak unless really required. Your value is measured by your words You will think yourself to be the most important until you find the opposite.


Do you have sub-clinical or non-clinical OCD? OCD is the short form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and it has various degrees of affecting an individual. It comes under the umbrella of Anxiety Disorders in DSMV - Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Here, I share a 7 step easy method of ERP therapy - Exposure Response Prevention Therapy for individuals affected by OCD at a non-clinical or sub-clinical level.

For clinical patients, it is recommended to have a talk with your mental health expert and understand your triggers better before exposing to them.

Without a constant and qualified supervision especially for psychiatric or clinical patients it is recommended not to Practice such steps.
Step-1:Identify your triggersStep-2: Assign each triggers a certain score.Step-3: Put this list in an order.Step-4: Practice one exposure and don't respond to prevent.Step-5: Wait till anxiety decreases by 50%.Step-6: Practice that exposure excercise daily.Step-7: Do the same for the next one & continue.


As the world is becoming more and more competitive, everyday mental health issues are also boiling up.
It is time now to give more importance to your Mental Health for having a Sound and Healthy life.


We offer you Words to Heal your Hurts in your Heart. Be You 💐

All in my 35 years, I have a bag full of Hurts & Betrayals. What to do next? 11/02/2024

So next time whenever you feel hurt and sad, never start hating yourself. Remember the two questions in this article and Embrace your Healing Journey.

Also, understand if you tend to feel sad about your present day situation, please check on yourself - whether you are doing your part good enough?

If you are doing good, and still feel sad that your career and relationships are not improving, and you are still counted on the average - don't feel uncomfortable.

Know that, if you are suffering because of your mediocrity, it's because you are comparing.

All in my 35 years, I have a bag full of Hurts & Betrayals. What to do next? Healing through yourself

Midway Spiritually 11/02/2024

In a world full of Competition, many of us get laid off, stay back, and fail to keep the pace repeatedly.

This anxiety stricken Planet Earth, makes us feel like a Moron when we see our Peers have outgrown us.

In such situations, don't feel SAD, MAD & BAD ..


Midway Spiritually

Is it bad to be a Mediocre? 09/02/2024

Why do we feel bad being at the Average?

Is it because our Peers have outgrown us or we have certain Personality traits to feel so.

It's really worrisome on the fact that how our society looks with such contempt and derision when a High Performer falls back ?

But when one takes the responsibility and courage to fight back against him falling back, FAILURE never reaches him.

Article Post 03: Day 02: 09 Feb 2024
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Is it bad to be a Mediocre? Welcome readers. Today if you have reached in this post, and put efforts to read through, you better understand one thing … YOU DIDN’T FAIL yet. So why is this post ? Why did I mention here about…

Turning “C” to “T” is a Life’s Journey, not a one-day Job. 08/02/2024

Article Post 02: Day 01: 08 Feb 2024
Please follow us on our Medium Page .

Turning “C” to “T” is a Life’s Journey, not a one-day Job. There are few alphabets in English, which I feel, hold quiet a great impact. Letters like C ~ if we consider a word ~ Change & T ~ if we consider a word ~ Think. This article is ofcourse not to…

MIND is a Space within, with no Specific Co-ordinates. 08/02/2024

Article Post 01: Day 01: 08 Feb 2024
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MIND is a Space within, with no Specific Co-ordinates. I read, speak and write a lot on Cluster B Personality Disorder, and managing everyday Borderline & Narcissistic traits. We all have a dark side of our personality, and any human can not be all good…

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