Dr Suraj Manjunath

Surgical Oncologist and Minimally Invasive Cancer Surgeon.

7 Reasons Why Thyroid Cancer Is Among the Easiest Cancers To Manage Dr Suraj Manjunath 25/09/2023


7 Reasons Why Thyroid Cancer Is Among the Easiest Cancers To Manage Dr Suraj Manjunath While treatment for cancer is often challenging for patients and their loved ones, some cancers are much easier to handle than others. This article highlights one such cancer. My surgical oncology…

Teacher’s Day Reminiscences Dr Suraj Manjunath 06/09/2023

Teaching and mentoring always bring great joy to me, and I sincerely thank all my students for the wishes they send me each year, and for the happiness they have filled my life with.

Teacher’s Day Reminiscences Dr Suraj Manjunath Today, a student of mine shared this throwback picture from 2013 – during my days of professorship at St. John’s Medical College Hospital. It shows myself and my faculty colleague Dr Sh…

Value Of International Surgical Training – A Personal Reminiscence Dr Suraj Manjunath 03/08/2023


Value Of International Surgical Training – A Personal Reminiscence Dr Suraj Manjunath This short article and series of pictures is a memoir of my first fellowship in the United States, which commenced exactly 10 years ago.

A Unique Celebration Dr Suraj Manjunath 27/07/2023


A Unique Celebration Dr Suraj Manjunath Today, at hospital, I was invited to a special and unique event – the Independence Day Celebration of the Republic of Maldives. The event was organized by Manipal Hospitals to make our patien…

Decision Making For The Cancer Patient – My Guiding Philosophy Dr Suraj Manjunath 16/07/2023


Decision Making For The Cancer Patient – My Guiding Philosophy Dr Suraj Manjunath This article is an insight into my personal philosophy when helping cancer patients make difficult treatment decisions.

Change Is The Only Constant – Even In Cancer Care Dr Suraj Manjunath 10/07/2023


Change Is The Only Constant – Even In Cancer Care Dr Suraj Manjunath Mrs Tulsi came to consult me on a Monday morning – “Doc, do you remember me?” It took me a moment to recollect her – “How are you Mrs Tulsi? It’s been a long time since I saw you. How is your…

Debunking Cancer Myths – #1 : Treatment Does More Harm Than Good Dr Suraj Manjunath 05/06/2023


Debunking Cancer Myths – #1 : Treatment Does More Harm Than Good Dr Suraj Manjunath Over the last few decades, treatment for cancer has evolved significantly. Advances in surgery, anesthesia, radiation therapy, and systemic therapy (chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy),…

The Heart of Surgical Technology Dr Suraj Manjunath 30/05/2023


The Heart of Surgical Technology Dr Suraj Manjunath A quarter of a century ago, when I started my surgical residency training, surgical technology was in its infancy, at least in our part of the world. At the government (public) hospital where I wor…

When Less Is More In Cancer Surgery – Concept Of Sentinel Node Dr Suraj Manjunath 25/05/2023

This article discusses the concept of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy(SLNB) and how SLNB reduces surgical morbidity after cancer surgery.

When Less Is More In Cancer Surgery – Concept Of Sentinel Node Dr Suraj Manjunath This article discusses the concept of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy(SLNB) and how SLNB reduces surgical morbidity after cancer surgery.


Nurses are the heart and soul of medicine. Their tireless contribution to patient care is invaluable.

May 12th, International Nurses' Day, marks the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing.

In 2023, the International Council of Nurses launched a global campaign around the theme "Our Nurses, Our Future", about which you can read more at https://www.icn.ch/what-we-do/campaigns/international-nurses-day

To honour this special day, we had a small celebration along with the nursing staff at our hospital.

My team and I are extremely grateful to the Nursing community for the support and selfless care they offer round the clock!

How Far Will Your Doctor Go For You? Dr Suraj Manjunath 09/05/2023

How far will your doctor go for you – some, it appears, will even go halfway across the world!

Meet Dr. Vokwelly Evehe, a senior surgeon from Cameroon. When he advised his patient and friend of many years that he would require a complex surgery not done in Cameroon and would have to go abroad, he was taken aback when his friend responded that he would undergo the surgery on one condition – Dr Evehe must accompany him.

How Far Will Your Doctor Go For You? Dr Suraj Manjunath How far will your doctor go for you – some, it appears, will even go even halfway across the world! Meet Dr. Vokwelly Evehe, a senior surgeon from Cameroon. When he advised his patient and fr…

Medical Information On The Internet : A Double Edged Sword Dr Suraj Manjunath 16/04/2023

While the internet and search engines can be a boon for patients and families seeking medical information, we need to be certain of the credibility of online resources to avoid dangerous misinformation. In this article, we discuss how to avoid some common mistakes while browsing the net for information on cancer.

Medical Information On The Internet : A Double Edged Sword Dr Suraj Manjunath In this article, we discuss the pros and cons of using the Internet for medical (including cancer) information. In addition, we also look at ways to get relevant and useful medical content while b…


As surgeons, we train and hone our learning and skills throughout our career. We strive to do our best to meet the needs of our patients who put their lives in our hands. At different times, our roles are different – it could be trying to make an accurate diagnosis, coming up with a complex treatment plan, performing complex surgeries, teaching resident doctors, counselling our patients and their families, doing administrative and research work, and even bearing bad news. And with each passing year, we attempt to get better at each of these.

In the midst of all these, we sometimes undervalue or lose sight of the spiritual dimension of health, which is so important to the well-being of our patients.

I had the opportunity to co-author the book ‘When Spirit Meets Science’ along with an expert in the field of wellness – Reiki Master Haripriya Suraj – who also happens to be my better half. The book examines the relationship between the scientific and spiritual aspects of medicine and healing, and envisions the ways in which these two areas could be integrated.


Cancer Surgery 5000 Years Ago Dr Suraj Manjunath 06/04/2023


Cancer Surgery 5000 Years Ago Dr Suraj Manjunath Cancer has existed since time immemorial. The earliest written description of cancer is in an ancient Egyptian text on surgery written around 3000 B.C. The text is called the Edwin Smith papyrus (…

5-year Survival Rate In Cancer – What Does It Mean? Dr Suraj Manjunath 02/04/2023

This article discusses the concept of 5-year survival in cancer, and addresses some common misinterpretations.

5-year Survival Rate In Cancer – What Does It Mean? Dr Suraj Manjunath This article discusses the concept of 5-year survival in cancer, and addresses some common misinterpretations. Early on in my career, I was counseling Mrs T, a woman with stage I breast cancer. I e…

5-year Survival Rate In Cancer – What Does It Mean? Dr Suraj Manjunath 02/04/2023

This article discusses the concept of 5-year survival in cancer, and addresses some common misinterpretations. Early on in my career, I was counseling Mrs T, a woman with stage I breast cancer. I explained the diagnosis and its implications, laid out the plan of treatment and then told her the prognosis - "You have a 98 per cent chance of 5-year survival." Expecting her to be pleased with this prognosis, I was surprised when she broke down sobbing....

5-year Survival Rate In Cancer – What Does It Mean? Dr Suraj Manjunath This article discusses the concept of 5-year survival in cancer, and addresses some common misinterpretations. Early on in my career, I was counseling Mrs T, a woman with stage I breast cancer. I e…

Advanced Cancer: A Daughter’s Perspective & Six Life Lessons Dr Suraj Manjunath 26/03/2023

This is a guest post by Debashree Bandyopadhyay, an author and teacher currently based in Amsterdam. She recounts her personal journey of dealing with her father’s advanced-stage pancreatic cancer and the life lessons she learned from that experience.

Advanced Cancer: A Daughter’s Perspective & Six Life Lessons Dr Suraj Manjunath This article is an experience shared by one of our readers, who recounts her journey in dealing with her father’s advanced cancer, and the life lessons she learned from her experience.

Flavors Of Ugadi! Dr Suraj Manjunath 22/03/2023

Today is Ugadi, the traditional New Year Day in my part of the world. A special offering (prasada) on this day is the "Bevu-Bella" , a combination of neem flowers/leaves and jaggery. This prasada symbolises that life is a combination of sweet and bitter experiences and that we should accept both with equanimity.

My own new year started off on a sweet note, with organic home-grown bananas of a unique variety (Karpooravalli) gifted by an appreciative patient.

I wish all my readers and patients a Happy Ugadi!

Flavors Of Ugadi! Dr Suraj Manjunath Today is Ugadi, the traditional New Year Day in my part of the world. A special offering (prasada) on this day is the “Bevu-Bella” , a combination of neem flowers/leaves and jaggery. Th…

Pain Free Breast Cancer Surgery – What’s New In Anesthesia Dr Suraj Manjunath 14/03/2023

This is a guest post by Dr Arul Prakasham, consultant anesthesiologist at Manipal Hospital, Miller’s Road (formerly Vikram Hospital), Bangalore. The article discusses the latest advances in anesthesia techniques in breast cancer surgery, and how these techniques minimize short-term as well as long-term pain associated with the surgery. Dr Arul is a highly competent anesthesiologist, who has a special interest in image-guided regional anesthesia techniques.

Pain Free Breast Cancer Surgery – What’s New In Anesthesia Dr Suraj Manjunath This article discusses the latest advances in pain management for breast cancer surgery, and how breast surgery can be made virtually pain-free with modern techniques.

Happy Women’s Day! Dr Suraj Manjunath 08/03/2023

This Women's Day, I had the unique opportunity to be part of a virtual healthcare session for women across Africa and Asia. Many women shared their individual stories of empowerment and success in the face of various adversities. It was truly inspiring to learn how women from different walks of like and across so many countries overcome their diverse challenges. Happy Women's Day!

Happy Women’s Day! Dr Suraj Manjunath This Women’s Day, I had the unique opportunity to be part of a virtual healthcare session for women across Africa and Asia. Many women shared their individual stories of empowerment and succe…

Cancer Care – Role Of Reiki And Other Wellness Therapies Dr Suraj Manjunath 04/03/2023

This is a guest post by Haripriya Suraj, a Reiki Practitioner with a special interest in integrating wellness therapies with modern medicine. The article explores the role of Reiki and similar practices in modern healthcare including cancer care.

Cancer Care – Role Of Reiki And Other Wellness Therapies Dr Suraj Manjunath This article explores the role of Reiki and similar practices in modern healthcare including cancer care.

What Shouldn’t I Eat After Cancer Treatment? Dr Suraj Manjunath 27/02/2023

"Doctor, my cancer treatment is complete. Henceforth, what foods should I avoid?"

"I had breast cancer. Should I avoid milk?"

"Isn't it better for my father to give up eating meat, now that he has recovered from colon cancer?"

"I have stopped eating rice. I eat only millets now."

The recurring theme in these very common questions among cancer survivors is - how can I modify my diet to reduce the risk of my cancer coming back?

This article addresses these questions.

What Shouldn’t I Eat After Cancer Treatment? Dr Suraj Manjunath “Doctor, my cancer treatment is complete. Henceforth, what foods should I avoid?” “I had breast cancer. Should I avoid milk?” “Isn’t it better for my father to g…

Ray Of Sunshine Dr Suraj Manjunath 19/02/2023

My work is full of adult interactions involving serious illness and complicated treatments - not the brightest or most cheerful of work environments.

When a young child with sparkly eyes and a bubbly smile walked up to me and presented this card, it was a refreshing change indeed.

An unexpected ray of sunshine in an otherwise serious and intense day!

Ray Of Sunshine Dr Suraj Manjunath My work is full of adult interactions involving serious illness and complicated treatments – not the brightest or most cheerful of work environments. When a young child with sparkly eyes and …

Managing Fear Of Surgery – Five Useful Tips Dr Suraj Manjunath 14/02/2023

Going under the surgeon’s knife can feel frightening and uncomfortable for many. Some fear is perfectly normal. This article offers five tips to help a person stay calm prior to any surgery, including cancer surgery.

Managing Fear Of Surgery – Five Useful Tips Dr Suraj Manjunath Surgery is an essential component of treatment for many cancers. This article shares some helpful tips to overcome the fear of surgery.

World Cancer Day 2023 Dr Suraj Manjunath 08/02/2023

February 4th was observed as ‘World Cancer Day.’

The global theme for this year was ‘Close The Care Gap’ – overcoming socio-economic barriers and making cancer care accessible to all.

Manipal Hospitals held an awareness program on account of World Cancer Day. While I had surgery scheduled, and could not be a part of the event, I am happy that many of my colleagues participated and contributed to the cause.

World Cancer Day 2023 Dr Suraj Manjunath February 4th was observed as ‘World Cancer Day.’ The global theme for this year was ‘Close The Care Gap’ – overcoming socio-economic barriers and making cancer care ac…

Minimally Invasive Cancer Surgery – Pros And Cons Dr Suraj Manjunath 29/01/2023

This article discusses the potential advantages and disadvantages of the minimal access approach in cancer surgery.

The primary goal of any curative cancer surgery is the complete removal of cancer (oncological clearance). The minimal access approach can only be considered provided there is no compromise of this fundamental principle of oncological clearance.

Minimally Invasive Cancer Surgery – Pros And Cons Dr Suraj Manjunath The minimal access approach is increasingly being used in cancer surgery. This article lists the potential benefits and drawbacks of the minimally invasive approach in surgical oncology.

Complexities In Upgrading Surgical Skills Dr Suraj Manjunath 24/01/2023

However experienced a surgeon is, upgrading skills is always important. There is always something new to learn. One must be humble in order to keep learning, because anyone can be a teacher - from seniormost colleagues to juniormost students, from operating theatre nurses to technicians. Last week, my learning was through an animal - a pig at the animal lab at Amrita Insititute of Medical Sciences, Kochi....

Complexities In Upgrading Surgical Skills Dr Suraj Manjunath However experienced a surgeon is, upgrading skills is always important. There is always something new to learn. One must be humble in order to keep learning, because anyone can be a teacher –…

What Is “Grade” of Cancer? And How Is It Different From “Stage”? Dr Suraj Manjunath 12/01/2023

The term “grade” of a cancer is often confused with the term “stage”. The two are completely different. This article discusses the meaning of “grade” of a cancer and its importance for someone dealing with cancer.

What Is “Grade” of Cancer? And How Is It Different From “Stage”? Dr Suraj Manjunath The term “grade” of a cancer is often confused with the term “stage”. The two are completely different. This article discusses the meaning of “grade” of a canc…

Ringing In The New Year! Dr Suraj Manjunath 08/01/2023

Celebrations foster togetherness. People working together get to know each other better in an informal setting, building companionship and trust. I was reminded of this during an impromptu get-together of the Departments of Surgical Oncology and Medical Oncology at Manipal Comprehensive Cancer Center last week to mark the New Year. Thanks to my colleague Dr Hemanth for organizing and hosting this celebration.

Ringing In The New Year! Dr Suraj Manjunath Celebrations foster togetherness. People working together get to know each other better in an informal setting, building companionship and trust. I was reminded of this during an impromptu get-tog…

How Do I Avoid Getting Cancer? Simple Lifestyle Hacks. Dr Suraj Manjunath 01/01/2023

Happy New Year! Stay healthy!

How Do I Avoid Getting Cancer? Simple Lifestyle Hacks. Dr Suraj Manjunath Did you know that almost 50% of cancers are preventable? A few lifestyle measures are all it takes to reduce your risk significantly.

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Manipal Hospital, Miller's Road (formerly Vikram Hospital)

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 2pm
Tuesday 11am - 2pm
Wednesday 11am - 2pm
Thursday 11am - 2pm
Friday 11am - 2pm

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