ATMAN:Awakening Wisdom Within.

ATMAN:Awakening Wisdom Within.

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Atman is dedicated to sharing the empowerment of holistic healing, soul service and the Power of subconscious mind to stay healthy and happy..

"I am empowered to heal myself. You have the power to heal yourself. Together we have the power to holistically heal the world.”

I embarked on the journey to self-discovery and healing with Reiki in 2008. Me at soul level have been experiencing a dynamic shift with-in and have experimented with Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Psychic Surgery, Past Life Regression Therapy , Clinical Hypn



Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it.
Awareness is the first step in healing.Every step taken in mindfulness brings us one step closer to healing ourselves. ITS HUMBLING AND GRATIFYING to be able to help others identify and regain the strength within.
A passion , a dream to help as any as possible to be the best version of themselves.... Together we can make it possible.
ATMAN:Awakening Wisdom Within.
Spreading love and light💓


Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it.
Awareness is the first step in healing.Every step taken in mindfulness brings us one step closer to healing ourselves. ITS HUMBLING AND GRATIFYING to be able to help others identify and regain the strength within.
A passion , a dream to help as any as possible to be the best version of themselves.... Together we can make it possible.
ATMAN:Awakening Wisdom Within.
Spreading love and light💓


You are responsible for your life... No one else is!!
Only you can create the magic called life.. ... You are magic💫Shine and sparkle..

Every moment is another chance to create more magic... What matters is now... this moment ,and the willingness to see this moment and make the best of it...

Love what you do.. Do what you love..💫 Romance your life... 💞
Tune into your magic💫💞


Bringing our inner and outer worlds into balance is an important step in the abundant expression of soul.
As children most of us were not afraid to let are inner selves show . But as awareness of the outside world increased we learned to edit our interior to fit into a perception of what was expected and accepted on the outside. Though this is a natural process, it can cause us to lose our inner selves .


Redikall Insights


I am another you💞


Healing is simply understanding the patterns and not fixing anything but with awareness integrating the shattered parts of your personality and moving towards becoming whole and complete...💕
ATMAN:Awakening Wisdom Within.


ATMAN:Awakening Wisdom Within.
Archana Singh


As an adult you may be a mother to babies, art projects or entrepreneurial ventures. But, more than anything you are a mother to yourself.

Part of growing up is learning how to care for yourself and tend to your own needs.

Listen to how you feel. Take the time to listen to yourself. ...
Make self-care a priority. ...
Believe in yourself. ...
Nourish yourself. ...
Create sacred space for yourself. ...
Celebrate yourself. ...
Respect your growth....
Encourage yourself ..
Be kind to yourself.....


❤💫 Redikall Insights 💫❤







Realise that your world is only a reflection of yourself. And stop finding faults with the reflection . Attend to yourself, set yourself right mentally and emotionally. The physical self will follow automatically.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


Internal dialogue or self talk is part of what makes us human, and particularly gives us the ability to reason and think about situations.

But what you think, and the language you use, can affect your mood, self-confidence and self esteem..

Our internal dialogue acts as an re-enforcement. Therefore,choose your words wisely.

The first step in making self-talk more positive is to identify negative thinking. A person can notice how they talk with themselves when faced with challenges. It may help to write down examples of negative self-talk.

A person can then think of more helpful things they can say to themselves in challenging situations.


Talk to yourself like you would to one of your closest friends.”If your best friend were going through something similar, would you tell her what the negative voice in your head tells you? Definitely not. That’s because that voice is needlessly cruel and untrue.

You should give yourself the same level of respect that you would give your best friends or other loved ones in your life

Below are some examples of how to turn negative self-talk into positives.

That is too difficult. It sounds challenging.

I cannot do it. I will give it my best shot.

I have always been this way. I am open to change.

I will fail. I want to succeed.

My life is awful. I am lucky. My life could be worse .

I do not know anything. I am open to learn.

Photos from ATMAN:Awakening Wisdom Within.'s post 31/01/2024

Embark on the journey to self discovery....
We are put through situations to identify our strength and evolve. .. therapy helps open the doors to self introspection and solutions. .... It helps us connect to the guiding light within dispersing the darkness that once made us feel lost ...

* Book a free call today to understand your power and connect back to your light .... 💫

ATMAN:Awakening Wisdom Within.


Love makes the journey worthwhile.... ❤
Redikall Soul Metaplay


Life is a beautiful journey full of adventure and excitement... like a boat in the ocean full of unexpected waves hitting the boat and making it scale through all the ups and downs.

Similarly life is full of unexpected situations and we scale through the ups and downs of life... only to learn, to grow, to stand strong and tall and above all to recognise our strength.

Every storm in the ocean.... every challenge that we face in our life helps us identify our core strength.

When the going gets tough... We either breakdown or scale through the storm to another level(evolve).... identifying our strength and connect to the real self...''THE ATMAN''

Here's to each one of us who has been facing their Storm.... hold on, stay strong and rather than focusing on how weak you feel.... focus on your strength.... rise above your weakness... and face it.... there's sunshine awaiting you.... ☀️🌈



Shubh Deepawali 💫


Let's join hands and contribute to a peaceful world by connecting to peace within... 🙏❤

Hello All,

The current unrest reflects the war and conflict within us.

As individuals, we may not be able to do anything about the potential harm humanity is experiencing and threatened with.

However, as we heal ourselves, we heal the collective around us.

Together, we can send positive vibes to ease the wounds and create a space where the seeds of peace and harmony can germinate easily for love and compassion to blossom.

Join *Aatmn Parmar* for Guided Talk And Meditation for *Healing The War Within* today at 7:30pm IST.

Time : 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm
*Please note the change in timings*

Join Zoom Meeting at 7:30 pm IST.
For more details , join our What's App group


"Happy Ganesh Chaturthi"

The story is like this:
Goddess Parvati created Ganesha with the dirt of her body and once asked him to guard the gates as she went to take bath. At that moment Lord Shiva returned home after 10 years of meditation and wanted to see Mata Partvati. At the gate Ganesha did not recognise Shiva and stopped Him. At this Shivji got angry and cut-off Ganesha's head. When Maa Parvati came and explained everything to Shivji, He put head of the first being that passed through. It was an Elephant that passed by and Shiva cut its head and put it on Ganesha's torso.Thus Ganesha was created. So many questions might come into our minds when we listen to this mythological story: -How could Parvati create a child out of Her body dirt?
-After 10 years in meditation how could Lord Shiva get angry so as to severe a child's head?
-If Shiva had so much power to put an elephant's head and put in chid's body why didn't he put ganesha's own head that he had cut?
So many questions and the answer is their somewhere in the story itself.
The child that Maa Parvati created from Her own body is the "body-conscious soul". The body conscious soul doesn't recognise the father. When we are in body-conscious form, we are unable to know HIM. Then the head is severed, here the head is the symbol of our EGO. When Ego is severed, only then the body conscious soul changes into soul-conscious state and we are able to connect to Almighty. We are able to connect to HIM once our EGO is zeroed. The head of an elephant is again an amalgam of so many symbols. Big forehead is a symbol of wisdom. Big ears are like a sieve. It means that one should always have ears big enough to take in good words and like a sieve filter unneccessary words and gossips. Big trunk shows one should be able to pullout most stubborn bad sanskaars(habits) with this strong trunk and at the same time have the skill to pick up finest of the needle too with the same trunk. The big round stomach is a symbol that shows one should have power to be able to keep everthing inside. If we start talking everything with everyone, it might lead to lots of problems and fights. So keep talks to yourself and avoid gossips. Ganesha is shown with four hands. In one of the hands Ganesha has an axe and roap in the other.There is lotus in one hand and one hand is open for blessing . Axe symbolises the power: The power to cut bad habits and negative thoughts. Roap means one should tie our desires. Once we are able to do that, we would be like lotus flower which is a sign of purity. Ganesha has modak or a laddo near him, modak is a sign of success and prosperity, which means with hardwork one will get success, however the way Ganesha is never shown eating those modaks, but keeps it with him always. Same way one should not let success get into us. Ganesha is shown with one feet touching the ground and other leg folded.This symbolises that one should be grounded and not be proud of success and prosperity. Last but not the least, the a tiny mouse is Ganesha's carriage. Such a big form and such a tiny carrier. Mouse is a sign of vices. Even if there is a small crack the mouse can easily slip inside the house and nobody comes to know about it. Same way our thoughts, if one is not aware of checking negative thoughts, we won't even come to know and it will corrupt our minds. By inculcating all the qualities of Lord Ganesha we can ride on the this desire symbolic rat and control it. Each one of us can become "Ganesha" .
ATMAN:Awakening Wisdom Within.


Accept your feelings and understand it . It's normal to feel the way you are...
be gentle with yourself , be kind and compassionate to your experience and above all DONT JUDGE YOURSELF for what you are experiencing ....
Express your feelings ..... Share your's really not that hard...💚


If you concentrate on what makes you fulfilled, you will naturally meet the needs of those around you, simply because you will be drawn to those needs.

Fill your cup first and allow it to overflow ...

Apply this to your everyday life.

Taking care of yourself = keeping your cup full. If you don’t do things to keep your cup full, you have nothing left to give or share with others.

Rumi said, “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.” The world needs our heart when it is made alive.


The average person has thousands of thoughts a day, somewhere between 6000 to 70,000… That’s a lot of thoughts!
Most of us are not very careful with our thoughts, but what if our thoughts actually turned out to be very powerful? What if our thoughts could affect our physical world? Actually…they do!

Our thoughts are electric, our emotions are magnetic, and together they make an electromagnetic field around our body. Our electromagnetic field is always communicating with the Quantum Field.

The Law of Attraction explains that if we change our electromagnetic field (by changing our thoughts and emotions), then that will attract a new reality from the Quantum Field. The thought must match the feeling, and then we have to hold that state of being long enough for the manifestation to occur.

What are your thoughts!!
What are you creating today!!!



Wholeness does not mean perfection, it means embracing brokenness as an integral part of life.

It is not the easy path to love what we have hated, to love what we have feared, to love what has haunted or hurt us. It often seems easy to hold on to the pain of the past rather than the healing of this moment.

Triumph over a darkest feeling and our most judgmental selves gives us an internal strength that is priceless.

We evolve into the self that we yearn to be by learning to embrace all that we are and all that we have experienced no matter how difficult it has been .By falling in love with our flawed self is when we return to being a whole, happy loving, passionate and incredibly worthy person.

Love that can only be found by having a loving, trusting and respectful relationship with oneself. It is a love without conditions, a love that holds no regrets or resentments. It is a non judgemental love that offers compassion rather than critical thought n kindness and care rather than self loathing and internal abuse.

When we understand that each and every aspect of our humanity is imperative to feel whole we take the evolutionary leap into self love and living our most authentic life.


I forgive myself for criticizing and rejecting my shadow self.

I love, accept and embrace all shattered parts of my personality .
I love, accept and embrace my shadow self.
I love ,accept and embrace my brokenness.
I love , accept and embrace the rejected parts of my personality.

I reclaim all parts of my personality.
I reclaim my wholeness.
I awaken the authentic me .


What, exactly, are triggers?

Triggers are those moments and circumstances in our lives that cause us to experience an emotional response that is not in line with the event that caused it. Another term for experiencing a trigger is feeling that response of, “You pushed my button!”

When we’re triggered, our ability to think is literally impaired.

Triggers fire up the parts of our brain that are responsible for keeping us alive and dealing with immediate threats— and they temporarily shut down the parts of our brain that think and reason in calm, organized pattern

A trigger event causes an emotional flashback, where we feel very strong emotions, often uncontrollable. Most of us assume that the trigger was caused by the perpetrator the person who did whatever occurred that caused our negative feelings. The truth is, each one of us has triggers that originate within ourselves. Other people are not responsible for our trigger responses.

Do not blame the other person for triggering you. Instead, look at yourself for answers. Do some self-reflection. Ask yourself some questions:

How do I feel?
How old do I feel?
Does this feeling match what just happened?
When have I feltfelt this way before?

Identify the emotional injury within.
Feel it and grieve it.
Resolve and complete the feelings.
Make a decision to change

Triggers are just messages to you that you have some unresolved issues to work through.

Take each one as an opportunity to heal, grow, and mature. This will be an inside job and will have absolutely nothing to do with changing the other person.


We enter this world on our own, we leave on our own. What happens in between is what our lives are made up of. Life teaches us the most important lessons that are there to learn, and thus life becomes the greatest teacher of all.

I am grateful to all my guru's, my mentors and my friends for guiding me , motivating me and enriching me with all the knowledge and wisdom to understand the lessons that life has to offer ,to help me grow and evolve and connect to my inner being...

🙏🙏Happy Guru Poornima 🙏🙏

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"Happy Ganesh Chaturthi"The story is like this:Goddess Parvati created Ganesha with the dirt of her body and once asked ...
#transformationjourney#ArchanaSingh   #transformationtherapist #holisticliving #ATMANAwakeningWisdomWithin.
When all u know is to help people know themselves ...  Love and light is all I have to offer ... Helping people unleash ...




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