Sriram Herbals GLUCO CARE


Timeline photos 16/09/2021

LEAN CARE is a unique complex herbal formula, which regulates the metabolism of fats and has found to be highly effective in the treatment of problems related to obesity and over weight . This herbal solution protects the overweight people against possible consequences of excess lipids. Obesity is a medical condition, which occurs as a result of the disorder of the lipid metabolism

The Main ingredients of LEAN CARE are as follows:

Garicinia Cambogia : The active constituent in Garcinia is called Hydroxycitric acid or HCA and is gaining a reputation for assisting weight loss through appetite suppression and by reducing the body’s ability to form adipose or fatty tissue during times of overeating.

Guggulu: It helps reduce high cholesterol, because it lowers harmful low-density lipoproteins while elevating the beneficial high-density lipoproteins. It helps prevent blood platelet aggregation and breaks up already formed blood clots. Guggulu is also widely promoted as a weight loss agent that supposedly enhances thyroid function.

Guggulu stimulates the activity of white blood cells in the body, contributing to the build-up of the immune system and also helps eliminate and expel dead tissues, wastes, and toxins from the body.

Achyranthus Aspera :Scientific studies have shown Achyranthus aspera reduces blood glucose levels and stimulates the production of thyroid hormones. Both these actions would make it helpful in remedies to combat obesity and promote weight loss.

Gymnema sylvestre: Glucose is the celebrity of the metabolism world because of its use in creating energy; all cells need it to function. When we eat a meal, our food gets broken down into glucose and many other molecules which get absorbed through the intestine and into the bloodstream. Cells require the presence of insulin in order to take up this glucose, so the pancreas releases insulin in response to increasing blood glucose levels. When we eat highly processed foods which are easily digestible, blood glucose levels rise sharply, causing an over-production of insulin by the pancreas

Piper longum :It burns fat, increases body heat, promotes metabolism.

Momardica charantia: It has been found to have anti-viral and anti-neoplastic effects. Studies have found that Momordica Charantia fruit and powder also has a hypoglycemic effect. Studies have also found that it lowers body fat, suggesting that it could be used for weight loss.

Unique Herbal Properties of LEAN CARE are:
It is a complete natural product and is a extract of quality herbal ingredients. It does not contain Ephedra or any synthetic drug substances and is safe and effective as a weight regulator through specific ingredients and their unique herbal characteristics. It helps inhibit the synthesis of fatty acids thereby reducing the fat levels (lipids). It is highly effective against obesity, hyperlipidemia control, craving for fatty and sugary foods.
Lean Care Is Effective in:

Maintaining healthy bodyweight

Regulating the metabolism of fats

Protecting overweight people against possible consequences of excess lipids

Suppressing hunger and reduce fat levels

One can expect a reduction in the weight by not less than 5 to 15 kgs in 3 months period. Once the weight is reduced then one has to maintain the weight.. For more info visit us at

Timeline photos 16/09/2021

Gluco care is one of the finest medicine without any side effect to regulate blood sugar level. The ingredients in the GLUCO Care are listed below:
Gymnema Sylvestre :
Gymnema sylvestre, also known as Gurmar, Meshasringi and Cherukurinja, is popular as “sugar destroyer”. The leaves of the plant are dried and pounded together with coriander fruit, and then the juice is extracted to be given orally for remedying diabetes. InIndia, the herb is primarily being used to treat type II diabetes.
Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia)
Bitter melon, also known as balsam pear, bitter gourd, bitter cucumber, karela, and charantin, is cultivated widely in Asia, East Africa and South America. It has been extensively used as a folk medicine for treatment of diabetes. Several compounds contained in bitter melon are known to account for its ability to lower the levels of sugar in the blood.
Asparagus Racemosus: Asparagus Racemosus (Shatavari )is sweet and bitter in taste, sweet in the post digestive effect and has cold potency. It alleviates the vata and pitta doshas. It possesses heavy, unctuous and soft attributes.
Commiphora Mukul(Gugullu): is one of the most used ayurvedic herbs in Ayurvedic Medicine. It has multiple uses in its own capacity. More than fifty of herbal formulations are in wide use that has half the quantity of this herb and half the quantity of all the other herbs together.Find the many benefits of Commiphora mukul gum in the light of ancient ayurvedic texts and modern ayurvedic practitioners. All of these uses are based on practice by Ayurvedic doctors. Many of them are being validated by clinical research.
Pterocarpus Marsupium :
Pterocarpus Marsupium, also known as Indian Kino, Malabar Kino, Pitasara, Venga, is a large deciduous tree, which commonly grows in western and southern parts of India and Sri Lanka. It has demonstrated ability to reduce the absorption of glucose from the gastrointestinal tract. It is also known to improve insulin and pro-insulin levels.
One can expect a reduction in the blood sugar level within 10-15 days by taking this and it is normally taken as a course for 3 months.
Normally we don’t ask the patients to stop their existing allopathic medication immediately . Patients can take it along with the existing allopathic medicines they are taking right now. After checking their blood sugar level after 10-15 days they can slowly reduce the dosage of the existing allopathy medication they have been taking all these years and gradually can stop the allopathic medicine within a short period of time.. For more info visit us at

Timeline photos 16/09/2021


Lung health is vital for a person's overall health. The lungs are self-cleaning organs that will begin to heal themselves once their exposure to pollutants stops, for example, when someone quits smoking.

After the lungs have had exposure to pollution, such as cigarette smoke, a person's chest may feel full, congested, or inflamed. Mucus gathers in the lungs to catch microbes and pathogens, which contributes to this feeling of heaviness.

People may be able to use specific techniques to help clear the lungs of mucus and irritants to relieve chest congestion and other uncomfortable symptoms.

Some of these methods may also open up the airways, improve lung capacity, and reduce inflammation, which can help reduce the effects of pollution and smoke in the lungs.

How Lungs Work

Your lungs are part of the respiratory system, a group of organs and tissues that work together to help you breathe. The respiratory system's main job is to move fresh air into your body while removing waste gases.

Why are lungs important?

Every cell in your body needs oxygen in order to live. The air we breathe contains oxygen and other gases. Once in the lungs, oxygen is moved into the bloodstream and carried through your body. At each cell in your body, oxygen is exchanged for a waste gas called carbon dioxide. Your bloodstream then carries this waste gas back to the lungs where it is removed from the bloodstream and then exhaled. Your lungs and respiratory system automatically perform this vital process, called gas exchange.

In addition to gas exchange, your respiratory system performs other roles important to breathing. These include:

• Bringing air to the proper body temperature and moisturizing it to the right humidity level.

• Protecting your body from harmful substances. This is done by coughing, sneezing, filtering or swallowing them.

• Supporting your sense of smell.

The Parts of the Respiratory System and How They Work


• SINUSES are hollow spaces in the bones of your head above and below your eyes that are connected to your nose by small openings. Sinuses help regulate the temperature and humidity of inhaled air.

• The NOSE is the preferred entrance for outside air into the respiratory system. The hairs lining the nose's wall are part of the air-cleaning system.

• Air also enters through the MOUTH, especially for those who have a mouth-breathing habit, whose nasal passages may be temporarily blocked by a cold, or during heavy exercise.

• The THROAT collects incoming air from your nose and mouth then passes it down to the windpipe (trachea).

• The WINDPIPE (trachea) is the passage leading from your throat to your lungs.

• The windpipe divides into the two main BRONCHIAL TUBES, one for each lung, which divides again into each lobe of your lungs. These, in turn, split further into bronchioles.

Lungs and Blood Vessels

• Your right lung is divided into three LOBES, or sections. Each lobe is like a balloon filled with sponge-like tissue. Air moves in and out through one opening—a branch of the bronchial tube.

• Your left lung is divided into two LOBES.

• The PLEURA are the two membranes, actually, one continuous one folded on itself, that surround each lobe of the lungs and separate your lungs from your chest wall.

• Your bronchial tubes are lined with CILIA (like very small hairs) that move like waves. This motion carries MUCUS (sticky phlegm or liquid) upward and out into your throat, where it is either coughed up or swallowed. Mucus catches and holds much of the dust, germs, and other unwanted matter that has invaded your lungs. You get rid of this matter when you cough, sneeze, clear your throat or swallow.

• The smallest branches of the bronchial tubes are called BRONCHIOLES, at the end of which are the air sacs or alveoli.

• ALVEOLI are the very small air sacs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.

• CAPILLARIES are blood vessels in the walls of the alveoli. Blood passes through the capillaries, entering through your PULMONARY ARTERY and leaving via your PULMONARY VEIN. While in the capillaries, blood gives off carbon dioxide through the capillary wall into the alveoli and takes up oxygen from air in the alveoli.

Muscles and Bones

• Your DIAPHRAGM is the strong wall of muscle that separates your chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. By moving downward, it creates suction in the chest, drawing in air and expanding the lungs.

• RIBS are bones that support and protect your chest cavity. They move slightly to help your lungs expand and contract.

Lung Disease

A nagging cough or slight wheeze may barely register in the course of our busy days, but it's critically important to pay attention to even mild symptoms. Sometimes people think having trouble breathing is just something that comes with getting older. It is important to pay attention to these symptoms as they could be the first signs of lung disease, including COPD, asthma and lung cancer. Knowing the early warning signs of lung disease can help you receive treatment before the disease becomes serious or even life threatening. If you experience any of the following warning signs, make an appointment with your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Early detection could save your life.

Warning Signs

Chronic cough: A cough that you have had for a month or longer is considered chronic. This is an important early symptom that tells you something is wrong with your respiratory system.

Shortness of breath: It's not normal to experience shortness of breath that doesn't go away after exercising, or that you have after little or no exertion. Labored or difficult breathing—the feeling that it is hard to breathe in out—is also a warning sign.

Chronic mucus production: Mucus, also called sputum or phlegm, is produced by the airways as a defense against infections or irritants. If your mucus production has lasted a month or longer, this could indicate lung disease.

Wheezing: Noisy breathing or wheezing is a sign that something unusual is blocking your lungs' airways or making them too narrow.

Coughing up blood: If you are coughing up blood, it may be coming from your lungs or upper respiratory tract. Wherever it's coming from, it signals a health problem.

Chronic chest pain: Unexplained chest pain that lasts for a month or more—especially if it gets worse when you breathe in or cough—also is a warning sign.

. For more info visit us at

Timeline photos 16/09/2021


An enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is a disorder that generally tends to affect men as they age. With age, the cells of the gland begin to multiply, leading to an enlarged prostate. An enlarged prostate is problematic because it presses on the urethra, creating difficulties with urination and weakening the bladder. BPH will produce symptoms such as weak or interrupted urine stream, inability to urinate, difficulty starting or holding urination, and the need to frequently urinate, especially at night.

Ignoring prostate problems, as some men tend to do, isn’t a smart idea. If left untreated, an enlarged prostate can block the flow of urine out of the bladder, leading to other complications such as urinary retention and kidney damage.

Enlarged Prostate Symptoms and Causes

In men, urine flows from the bladder through the urethra. BPH is a benign (noncancerous) enlargement of the prostate that blocks the flow of urine through the urethra. The prostate cells gradually multiply, creating an enlargement that puts pressure on the urethra -- the "chute" through which urine and semen exit the body

As the urethra narrows, the bladder has to contract more forcefully to push urine through the body.Over time, the bladder muscle may gradually become stronger, thicker, and overly sensitive; it begins to contract even when it contains small amounts of urine, causing a need to urinate frequently. Eventually, the bladder muscle cannot overcome the effect of the narrowed urethra so urine remains in the bladder and it is not completely emptied.

Symptoms of enlarged prostate can include:

1. A weak or slow urinary stream

2. A feeling of incomplete bladder emptying

3. Difficulty starting urination

4. Frequent urination

5. Urgency to urinate

6. Getting up frequently at night to urinate

7. A urinary stream that starts and stops

8. Straining to urinate

9. Continued dribbling of urine

10. Returning to urinate again minutes after finishing

What is the remedy for Prostate Enlargement?

Prostate care is 100% natural herbal supplement which contain beta-sitosterol, a compound similar to cholesterol and found in some plants. Preliminary studies have shown that beta-sitosterol may improve urine flow and reduce the amount of urine left in the bladder after urination. It contain a wide range of fatty acids, alcohols, and sterols such as beta-sitosterol that have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect on the urogenital tract. It inhibits the production of testosterone and reduces the size of the inner lining of the prostate.


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Timeline photos 06/07/2021

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Timeline photos 30/06/2021

Lung health is vital for a person's overall health. The lungs are self-cleaning organs that will begin to heal themselves once their exposure to pollutants stops, for example, when someone quits smoking.

After the lungs have had exposure to pollution, such as cigarette smoke, a person's chest may feel full, congested, or inflamed. Mucus gathers in the lungs to catch microbes and pathogens, which contributes to this feeling of heaviness.

People may be able to use specific techniques to help clear the lungs of mucus and irritants to relieve chest congestion and other uncomfortable symptoms.

Some of these methods may also open up the airways, improve lung capacity, and reduce inflammation, which can help reduce the effects of pollution and smoke in the lungs.

How Lungs Work

Your lungs are part of the respiratory system, a group of organs and tissues that work together to help you breathe. The respiratory system's main job is to move fresh air into your body while removing waste gases.

Why are lungs important?

Every cell in your body needs oxygen in order to live. The air we breathe contains oxygen and other gases. Once in the lungs, oxygen is moved into the bloodstream and carried through your body. At each cell in your body, oxygen is exchanged for a waste gas called carbon dioxide. Your bloodstream then carries this waste gas back to the lungs where it is removed from the bloodstream and then exhaled. Your lungs and respiratory system automatically perform this vital process, called gas exchange.

In addition to gas exchange, your respiratory system performs other roles important to breathing. These include:

• Bringing air to the proper body temperature and moisturizing it to the right humidity level.

• Protecting your body from harmful substances. This is done by coughing, sneezing, filtering or swallowing them.

• Supporting your sense of smell.

The Parts of the Respiratory System and How They Work


• SINUSES are hollow spaces in the bones of your head above and below your eyes that are connected to your nose by small openings. Sinuses help regulate the temperature and humidity of inhaled air.

• The NOSE is the preferred entrance for outside air into the respiratory system. The hairs lining the nose's wall are part of the air-cleaning system.

• Air also enters through the MOUTH, especially for those who have a mouth-breathing habit, whose nasal passages may be temporarily blocked by a cold, or during heavy exercise.

• The THROAT collects incoming air from your nose and mouth then passes it down to the windpipe (trachea).

• The WINDPIPE (trachea) is the passage leading from your throat to your lungs.

• The windpipe divides into the two main BRONCHIAL TUBES, one for each lung, which divides again into each lobe of your lungs. These, in turn, split further into bronchioles.

Lungs and Blood Vessels

• Your right lung is divided into three LOBES, or sections. Each lobe is like a balloon filled with sponge-like tissue. Air moves in and out through one opening—a branch of the bronchial tube.

• Your left lung is divided into two LOBES.

• The PLEURA are the two membranes, actually, one continuous one folded on itself, that surround each lobe of the lungs and separate your lungs from your chest wall.

• Your bronchial tubes are lined with CILIA (like very small hairs) that move like waves. This motion carries MUCUS (sticky phlegm or liquid) upward and out into your throat, where it is either coughed up or swallowed. Mucus catches and holds much of the dust, germs, and other unwanted matter that has invaded your lungs. You get rid of this matter when you cough, sneeze, clear your throat or swallow.

• The smallest branches of the bronchial tubes are called BRONCHIOLES, at the end of which are the air sacs or alveoli.

• ALVEOLI are the very small air sacs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.

• CAPILLARIES are blood vessels in the walls of the alveoli. Blood passes through the capillaries, entering through your PULMONARY ARTERY and leaving via your PULMONARY VEIN. While in the capillaries, blood gives off carbon dioxide through the capillary wall into the alveoli and takes up oxygen from air in the alveoli.

Muscles and Bones

• Your DIAPHRAGM is the strong wall of muscle that separates your chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. By moving downward, it creates suction in the chest, drawing in air and expanding the lungs.

• RIBS are bones that support and protect your chest cavity. They move slightly to help your lungs expand and contract.

Lung Disease

A nagging cough or slight wheeze may barely register in the course of our busy days, but it's critically important to pay attention to even mild symptoms. Sometimes people think having trouble breathing is just something that comes with getting older. It is important to pay attention to these symptoms as they could be the first signs of lung disease, including COPD, asthma and lung cancer. Knowing the early warning signs of lung disease can help you receive treatment before the disease becomes serious or even life threatening. If you experience any of the following warning signs, make an appointment with your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Early detection could save your life.

Warning Signs

Chronic cough: A cough that you have had for a month or longer is considered chronic. This is an important early symptom that tells you something is wrong with your respiratory system.

Shortness of breath: It's not normal to experience shortness of breath that doesn't go away after exercising, or that you have after little or no exertion. Labored or difficult breathing—the feeling that it is hard to breathe in out—is also a warning sign.

Chronic mucus production: Mucus, also called sputum or phlegm, is produced by the airways as a defense against infections or irritants. If your mucus production has lasted a month or longer, this could indicate lung disease.

Wheezing: Noisy breathing or wheezing is a sign that something unusual is blocking your lungs' airways or making them too narrow.

Coughing up blood: If you are coughing up blood, it may be coming from your lungs or upper respiratory tract. Wherever it's coming from, it signals a health problem.

Chronic chest pain: Unexplained chest pain that lasts for a month or more—especially if it gets worse when you breathe in or cough—also is a warning sign.

. For more info visit us at

Timeline photos 30/06/2021

What is creatinine?

Creatinine is a chemical waste molecule that is generated from muscle metabolism.

Creatinine is produced from creatine, a molecule of major importance for energy production in muscles.Approximately 2% of the body's creatine is converted to creatinine every day.

Creatinine is transported through the bloodstream to the kidneys. The kidneys filter out most of the creatinine and dispose of it in the urine.Because the muscle mass in the body is relatively constant from day to day, the creatinine production normally remains essentially unchanged on a daily basis.

The normal range of creatinine in blood is:

1. 0.6 to 1.2 mg/dL (or 53 to 106 mcmol/L) for males, and

2. 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL (or 44 to 97 mcmol/L) for females.

Men usually have higher levels than women because creatinine increases with muscle mass.Factors that contribute to high creatinine levels include dehydration or inadequate water intake; medications like ACE inhibitors, NSAIDs, chemotherapy drugs and others; strenuous exercise; chronic diseases like kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and thyroid disorders; kidney problems; and excessive blood loss.

Muscle building, taking the dietary supplement creatine and eating large amounts of meat can also elevate creatinine levels.

Some common symptoms of high creatinine are digestive problems like nausea, vomiting and poor appetite; fatigue; urinary changes like frequent night urination, decreased urine output and dark colored urine, edema, itchy skin and shortness of breath. High creatinine levels may indicate kidney problems and kidney damage

What is the remedy for lowering creatinine levels?

KB-10 or CREAT CARE is 100% natural herbal supplement and works as a natural diuretic to flush out toxins and lower creatinine levels. It also helps improve kidney function and relieve edema or swelling due to water retention. It helps increase kidney output and promotes renal filtration ability. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels, thus preventing further renal damage.

It is also an effective remedy to get rid of excess creatinine because it revitalizes the kidneys and promotes renal circulation.It acts as a natural diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. It helps increase urine output, thus aiding in removing excess creatinine. It also reduces edema and lowers high blood pressure. It promotes intestinal detoxification and increases urine output. It lowers creatinine levels by increasing the excretion of metabolic waste products including creatinine.It also improves kidney function. It works as a natural diuretic and kidney cleanser. It also helps reduce blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels and treat nephrocalcinosis.

. For more info visit us at

Timeline photos 30/06/2021


An enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is a disorder that generally tends to affect men as they age. With age, the cells of the gland begin to multiply, leading to an enlarged prostate. An enlarged prostate is problematic because it presses on the urethra, creating difficulties with urination and weakening the bladder. BPH will produce symptoms such as weak or interrupted urine stream, inability to urinate, difficulty starting or holding urination, and the need to frequently urinate, especially at night.

Ignoring prostate problems, as some men tend to do, isn’t a smart idea. If left untreated, an enlarged prostate can block the flow of urine out of the bladder, leading to other complications such as urinary retention and kidney damage.

Enlarged Prostate Symptoms and Causes

In men, urine flows from the bladder through the urethra. BPH is a benign (noncancerous) enlargement of the prostate that blocks the flow of urine through the urethra. The prostate cells gradually multiply, creating an enlargement that puts pressure on the urethra -- the "chute" through which urine and semen exit the body

As the urethra narrows, the bladder has to contract more forcefully to push urine through the body.Over time, the bladder muscle may gradually become stronger, thicker, and overly sensitive; it begins to contract even when it contains small amounts of urine, causing a need to urinate frequently. Eventually, the bladder muscle cannot overcome the effect of the narrowed urethra so urine remains in the bladder and it is not completely emptied.

Symptoms of enlarged prostate can include:

1. A weak or slow urinary stream

2. A feeling of incomplete bladder emptying

3. Difficulty starting urination

4. Frequent urination

5. Urgency to urinate

6. Getting up frequently at night to urinate

7. A urinary stream that starts and stops

8. Straining to urinate

9. Continued dribbling of urine

10. Returning to urinate again minutes after finishing

What is the remedy for Prostate Enlargement?

Prostate care is 100% natural herbal supplement which contain beta-sitosterol, a compound similar to cholesterol and found in some plants. Preliminary studies have shown that beta-sitosterol may improve urine flow and reduce the amount of urine left in the bladder after urination. It contain a wide range of fatty acids, alcohols, and sterols such as beta-sitosterol that have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect on the urogenital tract. It inhibits the production of testosterone and reduces the size of the inner lining of the prostate.. For more info visit us at

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