Discovering Wellness

Dietitian and Nutritionist
Entrepreneur, Health and Wellness influencer
Thyroid, PCOD, Diabetes



As people say, age is just a number and there is no age limit to working on one’s health. Neha embodied this belief when she decided to embark on her health journey at the age of 57. Inspired by her son and daughter-in-law, both wellness coaches in the WQ community, Neha committed herself to following their recommendations diligently.

Initially, the idea of engaging in cardio exercise and strength training seemed daunting to Neha. She remembered struggling with even 10 jumping jacks at the beginning. However, with persistence and dedication, she progressed remarkably. Today, she proudly performs 20 jumping jacks in three sets, a testament to her growing strength and stamina.

One of the significant challenges Neha faced was her knee pain, which made it difficult for her to sit on the ground. Through consistent exercise and proper guidance, she experienced a notable improvement in her flexibility and comfort. She can now sit on the ground with ease, a small victory that brought immense satisfaction.

Over the course of her journey, she lost 8 kg. She adopted healthy habits such as regular exercise and incorporating salads into her diet. This transformation made her feel lighter, more active and increasingly alert about her eating habits.

Neha credited her success to the unwavering support of her husband, son, daughter-in-law and the consistent guidance and training she received from the Community.

Her journey is a powerful reminder that it’s never too late to make health a priority. With determination and support, significant changes are possible at any age.

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This information comes from real-life cases where people practised lifestyle changes alongside medical advice, if any. It’s not a replacement for medical treatment, and results aren’t guaranteed for everyone. While lifestyle changes are important, benefits vary and consulting a healthcare professional before major changes are advised.
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Revathi, a dedicated housewife in Pune, started seeing the side effects of being overweight, having thyroid conditions with TSH 6.5 and taking 50 mcg medicine.

Unclear about the actions to be taken to regain her health back, she sought a healthier path from her family member who happened to be a coach in the Wellness Quotient Community.

Through tailored exercises and balanced nutrition suggested by her coach, Revathi shed 11 kg of weight and her hair fall reduced.

Not only that, her TSH levels come down to 2.6 signifying that her thyroid condition has improved. She is no longer taking thyroid medicines.

Her knee pain has reduced and she regained mobility and is now embracing an active lifestyle.

Revathi’s journey symbolizes the power of determination and guidance, inspiring many in her community to embark on their own transformative quests for wellness.

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This information comes from real-life cases where people practised lifestyle changes alongside medical advice, if any. It’s not a replacement for medical treatment, and results aren’t guaranteed for everyone. While lifestyle changes are important, benefits vary and consulting a healthcare professional before major changes are advised.
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Chakradhara Rao, an entrepreneur, and Rajarajeswari, a homemaker, focused on their responsibilities and could not give attention to their health. Both of them were having the extra burden of weight and he had hypertension, sleep issues, low energy levels and vitamin deficiencies.

Slowly, they realized that all these factors started effecting their health. Understanding the importance of health, they decided to take the necessary steps and contacted a WQ coach through a friend who had already benefited from the same coach.

They started following everything the coach suggested and in a span of 6 months, his blood pressure came down from 145/110 to 115/80 and now he is no longer dependent on BP medicines. Not only that, his weight moved from 87 kg to 67 kg and her weight moved from 84 kg to 68 kg.

Chakradhara Rao and Rajarajeshwari both felt encouraged to work on their health together and are now very happy with their health. They feel like they are growing younger every day.

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This information comes from real-life cases where people practised lifestyle changes alongside medical advice, if any. It’s not a replacement for medical treatment, and results aren’t guaranteed for everyone. While lifestyle changes are important, benefits vary and consulting a healthcare professional before major changes is advised.
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Congratulations are in order for Megha, who has made remarkable strides towards better health and well-being.

Through dedication and perseverance, she has achieved significant milestones, demonstrating the power of commitment to personal health amidst unavoidable life commitments.

Megha has successfully lost 15 kilograms and shed 5 inches around her belly, surpassing her college-time weight and experiencing an invigorating sense of youthfulness.

These physical changes are complemented by notable improvements in her thyroid health. Initially, her thyroid medication dosage was 88 mcg with a TSH level of 1.91. After months of hard work, her medication dosage has been reduced to 67.5 mcg and her TSH level has dropped to 0.52.

In addition to these impressive numbers, Megha’s stamina has increased remarkably, contributing to an overall sense of rejuvenation.

Her journey serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of prioritizing health. It underscores the idea that accumulating wealth should not come at the expense of ignoring health and symptoms, only to potentially end up spending that wealth on medical care later.

Megha’s story is a testament to the fact that positive change is always within one’s hands. It offers inspiration to others, encouraging them to take the first step towards better health and highlighting the priceless feeling that comes with improved well-being.

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This information comes from real-life cases where people practised lifestyle changes alongside medical advice, if any. It’s not a replacement for medical treatment, and results aren’t guaranteed for everyone. While lifestyle changes are important, benefits vary and consulting a healthcare professional before major changes are advised.
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Priya is a busy professional, working in a MNC, a mother of 2 highly talented teenagers and leading a successful career and family life.

In her 40s, she found herself gaining weight, although she was very conscious about her eating habits. She also saw her skin pigmentation getting worse and visited multiple doctors without getting anywhere. Suddenly she was shocked after seeing her blood work numbers during her yearly checkup.

She was in diabetic range and her cholesterol numbers were very high. She reached out to a WQ coach via Facebook and followed the recommendations in lifestyle and nutrition intake.

Not only did she lose 10 kg weight, but she also improved all the parameters as well as reduction in skin pigmentation which was caused due to hormonal imbalance. Now her HbA1c moved from 6.8 to 5.7 and her cholesterol from 212 to 158. She also lost 4 inches of belly fat.

She is happy to continue the healthy lifestyle and looking forward to helping many people like her who are looking for holistic health solutions.

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This information comes from real-life cases where people practised lifestyle changes alongside medical advice, if any. It’s not a replacement for medical treatment, and results aren’t guaranteed for everyone. While lifestyle changes are important, benefits vary and consulting a healthcare professional before major changes is advised.
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Like many women, after the 1st delivery, Deepika gained extra pounds and with the help of a WQ coach, she lost 10 kg weight.

After the 2nd delivery, Deepika’s weight reached 95 kg and she knew that she had to lose the extra burden and decided to enroll in a personalized program.

WQ became a source of inspiration for her to contact as her health and her relatives’ health had gotten better in the past.

Deepika enrolled in a program and followed all the recommendations diligently. This helped her in achieving her fat reduction goal from 95 kg to 52 kg in 8 months.

Now she feels more energetic than ever and more active than before.

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This information comes from real-life cases where people practiced lifestyle changes alongside medical advice, if any. It’s not a replacement for medical treatment, and results aren’t guaranteed for everyone. While lifestyle changes are important, benefits vary and consulting a healthcare professional before major changes is advised.
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Sivaram, a highly successful and busy entrepreneur, always prioritized his health.

However, due to demanding work schedules and frequent travel, he struggled to allocate sufficient time for self-care.

As a result, he gained excess weight, particularly around his belly, and experienced low energy levels along with poor eating habits.

Seeking a positive change, Sivaram turned to a coach from WQ, who happened to be his junior from college. The coach guided him through various aspects of good health.

Under his guidance, Sivaram revamped his daily routines, adopting healthier lifestyle habits. He made adjustments to his dietary choices, learned about balanced food plates and incorporated regular exercise into his day.

Recognizing the impact of stress on weight gain and overall well-being, he also adopted tools and techniques to manage stress effectively.

The results have been remarkable: Sivaram has shed over 8 kg in a healthy manner, leading to a 4-inch reduction in his waistline.

He now feels rejuvenated, more energetic, mentally sharper and healthier than ever. His transformation serves as an inspiration to his family and friends, and we couldn’t be prouder of his commitment to well-being.

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This information comes from real-life cases where people practised lifestyle changes alongside medical advice, if any. It’s not a replacement for medical treatment, and results aren’t guaranteed for everyone. While lifestyle changes are important, benefits vary and consulting a healthcare professional before major changes is advised.
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Sumita is a mom and a government official from Bhubaneswar. Her health suffered due to the demanding responsibilities of her job and personal life.

She decided to embark on a journey to reclaim her health. This was when she heard about Wellness Quotient through a dear friend.

Sumita enrolled in a program and despite challenges, she persevered, driven by her desire for a healthier life. Within 3 months she lost 11 kg.

Not only that chronic migraines that had plagued her for years began to dissipate and her digestive issues were resolved, giving her newfound comfort and freedom.

Sumita’s joy and sense of accomplishment grew with each milestone. She prioritized her health despite her demanding schedule, proving that determination and support can make anything achievable.

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This information comes from real-life cases where people practised lifestyle changes alongside medical advice, if any. It’s not a replacement for medical treatment, and results aren’t guaranteed for everyone. While lifestyle changes are important, benefits vary and consulting a healthcare professional before major changes is advised.
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“After my marriage, my weight gradually increased & I started to see so many physical challenges in my body”, recalls Ami!

Laziness, sleep issues and feeling uneasy were frequent for her.

She was also facing hormonal imbalance and started having irregular periods, which eventually got diagnosed as PCOD.

Ami started gaining weight. She knew she had to lose weight in the right way, but didn’t know where to start.

At least, not until she met a WQ coach and had a discussion!

Over the next 3 months, she implemented many lifestyle changes. Changes started to show up.

“Today, with the support and guidance from my coach, I’ve reached my health goal”, says Ami. “I cannot express my happiness in just words!”

When asked about the benefits she has received, Ami says “I feel very active, energetic, excited and fit - both inside & out! During my transformation journey, I’ve learnt what wellness truly is”.

And all this apart from her periods getting regularized.

Wellness Quotient Community takes pride in showcasing our real WQ Champions, people who have overcome health challenges thrown at them because of our current-day lifestyles.



Jyotsna, a 36-year-old, who lives in Edison, New Jersey is originally from Hyderabad and a former IT employee. 8 months back, Jyotsna moved to the USA to be with her husband. The couple began planning for a family, but Jyotsna faced challenges with PCOD and thyroid issues, leading to weight gain and irregular periods.

Jyotsna understood that to be able to conceive and deliver a healthy baby, her health needed to be improved. She started looking for solutions available and contacted one of the WQ coaches and enrolled in a health transformation program.

Determined to overcome these obstacles for a healthy pregnancy, Jyotsna embarked on a wellness journey. Like many people before joining, she had doubts whether she can make it or not, but her determination pushed her forward.

The first week was a challenge, transitioning to raw salads and healthier eating, but with the help of her coach she managed to adapt. Gradually, it became a part of her lifestyle. With consistent effort, Jyotsna saw results – a steady 2 to 3 kg weight loss every month. Starting at 72 kg, she proudly shares that after 4 months in the program, she now weighs 62 kg.

More than just the numbers on the scale, Jyotsna successfully managed her PCOD, experiencing regular periods again.

She is thankful to her coach and the WQ Community for all the support she got to transform herself.

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This information comes from real-life cases where people practiced lifestyle changes alongside medical advice, if any. It’s not a replacement for medical treatment, and results aren’t guaranteed for everyone. While lifestyle changes are important, benefits vary and consulting a healthcare professional before major changes is advised.
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Praveen, a professional with a demanding job involving long hours of sitting, faced various health issues including back pain, hair fall, sleep issues and low immunity.

Despite trying walking and dietary changes, he saw no improvement in his health. Seeking help from a WQ Wellness Coach, Praveen embarked on a personalized wellness plan to address all aspects of his health.

Within three months, he experienced significant improvements: reduced back pain, boosted immunity, better sleep quality, decreased hair fall, improved skin tone, no numbness in toes, and alleviation of calf pain and backache.

Over a span of six months, Praveen lost 22 kg of weight and completely eliminated his back pain, even starting weightlifting.

Praveen now lives life to the fullest and credits his coach for his transformation.

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This information comes from real-life cases where people practiced lifestyle changes alongside medical advice, if any. It’s not a replacement for medical treatment, and results aren’t guaranteed for everyone. While lifestyle changes are important, benefits vary and consulting a healthcare professional before major changes is advised.
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In the bustling city of Dakar, Africa, Shanta, a devoted homemaker, found herself juggling the joys and challenges of raising a toddler and a school-going child.

With her family far away and minimal assistance, she poured her heart into managing her home and loved ones, often neglecting her own well-being in the process. This neglect took its toll, both physically and mentally, as hormonal imbalances began to affect her health and happiness.

Despite seeking relief through hormonal medications for improving her thyroid, Shanta saw little improvement. Frustrated and determined to lose extra pounds and to reclaim her vitality, she turned to a WQ coach for guidance. With the coach’s support, Shanta embarked on a journey of transformation, discovering the power of small, sustainable lifestyle changes.

Over the course of 4 months, Shanta witnessed remarkable progress. With a tailored plan from her coach, she shed an impressive 13 kg and watched as her once protruding belly began to flatten. But the changes weren’t just physical; Shanta also started to experience peace in her mind.

Not only did Shanta experience fat loss, but she also noticed improvements in her hypothyroidism with her TSH moving from 4.9 to 4.58. Her skin became free from pigmentation and acne.

Through her dedication to holistic wellness and the unwavering support of her coach and the WQ Community, Shanta achieved what she thought once was impossible.

Reflecting on her journey, Shanta expressed profound gratitude for the impact it had on her life.

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This information comes from real-life cases where people practiced lifestyle changes alongside medical advice, if any. It’s not a replacement for medical treatment, and results aren’t guaranteed for everyone. While lifestyle changes are important, benefits vary and consulting a healthcare professional before major changes is advised.
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Sovan faced tough times with Covid, sitting a lot and eating out too much. This led to him gaining over 20 kg in just 18 months. His health checkup showed bad numbers: high cholesterol, triglycerides and uric acid. It was a shock, especially with his parents visiting soon. He didn’t want them to see him like this. So, he decided it was time to change.

With help from a friend who’s a wellness coach, Sovan started his journey to a healthier life. In just five months, he achieved some amazing things:

He lost an impressive 19 kg weight and his waist size went down by 8 inches, from 43 to 35 inches. Sovan felt stronger and more energetic, with no more unhealthy cravings.

His cholesterol levels moved from 190 to 129, uric acid levels from 7.4 to 5.9 and triglycerides from 110 to 74. Even his skin cleared up, with fewer pimples.

But the biggest change wasn’t just on the outside. Sovan’s confidence grew, and he felt better about himself. Now, he can meet his family and friends without feeling embarrassed.

His story shows that with determination and support, anyone can turn their health around. It’s a reminder that small steps can lead to big changes and Sovan’s journey is proof that it’s possible to overcome even the toughest challenges.

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This information comes from real-life cases where people practiced lifestyle changes alongside medical advice, if any. It’s not a replacement for medical treatment, and results aren’t guaranteed for everyone. While lifestyle changes are important, benefits vary and consulting a healthcare professional before major changes is advised.
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Reshmi had spent 4 long years engulfed in the suffocating grip of depression. Medicines became her lifeline and also a constant reminder of her struggle. Every day felt like a battle against her mind. Yet, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged through her husband’s college friend who happened to be a wellness coach.

Reshmi decided to take control of her life. With the help of the WQ coach, she embraced a holistic approach to wellness. She nourished her body with wholesome foods, filling the deficiencies that had plagued her for years.

Slowly, but steadily, Reshmi noticed changes. The weight she had carried, both physically and emotionally began to lift. She lost 10 kg weight and her digestion, once erratic, stabilized, allowing her to savor each meal without any discomfort. Her acidity became a thing of the past.

The stairs, once an insurmountable obstacle, became a symbol of her resilience. She ascended them effortlessly, no longer gasping for breath. Even the excruciating pain that accompanied her periods began to fade, no longer requiring the crutch of painkillers.

With each passing day, Reshmi felt stronger and more vibrant. Her journey is far from over, but she has reclaimed control of her life. Through perseverance and self-care, she has emerged from the shadows of depression, embracing a future filled with possibilities. Now she is free from antidepresants and living a happy life.

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This information comes from real-life cases where people practiced lifestyle changes alongside medical advice, if any. It’s not a replacement for medical treatment, and results aren’t guaranteed for everyone. While lifestyle changes are important, benefits vary and consulting a healthcare professional before major changes is advised.
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Mintul Sharma, 52 years old follows a relatively healthy lifestyle. However, in January 2020, she received a diagnosis that shook her to her core: pre-diabetes.

Her sugar levels after food had reached 150, and she immediately consulted a doctor and began taking necessary precautions along with the prescribed medicines.

Unfortunately, after a few months, Mintul found herself as a fully diabetic person with levels reaching 240 after eating.

Mintul was worried and desperately searching for a cure. She confided in her daughter, who fortunately was already associated with the WQ Community. She helped enroll her in a transformation journey. With the support of her daughter and the Wellness Quotient Community, she was able to reverse her diabetes.

Through her hard work and dedication, Mintul was able to lower her blood sugar levels dramatically. In just five months, her levels are in the healthy range of 80 to 100 after meals. Her doctor was surprised by the transformation and even stopped her medication.

Mintul is grateful for the support of her daughter and the WQ Community for helping her take control of her health and achieve a better quality of life.

Mintul’s wellness journey is an inspiration to others in her community, showing that with the right support and mind set, anyone can overcome health challenges.

Wellness Quotient Community takes pride in showcasing our real WQ Champions, people who have overcome health challenges thrown at them because of our current-day lifestyles.



Dr. Divya is a professor who is successful in her career. Like many women, a bundle of joy came into her life when she conceived. After the C-section, she was diagnosed with a cyst in her ovaries. After the cyst removal, she started taking the recommended medicines and they started showing their side effects resulting in no periods for 2 months.

Doctors advised her to lose weight as the medication could have caused hormonal imbalance. She was lethargic and anxious and had body and knee pain. She followed tips that she found on the internet, but was unable to reduce her weight.

She was inspired by her cousin’s health transformation story and reached out to the WQ coach who helped her cousin and started her wellness journey.

She started working on all pillars of wellness as per the coach’s guidance. She started noticing her stamina improved which helped in doing exercises. Her quality of sleep improved, she Lost 11.4 kg weight, her knee pain is completely resolved and her visceral fat is reduced by 4 points.

Not only that, her immunity improved and her cold cough reduced. Her metabolic age came down from 55 to 49 years and muscle mass increased from 23.5 to 25%.

Her message for the people around her is to trust the coach and the process and be consistent in putting in the effort.

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This information comes from real-life cases where people practiced lifestyle changes alongside medical advice, if any. It’s not a replacement for medical treatment, and results aren’t guaranteed for everyone. While lifestyle changes are important, benefits vary and consulting a healthcare professional before major changes is advised.
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Dhanshree, 50 years old, had been living on multiple medications for various health issues for many years. She was dealing with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high uric acid, diabetes and thyroid problems. As a result, she felt tired and drowsy all the time.

On top of that, the medications caused her to gain weight and she felt hopeless about ever feeling better. One day, Dhanshree decided that she needed to take control of her health and contacted a WQ coach.

After having a detailed discussion, she felt that she finally found a program that was tailored to her needs.

Dhanshree was amazed at the results she got in 4 months. She lost 12 kg weight and her diabetes medicines had been halved. Her thyroid medication had also been reduced from 37.5 to 25 mcg(TSH 5.49 to 3.1) and she had stopped taking medications for uric acid and cholesterol.

Not only had her physical health improved, but she also felt a renewed sense of energy and vitality. Her joint pains had subsided and she felt like she could function much better than before. She was glowing with health and happiness and felt like a brand-new person.

Dhanshree is grateful to the coach and the WQ Community that helped her gain her health and she is still committed to improving her health further.

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This information comes from real-life cases where people practiced lifestyle changes alongside medical advice, if any. It’s not a replacement for medical treatment, and results aren’t guaranteed for everyone. While lifestyle changes are important, benefits vary and consulting a healthcare professional before major changes is advised.
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Sudharsan is a busy working professional with many responsibilities in family and profession and he was left with no time to care for himself.

Overweight and burdened by constipation and bloating, each day seemed like a struggle for him. Understanding the importance of balancing professional and personal life, he decided to seek guidance and contacted the WQ Community.

With determination, he joined the transformation program and started practicing the principles suggested by his WQ coach. The journey wasn’t easy. Sweat poured, muscles strained, but Sudharsan persisted. Slowly, the pounds melted away and he lost 4 kg weight.

As his body transformed, so did his inner landscape. The constipation and bloating that plagued him became a thing of the past.

Yet, it wasn’t just his physical health that blossomed. Sudharsan discovered clarity in his thinking, as if the fog that clouded his mind had lifted. With each session, his confidence grew and he embraced life with renewed vigor.

He is thankful to his coach and the WQ Community for helping him transform his health.

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This information comes from real-life cases where people practiced lifestyle changes alongside medical advice, if any. It’s not a replacement for medical treatment, and results aren’t guaranteed for everyone. While lifestyle changes are important, benefits vary and consulting a healthcare professional before major changes is advised.
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