
Welcome to Bluelinks; we are a Digital Marketing Company providing SEO services in Delhi & Nationwid

Photos from thebluelinks's post 17/09/2021

Increase your website speed with my quick tips:

1. Remove useless plugins
2. Use light-weight themes
3. Minify and combine files
4. Optimize images
5. Reduce re-directs
6. Minify CSS and HTML
7. Remove unused media

Save this post now and get more such tips..


Logos are often the first touch points consumers have with your brand, making them the face of your brand.

Creating a logo that is impressionable and long-lasting not only creates equity with your brand but also develops a fierce and positive brand trust between your brand and your consumers.

To ensure your logo will stand the test of time, make sure you know what to do and not do when creating a logo.✅


Are you into real estate?
You think social media is not for you?

The biggest benefit of real estate social media posts is the ability to highlight your success stories to connect with clients.

Here are 5 quick steps to ignite your business.

Ask yourself "what do I want to get out of my social media posts"
-Deepen my existing relationships?
-Highlight my competence?
-Stay top of mind with people on your database?

Which platforms should you use if you are just starting. Pick one.
-67% of online adults say they Facebook.
-A facebook business page is a good place to start from.
-Then test out options like Pinterest, LikedIn, etc.

Create an opportunity to articulate how you work and become a trusted advisor for your community.
-Provide value
-Encourage Engagement
-Build trust.

Schedule your posts in advance and all your updates for the whole week.
-Get social to build trust and deepen your relationships
-Check your accounts regularly

You can't improve what you can't measure. Make sure you take some time each month to look at the best times to post and which types of posts generate most engagement.

Will you leverage social media for your real estate business?


Even though length is only one of the aspects of content quality that can make on rank on any platform but it is a very important one. Remember that your content must be worth your audience's time.

Save these before you start writing any piece of content:

1. Blog posts: 1500 words
2. Subject line 50 characters
3. Line of text: 12 words
4. Paragraph: 4 lines
5. Videos: 3 minutes
6. Podcast: 22 minutes
7. Title Tags: 55 characters
8. Meta description: 155 characters
9. Facebook Post: 140 characters
10. Tweet: 130 characters
11. Instagram caption: 125 characters
12. Domain name: 8 characters


Photos from thebluelinks's post 24/08/2021

Dont you dare! Commit these website mistakes if you want to get sales from your website.
1. Broken links:
They look unprofessional and hurt your SEO badly.

2. Typo Errors:
Always double check your website's content and copywriting.

3. Mobile Friendly:
Just a good looking website for desktop ain't enough. Make it work well for mobile phones as well.

4. Unclear Navigation:
Your visitors must be able to find their way through out your website.

5. No use of Favicons:
A small icon specifically designed for your website that appears in the browser.

6. No option to "SEE MORE":
Make sure your website offers plenty of options to see more information.




Do you have a small business run just by you or a partner? Do you think you don't have products that can be sold through a website? Then why would you need one?
Let us start by saying, if you have a business, you need a website. Period. No question. Without a doubt.
i am not saying that you should put in all your efforts in selling your product/service online, but you should definitely have a website presence so that your customers, potential employees, business partners, or perhaps investors (at some point of time) can quickly and easily find out more about you.
Having said that just having a website would not be enough. You need a professional-looking, website to create that first impression perfectly. Here is an exception to my above-stated rule. It's better to have no website than to have a lousy website.
Contact us at 9818068033 to get a beautiful website, hand-coded, mobile-friendly and fast with all modern features. Our website design and development services are budget-friendly and SEO-friendly


4 steps to find clients that pay you well:

1. Define your ideal client
-Easy to work with
-Good paymasters
-Want to change
-No bad mouthing

2. Discover where they hang out:
-Social Media
-Websites they visit
-FB groups they join
-Offline events they attend

3. Connect with better clients
-Write informative content
-Be active on social media
-Share relevant content
-Demonstrate your expertise

4. Offer unique value:
-Convey a simple message
-Highlight the unique value
-Promise certain benefits
-Include testimonials

Did you find this useful? How do you find clients?


Here's a perfect way to stay consistent with your Instagram stories:

Monday Motivation:
-Thank your fans for engaging with you everyday
-Tag a few people thanking them on your story
-Show your face, make a video asking people to check your page.

-Create 4-5 quizzes about your niche.
-Take a survey to understand your audience.
-Create a quiz about yourself. Let people choose the right answer

-Do a Q&A with your audience.
-Pick a common question and answer it in your story.
-Talk about an interesting fact from your latest post.

-Share a picture of your workspace.
-Show your to-do list for today.
-Show something you might be working on.
-Share a book you are reading.

-Share a testimonial.
-Show client work.
-Share your milestone.
-Share a screenshot of a video call/business conference

-Ask people what they are upto.
-Tell people what you are upto.
-Share a funny thing that happened to you.
-Share your favorite tools that you use everyday.

-Share BTS photos and videos.
-Share a typical day in your studio life.
-Share a glimpse of client conversations.


3 epic ways to find hashtags and that too for free!

1. Use a tool like
2. Use Not Just Analytics
3. Do manual research on the Instagram app

How do you research your hashtags?


Personal brand is an important part of any business of an entrepreneur. But before you read this, remember that you have to mentally throw everything you know about business cards out.

Your business card is not only about how you make a statement, it's about leaving a lasting memory like you see in slide 3rd 4th and 5th.

Here are some important things you need to remember when you get your business card designed or design one on your own:

1. Include your full name. Please do not use nicknames.
2. Use your personal picture if you can. It's time to show off your personality.
3. Never forget to include your logo.
4. Always include your contact information.
5. Include URLs to your blogs or websites.
6. Use fonts that should about ypur personal brand.
7. Use good quality paper for your card. It makes all the difference.
8. Include your personal brand statement.


Wondering what to write about yourself and your company on the website?

Here are my top 10 rules of writing a compelling "about me" page.

1. Know exactly who you are addressing! Your page should reflect that you know the customer insight.

2. Don't just lead with facts. Apart from facts, people want to know your story. Make your website a window, not a wall.

3. Share your values. Tell people who you are and what to believe.

4. Show yourself. Build trust by adding your real photos. People connect with people not avatars.

5. Tell a story of your professional journey. Share how you got where you are.

6. Tell people how you can help them. Be specific. Add links to your products and services.

7. Demonstrate how you have provided solutions to others. Link your portfolio and case studies.

8. Tell people the benefits of working with you. Add client testimonials and show the way you work.

9. Add calls to action and contact links. Build trust. Provide information that compels them to call you.

10. Don't make it all about you. Think about why you are writing this page and what do you want your reader to think.


Wishing you all Eid Mubarak


A personal brand is, in many ways, similar to a corporate brand. It is who you are, what you stand for, the values you embrace, and the way in which you express those values. Just as a company’s brand helps to communicate its value to customers and stand out from the competition, a personal brand does the same for individuals, helping to communicate a unique identity and clear value to potential employers or clients.

Here are the 7 steps to building your personal brand.
1. Understand why you are building the brand.
2. Take control of your performance and image.
3. Find your story and build a framework around it.
4. Assess your personal brand from today.
5. Share your brand story with the world.
6. Build your brand's online presence.
7. Pursue a personal brand strategy.






You need to aim for the right thing to gain success. If you keep running after more followers rather than relevant followers you won't be able to generate any money from social media.

-Aim to have the attention of your existing followers
-Focus on the right people, not lot of people
-Focus on the right people, not a lot of people
-Define who you want to reach
-Find out the Instagram accounts they follow
-Collaborate with those accounts (go live together, do a guest post, give shoutouts to each other or just take over their stories for a day)

What do you think? Are you targeting the right audience?


Here are my top 7 fonts especially for web designers. And they work extremely well for mobile designs.
1. Acumin Pro
2. Helvetica Neue
3. Circula
4. Proxima Nova
5. Avenir
6. Lato
7. Alegreya Sans

Try these for sure. If you need any help with these fonts, DM me...


7 tools for all you great logo designers:

Share your fav one in the comments with us..


If you want more visibility you need to be there on the explore page. Instagram feeds the explore page through the algorith. The algorithm is trying to predict the next page that the person is likely to interact with, by page i mean the next account, not the post.

Now, the positioning is very important as the algorithm is seeing what accounts are similar to you and if people are interacting with them.

So, the most important factor to reach the explore page is how you position your account.
Instagram is continuously looking at your account and activity as a whole to figure out who you are similar to.

Just remember that the process is going to take time for the algorithm so need to have patience. If you have any doubts or tips, DM us.


Here is my daily instagram checklist to boost engagement:
-Respond to comments on post
-Engage with all audiences
-Engage with new account hashtags
-Engage with new account stories
-Engage with 5 accounts DM
-Welcome new creators

Do you have an Instagram checklist? Would you suggest me to add anything to mine. Tell me in the comments below.


It’s time to update your website. Did you know that 39% websites get abandoned if it takes time to load?
Websites play an important role in any digital marketing campaign. You as a business owner have several aspects to concentrate on. Website is a technical tool that requires continuous updates and changes.

Remember you need help if:

-your website is slow
-your content needs updation
-You are rebranding
-You have just started SEO
-Your bounce rate is high
-You could be hacked
-Your website is not integrated
-Your website is losing appeal
-Your website is mobile-friendly
-Your website is difficult to navigate

In order to update your website:
-Use an online editing tool or
-Purchase a website editing software

But before you update your website yourself you must know that what you are doing is very critical. It takes a lot of time and effort. Managing a website isn't a straightforward task.

Do you need professional help? Dm us if you need to ask anything..


Are you taking advantage of building such a big follower or fan base on different platforms?

Here are the 3 most important ways of turning your users/followers into your brand advocates. Increase your user base by following these 3 tips and see how to can quickly increase your sales.

1. Start a brand hashtag. And now ask your followers to use them whenever they use your product/service.

2. Share their posts and content in your feed. Let your other followers/new visitors know how people are using your products and services and love them. This will attract so many people.

3. Create posts for your Instagram that is relevant for the audience, that can provide them value, and that they would like to share with others.

Try these tricks and see the difference in your reach and growth. tell me in the comments below, which of these techniques are you already using.


A small story/example for you. This is a wonderful story about General Motors first ever female CEO. And I am pretty sure, after reading this, you are going to tell me your story or a story you know, wherein hardwork won over talent.

It's nice to be talented, but the old saying is true:"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."
Barra started at the very bottom of General Motors at age 18, when she enrolled in an engineering college sponsored by the company. There, she spent half the year inspecting parts at a Pontiac plant, accordingto fortune.
She worked her way up the ladder with smart decision-making and a willingness to give the company everything she had. The Financial Times reports colleagues recall her being the first person in the office every morning and responding to emails after 11 p.m.
In 2013, her dedication was rewarded when she was named GM's first ever female CEO.


Wishing all you beautiful mothers a very Happy Mother's Day.

SEO Expert Delhi | SEO Consultant in Delhi 08/05/2021


SEO Expert Delhi | SEO Consultant in Delhi SEO Expert in Delhi | Rank #1 on Google


Do you Do Epic S**t?

Doing Epic S**t is a reminder to keep experiences fun and try things in life that push you outside your comfort zone. Doing Epic S**t can be as simple as going for a ride on a trail you’ve never ridden or as complex as hiking your bike over the tallest mountain pass in the world and riding down. Do Epic S**t is a more than a phrase, it’s a feeling. It’s coming alive, putting life in your years, having a sense of humor, it’s feeling the fear and doing it anyway, it’s taking risks. It’s being open to personal growth and opportunities.


Why is it important to dream? Are dreams different than goals?

It isn't the what of the dream but the underlying energy it provides to motivate you to follow your passion, to pursue your goals with vigor and enthusiasm.

You don't need a successfull dream, but just a dream, a passion to drive you where you feel successful.

While what we dream for in totally in our mind and the steps we take to achieve them become our goals-sortterm and long term.

so go dream, believe in yourself, just remember what Walt Disney said:


Bluelinks Bonus Tip!

Who all agree with me?

Over 50% of traffic around the web entered websites by clicking on them in the organic search results. That means that websites that have invested in SEO are getting over 50% of the total traffic across the Internet. And if they rank on the first page, they are seeing over 90% of that traffic.

If you have any SEO related queries, ask me in the comments below..
Lets get talking..

Photos from thebluelinks's post 24/04/2021

Struggling to get those beautuful ONG images that you see on other content creator's posts? I've got 6 reliable websites for you, that will change the way you design your social media or anything else for that matter.

Photos from thebluelinks's post 21/04/2021

Free fonts that should be paid
check these out and download them right now..cuz they are absolutely freee..

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A gentle reminder to all new business owners. There are 3 things that may be stopping you : lack of vision, fear of cost...
Use every instagram feature the way it should be used: how?  1. Provide value related to your niche through your feed  2...
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5 kickass ways to boost your reach.  1. Make valuable carousel posts. People love to swipe left 2. Post share and save w...
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Keep your stories up to date and stay consistent without an extra effort on your instagram stories. Just remember, if yo...
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Keep it consistent every time.           I love seamless branding- from your feed posts to reels to your stories.       ...
If you want to know how to save yourself heaps of time with your hashtags and make sure you never forget to post them - ...




Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 9am - 9pm
Thursday 9am - 9pm
Friday 9am - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 9pm

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