Atccoin is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant, near-zero cost payments to anyone

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How ATC COIN Works

A transaction is a transfer of value between ATC COIN wallets that gets included in the block chain. ATC COIN wallets keep a secret piece of data called a private key or seed, which is used to sign transactions, providing a mathematical proof that they have come from the owner of the wallet..
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What is Mining in Hindi by CryptoCurrencyCare CCC By Kartike Kanwar 18/08/2017

What Is Cryptocurrency Mining?
In traditional fiat currency systems, government simply prints more money when they need to. But in case of Cryptocurrencies, money isn’t printed at all – it is discovered, it is “Mined”, just like Gold. Computers around the world “Mine” for cryptocurrencies by competing with each other. In this article we explain our readers about Cryptocurrency Mining in detail.
So what is Cryptocurrency Mining?
Lets start with an example of banking system. Suppose a person named Virat has paid some X amount to Sachin through banking channels, what is the proof that the transaction has taken place? Who confirms that transaction has been made at all? Bank!! Ofcourse, we all know that.
Bank, as a centralized authority confirms the transaction and records it in it’s ledger and then these are again shown in bank statements/passbooks ,thus it can be assured that transaction has taken place.
But what in the case of “Decenteralized Cryptocurrencies” or in case of Bitcoin for say where there is no central authority?
Here,Miners come into the picture. Through cryptocurrency mining, miners confirm all the transaction that has taken place and records it in the public ledger called Blockchain, and passes it to other cryptocurrency miners for validation and in return gets a reward (Bitcoin, in case of Bitcoin mining). The first cryptocurrency miner to validate the transaction will be rewarded.
Because of the reward, more miners would be attracted. Hence more the number of cryptocurrency miners, more validation of transaction and more secured is the transaction.
Who are Cryptocurrency Miners?
Cryptocurrency Miners are simply computers,or “Nodes” to be specific in Cryptocurrency terminology, which are connected to each other in the Bitcoin network or other cryptocurrency network. These computers are placed by humans or large organizations into the network.
Detailed Explaination about Mining (in case of Bitcoin)
People are sending Bitcoins to each other over the Bitcoin network all the time, but unless someone keeps a record of all these transactions, no one would be able to keep track of who had paid what and how much. The Blockchain technology takes care of it by collecting all of the transactions made during a set period into a list, called a Block. It’s the miners’ job to confirm those transactions, and write them into a general public ledger.
This general ledger comprises of a list of blocks, known as the ‘Blockchain‘. It can be used to review any transaction made between any Bitcoin addresses, at any point on the network. Whenever a new block of transactions is created, it is added to the Blockchain, and is stored there permanently. A constantly updated copy of the block is given to every new Bitcoin miner who participates, so that they they are upto date with the previous set of transactions.
But the general ledger has to be trusted, and all of this is stored online!!!! How can one be sure that the Blockchain stays intact, secured, and is never tampered with? This is where the role of cryptocurrency miners come in.
When a block of transactions is completed, miners processes it. They take the information in the block, and solve a mathematical equation, converting it into something new. This something new is a shorter, seemingly random sequence of letters and numbers, like a code , known as a “Hash”. This hash is stored along with the block, at the end of the Blockchain at that point in time.
Here is why Hashes are interesting and how it makes Bitcoins so secured.
It’s easy to produce a hash from a collection of data like a Bitcoin block, but it’s practically impossible to work out what the data was just by looking at the hash, because it is just a random sequence of numbers and letter without any meaning. And while it is very easy to produce a hash from a large amount of data, each hash is unique. If you change just one character in a bitcoin block, its hash will change completely. Thus, this encryption of Blockchain data into hash, makes it more safe and secured.
Cryptocurrency Miners don’t just use the transactions in a block to generate a hash. Some other pieces of data are used to build the hash of the last block stored in the Blockchain and forming a chain of blocks.
This feature of blockchain technology confirms that this block – and every block after it – is legitimate
If someone tries to fake a transaction by changing a block that had already been stored in the blockchain, that block’s hash would change. As the hash would be changed, it will not be in alliance of hash of next block and thus will break the whole blockchain.
Because each block’s hash is used to help produce the hash of the next block in the chain, manuplating with a block would also cause errors in the next block’s hash .
After reading all of this I am sure you might be curious and fascinated about cryptucurrency mining and getting your hands ready for cryptocurrency mining to earn bitcoins as a reward. Well, so was I but first you need to understand the technicalities of mining and how cryptocurrency mining is done.

What is Mining in Hindi by CryptoCurrencyCare CCC By Kartike Kanwar Mining in Hindi by CryptoCurrencyCare CCC By Kartike Kanwar Learn all about CryptoCurrency. Visit - The Complete Support System For Al...

ब्लॉकचेन क्या है? (Blockchain explained in Hindi) 18/08/2017

Blockchain is the key technology on which the world’s first decenteralized cryptocurrency i.e., Bitcoin is based upon.
Many cryptocurrencies which came into existence after Bitcoin, are also based on Blockchain Technology.
After the financial world, various other industries such as Music,Banking,Insurance,Healthcare, Real Estate sectors are also counting upon Blockchain Technology to secure the transactions and maximizing returns. Even elections are getting conducted using Blockchain technology.
So What is Blockchain??
Blockchain is an undeniably ingenious invention – the brainchild of a person or group of people known by the pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto.
It is often referred as the “Next Generation of Internet”.
Generally defining, Blockchain technology is a shared, immutable global public ledger for recording the history of transactions. It fosters a new generation of transactional applications that establish trust, accountability,guarantee and transparency.
In case of Cryptocurrency or to be specific in case of Bitcoin,the first product on Blockchain technology, Blockchain is a public digital/online ledger of all the Bitcoin transactions that have ever been made. It is like a bank statement/passbook which records all of the transactions.
A block is the ‘current’ part of a Blockchain which records some or all of the recent transactions, and once completed goes into the Blockchain as permanent database. Each time a block gets completed, a new block is generated. There is a countless number of such blocks in the Blockchain.
So are the blocks randomly placed in a Blockchain?
No, they are linked to each other (like a chain) in proper linear, chronological order with every block containing a hash of the previous block.
To make it easy to understand, consider each block of Blockchain like a page of bank statement/passbook which records all transactions and as soon as a page in bank statement/passbook is completed, new page is used for recording transactions. Obviously these pages are stored chronologically which saves the transactions from oldest to newest, same is in the Blockchain.
So the Blockchain is constantly growing, as ‘completed’ blocks are added to it with a new set of recordings forming a chain of block and hence the term, Blockchain.
At last, a blockchain is a kind of independent, transparent, and permanent database coexisting in multiple locations and shared by public. This is why it’s sometimes referred to as a “Mutual Distributed Ledger (MDL)”..
Who records the transactions?
A novel solution accomplishes this task of recording transactions without any central authority. Maintenance of the Blockchain is performed by a network of communicating nodes(computers connected to bitcoin network) running Bitcoin software or simply called as Miners.
Each node (computer connected to the Bitcoin network using a client that performs the task of validating transactions) gets a copy of the Blockchain, which gets downloaded automatically upon joining the Bitcoin network. The Blockchain has complete information about the addresses and their balances right from the first/original block to the most recently completed block.
How are the transactions Recorded?
Suppose Sania sends X amount of Bitcoins to person Mahesh, this transaction would be broadcasted to the Bitcoin network using readily available software applications. Now, the nodes(computers which are connected to bitcoin network) can validate this transaction, add them to their copy of the ledger, and then will broadcast these transaction which is recorded in ledger to other nodes, so that they can validate it too. Thus multiple, validations by nodes makes Bitcoin transaction a very safe and secured transaction. Also, this procedure allows Bitcoin software to determine when a particular Bitcoin amount has been spent or a transaction has taken place, which is necessary in order to prevent double-spending where there is no trusted central authority to authorize it.
What are nodes?
As mentioned earlier, nodes are simply computers which are programmed to function in Bitcoin network through some softwares. These computers are placed by persons who are called as Miners in bitcoin terminology.
Miners install computers in Bitcoin network for validating the transactions in Blockchain.
What’s in it for Miners?
As a bank clerk is rewarded financially for his duties performed in banking system, a miner is rewarded with bitcoins for performing mining.
With every block, a mathematical problem is linked. Miners(mining nodes) constantly record and validate transactions in a block and then solves the mathematical problem in order to complete the block. The First miner to complete a block is rewarded with Bitcoins by the Bitcoin software programme. Also, as soon as the mathematical problem is solved, the answer is shared with other miners and then it is validated by them. It’s like the mining nodes or miners are in a race to “Complete the current block” in order to win Bitcoins.
This payment of Bitcoins as a reward to mining node by the Bitcoin programme is the first transaction that is recorded in the next block.
A mathematical problem is linked with each block. Miners are constantly processing and recording transactions as part of the process of competing in a type of race. They race to ‘complete the current block’ in order to win Bitcoins. When a winning miner is able to solve it, the answer is shared with other mining nodes and it is validated. Every time a miner solves a problem, a newly minted 25 BTC (Bitcoin currency symbol) is awarded to the miner and enters the circulation. The first record in that next block is a transaction that awards the winning miner (who completed the previous block) the newly minted BTC. It is the difficulty of the mathematical problem that regulates the creation rate of new Bitcoins since new blocks can’t be submitted to the network without the answer. Based on the fact that it takes around 10 minutes on an average to solve the problem, approximately 25 new Bitcoins are minted every 10 minutes.
Uses/ Applications of Blockchain Technology.
At present. Blockchain is famous for being the underlying technology of Bitcoin, world’s first decentralised crypto currency. But apart from cryptocurrency, Blockchain Technology can be also prosperous for the following:
Financial sectorsContracts,agreements,registeration certificates, certificate of transfers,etcMusic and EntertainmentArtworkHealthcareReal EstateInsuranceOther intangible assets like patents,licence,copyrights,trademarks.
Obviously the function of blockchain technology for different sectors would be different but the core idea would remain the same, i.e., storing and validating the transactions on a distributed public ledger secured by encryption.

ब्लॉकचेन क्या है? (Blockchain explained in Hindi) ब्लोकचेन उन टेक्नोलॉजी में एक है जो कि 21वीं सदी कि अर्थव्यवस्था में बहुत बड़ा परिवर्तन लाने की क्षमता रखती हैं. यह वीडियो संक्षेप में आपको समझाएगा कि ब्लोकच...


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ATC COIN - Your Wealth Partner
Welcome to ATC COIN
Atccoin is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant, near-zero cost payments to anyone in the world. Atccoin is an open source, global payment network that is fully decentralized without any central authorities. Mathematics secures the network and empowers individuals to control their own finances. Atccoin features faster transaction confirmation times and improved storage efficiency than the leading math-based currency. With substantial industry support, trade volume and liquidity, Atccoin is a proven medium of commerce complementary to Bitcoin. Atccoin is digital money used for secure and instant transfer of value anywhere in the world, with no borders or limits. There is no government, company, or bank in charge.
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What is Crypto Currency in Hindi by CryptoCurrencyCare CCC By Kartike Kanwar 18/08/2017

What is Cryptocurrency?
Question of the year. Surely was question of the previous years too. Maybe for future years as well. Yes, everyone is asking here and there about Cryptocurrencies. Everyone is keen to know about it. But only a handful of people know about it and it’s power to change the present systems of making monetary transactions.It’s like if WhatsAPP is a punch to text messages, Cryptocurrency is a jab to Fiat Currency.
Decoding Cryptocurrency?
A Cryptocurrency,as the name suggests, is a secret/hidden currency which exists in the records called public ledger, just like the balance in your bank account’s passbook, talktime in your mobile phone, DTH,etc.
It cannot be physically seen or felt, but is used for online transactions, making and receiving payments, just like internet banking.
A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security.
Cryptography or cryptology is the study and practice of techniques to communicate securely in the presence of third parties. Using the code language that only those people know, to whom the codes have been informed, this technique of securing the information to be passed is known as Encryption.
Just like the code languages used in James Bond ,Mission Impossible movies !!!!
More specifically, cryptography is about creating codes for data, that prevent third parties or the public from reading private messages.
Difference between Cryptocurrency and Fiat(traditional) Currency:
A cryptocurrency is usually in a digital form, unlike the fiat currency which is in physical form.
Another difference, which is one of the most defining feature of cryptocurrency is , that it is decentralized. It means no government or bank has control over it. It has its own value and is based upon the demand and supply for it in the market .Just like gold, it has its own value.
Again, different from Fiat Currency in a huge way.
So if no government or bank has control over it, how does it came to existence??? A big question that must be forcing you to scratch your head, right??
The first decentralized cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was created in 2009 by an individual or group of individuals known as Satoshi Nakamoto. It uses SHA-256, a cryptographic hash function, as its proof-of-work scheme.
Other cryptocurrencies, followed Bitcoin and came into existence more or less in a similar way to it, with some changes, in order to differentiate and compete with each other.
So by now, I am sure you might be clear to the concept of Cryptcurrency to some extent. You may be having some doubts , but still a bird name Cryptocurrency is now known to you . After reading the above information you might be fascinated about this new thing which will drastically change the future of money. Well, you are not alone! Cryptocurrencies is gaining huge popularity and is even accepted as payments by big names, such as Microsoft,Wordprss,,, etc.
As of now, more than 700 crypto currencies are trading in the market, but only few of them are gaining popularity. Bitcoin, is the most popluar cryptocurrency as of now.

What is Crypto Currency in Hindi by CryptoCurrencyCare CCC By Kartike Kanwar Crypto Currency Hindi CryptoCurrencyCare CCC By Kartike Kanwar Learn all about CryptoCurrency. Visit - The Complete Support System For... 13/08/2017

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Cryptoinbox is a cloud hashing platform. This means you can participate in Bitcoin & CRYPTO mining without maintaining the hardware yourself.We are attempting to build NETWORK PARTNER with largest crypto contract based mining pools in the world!... 13/08/2017

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Cryptoinbox is a cloud hashing platform. This means you can participate in Bitcoin & CRYPTO mining without maintaining the hardware yourself.We are attempting to build NETWORK PARTNER with largest crypto contract based mining pools in the world!... Cryptoinbox is a cloud hashing platform. This means you can participate in Bitcoin & CRYPTO mining without maintaining the hardware yourself.We are attempting to build NETWORK PARTNER with largest crypto contract based mining pools in the world! Bitcoins are electronic currency, otherwise known as ‘...

Cryptoinbox is a cloud hashing platform. This means you can participate in Bitcoin & CRYPTO mining without maintaining the hardware yourself.We are attempting to build NETWORK PARTNER with largest crypto contract based mining pools in the world!... 13/08/2017

*महत्वपुर्ण पोस्ट*

Good news for INDIAN PUBLIC
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दोस्तो आने वाला भविष्य क्रिप्टो करन्सी का है, DIGITAL INDIA के तहत इस करन्सी की तरफ रूख करना आवश्यक है.!
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सोचना ये है की आज दुनिया मे No-1 क्यो है?
*- ये विश्वास पूर्ण करन्सी है,
*- ये पुरीतरह डी-सेन्ट्रलाईज है,
*- ये इसकी संख्या निश्चित है,
*- ये कही भी व्यापार मे इस्तेमाल मे आ रही है,
*- याने के इसकी डिमांड बढ रही है, और सप्प्लाय सीमित है...*
(जैसे के GOLD और LAND के बारे मे होता है..)
दोस्तो हमे हमारे #भारत मे सबसे तेज और सबसे पहली क्रीप्टो करन्सी
जो की बिलकुल शत् प्रतिशत के LOGIC पर है...
इसे हमारे भारत के एक आदर्श business man जिसे राष्ट्रपति द्वारा दिया गया सम्मान *MAN_OF_IDEA* की उपाधि से जाना जाता है...
सन्माननीय श्री_सुभाष_जी_जेवरीया जी ने ग्लोबली शुरूवात की है...
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Cryptoinbox is a cloud hashing platform. This means you can participate in Bitcoin & CRYPTO mining without maintaining the hardware yourself.We are attempting to build NETWORK PARTNER with largest crypto contract based mining pools in the world!... Cryptoinbox is a cloud hashing platform. This means you can participate in Bitcoin & CRYPTO mining without maintaining the hardware yourself.We are attempting to build NETWORK PARTNER with largest crypto contract based mining pools in the world! Bitcoins are electronic currency, otherwise known as ‘...

Photos from ATC COIN's post 12/08/2017



*दोस्त यह मेसेज आपके परिवार की जिंदगी बदल सकता है*
*ATC काॕईन*(Crypto Currency)
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*ATC COIN के फायदे*
यदि आज आप 5000 मे 8 रूपये के भाव से 5000/6=625 ATC COIN खरीद है तो 18 महिने मे बोनस के साथ 1116 ATC COIN होते है
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दोस्तो 2009 मे जपान से संतोषी नाकामोटो ने रु.6/- एक बिटकॉईन मार्केट मे लाके आज एक बिटकॉईन की कीमत रु.1,50,000/- हो गई.
इसी तरह भारत के सुपुत्र MAN OF IDEA माननिय श्रीयुत सुभाषचंद्र जवेरीया इन्होने मार्च 2017 मे ATC काॕईन भारत से सुरुवात करके एप्रिल 2017 मे NOVAEXCHANGE मे लिस्टेट करके रु.1/- से सुरुवात करके आज रु.4.50 तक पहुंचाया एक ही महीना मे लोगो के चार गुना रक्कम कर दी.
बिटकॉईन को अॕटक करने के लिए भारत का ATC काॕईन तयार हो रहा है रु.1,50,000/- मे एक बिटकॉईन लेने से रु.1,00,000/- के 25,000 ATC काॕईन लेके रखो 2 साल मे 1 ATC काॕईन की कीमत कम से कम रु.1000/- तो होगी ऐसा सुभाषचंद्र जी का कहना है दोस्तो बिटकॉईन का चांन्स अपने हात से चला गया अब ATC काॕईन का चांन्स हात से मत जाने दो कम से कम रु.5000/- के तो ATC काॕईन खरेदी करके रखो.

Package cost of ATC COIN


Check Price on

21/5/17, 1 ATCC = 2.88Rs
23/5/17, 1 ATCC = 3.25Rs
24/5/17, 1 ATCC = 3.68Rs
04/08/17 ; 1 ATCC = 8.50 Rs
MAXIMUM : ATC 1,00,000
Cashback : 10% of YOUR PACKAGE Monthly for 18 months
🔹 ATC COIN PACKAGE activate ke liye aap Company ke Bank account main NEFT/ IMPS / DD se Payment Deposite kar sakten hain🔹

AXIS BANK A/C NO - 916020028034971

It's an level Plan Income

🔹level 1
👉Sales Income- 10%
👉Monthly Income of cashback- 5% for 18 months
👉Team Size- 2

🔹level 2
👉Sales Income- 3% 👉Monthly Income of cashback- 4% for 18 month
👉Team Size- 4

🔹level 3
👉Sales Income- 3%
👉Monthly Income of Cashback- 3% for 18 month
👉Rewards- Personnel Accident Policy - 5 lakhs rupees
👉Team Size- 8

🔹level 4
👉Sales Income- 2%
👉Monthly income of cashback- 2% for 18 month
👉 Reward- Family Floter Mediclame Policy - 1 Lakh
👉Team Size- 16

🔹level 5
👉Sales Income- 2%
👉Monthly Income of cashback- 1% for 18 month
👉Reward- 2 days Education Tour 👨‍💻
👉Team Size- 32

🔹level 6
👉Sales Income- 2%
👉Monthly Income of cashback- 1% for 18 month
👉Reward- Monthly Core Group Meeting with GALA DINNER By CMD Recommended 🍲🍱
👉Team Size- 64

🔹level 7
👉Sales Income- 2% 👉Monthly income of cashback- 1% for 18 month
👉Leadership- 6%
👉Team Size- 128

🔹level 8
👉Sales Income- 2%
👉Monthly income of cashback- 1% for 18 month
👉Reward- 4 N/5D Thailand Tour ✈
👉Team Size- 256

🔹level 9
👉Sales Income- 1.5%
👉Monthly Income of cashback- 1% for 18 month
👉Leadership- 5%
👉Team Size-512

🔹level 10
👉Sales Income- 1.5%
👉Monthly Income of cashback- 1% for 18 month
👉Reward- Singapore Tour with Family ✈
👉Team Size- 1024

🔹level 11
👉Sales Income-1.5%
👉Monthly Income of cashback- 1% for 18 month
👉Leadership- 4%
👉Team Size- 2048

🔹level 12
👉Sales Income- 1.5%
👉Monthly Income of Cashback- 1% for 18 month
👉Reward- London Europe Tour with Office Visit✈
👉Team Size- 4096

🔹level 13
👉Sales Income- 1%
👉 Monthly Income of Cashback- 1% for 18 month
👉Leadership- 3%
💃🏽 3% Royalty
👉Reward- Toyota Fortuner 🚘
👉Team Size- 8192

🔹level 14
👉Sales Income- 1%
👉Monthly Income of Cashback- 1% for 18 month
👉 Leadership- 2%
💃🏽2% Royalty
👉Reward- Mercedes 🚘
👉Team Size- 16384

🔹level 15
👉Sales Income- 1%
👉Monthly Income of Cashback- 1% for 18 month
👉Leadership- 1%
💃🏽1% Royalty
👉Reward- Jaguar Car 🚔
👉Team Size- 32768

Note :
🎯Level income payout instantly
🎯Leadership bonus income weekly
🎯CASHBACK income monthly..

Dear all Atc members for earning more benefits from Atc

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Krishan jhala

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👉अगर 50 साल पहले reliance का share लिया होता तो आज मैं कहा होता❓
👉अगर 2009 मे bitcoin लिया होता तो आज मैं कहा होता❓
✅ अगर चाहते हो ऐसा और एक मौका, तो जल्दी से कॉल करो।

🙂 याद रखना इंतजार या फिर सोचते ही रहने वालो को उतना ही मिलता है, जितना कोशिश करने वाले अक्सर छोड जाते है।
*It May Make Your Future Bright*✌

*ATC = ए. टी. सी. कॉइन ( ATC COIN )*

*🔴2009 जनवरी में एक BTC बिटकॉइन मात्र ₹6 का था। आज* *6/8/2017 एक BTC बिटकॉइन ₹204941/- का है। 👉🏻 मार्च 2017 में एक ATC कॉइन ₹1 का था। आज 6/8/2017 को एक ATC कॉइन ₹9 का है। आप इस बिटकॉइन का पुनर्जन्म भी कह सकते हैं।*
*👉दिसम्बर 2017 तक 1ATC =₹100 और*
*👉दिसम्बर 2018 तक 1ATC = ₹500और*
*👉दिसम्बर 2019 तक 1ATC = ₹1000 और* *👉🏻 दिसम्बर 2020 तक 1ATC = ₹ 10000 तक होने की संभावना है।*
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
😆😝🤑 ये मजाक नहीं सच है 😇😇
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
*🅰ATC Coin Listed International Exchange*
*🤔🤔 क्या है ये ATC कॉइन❓❓*

*✅ ATC दुनिया की सबसे मंहगी डिजीटल मुद्रा(करेंसी) बनने की ओर तेजी से बढ़ रही है।*

*✅ मार्च 2017 में शुरू हुई आज दुनिया के 17 देशों में पहुँच गयी 2019 तक ये संख्या 200 देशोंहै। तक पहुँच जाएगी।*

*✅ध्यान दे आज तक पुरे दुनिया में किसी देश ने क्रिप्टो करंसी को अवैध या इलिगल नहीँ कहा।*

*✅ATC के भारत में 80000 + मर्चेंट्स हैं और 200000 से भी ज्यादा एसोसिएट्स हैं । भारत के पास दुनिया में सबसे ज्यादा उपभोक्ताओं की चेन है। इससे अकेले भारत की बदौलत ATC दुनियाँ का सर्वश्रेश्ठ कॉइन बन जायेगा।*

*✅ATC भारत की पहली और इकलौती *Decentralised Democratic विकेन्द्रित मुद्रा है। जिसे पूरी दुनिया अब इसकी शक्ति को पहचानने लगी है।*

*✅दुनिया में मात्र 41000000 करोड़ ATC बनेंगे और हर चार साल में इनके बनने की रफ्तार आधी हो जाएगी।*
*👉100 साल बाद सन् 2117 में आखरी ATC बनेगा।*

*✅ ATC का दाम, माँग और आपूर्ति के नियम पर काम कर, घटता- बढ़ता है*

*✅ATC का पूरा लेखा-जोखा Block-chain मेंरहता है। ब्लाक-चेन दुनिया की सबसे आधुनिक सुरक्षित टेक्नोलॉजी है।*

*✅ ATC माइनिंग सर्वर द्वारा बनते हैं ATC को समाप्त करना या इसमें कोई बदलाव करना असंभव है।*

*✅ RBI के गवर्नर का मानना है ATC व Blockchain नकली नोट जैसी अनेक समस्याओं का 100% हल है और भविष्य की करेंसी है।*

*✅ATC के बारे में हम Google और U-Tube पर ATC के बारे में और जानकारी ले सकते हैं।*

*✅इन्ही सब के चलते ATC दुनिया की सबसे सुरक्षित और आधुनिक करेंसी है और *निवेश का सबसे अच्छा मौका है।*
*ATC कॉइन की बरसात हो रही है*

*Refar id के लिये फोन करे 👉 9811488488
ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए कॉल या व्हाट्सएप्प करिए::
*Krishan jhala*

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