Nutty Gritties

Nutty Gritties is born out of a legacy of 130 years in the Indian dry fruit industry.

We have an exclusive range of premium dry fruits that are wholesome and packed with nutrients.

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 03/04/2024

Ajwa Dates, also referred to as Holy Dates, are renowned for their soft and fruity flavour. They boast a deep brown, nearly black hue.

In Islamic tradition, Ajwa Dates hold significant importance. According to hadith, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would often break his fast with seven Ajwa Dates. These dates are particularly favoured for Ramadan fasting due to their natural glucose content, which helps sustain energy levels and hydration during long periods of fasting.

Considered sacred and valued for their medicinal properties, Ajwa Dates are rich in nutrients. They serve as an excellent source of healthy fats, protein, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber.

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 01/04/2024

Sweet treats, new beginnings!
Our Omani Dates kick off the first International flight to Doha.

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 29/03/2024

Immerse yourself in the velvety smoothness and richness of our premium Medjool Dates.
before you grab your favourite Medjool Dates!

So the next time you’re getting your Medjool Dates cravings, here’s how to make an informed choice.

Now you can, . Check for - Consistency, Crunch, Colour, and Count.

Swipe Right to know more.

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 26/03/2024

Quality you can - Looking for the classic Kalmi Dates but don’t know which boxes to tick? Look no further!

Each Kalmi Date undergoes 9+ rigorous quality checks, ensuring CONSISTENT excellence in taste and texture. Enjoy the perfect balance of softness and firmness, bursting with a 18% (approx) moisture content, making it juicy and pulpy.

Our Kalmi Dates boast a rich, deep brown to black COLOUR, reflecting their premium quality and freshness. Each one-ounce (28.3 g) serving conveniently contains 2-3 succulent Kalmi Dates, offering the same delightful COUNT in every single pack!

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 22/03/2024

As you break your fast with the sweetness of Dates, may you find not only physical nourishment but also a deep sense of peace and spiritual fulfillment. Let each bite be a moment of reflection, gratitude, and connection to the rich heritage of Ramadan.

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 16/03/2024

From start line to finish line, Your complete guide to marathon fueling.

Swipe to check

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 15/03/2024

This Holi, win a special hamper filled with delicious and healthy snacks, dry fruits from Nutty Gritties, and 100% natural, skin-safe colours from Phool !!

The steps to participate in the contest are simple:

•⁠ ⁠Follow and .co and share this post on your story.
•⁠ ⁠Share your favorite Holi tradition or memory in the comments!
•⁠ ⁠Tag 2 friends who would love to win this Holi hamper and ask them to participate too!

Hurry! ⏰

•⁠ ⁠The giveaway closes on 18th March.
•⁠ ⁠This giveaway is open to Indian residents only.
•⁠ ⁠3 Winners will be announced on our stories on 18th March.

Let’s make it a happy and exciting Holi !!!

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 08/03/2024

Homemaker turned entrepreneur? Simi Bhatia’s story is proof that it’s never too late to chase your dreams. Read her story of overcoming self-doubt and embracing her entrepreneurial spirit at 45.

“Having spent 25 years as a homemaker, the desire to nurture my inner creativity and sense of accomplishment led me to join the Nutty Gritties team at the age of 45, despite lacking any prior business experience.

I had doubts about whether I could handle everything, like balancing my family and work responsibilities. In Spite of challenges and obstacles, I didn’t give up. I realized that the biggest challenges and obstacles were all in the mind, not external.

Looking back on this journey, my determination and love for the brand and the Nutty Gritties team empowered me to unlock my latent potential. I learned that it’s never too late to chase your dreams and passion.

Women can do anything and everything they set their minds to, whether it’s being a daughter, wife, mother, daughter-in-law, or a businesswoman.

So, Crunch your doubts whenever it comes because you’re capable of everything!

Happy Women’s Day”

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 08/03/2024

At the age of 33, Sonal C Holland MW quit her cushy corporate job to pursue a career in wine. After studying for 10 years, she became India’s first Master of Wine in 2016 and remains the only person in the country to hold this prestigious title. With a thriving business that focuses on wine education, consultancy and events, Sonal has been working relentlessly to simplify wine for consumers and make wine education affordable and accessible for wine professionals. She is using her authority and expertise to ensure that India always has a voice at the global wine table.


Ragini Das, Co Founder .club defies stereotypes in leadership, blending toughness with compassion. Her story challenges expectations, proving that women can lead authentically with strength and empathy.

“Embracing my unique leadership journey, I’m here to debunk the myth that women must conform to a specific leadership style. As a tough boss, I navigate challenges head-on, setting high standards and pushing boundaries. Yet, I’m equally committed to going beyond expectations by leading with emotional intelligence.
In the realm of leadership, I’ve crunched the doubt that suggests a woman can’t be assertive and compassionate simultaneously. It’s not about conforming to stereotypes but rewriting the script
In the meeting room, I bring a tough, strategic mindset – unafraid to make bold decisions or ask the tough questions. Outside those walls, my emotional intelligence guides me to be the leader I want to be. Whether it’s rallying the team during tough times or celebrating their big or small victories, my leadership style is a blend that resonates with authenticity.
Here’s to breaking the mold and embracing the power of diversity in leadership. Let’s challenge expectations, redefine the narrative, and show the world that women can lead with strength, empathy, and everything in between.”

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 07/03/2024

Once in the realm of science, Simran’s heart yearned for a more creative canvas. Food, her passion, became her medium, and photography, her brush. Through self-learning, experimentation, and professional courses, Simran transformed her skills, proving that the hunger for growth has no age limit.

“Food, is my art. It’s my sweet medium. I use food as my personal narrative to tell my own story.
I can cook, bake, plate, and make my food look like a painting but capturing all of that is where I lack. Food photography might look easy but it’s not. There’s a lot that goes behind a beautiful picture you see on Instagram or any food blog. Learning how to manipulate light, using a camera, and editing the images, it is whole new ball game.
We eat with our minds and eyes as much as our stomachs. And that’s why I feel food styling and food photography is equally important. It doesn’t matter how good the recipe is till you catch the interest through your pictures. And we only get few seconds to attract your audience’s attention, so I make sure I make it count. That’s when I brought a change, I had never used a professional camera or done any photography before or had any contact with it. I had an early career in food science. I wasn’t even particularly skilled with cameras. I did always feel excited by the work done by other food bloggers.

First, I started reading and understanding about food photography. Then I started playing around with food styling. This made me see that it was something I really wanted to get into. But it wasn’t enough. So I decided to follow a professional photography and invest my time in it. It’s difficult to make the leap to go back to taking classes in 30s but making this decision was important. I truly believe we should always be willing to learn, the moment you will feel you know it all, you stop growing. Never hesitate to learn from others, at any age. There’s an ocean of knowledge that we can still absorb and learn.”

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 07/03/2024

From self-doubt to embracing challenges, Aneesha, founder at conquered imposter syndrome by putting in the work and transforming her approach.

“Going from a solo founder/entrepreneur to joining a large organisation like Nykaa, I felt completely out of depth in many scenarios. Whether it was being faced with problems that required out of the box thinking, or areas in which I didn’t feel knowledgeable enough, I constantly found myself feeling like I was incapable. I had major imposter syndrome, and despite feeling this way daily, I put my head down, put the hours in, pushed through the intimidating moments, and got comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Today, while I still am often faced with those scenarios, the manner in which I deal with them is completely different. I take it in my stride, accept the challenge, and get to work.”


From a personal journey to a passionate purpose, Sumedha found her voice and empowered others through yoga, proving that authenticity trumps the pressure of the “rat race.”

“After my baby when I started my personal weight loss journey with yoga never knowing that it will become my passion & profession one day. I did have that self doubt in the beginning that will I be able to pull this off with all the social media pressure and not losing myself to this race.

Here I am 4 years into this journey which is going exactly how I imagined and exactly how I paced it as I never wanted to be part of the rat race and still make a mark with my true self. And when I see my clients/students telling me exactly the same thing that how original I am as a coach and an influencer makes it all worth it.”


From facing discrimination to becoming a successful entrepreneur, Amrita T. Saraf’s journey is a powerful message: Motherhood is not a barrier to success, it’s the fuel that propels us forward.

“Despite being fired by a company for being pregnant, and refused to be hired by another because I expressed that kids are in my plan, I carved my own path. Today, I am an Entrepreneur, running her own Company, and I get to work with Mothers like me. I am not successful despite of Motherhood, I am successful because of it. I didn’t let the world tell me what I can or cannot do and that has made all the difference.”

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 06/03/2024

Age ain’t nothin’ but a number! Apeksha, Chief Confiturier at , Started her 40s by conquering a challenging trek and her own self-doubt.

“I have always wanted to trek, but somehow life got in the way! Until i was about to turn 40 and realised that if i wanted to do this, i needed to start NOW. So i signed up for my first trek, without realising it’s one of the hardest treks out there. The first day of the trek, I was very doubtful of my ability to do it, but then i told myself to not think about the end and instead focus on just the next step. And by taking one step after another, before i knew it, I had successfully completed one of my first treks and a very hard one at that! It made me realise that we’re capable of much more than we give ourselves credit for and if we just believe, we can!”


Sonia Shenoy, Assistant Executive Editor at CNBC TV18, shows us it’s never too late to start anew. Discover how she overcame her doubt by embracing tennis for both physical and mental wellness.

“I was very hesitant to start learning a sport in my 30s, but despite lacking confidence, I put my best foot forward and began playing tennis a few years ago. Now it is my favorite sport, serving as both movement and medicine for me. More than improving my physical health, it has tremendously helped my mental health. I realized it’s never too late to start something afresh. You just need to put one foot in front of the other.”


Throughout her life, a woman dons many hats - mother, sister, entrepreneur - seamlessly navigating the demands of each.
Here it from Shalvi’s story on how she overcame her Doubt

“My story!

Picture this: I’ve always been a working woman, a go-getter since the ripe old age of 18. I started small, hustling on various gigs until I stumbled upon the job of my dreams. My career soared higher than a kite in a hurricane, and I never imagined I’d find myself at this crossroad. (The Diva with the capital D from the B town- oh! boy, ain’t I an A 😉)

You see, life decided to throw a massive curveball my way just when the world was swirling in the chaos of Covid. People were losing jobs faster than a magician’s disappearing act, and there I was, waving goodbye to my high-paying gig. Crazy, right? Now, I must acknowledge my privilege here. I have a supportive husband and family who cheered me on, and I had a plan B hiding up my sleeve…

(Hey, hey, hey- focus on how ‘alphabets’ are my thing now- no prizes for guesses)… I wanted to chase my entrepreneurial dreams with all the gusto of a squirrel chasing a shiny acorn while being fully present for my little one. No ifs, ands, or buts, being there for my child was non-negotiable.

And speaking of children, let me tell you about the day I discovered I was growing a tiny human inside me. It was like a dazzling firework display in my heart, a mix of exhilaration and sheer panic. I was over the moon, but deep down, I knew life was about to get more colorful than a unicorn’s mane. To become the hands-on parent I’ve always aspired to be, I had to bid farewell to my comfort zone and embrace a whirlwind of changes.

Fast forward to today, and here I am, juggling not one, but two adorable newborns—my own flesh and blood, and a business birthed from my wildest dreams. The past couple of years have been a rollercoaster ride on steroids. I’ve worn more hats than a Mad Hatter’s tea party.

But I won’t change a thing about this beautiful life!”

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 05/03/2024

Doubt ignited her fearless journey. Reeti Sahai bloomed into a community, inspiring a healthier, happier future, one step at a time.

“In the realm of fearless determination, I’ve embarked upon a journey that transcends boundaries. With the inception of , I’ve sculpted a community where the spirit of running intertwines with the fabric of positive influence. Over the past 2.5 years, this endeavor has burgeoned into a cherished brand, resonating with runners nationwide. Across diverse age groups, individuals have committed to embracing the ethos of RunWithReeti, not just to elevate their fitness but to enrich their lifestyle. Together, we stride towards a healthier, more vibrant future, one step at a time :)”

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 04/03/2024

Discover Malvika, COO at LadiesWhoLead, as she vows to focus on personal growth in 2024. Witness how she emphasising discipline, creativity, fitness, and authentic friendships, inspiring women to pursue their own paths.

“As I turn 35 this year, I promise myself to prioritize internal growth over seeking external validation.

I promise to be more intentional about engaging in activities that nurture me and provide a sense of achievement: discipline, creativity, fitness, and authentic friendships. I am taking small baby steps forward, knowing that they will add up to a giant leap.

This is especially for all the women out there: Crunch the doubt and don’t hold back in prioritizing growth, the right kind of growth in 2024.”


Discover Malvika, COO at LadiesWhoLead, as she vows to focus on personal growth in 2024. Witness how she emphasising discipline, creativity, fitness, and authentic friendships, inspiring women to pursue their own paths.

“As I turn 35 this year, I promise myself to prioritize internal growth over seeking external validation.

I promise to be more intentional about engaging in activities that nurture me and provide a sense of achievement: discipline, creativity, fitness, and authentic friendships. I am taking small baby steps forward, knowing that they will add up to a giant leap.

This is especially for all the women out there: Crunch the doubt and don’t hold back in prioritizing growth, the right kind of growth in 2024.”


Protima, an Entrepreneur, challenges societal norms and finds resilience in friendship. Witness how she conquers challenges, steering her own path while uplifting others along the journey.

“At 34, I should have accomplished most, if not all, of my life goals. And as a woman in this country, most of them revolve around marriage and family. Society has tried to put me in many boxes, and thankfully, I never bothered. But that doesn’t mean I don’t feel bogged down by the expectations. The majority of those around me are on their ideal life paths, and on bad days, it gets tough not to compare.

That’s why it helps to surround myself with people who, like me, are carving their own paths and are uncomfortable with being put into boxes just because society would find it easy to understand them. Having girlfriends in my 30s has been the biggest game-changer, and not a week goes by without a life-altering conversation that helps me fight self-doubt. Having the support of my folks helps; they’ve always made me feel like I can go through life at my own pace. There’s no need to rush, and I think that’s a huge privilege that I get to live with.

Recently, it has been a mix of everything. It’s almost as if it’s an existential crisis where I am questioning everything that I do: my goals, my interests, my relationships... and a heart-to-heart with a girlfriend helped put things into perspective. Women, get yourself girlfriends. That’s all that I can say.”

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 02/03/2024

We’ve all been there - facing self-doubt and questioning our abilities. But guess what? We are CRUNCHING those doubts every single day!

This Women’s Day, we’re celebrating YOUR strength and resilience. Share your story of overcoming doubt and inspire others to CRUNCH IT!

We’ll feature your story and let everyone know how powerful women truly are!

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 29/02/2024

I am Nutty Gritties’ Daily Nuts, of course I’m your go - to snack!

Grab and Go at

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 26/02/2024

Get shellebrating! Get nuts! Get Crackin’!

This World Pistachio Day, it’s all about indulging in the rich taste and health benefits of the guilt free snack

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 14/02/2024

Explore the ideal Valentine’s Day date!Swipe to find your perfect date idea!

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 10/02/2024

3 types of Friends you’ll always find in A gang Of BFF’s.👭🏻
Share with your friends who fit the best.


Your smoothie bowl’s begging for a makeover. Let our Date Spread be the answer!

Our Date Spread isn’t just swoon-worthy smooth, it’s packed with crunchy almond bits for a textural delight in every bite. Skip the sugar rush and dive into pure, natural sweetness that’ll leave your tastebuds craving for more!

Grab it now from our website. Limited stocks only!

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 29/01/2024

Are you also ready for the Perfect Match?

Launching Tomorrow

Photos from Nutty Gritties's post 22/01/2024

How does our Sports Mix fuel your hunger?
Swipe and Check it out!

Want your business to be the top-listed Food & Beverage Service in Delhi?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

The Nitty-Gritty of Nutty Gritties

In the summer of 2009, our Founder and CEO, Dinika Bhatia was working on a business plan for Nutty Gritties as part of her graduation project at the University of Southern California. Little did she know, that her business plan would go on to win the best business plan of the year award. Soon after, she co-founded DRB foods in the same year and launched Nutty Gritties under it.

Our forefathers started trading premium dry fruits in 1887 - long back when the barter system was thriving. Today, as the 5th generation of the family, we look up to them for inspiration and carry their legacy forward. We offer lovingly crafted premium dry fruits under three categories – Healthy Basics, Healthy Exotics and Limited Editions.

From sourcing the finest dry fruits from around the world, to sorting, grading and dry roasting them, we do everything in great passion and joy. Our team just loves to delve in what our users have to say and how we can provide them with the best experience in town.

With love and honour by our side, we aspire togrow up to be India’s most loved premium dry fruits brand and continue with the good work.

Videos (show all)

Tired of soggy almonds, broken cashews, rancid walnuts, and closed shell pistachios? We feel you! But fret not, Nutty Gr...
🕓😋 It's 4pm, and the snack cravings are real! Tell us, which snack is your ultimate 4pm favourite in the comments below!...
Crave-worthy all day, every day!🌰💫Indulge in our irresistible range of crunchy delights. Cashews? Almonds? Trail Mixes? ...
Don't believe us? Hear it from our Nutty Squad! 🌟 Check out what our awesome customers have to say about our Sports Mix....
When the clock strikes hunger, indulge in snack-tastic delights!😋 Say goodbye to those boring snacks and say Hello to Nu...
This International Yoga Day we joined forces with Studio Ekko for a yoga extravaganza, followed by a well-deserved dose ...
Current mode: Snacking on NG! 🍿💃 Join the club of unstoppable snackers as we dive into a world of mouthwatering deliciou...
Craving a smokin’ good time?🙌🏻 Our Smoked Cocktail Mixed Nuts are here to jazz up your midnight munchies, fuel your trav...
NG Travels: The Ultimate Snackventure Around the Globe! ✈️🌍🌰From sandy beaches to breathtaking mountains, Nutty Gritties...
Wherever and whenever the huNGry strikes, Nutty Gritties has got your back!🕣🫡Our snacks are here to satisfy your craving...
#amazonprimeday Today is Amazon Prime Day and we're here with a super nutty news! Nutty Gritties launches not one, not t...
#Giveaway #ContestAlert #MojitoDayTag a friend who has a `J’ in his Mojito😈. Here’s all you need to do for winning this ...




C-80, DDA Sheds, Okhla Phase/1

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