Vaastu Treasure

Vaastu Treasure

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Last Stretch of Water Greeneries remain Domb-Diva Hope it remains forever.

Home - Vaastu Treasure 20/09/2022

Life Lesson from a Thief, a Dog and a Child.

If we live with awareness we can learn a lot from people and experience throughout our life.

When a great Sufi mystic, Hassan, was dying, somebody asked, ‘Hassan, who was your Master?’

He said, ‘Now it is too late to ask. Time is short, I am dying.’ But the inquirer asked, ‘You can simply say the name. You are still alive, you are still breathing and talking, you can simply tell me the name.’

He said, ‘It will be difficult because I had thousands of Masters. If I just relate their names it will take months and years. It is too late. But three Masters I will certainly tell you about.

‘One was a thief. Once I got lost in the desert, and when I reached the village it was very late. Half the night was already gone; shops were closed, caravanserais were closed. There was not a single human being on the roads. I searched for somebody to inquire of. I found one man who was trying to make a hole in the wall of a house. I asked him where I could stay, and he said, “I am a thief, and you look like a Sufi mystic to me.”‘ His robe, his aura. ‘And the thief said, “Right now it will be very difficult to find any place to stay, but you can come to my home. You can stay with me — if you can stay with a thief.” ‘

Hassan said, ‘I hesitated a little bit. Then I remembered. If the thief is not afraid of a Sufi, then why should the Sufi be afraid of a thief? In fact, he should be afraid of me. So I said, “Yes, I will come.” And I went, and I stayed with the thief. And the man was so lovely, so beautiful, I stayed for one month! And each night he would say to me, “Now I am going to my work. You rest, you pray, you do your work.” And when he would come back I would ask, “Could you get anything?” He said, “Not tonight. But tomorrow I will try again.” And he was never in a state of hopelessness.

‘For one month continuously he came empty-handed, but he was always happy. And he said, “I will try tomorrow. God willing, tomorrow it is going to happen. And you also pray for me. At least you can say to God, ‘Help this poor man.'”

And then Hassan said, ‘When I was meditating and meditating for years on end, nothing was happening, and many times the moment came when I was so desperate, so hopeless that I thought to stop all this nonsense. There is no God, and all this prayer is just madness, all this meditation is false — and suddenly I would remember the thief who would say every night, “God willing, tomorrow it is going to happen.”

‘So I tried one day more. If the thief was so hopeful, with such hope and trust, I should try at least one day more. And many times it happened, but the thief and the memory of him helped me to wait one day more. And one day, it happened, it DID happen! I bowed down. I was thousands of miles away from the thief and his house, but I bowed down in his direction. He was my first Master.

GOD WILLING, TOMORROW IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. Hope and enthusiasm keeps us excited. Never lose your hope and enthusiasm.

‘And my second Master was a dog. I was thirsty and I was going towards the river, and a dog came. He was also thirsty. He looked into the river, he saw another dog there — his own image — and became afraid. He barked and the other dog barked, too. But his thirst was so much that he would hesitate and go back. He would come again and look into the water and find the dog there. But the thirst was so much that he suddenly jumped into the water, and the image disappeared. He drank the water, he swam in the water — it was a hot summer. And I was watching. I knew that a message had come to me from God. One has to jump in spite of all fears.

‘When I was on the verge of jumping into the unknown, the same fear was there. I would go to the very edge, hesitate, and come back. And I would remember the dog. If the dog could manage, why not I? And then one day I jumped into the unknown. I disappeared and only the unknown was left behind. The dog was my second Master.

JUMP...We may fail but the experience will leave us WISER... That is life.

‘And the third Master was a small child. I entered into a town and a small child was bringing a candle, a lit candle, hiding it in his hands and going to the mosque to put the candle there. Just joking, I asked the boy, “Have you lit the candle yourself?” He said, “Yes, sir.” And I asked, jokingly, “Can you tell me from where the light came? There was a moment when the candle was unlit, then there was a moment when the candle was lit, can you show me the source from which the light came? And you have lit it, so you must have seen the light coming — from where?” And the boy laughed and blew out the candle, and said, “Now you have seen the light going, where has it gone? You tell me!”

And my ego was shattered, and my whole knowledge was shattered. And that moment I felt my own stupidity. Since then I dropped all knowledgeability.’

Many a times we underestimate people and they can surprise us completely.

NEVER UNDERESTIMATE anyone. In life Knowing can come from anywhere. We have to be humble enough to accept our IGNORANCE.

Contemplate on what you read to realize who is our Master.

For more insight on life Visit

Home - Vaastu Treasure . Vaastu treasure Take Action “Vaastushastra is a Science to DISCOVER the HIDDEN TREASURE within us and also within the FOUR WALLS OF OUR HOME.” – S. V. Muralikrishnan What is vaastu? Vaastu means a DWELLING PLACE. Vaastu also means anything which covers the thing which is inside. Everything i...

Home - Vaastu Treasure 10/09/2022

"For every desciplined effort there is a multiple reward."

Only thing is it should be a consistently disciplined effort done over a long period of time.

Every small effort is so insignificant that we cannot see the progress but we are inching towards our goal.

These small small nano efforts every single day become a force to reckon with and wil culminate into a huge reward.

If you totally believe in yourself and your work then lage raho with perseverance till you succeed.

For more insight on life please visit

Home - Vaastu Treasure . Vaastu treasure Take Action “Vaastushastra is a Science to DISCOVER the HIDDEN TREASURE within us and also within the FOUR WALLS OF OUR HOME.” – S. V. Muralikrishnan What is vaastu? Vaastu means a DWELLING PLACE. Vaastu also means anything which covers the thing which is inside. Everything i...


With organs in place inside Vaastupurush we become an INTERIOR DESIGNER of our CLIENTS and can TRANSFORM THEIR LIFE without joining any organized religion.

Their Home becomes their Monastery to Meditate and do yoga for 2 hours...Then Karma Yogi in Action for 8 hours 5 days a week then family life....Then enjoy Romance with Spouse.

Everyone of us can live lije a Rishi Muni

No restriction in food....Eat whatever you want including Non Veg. .

Have S*x and Romance with Spouse to your hearts content. .

Even in Bhagwad Gita it is said not to have illicit s*x.

These Gurus have started propagating celibacy for couple hsving family . Totally going against nature.

Put fear in disciple mind and rule over them and their family.

We all were waiting to complete 10th Board Exam to be FREE.

But now all have joined JR KG with ISKCON..SADHGURU,

We are s losing intelligent work force and Karma Yogis to these organization.

Brahmakumaris are a HEIGHT to stupidity.

They are asking Married Couple to live like Brother Sister and visit their home to make separate Bed like Children Bed. They have more than 10 lakh members who are following it. Making their Bedroom like Children Bedroom.

They say that this way they will be able to meet Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi

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Home - Vaastu Treasure 25/08/2022

Hard Work, Determination , Resilience and Perseverance...Together can achieve the impossible.

Individually they are powerful and since it's only one of the process and qualities within is we are using. Only Determination....Only Resilience, Only Hard Work... can only lead us to some place.

Life sometime provide us with an opportunity to use all the qualities of Hard Work, Planning, Determination, Resilience and Perseverance.

The challenges we have been put in such situation for a period of 6 months or one year or more than 5 years is for us to learn and achieve our immense potential.

But 99% fail to realise this and don't walk the whole path and remain an ALSO RAN...

There is a poem by Harivanshrai Bachhan which Amitabh recollects frequently.

वृक्ष हों भले खड़े,
हों घने हों बड़े,
एक पत्र छाँह भी,
माँग मत, माँग मत, माँग मत,
अग्निपथ अग्निपथ अग्निपथ।

तू न थकेगा कभी, तू न रुकेगा कभी,
तू न मुड़ेगा कभी,
कर शपथ, कर शपथ, कर शपथ,
अग्निपथ अग्निपथ अग्निपथ।

यह महान दृश्य है,
चल रहा मनुष्य है,
अश्रु श्वेत रक्त से,
लथपथ लथपथ लथपथ,
अग्निपथ अग्निपथ अग्निपथ।

As a Human we never should feel helpless and depressed due to external events.

But realise the SPIRIT or SELF within us and go on walking on the Path.

The Path may be fully of Grass, or Stones, Or Pebbles, or Thorns or Fire.

We have to go on walking. Not to prove anything to anyone.

But to satisfy our own SELF to silently leave a foot print of a HUMAN BEING lived well facing all challenges.

For more inspiration Visit

Home - Vaastu Treasure . Vaastu treasure Take Action “Vaastushastra is a Science to DISCOVER the HIDDEN TREASURE within us and also within the FOUR WALLS OF OUR HOME.” – S. V. Muralikrishnan What is vaastu? Vaastu means a DWELLING PLACE. Vaastu also means anything which covers the thing which is inside. Everything i...


If YOU look to ME, I look to YOU
Let the world go topsy turvy
YOU remain where are YOU
Standing or Staying in your own place
Look CALMLY at all the things passing before YOU
Demolish the wall of difference that
YOU from ME and the
ROAD for our MEETING will be


This not about Saibaba inviting us to Shirdi. Saibaba never asked anything while LIVING . Why should HE invite us after LEAVING?. HIS relationship with everyone was UNCONDITIONAL.

If you read these lines again and again and also understand between the lines what it is trying to convey, we can use these lines and implement these lines in our DAY TO DAY DAILY LIFE.

Every Human Being is very powerful, equivalent to Crores of SUN. But very few realise it.

That is why the RELATIONSHIP between 2 HUMAN beings is very complicated and fraught with DOUBT, INSECURITY, DANGER AND PITFALL. In most cases, the frequency of RADIO WAVES or the WIFI between each of us doesn't match.

The longest relationship which can SURVIVE the TEST OF TIME is between MOTHER, FATHER and their CHILDREN. It's UNCONDITIONAL.

Rest of the RELATIONSHIP MAY NOT LAST LONG as we are not BIOLOGICALLY together but LEGALLY together. LEGAL PAPER can be Challenged. Laws of the Land can change.

The RELATIONSHIP will last long.....if the above saying by Saibaba is understood and followed by MARRIED COUPLE, HEAD OF COUNTRIES, COOPERATIVE BANK MEMBERS, SOCIETY MEMBERS and Every HUMAN BEING.

This saying can go a long way in resolving Marriage Relationship issues and where it is HUMAN to HUMAN INTERACTION, HUMAN to any Species Interaction.

We start loving and respecting every CREATION of GOD..



As our Home, So is our life. Make it Wonderful.
Please visit our website for more info.


Every Morning just before SUNRISE the whole Universe and its Flora and Fauna, the Animals, Birds, Fishes and all Species wakes up. They don't have a choice as they all live in the OPEN. Only Human Being has a choice to wake up or sleep throughout the day…..This makes HUMAN vulnerable to all illness and negative thoughts making 95% of Population miserable.

Have you ever seen a Lion or Tiger in the forest falling sick? Is there any Hospital in the Forest for Animals and Birds? No. Because they live with the NATURE and don’t go against the NATURE.

Since only HUMAN has a choice, WE misuse the FREEDOM and start blaming everything except OURSELF.

Wake up before SUNRISE, Invest 45 minutes on your HEALTH ...JUST DO IT...For next 45 days. You will see the difference.

Ask for Help...There is nothing wrong in it.

Even to enjoy your WEALTH you need a good HEALTH.



Life is not about living for 60 Years or 80 Years.
It's one MOMENT at a TIME and one DAY at a time.


How TALL is our IDEAL & the journey to ACHIEVE it makes a lot of differernce in our PERSONALITY

Adi Shankaracharya lived just for 32 Years.

Swami Vivekananda lived for 39 Years.


Their WORDS, QUOTES and SAYINGS still RESONATES in our EAR as if they are STANDING beside us.

"Do not be proud of wealth, people, relations and friends, or youth. All these are snatched by time in the blink of an eye. Giving up this illusory world, know and attain the Supreme."

Adi Shankaracharya

Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.

Swami Vivekananda


It's not how LONG you live that matters. It's how WELL you lived and How many lives you TRANSFORMED in your Long or Short of your life. What difference you made in your surrounding. What FRAGRANCE you left in the surrounding after you passed away.

Living in the MOMENT is like a RIVER FLOWING fresh and alive.

Living in the PAST and FUTURE is like a POND. You may live LONG but you will suffocate your self and also the people around you.

Breath Easy to Live Easy. When we live easy we become EASY to live with.

Sit in JHOOLA for 15 minutes you bring back your childish enthusiasm. You become light. You start laughing for no reason.



No Pressure No Diamonds.
No Efforts No Results.

HUMAN BEING has a CHOICE in everything he does. Most people has to be PUSHED to do it. Woken up from BED. Most HUMAN's first nature is LAZINESS. If given a CHOICE between WORKING and LAZING around HE will choose LAZING around.

Without the PRESSUE of soil surrounding a SEED the SEED cannot blossom into a TREE. The SOIL puts pressure so delicately and continuously that the SEED doesn't even realise that it's under PRESSURE. Such is the LOVE of GOD towards HIS children.

Without immense PRESSURE for crores of years a COAL will not turn into a DIAMOND.

Without the PRESSURE of EMI and several RESPONSIBILTIES, Human Being would not wake up from HIS bed and would not have EVOLVED so much than all other SPECIES put together.

Without CONSISTENT and PERSISTENT EFFORT nothing is going to WORK in our LIFE.

The earlier we REALISE this faster we progress and far BETTER will be our LIFE.

At Birth what we got? A Priceless Body full of TREASURE and MIRACLE within. Two Hands, Two Legs, 2 Beautiful Eyes, 2 Fantastic Ears, 1 Nose, An Excellent Mouth with Delicate Toung within, plenty of Saliva to go with it, 2 Lungs, 2 Kidneys, a Very Strong Liver, Stomack, Large Intestine, Small Intestine, Bladder, Blood Vessels, 275 ml of Blood, Skin to protect, Trillions of Cells in body and brain, A Super Duper Brain and many more organs, cells and an ATMA or SPIRIT or ELECTRIC MACHINE to keep everything alive or working.

Human Body if manufactured in a factory it will cost ₹1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...... Crores..But no Surgeon can PUT life into it.

WE JUST HAVE TO PUT EFFORT and that also 8 Hours a day.

कौन्सि बडी बाथ है!

Don't wait for any MIRACLE to HAPPEN in your LIFE. It happens only in movies and Tele-Serials.

When we make IMMENSE EFFORT, we Discover the TREASURE within us.

To make life WONDERFUL & BEAUTIFUL we need to EXERT OURSELF and make all out EFFORT.

Remember, without PRESSURE there is no


No Pressure No Diamonds.
No Efforts No Results.

HUMAN BEING has a CHOICE in everything he does. Most people has to be PUSHED to do it. Woken up from BED. Most HUMAN's first nature is LAZINESS. If given a CHOICE between WORKING and LAZING around HE will choose LAZING around.

Without the PRESSUE of soil surrounding a SEED the SEED cannot blossom into a TREE. The SOIL puts pressure so delicately and continuously that the SEED doesn't even realise that it's under PRESSURE. Such is the LOVE of GOD towards HIS children.

A lesson for CORPORATES. They should put PRESSURE on employees to work hard but employees should not realise it. This can remove STRESS from our WORK.

Without immense PRESSURE for crores of years a COAL will not turn into a DIAMOND.

Without the PRESSURE of EMI and several RESPONSIBILTIES, Human Being would not wake up from HIS bed and would not have EVOLVED so much than all other SPECIES put together.

Without CONSISTENT and PERSISTENT EFFORT nothing is going to WORK in our LIFE.

The earlier we REALISE this faster we progress and far BETTER will be our LIFE.

At Birth what we got? A Priceless Body full of TREASURE and MIRACLE within. Two Hands, Two Legs, 2 Beautiful Eyes, 2 Fantastic Ears, 1 Nose, An Excellent Mouth with Delicate Toung within, plenty of Saliva to go with it, 2 Lungs, 2 Kidneys, a Very Strong Liver, Stomack, Large Intestine, Small Intestine, Bladder, Blood Vessels, 275 ml of Blood, Skin to protect, Trillions of Cells in body and brain, A Super Duper Brain and many more organs, cells and an ATMA or SPIRIT or ELECTRICITY to keep everything alive or working.

Human Body if manufactured in a factory it will cost ₹1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...... Crores..But no Surgeon can PUT life into it.

WE JUST HAVE TO PUT CONSISTENT EFFORT and that also 8 Hours a day to get the desired RESULTS

कौन्सि बडी बाथ है!

Don't wait for any MIRACLE to HAPPEN in your LIFE. It happens only in movies and Tele-Serials.

When we ma


Whatever you do, Do it with all your MIGHT with LOVE & CARE.

When we are all working so hard in our life to achieve our GOAL..we are so involved in our WORK that we CARRY the same attitude of putting our MIGHT in the WORK to our HOME.

We may achieve the GOAL but most lose their Friendship and Relationship.

A Carpenter spends ONE HOUR DAILY to SHARPEN his working TOOLS .

YOGA, PRANAYAM, MEDITATION and early Morning Walking are for SHARPENING our MIND to embark upon our DAILY GOALS.

When we SHARPEN our MIND first thing in the MORNING we can put all our MIGHT in the work with LOVE and CARE without AGITATION in our MIND leading to WORK-LIFE BALANCE.

Have you all see a POTTER working? I have seen it closely. It's a TOUGH work.. They have to put their MIGHT in their work. If they put only MIGHT in their WORK then the CLAY would break and would not become POT.

A POTTER uses his MIGHT in his work but work delicately with LOVE & CARE lest he breaks the Pot in the process. .

This same ATTITUDE of a POTTER we can bring in all our WORK to achieve EXCELLENCE.

Any WORK should not DRAIN our ENERGY but REJUVENATE us DAY IN and DAY OUT..Then we are on the ROAD TO ACHIEVE EXCELLENCE in all our WORK.


Home - Vaastu Treasure . Vaastu treasure Take Action “Vaastushastra is a Science to DISCOVER the HIDDEN TREASURE within us and also within the FOUR WALLS OF OUR HOME.” – S. V. Muralikrishnan What is vaastu? Vaastu means a DWELLING PLACE. Vaastu also means anything which covers the thing which is inside. Everything i...

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Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 1pm
5pm - 8pm
Tuesday 10am - 1pm
5pm - 8pm
Wednesday 10am - 1pm