
writing down my feelings in the form of poem...
co-author and compiler ��
medical student and dancer


Hope of sunrays 💜✨

Photos from writer_indhumathi_'s post 13/12/2023

Smallest walk from home to clinic
Watching same streets,
Same building,
Same temples,
Same people.
Nothing excites me;
Other than some flowers,
Some plants and little meows.
Capturing everything in my phone.
You never know how I got excited
by the tiniest flower that blossomed
among the long leaves plant on rainy day.
I wonder how tiny it is.
Still i notice and admire it everyday.
Everyone moving fast without noticing it.
I wanna stand little longer and admire it
But i have to go for work.
It is absolute rizz.
It's only shows up in morning
And disappears in midday.
Like it wanna make my heart flutter
and hiding themselves so
I keep on appreciate thier little presence
before they wither.


Dated 1.3.23


What is your favorite song in childhood?


My earlier post was about living in the present...
Eventhough it gives no clue about the next moment it also gives you the best satiety you need now.
It gives us the beautiful moments to experience.

The smell of rain,
The warmth of blanket in early morning cold,
The light of firefly in the darkest night,
The colour of newly blossomed flower,
The smile of child you passing through in the street,
The walk with your friend in the rain,
The talk with your mom,
The caring words from your father,
Beautiful sunrise,
The scent of the newly born baby,
The taste of soft bread...
These moments which is called simplest yet make the bestest moments. We will never gonna remember everything again but for sure it makes that second happier,pleasant, beautiful, lovely...
This is how I learn the way to live the present moment... ☺😇


I always Penning down my feelings either when I feeling left out or demotivated.
This time neither left out nor demotivated.
Still writing...

Past the one I wanna erase
Future that always gives me an anxiety...
But the present...
It's like a bitter tablet that stuck
In the throat...
It's not gonna relieve me from the sick of the past
And never gonna let me breathe
freely in the future path.
Just like people who stick with us in life,
Who hold grudges of past
and gives the unsure promises for the future.
I keep on thinking why this present never give me any surety...
Present is for living...
Then why I am here crying about the past and
Worrying about future.
Always being sad for not be able to loved by someone cause worrying about future with them.
Always getting angry on someone for the thing they have done in the past.
Loving the person who gave you good memory at past sec.
But in present?
Do they hurting you?
Do they really loving you?
You never know the present.
What is going on right now in the mind is magical.
Only if I know to live in the present I would be happier right now.
I wouldn't mind about the hurts you gave.
I wouldn't plan for the future with you.
Eventhough I knew, it's hard for me to accept the reality called nothing is permanent either it is past or future.
What is permanent then?
A black hole called PRESENT.
You never realise the present moment Untill it became past. You wasting your present by thinking about the future.
Unless you learn the way to use the magical black hole called present you never gonna make beautiful past and pleasantful future.
Think in present
Do right now
Love right now
Help right now
Be good right now
Say right now
Laugh right now
Live right now...
Only way to live in present is to not give a damn about anything...


(Coming here after a long time... )
Who knows me better than me?
No one...
Not my mom, not my dad,
Not my best friend, not even my other half...
All you know is the version I wish to show you not the real me.
The same thing applies to every humans in the world.
We are the rudest monsters inside, covers with beautiful wings outside.
Calling yourself angel ??
Damn that is also the character you want to play infront of the people you love.
I am the ugliest devil.
though all my shades are worthless still I hold the value to be on this planet.
I don't born to entertain everyone around me. But to be ME...
I am the ruthless prettiest angel...
I never been a perfect human not in the future too.
But those harmful strings of mine and the harmless venom it spills never have ever been faked.

Photos from writer_indhumathi_'s post 26/10/2022

வாரம் தோரும் வெள்ளி ஆனால் சரி,
சேவலுக்கு முன்னே எழுந்து
அவள் குளித்து வந்தாள்,
கம்பளிக்குள் இழுத்துப் போத்தி
உறக்கத்தில் சற்று எழுந்து பார்க்கும் கதிரவன்.
பனியும் சற்றே பதுங்கி நின்று பார்க்கும்
அவள் காலில் பூசிய மஞ்சளை.
கொஞ்சம் அல்லித்தான் தேகமெல்லாம் பூசுவாள்
மஞ்சள் மாநகரத்தில் வாழும் ஒரு பெருமையாலோ?
மெட்டி விரல்களில் பக்குவமாய் மாட்டப்பட்டு,
கொழுசு கொஞ்சம் சினுங்கிட நடந்து
தமிழ் மரபெல்லாமல் மாற்றாமல்
சாணம் தெளித்து வாசல் கோலமிடுவாள்.
துளசி மாடத்திற்குத் தான் எத்துனை கவனிப்பு
கொஞ்சம் கூட வாட விடமாட்டால்!
அகல் விளக்கொளியில், மஞ்சள் குங்குமம்
அலங்காரத்தில் கொஞ்சம் அழகான கா்வத்தில்
சிரிக்கும் அந்த துளசியும், வீட்டு நிலவையும்
நேர் வகிடு எடுத்து ஈரம் சொட்டும் கூந்தலை
அல்லி முடியாமல், நுனியில் ஒரு முடியிட்டு
அந்தியிலேயே மலர்ந்து மணக்கும் மல்லியில்
இரண்டு பறித்து ஊசி இல்லாமலே
மயிரிலையில் செருகிடுவால்.
வகிட்டின் மத்தியில் அளந்தெடுத்ததுப் போல்
அளவு மாறாத இரத்த நிற குங்குமம்.
நல்ல பச்சை நிற சேலை,
மடிப்பெல்லாம் மணிக்கணக்கில் எடுப்பதில்லை
பெற்ற வயிறு கொஞ்சம் பொதும்பி நிற்கும்
அதை மறைத்து தரை பரசாமல்
கொழுசு தெரிய தூக்கிக் கட்டுவாள்.
முந்தியை இழுத்து கைக்குள்ளே வைத்துக்கொள்வாள்
அதை சற்றென்று இடபுற இடுப்பில் செருக வாட்டமாக.
பவுடரும், மஞ்சளும் அந்த மாநிற முகத்தைக்
கொஞ்சம் மெருகேற்ற,
கண்மையும், நெற்றிப் பொட்டும் ஒளி சேர்க்க
இடதோர உதட்டின் கீழ் இருக்கும் அந்த
மச்சம் ஊர் கண் படாமல் காக்குமாம்!

#தமிழ்கவிதை #கவிதைகள் tamilpoems #தமிழ்


Today is my another day... The night mare I wanna keep skip...
But it's keep on annoying and stick to me like a stain on white cloth.
I wanna keep myself away from it... But it grabbed me in the middle of my Happy journey. Should I take it easy?? Because it never showed me any mercy.
The days I feel strength less, power less...
Getting seizure isn't it easy...
You see me on the state I am jerking and moving like a current.
The after wards of my collapsed state is never easy to carry. May I show less pain... Seems like good. No...i feel hundreds of different type pains in my body. It feels like my whole body blood been sucked out. Even my bone aches. For some time I want to tear my body and get out of my soul from it. So it will be free of pain. I remember nothing... But I wanna cry... You told me every little details that gave me shiver to bone. You never know how does it feels to be broken into pieces at a single seizure. It's never been single entity. It's not alone a jerk and forth. But put me in depression, mood changes, afraid of surrounding, being ashamed, confused, fear of future, feels like left alone, the uncomfortable pain of each and every part, some time incontinence... Is it seems like nearly seizure to you?? Then stop telling me to be healthy cause I never make it. Stop yelling at me i am not a criminal. Stop telling me to don't get embarrass it's a too weird state... Give me a hug and tell me I am there for you. You will get better. That's all I need........

-seizure soul


This or that... Whatever maybe
You never appreciated fully
For what you tried hard.
All you end up getting Applauses
For something you didn't expect...
You put so many efforts but
They take it as trival...
You made it by less work
You got appreciation just because they like that kind of stuff.
Ever wonder why your all hardworks goes unnoticed?
Ever wonder why people not
Understanding your mentality.
It's always like that.
You get discriminated for your all good works just because you don't fit into thier frame.
Little inch you take to reach your goal is all because of your sweats and tears.
But people only wanna see you as their toy.
They wanna see you as a person they made in their mind. Like The same old toy keeps on repeating the words as it has to be told.
I don't want your play toy.
Look me as person of my own choice.
Appreciate my efforts that I am putting on the works I wish to do.
Even if you see all the efforts of people you still skip it??
Even after saw thier personal favorite choice you still not supporting them for what they want to be???
I wonder why world looks so unfair to those who wanna live thier life in their own way...
Consider next time when you skips someone's hair work...

I appreciate you for what you doing...
I appreciate you for all your hardworks no matter it leads to success or failure....
I appreciate you...

Take your own time and appreciate yourself little bit too.

Have a great day... 💜 and good night💜💜💜


It's common to have feelings that last for no longer. Life is full of temporary feelings.
Never stuck with your temporary feelings.
If you wanna make decision based on your temporary feelings you will regret it later.
Just because you feel lonely that doesn't mean you have to find a partner.
Just because you have small misunderstanding with your partner doesn't mean you have to end the relationship.
Just because you lost something that doesn't mean you are worthless.
Just because you won something that doesn't mean you are the achiever of the whole world.
This shall to pass.
Nothing lasts forever.
So wait Untill you pass the temporary stage. Then make your stubborn decision and stick to it😍🥰💜

Have a nice day and good night...
Take care of yourself and love yourself more 😍🥰💜💜💜


Let me talk about myself 😁
I really ran out of energy at some point of time. The only salary for a artist/dancer like me is claps and appreciation. You never know the value of it until you hearing those few seconds of clap sound at the end of your dance performance.
I really addicted to that. It's like taking a sip of your favorite drink after a long time.
That's the only thing we artist needed.
Putting all the energy and efforts to not win the stage. But just to get a pure appreciations.
I put so much energy on my every dance videos. And people do skip when they don't know about dance either or they really don't wanna look into it.
Each comment that I see under my post gives thousand times of energy. That's the only reason why I am/ the dancers keep going on.
Get praised or appreciated for the true efforts is my best boost up.
It's not greedy it's a basic need of every artist to keep on doing something.

I just shared here... If you can relate tell me in comments 😍🥰💜 have a great day and good night💜💜💜💜😍😍😍


I'll tell you all a secret...
If you feel lonely or alone at this moment it's just because your mind need some refreshment...
You may be overdosed or lose something. In order to adopt something new your heart gives you empty feeling. It's just like restarting the system.
Just like electronic items we human too need some reboosting.
No matter how many feelings you stuffed with, you need some empty space. Just a emptiness like a sky without moon.
That emptiness helps you to find yourself.
At the end of the day you are the only person who remains with you.
So don't feel about being ignored.
Never feel you left alone.
Stop expecting from others.
It's okay you are alone.
It's okay to feel lonely.
It's okay to cry and being helpless.
Feel those feelings that will helps you to become stronger.

If you feel lonely or alone then give a big hug to yourself. Now smile cause you have you....

Have a great day and beautiful night. 🥰💜💜💜💜💜💜
With lots of love - me


I am not at top, not in bottom either. I am mid way between two. I want to tell this to my future self...
"Even if you touch the top look back. Look the people who was there for you at your lowest days. Look who motivated you when you think you will not make it possible.
Look who heared your pain, even now your scars disappeared.
Look who stood your side, when everyone else did was mocking.
Look who clapped for you, when everyone else remain silent.
Look who cheered you, when everyone else told you to stop.
Look who accept you for who you, when everyone left you for who you become.
Look them...
They made who you are today.
They helped you to keep going. Never let them go. Keep them within your embrace. "

Now I have some people who cheering me when everyone else looking down on me. Your every comments made my day. Your small words made me stronger. Your little talks is my serotonin boost...
Thank you all who besides me now... I am thankful to you... 😍🥰💜💜💫💫💫


The feeling of angry, happy love, tear, joy, jealousy, Pride, success, loss etc is what makes our life.
Life is all about making a memory.
It's like a painting. That's why it's called art of living.
colour each and every day by making memories.
Why do you want to waste such a priceless colourings??
Pain it the way you want.
Put all your feelings in a correct composition.
Mixed up feelings will bring new colors.
By that You will get a beautiful art.
Enjoy the outcome whether it is extraordinary or ordinary.
The art is still art.
No matter how others see your life, you are the greatest artist of your own life.
In the process of this journey believe yourself and keep move your brush the way you want. Never try to compare or copy someone else's art. Make your own and appreciate it. 😍😍🥰💜💜💫💫💫


There are some days you feel of nothing... Want of nothing... Feels down. Feeling worthless... Everything seems wrong... You feel you are out of the track of happiness. Suffocation of negativity everywhere... But is it worth of being affected with that negativity? Is it worth of dump yourself inside the negative cosmos... No never... It's not worth of you golden time... Take a deep breath and look yourself. You are the prize of God. Your are unstoppable. You are more worth than people's opinion. You are the unique one among all. Look back your journey. Take a notes of all the ups and downs you have gone through. See how long you have travelled. Write down your happy moments, small wins and your bravest decisions. Now you can find how worthy you are. You are more than what you think of yourself. Now appreciate yourself for been such a amazing human. Hug yourself for all the things you have done. Embrace yourself for all the efforts you have taken. No negative opinions, comparisons, bad talk, judgements will tear you down. Take a break and come back stronger. Now it's my time to take break from negativities... And you do the same 😍🥰💜💜💜💫💫💫


It's an another day... It's like a night mare. I thought I got out of it. Too soon I fallen once again.
Once again I waked up and remember nothing but the collapsed self of mine. With heavy head and more ache... Cried and shouted as it expell all my pain. It was terrible to express the feeling. Something aches in my heart more than my physical pain. Even I couldn't get up and walk. It's all like a dream cause I was a dancing butterfly just before , now I am not able to stand still. No strength remaining. I became crumbled and crushed waste paper. But one thing I felt that this never gonna stop myself from dreaming and remain a beautiful soul.... Hoping for my better days...


You call me selfish... Yes I am... Putting myself in the first place is what I did. I valued myself more than anything. If it is called selfish then I am the selfish person.
I used to put others first. I gave importance to others. I ignored my own feelings.
I did what they love. I changed myself so they like me. I confined all my desires within me so they will love me. But nothing gave me the feeling of peace.
What is for? Doing something that makes others happy that's doesn't makes me happy.
Doing something that looks good in others point of view but I got no satiety...
When you look back into your past years you will surely realize that most of the time you were the person that your dad, mom, friends, teachers, family and society wanted you to be. But you never been the person you wants to be.
Have you ever live the moment in the way you want?
Just for you?
Have you ever done the things you really wants to do, without worrying about judgements??
Have you ever put yourself first when it comes to make a decision?
Have you ever choosed the things you wants to have?
If not, Do it now...
Once you get the taste of it you will realize this is what it looks like to live the life...
That's where the real happiness hided...
That's the way living the life in your own way, Without fear of judgements, bad talks, criticism...
It's never been selfish but realisation of oneself...


Being consistently missing something is a kind of pain. Have you ever felt the emptiness?? All of us felt that emptiness atleast once in a lifetime.
The emptiness that you feel when you have everything and everyone around you...
The emptiness that you felt when you have achieved something... The emptiness you felt when you can't describe what is going in your life...
The emptiness you felt when all other keeps on moving but you stucked somewhere...
The emptiness filled you completely...
You have no words, no language to describe it.
It's always a dark hole in our life.
I felt the dark hold often.
Being sick often is not easy.
Coping with chronicity is never been easy.
It's a challenging one...
When I have nothing to worry about still having something bigger to worry about at a same time is a pain.
Told to be a normal one and trying to act like a normal one but not at all in normal situation is a bane.
Over coming it was my one of biggest part of my life.
I achieved it. I came out of that dark hole but still I often felt bad about it. Whatever we attain in our life mentally being strong is the only key for being well.
Those who felt the dark hole, emptiness, who doesn't know what to do next in life, stucked in somewhere, being ill, being sick let me tell you something... Fill the emptiness with self love and came out of the dark hole. you will see a beautiful things outside that is so much colorful. Don't regret later that you might come out of it early...
Keep smile... And keep love yourself.... 😍🥰💜💜💜

Photos from writer_indhumathi_'s post 12/01/2022

Happy me😍😇

Photos from writer_indhumathi_'s post 12/01/2022

I completed my 21 days poem challenge and got my award too. Thank you 😍😇😇


Conquering 😍😇😇


It's nature that we all having some dreams. Dreams about our life, self, job, education etc. All we are ask to dream in a same way. Like joining school and getting state first, join professional courses and getting degree, and working for the rest of a life for ourselves and family, building home, luxurious car etc. And if you achieve all this you are good dreamer. Or else you are bad. Who told you to do this? Anything odd from this is a absolutely false dream. Who made us to believe this? Can't the dream is a simple thing just being happy or making others happy?? Can't it be a complicated or mixed up of so many things together? Like pursuing two professions? Or doing professional job with following passionate thing?? Why can't I? Why can't you? Should we be the same old horse? Why can't be the unicorn or multicorn horse?? Is that having corn gonna affect the speed of running? Never... The speed is all about the energy and the strength of legs...
Follow your own dreams no matter how simple or complex it is. It's still a dream. Our own dream...
We are not robots to do same old things or follow old laws. We are human. Living life is not measured scale, to be perfectly fit for all in the same way. It's a ocean without measurement. Let me live my own dreams as princess of dance, Queen of cure, healing writer and more... Never been late to make new dreams... 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


How beautiful it to be a bird
with flying wings..
So I can see
the beauty of moon in close.
Having chit chat with
the air of cold and moon is
the daily calmness for me.
Why it's so attractive,
it nothing but reflection of a sun.
From past to present
All are singing in the name of moon.
But admiring days never been over.
Who ever feels poetic
Write poetic can not omit
Without mentioning the moon.
Still wondering who seen that beautiful side of moon!!!
Who sang about it first...!!!!!
Just a small thought...

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