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The Mnemonic Dictionary (MD) offers techniques to help you remember important but tedious words by providing vivid mental shortcuts, also known as mnemonics.

Memli is your ultimate learning companion that combines the power of AI with the effectiveness of spaced repetition, flashcard-style learning, and mnemonic strategies! These tools help to improve retention of information. Our team is based in Gurgaon, Haryana, India, and is dedicated to creating engaging e-learning products. Try out MD today and see how it can enhance your learning experience. htt


Word of the Day: πŸŽ‰

πŸ” Describes:
"Cognizant" means being aware or mindful of something, often implying a deep understanding or recognition.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
The company remained cognizant of its environmental impact, implementing sustainable practices throughout its operations.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic for Cognizant (adj):
Think of "cognizant" as "cog" + "nizant," likening it to the gears in a machine being fully aware of their function and purpose.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Being cognizant of one's surroundings and responsibilities is essential for making informed decisions and fostering positive outcomes.

⭐ Let's strive to be cognizant of our actions and their consequences, promoting awareness and mindfulness in our daily lives! 🌟

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Word of the Day: πŸŽ‰

πŸ” Describes:
"Consign" means to hand over or entrust something to someone else's care, often with the expectation of it being sold or dealt with in a particular way.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
She consigned her vintage clothing collection to a local boutique to be sold on consignment.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic for Consigned (v):
Think of "Consign" as "Con" + "Sign" - suggesting that when you consign something, you're signing it away, entrusting it to someone else.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Consigning items is a common practice in retail, allowing individuals to sell goods without having to directly manage the sales process.

⭐ Let's consider consignment as a way to responsibly and efficiently handle goods, fostering beneficial transactions for both parties involved! 🌟

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Word of the Day: πŸŽ‰

πŸ” Describes:
"Bilk" refers to cheating or defrauding someone, often by failing to fulfill a promise or obligation.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
The shady contractor bilked several homeowners out of thousands of dollars by promising renovations that were never completed.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic for Bilk (v):
Imagine "Bilk" as "Bill" + "sk" - representing someone dodging their bill or skipping out on payment.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Bilk often involves deceitful practices aimed at taking advantage of others, highlighting the importance of caution and due diligence.

⭐ Let's be vigilant against bilk schemes, safeguarding ourselves and our communities from deception and fraud! 🌟

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πŸŽ‰ Word of the Day: πŸŽ‰

πŸ” Describes:
"Contrite" refers to feeling or expressing remorse or penitence; affected by guilt.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
After realizing the impact of his actions, he felt contrite and sought forgiveness from those he had wronged.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic for Contrite (adj):
Think of "Contrite" as "CONsequence" + "remorse" + "penITence" - embodying the feeling of remorse and guilt over the consequences of one's actions.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Expressing contrition is an essential step toward reconciliation and personal growth, acknowledging responsibility for one's mistakes.

⭐ Let's embrace contrition as a path to healing and growth, learning from our missteps and striving to do better! 🌟

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πŸŽ‰ Word of the Day: πŸŽ‰

πŸ” Describes:
"Contentious" refers to something causing or likely to cause disagreement or controversy.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
The issue of climate change remains highly contentious, sparking heated debates among scientists and policymakers.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic for Contentious (adj):
Think of "contentious" as "content" + "tious," indicating that the content is likely to cause tension or disagreement.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Contentious topics often stir emotions and prompt differing viewpoints, highlighting the complexity of human perspectives.

⭐ Let's navigate contentious discussions with respect and open-mindedness, embracing diverse opinions to foster understanding and growth! 🌟

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πŸŽ‰ Word of the Day: πŸŽ‰

πŸ” Describes:
"Conundrum" refers to a confusing or difficult problem or question, often with no clear solution.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
The conundrum of choosing between two equally appealing job offers left her feeling torn.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic for Conundrum (n):
Think of "Conundrum" as "Co" + "Numb" - illustrating the initial confusion followed by a numbing sensation when faced with a perplexing problem.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Conundrums often challenge our problem-solving abilities and encourage creative thinking to find solutions.

⭐ Let's tackle each conundrum with patience and creativity, embracing the opportunity to grow through adversity! 🌟

πŸ“± For more interesting facts and learning, check out our app:


πŸŽ‰ Let's dive into today's exhilarating Word of the Day: ! πŸŽ‰

πŸ” Unveil its essence:
"Exhilarating" electrifies with excitement and joy, invigorating and thrilling, often sparking a sense of euphoria.

πŸ“ Example Sentence to ignite your imagination:
The exhilarating rush of wind as she soared through the sky left her feeling alive and free.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic Magic:
Picture "exhilarating" as 'exhale' 😀 + 'lair' πŸ‰
In "exhilarating," breathe out the stress 😀 and step into the dragon's lair πŸ‰, where excitement awaits. πŸ”₯✨

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Exhilarating experiences can elevate our spirits and leave lasting memories, reminding us of the beauty of living fully.

⭐ Let's embrace the thrilling adventures awaiting us, infusing each moment with zest and joy! 🌟

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πŸŽ‰ Let's indulge in today's captivating Word of the Day: πŸŽ‰

πŸ” Unveil its essence:
"Enticing" beckons with allure and charm, tempting and alluring, often with a promise of delight.

πŸ“ Example Sentence to stir your imagination:
The enticing aroma of freshly baked bread wafted from the bakery, drawing in customers from blocks away.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic Magic:
Think of Enticing as Ent (Ant) 🐜 + icing (ice) ❄️
In the word 'enticing,' remove the 'ant' 🐜 and add 'icing' (ice) ❄️, turning ordinary into enticing. πŸ˜‹βœ¨

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Enticing offers or opportunities can be like a siren's song, leading us into adventures both thrilling and unforeseen.

⭐ Let's embrace the enthralling possibilities around us, igniting our journey with excitement and wonder! 🌟

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πŸŽ‰ Word of the Day: πŸŽ‰

πŸ” Describes:
"Serendipity" refers to the occurrence of fortunate discoveries or pleasant surprises by chance.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
Their unexpected encounter at the bookstore was a moment of serendipity, leading to a lifelong friendship.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic for Serendipity (n):
Imagine "Serendipity" as "SIREN" + "dipi" - embodying the allure of a siren and the playful discovery represented by "dipi."

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Serendipity often leads to unexpected joys and opportunities, reminding us of life's delightful unpredictability.

⭐ Let's embrace the serendipitous moments in life, finding joy in each unexpected discovery! 🌟

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πŸŽ‰ Word of the Day: πŸŽ‰

πŸ” Describes:
"Appeasement" refers to the action of pacifying or placating someone, often through concessions or compromises, especially in a political context.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
The government's policy of appeasement towards the protesting groups led to temporary calm, but long-term issues remained unresolved.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic for Appeasement (n):
Think of "A Piece Mint," where offering a mint to someone helps soothe their dissatisfaction and calms the situation.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Appeasement strategies in politics can sometimes be controversial, as they may be seen as sacrificing principles for short-term peace.

⭐ Let's strive for diplomacy and dialogue, seeking solutions that address concerns while maintaining integrity and stability! 🌟

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πŸŽ‰ Word of the Day: πŸŽ‰

πŸ” Describes:
"Ambulate" means to walk or move about, especially for therapeutic reasons or due to a disability.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
After the accident, Sarah had to learn to ambulate with the help of crutches.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic for Ambulate (v):
Think of "Amble-Late," where someone takes a leisurely walk later in the day, enjoying the peaceful ambiance.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Ambulating regularly can improve circulation, strengthen muscles, and promote overall well-being. It's an essential activity for maintaining mobility and independence.

⭐ Let's encourage each other to stay active and ambulate whenever possible, embracing the benefits of movement and exercise! 🌟

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Word of the Day: 😏

πŸ” Meaning:
Supercilious refers to an attitude of haughty disdain, arrogance, or looking down on others as inferior.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
With a supercilious glance, the wealthy socialite dismissed the humble villagers as ignorant peasants.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic for Supercilious:
Think of 'Supercilious' as "Super + Silly + Us." Someone feeling supercilious sees others as silly or beneath them.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Supercilious behavior often stems from a sense of superiority or entitlement, leading individuals to belittle or scorn those they perceive as inferior.

⭐ Cultivate empathy and understanding, rather than succumbing to the temptation of superciliousness. 🌟

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Does superciliousness involve feeling superior to others?

Share your answer in the comment box πŸ‘‡


πŸŽ‰ Word of the Day: πŸŽ‰

πŸ” Describes:
"Atrocity" refers to an extremely cruel or brutal act, often causing great suffering or harm.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
The atrocity committed against innocent civilians shocked the entire nation.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic for Atrocity (n):
Imagine "At-Trick-City" where arriving in a big city only leads to a thief playing a trick on you, stealing your phoneβ€”now, that's an atrocity!

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Atrocities throughout history serve as reminders of humanity's capacity for both good and evil.

⭐ Let's work towards a world free from atrocities, where kindness and compassion prevail! 🌟

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πŸŽ‰ Word of the Day: πŸŽ‰

πŸ” Describes:
"Unperturbed" means not disturbed or affected by something, remaining calm and composed despite external pressures.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
Even amidst the chaos, she remained unperturbed, maintaining her focus on the task at hand.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic for Unperturbed (adj):
Imagine being in a cozy bubble where nothing can perturb you. You're like a serene lake, unruffled by the winds of change.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Being unperturbed can be a superpower in stressful situations, allowing you to navigate challenges with clarity and composure.

⭐ Let's cultivate the ability to stay unperturbed, finding peace amid life's turbulence! 🌟

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Photos from Memli App's post 06/04/2024

Word of the Day: 🎩

πŸ” Meaning:
"Urbane" describes someone, especially a man, who is sophisticated, refined, and elegant in manner.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
The urbane gentleman effortlessly charmed everyone at the party with his wit and grace.

🧠🎩 Mnemonic for Urbane:
Think of 'Urbane' as 'Urban + suave,' embodying the polished sophistication often associated with city life.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Urbane can also refer to a style or manner characterized by refinement and sophistication, often associated with city living and culture.

⭐ Cultivate an urbane demeanor to navigate social situations with ease and elegance! 🌟

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Word of the day : Torpid

Photos from Memli App's post 02/04/2024

Word of the day
"Sectarian" refers to someone who is excessively devoted to a particular religious or political group, often to the extent of intolerance towards others who do not share the same beliefs.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
The sectarian leader preached exclusivity, fostering division and hostility towards those who did not adhere to his particular beliefs.

🧠🌐 Mnemonic for Sectarian:
Think of 'Sectarian' as 'Sectioned + Partisan,' representing someone who is divided from others and biased towards their own group or ideology.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Sectarianism has been a source of conflict throughout history, leading to divisions and animosities within communities and societies.

⭐ Challenge yourself to transcend sectarian mindsets, embracing diversity and fostering harmony through understanding and acceptance! ⭐

πŸ“± For further enlightenment, explore our app:

Photos from Memli App's post 01/04/2024

Word of the day


Word of the Day: 🎯
πŸ” Meaning:
A "scapegoat" refers to a person or group who is unfairly blamed or punished for the mistakes or wrongdoings of others.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
In times of crisis, it's common for leaders to find a scapegoat rather than address the real issues at hand.

🧠🎯 Mnemonic for Scapegoat:
Think of 'Scapegoat' as 'Escaped + goat,' representing someone who is made to bear the burden of blame unfairly.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
The term "scapegoat" has biblical origins, stemming from the practice of placing the sins of the community onto a goat and then driving it into the wilderness.

⭐ Don't let others make you a scapegoat for their mistakes; stand up for yourself and seek justice! ⭐

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Word of the Day: 🍽️
πŸ” Meaning:
"Satiated" describes the feeling of being fully satisfied or contented, especially after eating or indulging in something.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
After the hearty meal, they satiated their hunger and basked in the comforting feeling of contentment.

🧠🍽️ Mnemonic for Satiated:
Think of 'Satiated' as 'Satisfy + elated,' representing the joy that comes from being fully content.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Satiated isn't just about food; it can also refer to fulfilling emotional or intellectual needs.

⭐ Embrace moments of satisfaction and feel truly satiated in life's simple pleasures! 🌟

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Word of the Day: πŸ’ƒ
πŸ” Meaning:
"Sashayed" describes moving with a confident, casual, and stylish manner, often accompanied by swaying hips.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
She sashayed into the room, commanding attention with every step and exuding effortless charm.

πŸ§ πŸ’ƒ Mnemonic for Sashayed:
Think of 'Sashayed' as 'Miss America sash'. Miss America sashayed across the stage, showing off her first-place sash. πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ‘‘

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Sashaying is not just about walking; it's about making a statement with your every move.

⭐ Embrace your inner confidence and sashay through life with grace and style! πŸ’«

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Word of the Day: 🧠
πŸ” Meaning:
Sapient describes someone who is wise or possessing great knowledge and understanding.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
The sapient elder shared profound insights that left a lasting impression on the younger generation.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic for Sapient:
Think of 'Sapient' as 'Sage + Patient,' reflecting the wisdom gained through patience and experience.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Being sapient goes beyond mere intelligence; it encompasses deep understanding and discernment.

⭐ Embrace your sapient nature; wisdom is a valuable asset in navigating life's challenges. 🌿

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Word of the Day: 🌟
πŸ” Meaning:
Sangfroid refers to maintaining composure and coolness under pressure, demonstrating calmness in challenging situations.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
Exhibit sangfroid during job interviews to present yourself confidently and effectively.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic for Sangfroid:
Think of 'Sangfroid' as 'Sang + Frog,' symbolizing inner calmness in the face of adversity.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Sangfroid is a valuable trait in various areas of life, including work, relationships, and decision-making, enabling individuals to navigate challenges with grace and resilience.

⭐ Embrace the sangfroid; it signifies inner strength and the ability to thrive amidst difficulty. 🌈

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Word of the Day: 🌟
πŸ” Meaning:
Salutary refers to something beneficial or promoting health and well-being, often bringing positive effects.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
Experience the salutary effects of daily meditation, enhancing mental clarity and emotional resilience.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic for Salutary:
Visualize 'Salutary' as 'Salute' symbolizing a gesture of wellness and nourishment.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Salutary practices can encompass various aspects of life, including diet, exercise, and self-care, fostering overall well-being and vitality.

⭐ Embrace the salutary; it signifies nourishment and the pursuit of wellness. 🌈

πŸ“± For an enriching learning experience, check out our app:


Word of the Day: 🌟
πŸ” Meaning:
Rotund describes something or someone that is plump or rounded in shape, often reflecting fullness and curvature.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
Witness the charm of a rotund pumpkin, symbolizing abundance and harvest.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic for Rotund:
Visualize 'Rotund' as 'Round + Abundant,' illustrating fullness and richness in form.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Rotundity can be found in various aspects of nature and design, from the roundness of fruits to the curvature of architecture, evoking a sense of completeness and abundance.

⭐ Embrace the rotund; it signifies richness and the beauty of fullness. 🌈

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Word of the Day: 🌟
πŸ” Meaning:
Revamp refers to a significant renewal or overhaul, often observed after a period of stagnation or disuse.

πŸ“ Example Sentence:
The city underwent a revamp in its infrastructure after years of neglect, bringing about a fresh perspective to its urban landscape.

πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Mnemonic for Revamp:
Think of 'Revamp' as 'Re + Vamp,' symbolizing a dynamic transformation or rejuvenation.

πŸ”πŸŒŸ Did You Know?
Revamp can manifest in various areas of life, including technology, design, and personal development, sparking positive change and innovation.

⭐ Embrace the revamp; it signifies opportunity and the potential for reinvention. 🌈

πŸ“± For an enriching learning experience, check out our app:

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Videos (show all)

Word of the Day: #Cognizant πŸŽ‰πŸ” Describes:"Cognizant" means being aware or mindful of something, often implying a deep un...
Word of the Day: #Consign πŸŽ‰πŸ” Describes:"Consign" means to hand over or entrust something to someone else's care, often w...
Word of the Day: #Bilk πŸŽ‰πŸ” Describes:"Bilk" refers to cheating or defrauding someone, often by failing to fulfill a promi...
πŸŽ‰ Word of the Day: #Contrite πŸŽ‰πŸ” Describes:"Contrite" refers to feeling or expressing remorse or penitence; affected by g...
πŸŽ‰ Word of the Day: #Contrite πŸŽ‰πŸ” Describes:"Contrite" refers to feeling or expressing remorse or penitence; affected by g...
πŸŽ‰ Word of the Day: #Contentious πŸŽ‰πŸ” Describes:"Contentious" refers to something causing or likely to cause disagreement o...
πŸŽ‰ Let's dive into today's exhilarating Word of the Day: #Exhilarating! πŸŽ‰πŸ” Unveil its essence:"Exhilarating" electrifies ...
πŸŽ‰ Let's indulge in today's captivating Word of the Day: #Enticing πŸŽ‰πŸ” Unveil its essence:"Enticing" beckons with allure a...
πŸŽ‰ Word of the Day: #Serendipity πŸŽ‰πŸ” Describes:"Serendipity" refers to the occurrence of fortunate discoveries or pleasant...
πŸŽ‰ Word of the Day: #Appeasement πŸŽ‰πŸ” Describes:"Appeasement" refers to the action of pacifying or placating someone, often...
πŸŽ‰ Word of the Day: #Ambulate πŸŽ‰πŸ” Describes:"Ambulate" means to walk or move about, especially for therapeutic reasons or ...
Word of the Day: #Supercilious πŸ˜πŸ” Meaning:Supercilious refers to an attitude of haughty disdain, arrogance, or looking d...




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