Dr M. A. Chaudhary

I am here to change your life. #ZindagiBadalDenge
Let's begin now.. To know more: +91 7838070808. Celebrity holistic wellness coach.


DID YOU KNOW? Overthinking, anxiety, restlessness etc. triggers asthma condition & people suffering with it should control & manage emotions carefully.

ASTHMA PUMP or steroidal medicines are good for immediate relief. Supposed to be taken for LIFELONG & it worsens the condition gradually. But it is important to continue these steroidal medication/drugs for those who are not taking Ayurveda medications/treatments.

Similarly a popular asthma, allergy & breathing problem medication "Montelukast" which is sold by brand name "Singulair" & other generic names is found associated with Neuropsychiatric events i.e mental health, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts etc. This drug is FDA approved & according to FDA official website, FDA requires stronger warning on box related to serious behavior, mood changes with Montelukast.

However common side effects which are previously provided are, dizziness - fatigue - drowsiness - fever - abdominal pain - dyspepsia - gastroenteritis - pancreatitis - cholestasis - diarrhoea - cough - nasal congestion - angioedema - arthralgia - restlessness - palpitation - bleeding tendency - bruising - insomnia - nausea - vomiting - hypersensitivity - hypoaesthesia - irritability - muscle cramps - myalgia etc.

Have you ever found a person getting fully cured from Asthma? Then say "NO" to steroids, lifelong medication & avoid putting health on risk. You can live ASTHMA FREE life. Try to help someone who is suffering from this condition to ged rid of it.
If you are suffering from Asthma, allergy or breathing problem, always seek advice of your doctor before taking any medication & avoid self medication.

Suffering from chronic respiratory conditions like dry or wet cough, asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, throat issues etc.? Choose the right treatment for complete root cause healing.

For appointments & treatment related queries, Call/WhatsApp: +91 7838070808.

📝Register ➡️ 🩺Consult with doctor on video call ➡️ 💊Get treatment ➡️ 🚀Start healing.

Dr M. A. Chaudhary


If you had a chance to
ask me just a question,
what would you ask?


WHEN you visit your doctor, and you are advised to lose weight without any practical ideas & on the name of healthy lifestyle you are suggested to walk more, may be thousands of steps or 1-2 hours long.

AND INTERNET things about more walk. entire internet promoting more walks without knowing one's present health condition, age, gender & season etc. They encourage more walk for weight loss, good digestion, proper blood circulation, sound sleep etc.

Here is the Ayurveda logic, derived from thousands of years old Ayurveda Holy Book "Charak Samhita". It is very simple to undersatnd. Ayurveda recommends, walking upto hundred steps after dinner boosts & ignites digestive fire hence regulates digestion. Thus blood pressure, blood circulation, oxygen supply, optimal heart & kidney function & more functions of body regulate in a proper way.

While walking more than hundred steps after dinner, distributes blood circulation to other parts of the body other than stomach & abdomen. In such a scenario, digestetion gets disturbed & compromised which leads to several health conditions in coming years. By the way after walking more puts extra burden on heart which is also not good in VATA domination region.

After all, bad stomach health is the mother of diseases. 👍

Stay tuned for more useful information. 👍

For appointment & treatment-related queries, Call/WhatsApp: +91 7838070808.

Dr M. A. Chaudhary


Dear all, This could be helpful for you.. 👍


READ THIS. Before taking care of your liver health, understand it's importance. 👇 👇 👇

The liver has more than 500 essential tasks to perform. It also acts as a sorting center with an excellent intelligent system. It determines which nutrients should be processed, what should be stored, what should be eliminated through the stool & what should go back to the blood. Doesn't it sound like a machine with an intelligence system?

Some important tasks of ​the ​liver:

- Bile production: Bile helps the small intestine break down and absorb fats, cholesterol, and some vitamins. Bile consists of bile salts, cholesterol, bilirubin, electrolytes, and water.

- Supporting blood clots: Vitamin K is necessary for the creation of certain coagulants that help clot the blood. Bile is essential for vitamin K absorption and is created in the liver. If the liver does not produce enough bile, ​then the ​clotting factors cannot be produced.

- Fat metabolization: Bile breaks down fats and makes them easier to digest.

- Metabolizing carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are stored in the liver, where they are broken down into glucose and siphoned into the bloodstream to maintain normal glucose levels. They are stored as glycogen and released whenever a quick burst of energy is needed.

- Vitamin and mineral storage: The liver stores vitamins A, D, E, K, and B12. It keeps significant amounts of these vitamins stored. In some cases, several years’ worth of vitamins is held as a backup. The liver stores iron from hemoglobin in the form of ferritin, ready to make new red blood cells. The liver also stores and releases copper.

- Helps metabolize proteins: Bile helps break down proteins for digestion.

- Filters the blood: The liver filters and removes compounds from the body, including hormones, such as estrogen and aldosterone, and compounds from outside the body, including alcohol and other drugs.

- Immunological function: The liver is part of the mononuclear phagocyte system. It contains high numbers of Kupffer cells that are involved in immune activity. These cells destroy any disease-causing agents that might enter the liver through the gut.

- Production of albumin: Albumin is the most common protein in blood serum. It transports fatty acids and steroid hormones to help maintain the correct pressure and prevent the leaking of blood vessels.

- Synthesis of angiotensinogen: This hormone raises blood pressure by narrowing the blood vessels when alerted by production of an enzyme called renin in the kidneys.

- Processes Glucose: The liver removes excess glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream and stores it as glycogen. As needed, it can convert glycogen back into glucose.

And the list goes on....

Suffering from liver diseases or want to prevent transplant, cancer, long term suffering, consumption of misleading & harmful drugs?

Do not neglect or manage further. Treat them from root cause naturally with Dr M. A. Chaudhary's diagnosis & treatment.

No need to visit anywhere physically to avail our services. Get all services at your home within your comfort. It's time to treat your health issues naturally.
Feel better with root cause healing only.

For appointments & treatment related queries, Call/WhatsApp: +91 7838070808.

📝Register ➡️ 🩺Consult with doctor on video call ➡️ 💊Get treatment ➡️ 🚀Start healing.

Dr M. A. Chaudhary


I absolutely love this! ❤


Thyroid gland controls the entire body's functions. So if you have thyroid issues here's how it makes you become totally non-functional.

How does your body get affected by hypothyroidism?

🔶 Brain functions: Loss of memory, depression, fogginess, mood swing etc.
🔶 Muscles: Pain, cramps, weakness etc.
🔶 Metabolism: Fatigue, poor digestion, weight gain etc.
🔶 Skin: Dry or rough skin.
🔶 Cholesterol: Circulating high level of "Bad cholesterol".
🔶 Heart health: Slow heart rate.
🔶 Ovarian hormones: Changes menstruation.
🔶 Body's thermostat: Cold feeling.
🔶 Gut: Constipation.

Hair fall, infertility, poor bones health, liver problems etc. & overall body's functions get affected when thyroid gland is not working properly.

Break the cycle of lifelong daily pill. Stop suffering with related complications. Register & consult Dr Chaudhary directly to get your root cause healing plan.

Treat thyroid naturally with our specialist team in Ayurveda medicines, Ayurveda diet & lifestyle. Complete care for all symptoms such as weakness, hormonal imbalances, joint pain, weight gain, swelling, MC disorder, fatigue, memory loss etc. Contact our doctor's team now.

Get proper Ayurveda diagnosis, health evaluation, root causes detection, treatment plan & detailed discussion with Dr Chaudhary. Reverse thyroid naturally with Dr Chaudhary's healing method.

For appointments & treatment related queries, Call/WhatsApp: +91 7838070808

📝Register ➡️ 🩺Consult with doctor on video call ➡️ 💊Get treatment worldwide ➡️ 🚀Start healing.

Dr M. A. Chaudhary


AVOID knee replacement due to loss of knee grease or cartilage. Here is an excellent & effective remedy which looks very simple but it works great & shows results in just 2-3 days. Regular intake with preventive food & proper lifestyle surely improves lubrication of joints & relieves pain as well.

JOURNEY to knee replacement or surgery by taking pain killers continuously, taking foods that are not good for joint health, following improper lifestyle which disturbs entire health including joint health etc. can be prevented from knee replacement or surgery by taking care at early stage along with proper treatment. Here is an excellent remedy which is very helpful in joint pain, arthritis, swelling, sciatica etc. It minimizes the severity.

You may try out this remedy for relief: Boil one teaspoon fenugreek seeds & 20 gms. jaggery in a cup of water. Drinking this 1-2 times a day helps to relieve related pain

As per the age of illness & severity, taking proper Ayurveda treatment along with Ayurveda food & lifestyle management surely helps to avoid surgery or knee replacement. Additionally adding a teaspoon of pure cow's ghee in your diet also helps to maintain & nourish the bones lubricants, flexibility & cartilage.

Wish to support your health? Start with specialized premium Ayurveda today.

No more
No more
No more

Suffering from arthritis, gout, sciatica, spondylitis, disc related issues, back pain, frozen shoulder, knee gap etc. Get permanent healing from painful conditions.

For appointments & treatment related queries, Call/WhatsApp: +91 7838070808.

📝Register ➡️ 🩺Consult with doctor on video call ➡️ 💊Get treatment worldwide ➡️ 🚀Start healing.

Dr M. A. Chaudhary


SIMPLE EXAMPLE of our treatment & dietary advice. Only changing the taking method can differ benefits, dosha effects and so on..

A healthy food could be harmful or beneficial, depends on your body composition & taking methods.

Dr M. A. Chaudhary



A. Two things to check as often as you can:
(1) Your blood pressure
(2) Your blood sugar.

B. Six things to reduce to the minimum on your foods:
(1) Salt
(2) Sugar
(3) Preserved meat and foods
(4) Red meat, especially roasted
(5) Dairy products
(6) Starchy foods.

C. Four things to increase in your foods:
(1) Greens/vegetables
(2) Beans
(3) Fruits
(4) Nuts

D. Three things you need to forget:
(1) Your age
(2) Your past
(3) Your grievances

E. Four things you must have, no matter how weak or how strong you are:
(1) Friends who truly love you
(2) Caring family
(3) Positive thoughts
(4) A cool home.

F. Four things you need to do to stay healthy:
(1) Fasting
(2) Smiling/Laughing
(3) Yoga/Exercise
(4) Reduce your weight.

G. Six things you don't have to do:
(1) Don't wait till you are hungry to eat
(2) Don't wait till you are thirsty to drink
(3) Don't wait till you are sleepy to sleep
(4) Don't wait till you feel tired to rest
(5) Don't wait till you get sick to go for medical care or treatment otherwise you will only regret later in life
(6) Don’t wait till you have a problem before you pray to your God.

H. Herbs Ayurveda supplements you should take to stay healthy:
(1) Amla (Indian gooseberry)
(2) Giloy, Tulsi & Neem
(3) Chyawanprash
(4) Herbal tea

I. Forbidden habits which may be risky:
(1) Living with diseases without medical care
(2) Ignoring health issues & thinking i'll take care later
(3) Taking misleading medical care
(4) Opting self medication or relying on non medical person's advice.


Keep Following: Dr M. A. Chaudhary


RAPID HEART BEATS or palpitation is called Tachycardia when heartbeats are around 100 beats per minute. Irregular palpitation or heart rhythms (Arrhythmias) leads to tachycardia. Tachycardia may not cause complications always but if left untreated & some of it's type lead to serious health conditions like heart failure, stroke or sudden cardiac arrest. Some people with tachycardia have higher risk of developing blood clot that could cause a stroke or, heart attack.


- Atrial fibrillation (A-fib) = Most common type of tachycardia with irregular electric signals in upper chamber of heart causes disorganized rapid heartbeat. Untreated condition gradually increase the episodes.

- Atrial flutter = It is similar to A-fib but this type has more organized heartbeats than A-fib.

- Ventricular tachycardia = It starts in lower heart chamber. Rapid palpitation doesn't allow heart pump blood efficiently to the body. Usually it lasts for couple of seconds but if extended for few more seconds can be life threatening.

- Supraventricular tachycardia = It causes episodes of pounding heartbeat which start above the ventricles. Palpitations are abrupt in this type of tachycardia.

- Ventricular fibrillation = Very troublesome, rapid & chaotic electric signals which disturbs heart functions & coordination. If rhythm of heart doesn't restore within minutes it can lead to serious problem & death.

As per Ayurveda & Unani medicine, above conditions are caused by long term gastritis, acidity, dryness of heart, coldness of heart, heat in heart, imbalance of Vata & Pitta. And.. this topic has broad term & probably I'll explain in my future posts.


- Rapid & pounding heartbeats.
- Sensation of racing.
- Chest pain & fainting.
- Light headedness.
- Rapid pulse rate.
- Shortness of breath.
- Dizziness & weakness.
- Feeling discomfort.
- High or low blood pressure.

And.. some people with tachycardia condition have no symptoms. Hence only a right decision, early care, initial stage treatment can ensure a risk free life.

For appointments & treatment related queries, Call/WhatsApp: +91 7838070808.

Dr M. A. Chaudhary



This remedy actually works for both high and low BP 👍

Dr M. A. Chaudhary


I'm at a restaurant eating and there's a dad sitting with his two girls. I overhear their conversation. The girls are asking about everything and anything. I'm fascinated by their curiosity.

One of the girls looks at me and asks, "Daddy, why is she wearing that?"

Her dad responded with something that made my heart so warm. He said, "There are different religions and cultures and languages. We have to learn about them."

He then proceeded to share a personal experience of when he lived abroad and learned to speak Spanish.

This reminded me of a Harvard research that I was reading about. "Children exposed to racism tend to accept and embrace it as young as age 3, and in just a matter of days."

Moral of the story: This is how you teach love, acceptance, understanding and respect. It starts from an early age. Kids listen and imitate their parents' views and behaviors. You are their role model.

See less

Credit: Noor Wazwaz


PSORIASIS has no cure! This is a fact of modern medicine & people are happily living with this condition for lifelong because they are told that it has no cure. BUT they have steroidal creams, ointments, tablets for false relief without any results.

People who are suffering from psoriasis, depend on short term beneficial chemical medicines, anti allergic or other lifelong treatments.

Yes! psoriasis is a chronic dermatosis disorder. Generally it can be seen in age group 15-30 years. Wrong lifestyle, incompatible foods, weak immunity, stress etc. are the common cause for this disorder.

Psoriasis effected people should take light foods & avoid sour foods, dairy products, too oily & too dried foods, salty & spicy foods, cold drinks, fish, alcohol, smoking etc.

Try these simple remedies for this disorder to get relief.

1. Consuming cabbage soup 1-2 times a day helps to relieve this condition.
2. Applying warm cabbage leaf on affected areas & wrapping with cotton cloth may also help.
3. Boil 1 teaspoon sandal wood powder in 500 ml. water till remains 200 ml. Add few drops of rose water & drink it 2-3 times a day.

Suffering from chronic skin disorders conditions like psoriasis, eczema, scabies, hives, urticaria, lupus, vitiligo/leucoderma issues etc.? Choose the right treatment for complete root cause healing.

For appointments & treatment related queries, Call/WhatsApp: +91 7838070808.

📝Register ➡️ 🩺Consult with doctor on video call ➡️ 💊Get treatment ➡️ 🚀Start healing.

Dr M. A. Chaudhary



Mrs. Barbara Thomas (Name changed) from Brisbane, Australia started my treatment for poor & imbalanced thyroid disorder just few months back. And.. amazingly she is feeling great in all terms.

Now she is enjoying a healthy and tension free life with sleep improvements, good digestion, low stress, less anxiety, maximum energy level, regulated palpitation, blood reports are optimal & the list goes on...

WONDERFUL health transformation. You too can change & transform your health. It's time to go ahead...

For appointments & treatment related queries, Call/WhatsApp: +91 7838070808.

Dr. M. A. Chaudhary


True... 👌


Using certain medicines & treatments to prevent & eradicate to many diseases is very good & wise decision. But sometimes many folk tips & tricks do wonders in many conditions.

Here is the simple folk trick to prevent paralysis & strengthen teeth as well.

For following this tip you need not spend money or time or do much efforts. But simply you can add a simple habit in your daily routine.
Whenever you are using washroom for urination or defecation, just lock your jaws tightly so that upper & lower teeth press each other properly. This is all you need to do during the urination & defecation time.

Try this 🙂 there are no side effects after following this tip.

Dr. M. A. Chaudhary


ADD a red onion in your daily diet.. 👍

Dr M. A. Chaudhary


Checkout Now. How many you found?

1) I feel my facial skin looks so thin.
2) I have weakness specially in thighs & arms muscles
3) have a lot of trouble getting to sleep easily or staying asleep
4) I am feeling fatigued & exhausted almost every time.
5) I often require more than 8 hours of sleep at night.
6) I feel better if I sleep in afternoon.
7) I feel unfit to exercise, it leaves me so damn tired 🙁
8 ) I have less stamina or energy than other people.
9) I have rough, dry, breaking, brittle, falling hair.
10) My skin is so dull, rough, dry, scaly & thin.
11) I have thin, light eyebrows especially the outer edges.
12) I frequently have constipation or indigestion.
13) My body temperature is less. I am always colder than others around me.
14) I have acne & pimples problem.
15) I have pains, aches in joints, hands and feet
16) Often experiencing numbness or tingling in my hands & fingers.
17) Facing irregular menstruation & heavy cramps.
18) I am not able to conceive & faced one or more miscarriages.
19) I am always facing depression, stress, sadness, anxiety, restless etc.
20) Sometimes I have puffiness in eyes & swollen face.
21) My mood changes like an actor.
22) I have less concentration & weak memory.
23) I have less interest in daily routine & sexual life.
24) Getting quick infection which lasts longer.
25) Hoarseness of voice increasing gradually.
26) Tinnitus problems & eyes are sensitive to light.
27) Constantly gaining weight even after less eating & taking medication.

Do you experience more than 5 complications? You need to rethink about your thyroid health & optimized it for heathier, happier & longer life!

It's time to switch your medication pattern.

Not just with any ordinary Ayurveda product but a well planned treatment method by Dr M. A. Chaudhary which is what your body needs. Start & see the improvements & unique Ayurveda healing technique that renews your body, calms your mind, balances your inner mechanism, gives you sound sleep, lower your stress & spreads harmony in your life!

📝Register ➡️ 🩺Consult with doctor on video call ➡️ 💊Get treatment ➡️ 🚀Start healing.

ENJOY disease & drugs FREE life!

Give a start, TAP WhatsApp button below 👇

📝Register ➡️ 🩺Consult with doctor on video call ➡️ 🚀Start healing.

TAP WhatsApp button below 👇

Dr M. A. Chaudhary


YES!!! Please support & care...


No more sleeping pills. No more brain weakening pills. No more weight gain due to synthetic medication. No more suffering alone.

Suffering from Anxiety, Depression, Negative thinking, Over thinking, OCD, ADHD, Autism, Sadness, Bad memories, Phobias, Hallucination, Alzheimer's, Panic attacks, Bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia, Trauma, Stress/Tension, Mania, Personality disorder, Sleeping disorder etc.

It's time to treat mental health conditions naturally. Feel better & root cause healing only.

For appointments & treatment related queries, Call/WhatsApp: +91 7838070808.

📝Register ➡️ 🩺Consult with doctor on video call ➡️ 💊Get treatment ➡️ 🚀Start healing.

Dr. M. A. Chaudhary


HYPOTHYROIDISM is an invisible enemy of a family because when it exists it imbalances relationships in a huge aspect. A family member or life partner needs to understand the complications with a thyroid patient & accordingly co-operate with him/her.

Here is how it affects your relationship:

IRRITATION & ANGER: Getting angry or irritated frequently on silly matters causes unnecessary discussion which freezes emotions.

POOR BRAIN FUNCTION: Missing to-do work or things on daily basis impacts home & office life because of weak memory & poor brain functionalities. Sometimes it becomes subject to arguments.

FATIGUE & LETHARGY: Every thyroid patient experiences this issue even after taking a daily pill. This issue also impacts family, personal & working life.

MOOD SWINGS: Imbalanced hormones affect cortisol & serotonin hormones badly & a survivor falls into sadness, depression, unhappy mood without any reason. This causes social negligence & impaired relationships.

SEXUAL LIFE: Thyroid hormones govern almost all activities & other hormones. Thyroid patient gets impaired estrogen, testosterone & progesterone level which affects sexual life, daily routine & fertility as well.

Apart from above issues which directly affects relationship where another family member or life partner considers it as arrogance but he/she doesn't try to understand the complications of thyroid patient who silently suffer from many issues i.e sleeping disorder, body ache, muscle cramps, constipation, low appetite, frequent indigestion, impaired lipid health, weight gain, sensitivity, depression, anxiety, body swelling, skin issues, irregular MC etc. These all impacts his/her social life, personal life, working life.

Please understand them, co-operate with them, they need your help, they need your warm emotion, they need your care!

Feel like never before. Get root cause permanent healing treatment & appointment with Dr Chaudhary. Start now & reverse thyroid disorder.

Suffering from thyroid disorder?
Tired of lifelong medications & therapies?
Not willing to take sedative medications?
Want to avoid side effects?
Thinking about leading a normal life?

We have the solution. We can understand your sufferings exactly the way you are feeling. Go ahead for root cause & harmless healing.

REGISTER for an appointment today. CONSULT online or in person with Dr M. A. Chaudhary at our consultation center in Gurugram (India).

For appointments & treatment related, Call/WhatsApp: +91 7838070808.

📝Register ➡️ 🩺Consult with doctor on video call or, in person ➡️ 💊Get treatment ➡️ 🚀Start healing.

Dr. M. A. Chaudhary


CONSULT with our experienced doctors or with directly Dr M. A. Chaudhary. Consult from anywhere within the comfort of your home virtually via online video consultation & experience our advance tech based holistic hospital.

GIVE the best gift to your health. Reverse your health conditions, know the deepest health insights, learn the right compatible medical dietary & lifestyle, get root cause healing with overall health optimization.

ROOT cause healing treatment available for:

- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Arthritis
- Sciatica
- Psoriasis
- Urticaria
- Piles
- Migraine
- Depression
- Anxiety/OCD
- Vitiligo/leucoderma
- Thyroid disorders
- Cancer care
- Kidney Stones
- Gallstones/Kidney stones
- Liver Disorders
- Gas/Acidity
- Cholesterol
- ADHD/Autism
- Allergies
- Fibroid
- Leucorrhoea
- Hairloss & alopecia
- Blood Pressure
- Sinusitis
- Spondylitis
- Heart Diseases

And more...

🔷Struggling with a health condition for too long?
🔷Tried different medications/drugs?
🔷Suggested for surgery?
🔷Convinced for lifelong medications?
🔷Whispered, this is chronic issue & there is no cure?
🔷And your doctor doesn't consider your feelings & complications?

It's time to switch your medication pattern.

Not just with any ordinary Ayurveda product but a well planned treatment method by Dr M. A. Chaudhary which is what your body actually needs. Start & see the improvements & unique Ayurveda healing technique that renews your body, calms your mind, balances your inner mechanism, gives you sound sleep, degrades your stress & spreads harmony in your life!

We are committed to deliver our best to change your health & life.

For appointments & treatment related, Call/WhatsApp: +91 7838070808.

📝Register ➡️ 🩺Consult with doctor on video call or, in person ➡️ 💊Get treatment ➡️ 🚀Start healing.

Dr M. A. Chaudhary


Add in your diet. 🧄👍

Dr M. A. Chaudhary



The upper part of curd/yogurt is the liquid portion which is called "Mastu" in Ayurveda. It has many health benefits. As per Ayurveda, it balances Kapha & Vata dosha. It is cold in potency, taste is sour & astringent & post digestion effect is sweet. It is good for liver cleansing, prevents liver issues, promotes deep detox, helps to improve digestion, eases constipation, pacifies thirst, cleanses body channels, reduces fatigue etc.

Note: Prepare curd at home to get an adequate amount of water. At the time of processing to prepare curd, add extra water in milk.

Feel like never before. Get root cause permanent healing treatment & appointment with Dr Chaudhary. Start now & reverse your health disorder.

Suffering from a health disorder?
Tired of lifelong medications & therapies?
Not willing to take sedative medications?
Want to avoid side effects?
Thinking about leading a normal life?

We have the solution. We can understand your sufferings exactly the way you are feeling. Go ahead for root cause & harmless healing.

REGISTER for an appointment today. CONSULT online or in person with Dr M. A. Chaudhary at our consultation center in Gurugram (India).

For appointments & treatment related, Call/WhatsApp: +91 7838070808.

📝Register ➡️ 🩺Consult with doctor on video call or, in person ➡️ 💊Get treatment ➡️ 🚀Start healing.

Dr. M. A. Chaudhary


EAR ACHE at midnight? Specially kids & even adults may experience this condition at any time. Sometimes we have non availability of medicines, first aid & doctors. What can you do when facing this condition?

Here is a simple way to treat this condition with easily available ingredient at home.

REMEDY: Putting 2-3 drops of fresh aloe vera juice in opposite ear of ear ache relives ear ache instantly. Try out this remedy in emergency & do not forget to forward to others. Also consult a doctor to get proper diagnosis & treatment.

Dr. M. A. Chaudhary

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Dr Nidhi' s comprehensive women care Dr Nidhi' s comprehensive women care
Gurugram, 122018

Complete women care. Consult for any pregnancy related or gynecological issues, as well as gynecological cosmetic concerns.