Detective Praveen Vijay

Contact us today to begin your journey towards resolution.

Welcome to Detective Praveen Vijay - your trusted source for uncovering the truth! 🕵️‍♂️ With years of experience in the field, we specialize in solving mysteries and uncovering secrets.


"Unveiling the unseen: Dive into the world of a private detective's relentless pursuit for truth. 🕵️‍♂️



"Remembering the fearless spirit of Bhagat Singh on his Martyrs' Day. His courage, determination, and sacrifice continue to inspire generations towards freedom, justice, and equality. Let's honor his legacy by striving for a better, more just society.


🔍 Unlocking Mysteries with Fingerprint Identification

At Detective Praveen Vijay , we harness the power of cutting-edge forensic techniques to solve even the most perplexing cases. One such indispensable tool in our investigative arsenal is fingerprint identification, a method that has revolutionized modern crime-solving.

Understanding Fingerprint Identification:
Fingerprint identification, also known as dactyloscopy, relies on the unique patterns found on an individual's fingertips. These patterns, including loops, arches, and whorls, are formed during fetal development and remain unchanged throughout a person's life. This inherent uniqueness makes fingerprints an invaluable means of identifying individuals with unparalleled accuracy.

The Science Behind It:
Our expert forensic analysts utilize state-of-the-art technology to capture and analyze fingerprints. Through techniques such as dusting, chemical processing, or digital scanning, we extract clear and precise images of fingerprints left at crime scenes. These images are then compared against an extensive database to identify potential matches, enabling us to link suspects to criminal activities with certainty.

Advantages of Fingerprint Identification:
- Accuracy: The chances of two individuals having identical fingerprints are virtually nonexistent, making it an incredibly reliable method of identification.
- Legal Admissibility: Fingerprint evidence is widely accepted in courts worldwide, bolstering the credibility of our investigative findings.
- Efficiency: With advancements in technology, the process of fingerprint identification has become faster and more efficient, allowing us to expedite case resolutions.

Cases Solved Through Fingerprint Analysis:
Over the years, [Your Detective Agency's Name] has successfully cracked numerous cases using fingerprint identification. From burglaries and homicides to fraud and espionage, no crime is too complex for our skilled team of forensic experts.

Join Us in Fighting Crime:
By leveraging the power of fingerprint identification, we are committed to bringing justice to victims and holding perpetrators accountable. Join us in our mission to safeguard our communities and uncover the truth behind every mystery.

📞 Contact detective Praveen Vijay today to learn more about our comprehensive investigative services and how we can assist you in your time of need.


🔍📚 Exciting News from Detective Praveen Vijay's Agency! 📚🔍

Dear followers,

I'm thrilled to share a sneak peek into my upcoming novel, "Detective Praveen Vijay." Inspired by true events, this gripping tale will take you on a thrilling journey through the world of investigation and intrigue.

Join me as we unravel mysteries, piece together clues, and dive deep into the heart of the unknown. Get ready to embark on an adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.

Stay tuned for more updates, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, and exclusive content coming your way soon. The truth is out there, and Detective Praveen Vijay is on the case!



May you have the most exceptional and unforgettable Dipavali ever! ...
Jai shree Ram 🚩🚩🚩


Product Features

Secretly listen to conversations with this Audio Bug Spy Gadget. Simple and easy to use, this new model is one of our most popular yet and comes with Long Range 1500M Wireless for high quality audio spying from far away!
Pick up all voices within a range of up to 1500 meters
This Audio Bug Spy Gadget comes in 2 parts: an audio transmitter and receiver. The small wireless transmitter is a super discreet unit with a built-in microphone and flexible antenna, enabling it to be easily hidden anywhere in the field such as inside the bed, under tables, chairs, desks, etc. After you've found a safe spot, the transmitter allows you to pick up all voices and sounds (from whisper to shout) hundreds of meters away (up to 1500M in an open field).

This Product is a private investigator tool not for sale for ordinary people.

Primary Function: Wireless Voice Transmitter
Transmission Range: Up to 1500 meter open field wireless transmissions
Interface: Mini USB 3.5mm earphone
Transmitting/Receiving Frequency: 106-107Mhz
Transmitter Battery: built-in 220mA rechargeable battery
Transmitter Battery Life: 4 hours of constant use
Receiver Battery: built-in 600mA rechargeable battery
Receiver Battery Life: 6 hours of constant use
Transmitter Controls/Ports
- Mini USB Power IN (for recharging)
- On/Off
Receiver Controls/Ports
- 3.5mm Audio Out
- Mini USB
- Speaker
- Transmitter 58mm x 34mm x 19mm (L x W x D)
- Receiver 105mm x 54mm x 19mm (L x W x D)
At a Glance...
Complete Audio Bug Spy Gadget with real-time audio
The transmitter is small enough to hide almost anywhere
Professional grade audio bug with up to 1500 meter (in an open field) wireless transmission!
Clear audio reception without any distortion or noise

1x Receiver
1x Transmitter
1x 3.5mm Earphone
1x EU Power Adapter
1x User Manual- English

Spy Long Range Listening DeviceSpy Long Range Listening DeviceSpy Long Range Listening Device


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Introducing The real James bond of India
Ajit Dhoval NSA

भारत के 'जेम्स बॉन्ड' माने जाने वाले राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा सलाहकार (NSA) अजीत डोभाल को डॉक्टरेट ऑफ लिटरेचर की मानद उपाधि से सम्मानित किया गया है। डोभाल गुरुवार को पंतनगर विश्वविद्यालय के 34वें दीक्षांत समारोह में पहुंचे थे। इस दौरान राज्यपाल गुरमीत सिंह ने उन्हें ये मानद उपाधि प्रदान की। डोभाल को इंटेलिजेंस का सबसे माहिर खिलाड़ी माना जाता है। उनका जीवन किसी एडवेंचर फिल्म की कहानी जैसा है। जोभाल 7 साल तक पाकिस्तान में जासूस रहे। उन्होंने अपने जीवन में कई चुनौतियों का सामना किया है। आज उनका नाम सुनकर दुश्मन कांप जाते हैं। भारत के इसी जेम्स बॉन्ड की कहानी आज हम आपको बता रहे हैं।

चार साल रहे पुलिस अधिकारी
एनएसए अजीत डोभाल मूलत: उत्तराखंड के रहने वाले हैं। उनका जन्म उत्तराखंड के पौड़ी गढ़वाल में 20 जनवरी 1945 को हुआ था। डोभाल के पिता भी भारतीय सेना में अधिकारी थे। उनकी पढ़ाई लिखाई आर्मी स्कूल में हुई। उन्होंने आगरा यूनिवर्सिटी से पोस्ट ग्रेजुएशन की पढ़ाई की। इसके बाद 1968 में केरल कैडर से वो IPS बन गए। चार साल पुलिस अधिकारी के रूप में सेवा देने के बाद 1972 में उन्होंने इंटेलिजेंस ब्यूरो (IB) ज्वॉइन कर लिया। IB में उन्होंने कई सीक्रेट ऑपरेशन को अंजाम दिया। 2005 में वो IB डायरेक्टर के पद से रिटायर हुए। आज भी वो एनएसए के रूप में देश की सुरक्षा के लिए ढाल बने खड़े रहते हैं।

कीर्ति चक्र और गैलेंट्री अवॉर्ड से हो चुके हैं सम्मानित
अजीत डोभाल को देश के कई बड़े सम्मान से नवाजा जा चुके है। वो देश के इकलौते ऐसे नौकरशाह हैं, जिन्हें कीर्ति चक्र और शांतिकाल में मिलने वाले गैलेंट्री अवॉर्ड मिला है। डोभाल को जासूसी और राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा का करीब 40 साल का अनुभव है। उन्हें 31 मई 2014 को भारत का राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा सलाहकार बनाया गया। एनएसए बनने के बाद उनके नेतृत्व में भारत ने पाकिस्तान पर सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक जैसे बड़े मिशन को अंजाम दिया। बताया जाता है कि पिछले साल जब आतंकी संगठन पीएफआई पर रातों-रात बैन लगाया गया तो इसकी पूरी योजना भी डोभाल के नेतृत्व में की गई।

सात साल तक पाकिस्तान में रहे जासूस
डोभाल के एनएसए बनने के बाद की कहानी तो ज्यादातर लोग जानते हैं। लेकिन उनके जीवन का सबसे बड़ा जासूसी का किस्सा पाकिस्तान से जुड़ा हुआ है। डोभाल 1972 में जासूस बनकर पाकिस्तान गए थे। उन्होंने वहां सात साल गुजारे और कई सीक्रेट जानकारियां हासिल की। वो पाकिस्तान में मुस्लिम बनकर रहे और उर्दू भाषा में महारथ हासिल की। उन्हें पाकिस्तान के कई खुफिया राज पता है, इसलिए आज भी पाकिस्तान उनके नाम से घबराता है।

ऑपरेशन ब्लू स्टार में निभाई बड़ी भूमिका
इसके अलावा डोभाल ने पंजाब के अमृतसर स्वर्ण मंदिर से खालिस्तान समर्थक सिख उग्रवादियों के खात्मे के लिए दो ऑपरेशन किए गए। उस समय वो एक रिक्शा चालक बन कर वहां गए और बड़ी चतुरता से पूरे मिशन को अंजाम दिया। उन्होंने सुरक्षा बलों को आतंकियों की पूरी जानकारी दी, जिसके आधार पर सैनिकों को खालिस्तानियों को मंदिर से बाहर निकालने में काफी मदद मिली। इस मिशन को ऑपरेशन ब्लू स्टार कहा जाता है। इस पूरे ऑपरेशन में डोभाल नायक बने।

इन मिशन को भी किया लीड
इसके बाद 1990 में कंधार प्लेन हाईजैक के दौरान हुए ऑपरेशन ब्लैक थंडर में भी डोभाल मुख्य भूमिका में थे। वह उस टीम को लीड कर रहे थे, जो आतंकियों से निगोसिएशन कर रही थी। इसके अलावा जम्मू-कश्मीर में कई आतंकियों को भी उन्होंने सरेंडर कराया। 2015 में हुई सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक ऑपरेशन के हेड प्लानर भी डोभाल ही थे। वो न केवल प्रधानमंत्री मोदी की सरकार में देश की सुरक्षा में तैनात हैं, बल्कि इंदिरा गांधी की सरकार में हुए।


Under maintenance

Photos from Detective Praveen Vijay's post 18/01/2023

Is Something Paranormal in your Home ? Don't afraid, we will assist you. Me and my team will investigate the abnormal activities and uncover all things.


This month Investigating a Missing Subject 😎✍️👩‍💼📍

Photos from Detective Praveen Vijay's post 13/07/2022

Double 7 is informed that you should finish the investigation of Jaipur case as soon as possible.Another case awaits you.You are ordered to report on duty in Gwalior, As soon as possible.


Detective Praveen Vijay is name you can trust for all kinds of investigations in India. We undertake the investigation to uncover all the major aspects . We are a professionally and registered managed detective agency with a team of strong and efficient detective, who possess an experience in solving cases in all circumstances.




This week of a Murder Case.


Case N. 16XX Solved.
Congratulations OO6 and his team.


This week Investigating a Murder to attempt Case.


I (Praveen Kumar) will not call myself a detective because the fictional character I am inspired by never considered himself a spy.

Inspired by Byomkesh Bakshi hidden in my indirect character, I have started searching for truth, I made many mistakes in search of truth but never gave up and today I am moving on the same path.

My colleague Vijay Singh ji supports me in the same way as Ajit Babu used to do Byomkesh Bakshi.

Two of my colleagues, Satyenveshi Ashutosh and Satyenveshi Jitendra, helped me to get to the root of the case with their intelligence, cleverness and their extraordinary ability in many difficult cases.

Although I and my team have solved many how-tos, but there was a time when I faced a lot of difficulty in solving one case because the person I was looking for was exactly the one I was looking for.In that case, I not only caught him red-handed, exposed him and also informed the police.

And recently providing services in these fields like Pre and Post wedding investigation, theft investigation, murder case investigation , prevention murder or su***de, anonymous search and sting and undercover operations.


Terms and conditions

As a condition of accepting this agreement, agency warrant that party will not use this information either intentionally or unintentionally to violate any applicable local law, state law, Indian Penal Code, Federal or international law or regulations.
2. PVD&SS Investigation Agency has set strict and independent confidentiality procedures. Confidentiality agreements will be signed to protect the absolute privacy rights of our clients. From interviews to commissioned tasks, we are obligated to ensure confidentiality of the data, and they will only be retained upon request by the customer.All documents will be handled independently by The Chief investigation officer & manager and all data will be destroyed upon completion of the service.
3.It is also agreed by us that the below assigned job within agreed time-line which is 1 month from the day the payment is done for the services or maybe extended according to case requirements.
4.It has also been ensured that whatever the case fee will be in which party will have to pay 50% on the first and 50% on the final report which may be positive or negative according to you and in case of any additional information you will also have to pay an additional fee to know the additional information.The payment thus received is non-refundable, irrespective of the conditions/situations, or also in cases of where clients abruptly decide to discontinue availing our services due to whatsoever, If Party stop using our services for any reason, party will still have to pay 50% of our outstanding balance.
5.In addition, PVD&SS and its affiliates agents and employees are not liable to any party for any special consequential direct or indirect damages for any correspondence between customers and their search subjects or any reunion resulting from use of our information.
Client shall indemnify defend and hold harmless PVD&SS from any all claims, damages or liability whatever arising out of the services or data.
Irrespective of your location, standing the city, area, region or country where you live, all disputes or dissatisfaction related cases will only be furnished to Gwalior judicial, or any legal case against PVD&SS can only be pursued under the Honorable Gwalior High court jurisdiction.


Praveen Vijay is an IPS aspirant , a writer, a teacher, a private investigator and a cyber security warrior who is the founder and chief investigation officer of Praveen Vijay detective and security services (The detective agency) which is located in Gwalior Madhya Pradesh. He offer quality services that go a long way to ensuring that your requirements are well met Like solving murder case, missing person investigation, Cyber security related case, theft investigation and many more . He has experienced and trained professionals who have the relevant technical knowledge on the subject matter. Our customer service goes above and beyond - and our reviews show that you can trust us. Feel free to get in touch anytime to discuss further."


Detective Praveen Vijay is name you can trust for all kinds of investigations in India. We undertake the investigation to uncover all the major aspects . We are a professionally and registered managed detective agency with a team of strong and efficient detective, who possess an experience in solving cases in all circumstances.

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"Unveiling the unseen: Dive into the world of a private detective's relentless pursuit for truth. 🕵️‍♂️ #BehindTheScenes...
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