Happiness Coach Vasantha

Happiness Coach Vasantha

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“The only hurdle between where you are and where you want to be is your limiting beliefs.”


May the blessings of Lord Rama illuminate your path with joy, peace, and prosperity. Happy Ram Navami!


"Unlocking the secret to punctuality!
🕒 Discover how this system is revolutionizing the morning routines of office-goers, ensuring they arrive on time, every time, and experiencing stress-free days and successful careers.

Comment DETAILS to know more.

Happiness Coach


Waking up at the intended time is not as difficult as it thought to be. With a tested system and association, it can be achieved easily and without much stress and effort.
I always found it difficult to get up before 6am for more than 40 years of my life.
But when my professional responsibilities required that I get up early, I have used the method and started getting up as early as 4am each day, consistently for the last 2 years.
Now it is your turn to experience that power.
Comment EARLY to know more.

Happiness Coach


The secrets to mastering time management:
1. Learn and practice the art of Prioritizing
2. Plan tasks in Advance – Writing them down, keeps us on track.
3. Be ready to be little flexible
4. Follow The Mantra: Do It NOW
5. Say NO when required

Take charge of your schedule, and watch your productivity soar!

What is that one thing, you would start doing from today ?
Share your experience in the comments.


The fear of judgment can be a barrier to success, paralyzing us with self-doubt and preventing us from taking the necessary risks to achieve our goals.

This fear isn't just a product of our own minds; it's often fueled by past experiences of being criticized or rejected by others. These experiences create deep-seated beliefs that we're not good enough or worthy of success.

Societal pressures also significantly amplify our fear of judgment.

We're bombarded with unrealistic beauty standards, success, and happiness, which can make us feel inadequate if we don't measure up.

The fear of being judged by others for not meeting these standards can be paralyzing, causing us to shrink back and play it safe rather than pursue our dreams.

This fear keeps us from taking risks and stepping out of our comfort zones.

We second-guess ourselves at every turn, afraid of making mistakes or falling short of expectations. As a result, we miss out on valuable opportunities for growth and success.

However, with the help of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), we can overcome this fear and unlock our full potential.

NLP techniques allow us to reframe negative thought patterns, replacing them with empowering beliefs that propel us forward. By understanding the root cause of our fear of judgment, we can identify and address limiting beliefs that hold us back.

Through NLP, we learn to detach ourselves from others' opinions and focus on our own growth and development.

Instead, we trust our abilities and embrace the journey towards success with courage and determination.

With NLP, we can rewrite the script of our lives, transforming fear into fuel for growth and achievement. By harnessing the power of our minds and language, we can free ourselves from judgment's shackles and chart a course toward a brighter future.

Start your journey now by commenting “NLP” below. 👇



So there you have it, folks. 😍

Even if you’re not head over heels for your job, you can still find peace and maintain your sanity.

The simple 4-Rule Strategy is:
1️⃣Shift your Perspective
2️⃣Set Boundaries
3️⃣Practice Detachment
4️⃣Prioritize Self-Care

What’s your go-to strategy for staying sane in a job you don’t love? 🤩

Share your tips in the comments below, and let’s support each other on this journey.



In life, each thread represents a different aspect – health, relationships, career, personal growth, and more. 😊

In life, we often focus on specific areas like health or career, thinking they’re the key to happiness.

But true fulfillment comes from balancing all aspects – health, relationships, career, personal growth, and more. 😇

For example:
Your Health Goal is to lose 5 kgs in 1 months and Career Goal is to obtain a promotion to senior manager within the next two years.

Now you can’t leave your job to lose 5 kgs or you stop paying attention to health because of long working hours.

Rather, you can balance them both. 🎉

Wake up a bit early, go for a walk, keep calorie check, avoid junk in office. All these healthy habits will ultimtely help you increase your productivity and in this way you Health & Career goals will be achieved side by side.

Remember, just as a cake requires a blend of ingredients to bake, our lives thrive when we cultivate balance across all areas of life— emotions, habits, time management. They all play crucial roles in shaping our overall experience.

And this is where I help you in my 30 Day Become Your Super Self (BYSS). Together we discover your goals, unleash your super self and creating a roadmap to achieve them. 🥰

These 30 days aren’t just about achieving success in one area; it’s about mastering them all.

So, while it’s essential to prioritize certain aspects, remember that true fulfillment lies in harmonizing every area of your being.

Let’s turn your dreams into reality and create a future filled with possibility.

Comment “GOALS”, and I’ll send the details. 👇



Wishing everyone a vibrant and joyous Holi! 🎨🎉

Let the colors of happiness, love, and togetherness fill your life with unforgettable moments.✨

By the way, did you enjoy the stories I shared? Comment if you knew the second one. 😍

Let’s celebrate this festival of colors with enthusiasm and positivity, spreading joy and warmth to all around us.

May this Holi bring you closer to your loved ones and fill your heart with endless laughter and cheer.

Here’s to a day of fun, and fond memories.

Happy Holi! 🌈💖


Photos from Happiness Coach Vasantha's post 22/03/2024

Unlock the power of NLP – the transformative practice everyone’s speaking about! 💫

At its core, NLP rewires the very neurons of your mind, paving the way for profound personal growth and manifestation. 🧠✨

As you delve into the world of NLP and integrate its techniques into your daily life, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment like never before. 🌟

Suddenly, the path to manifesting your deepest desires becomes clear, illuminated by the insights and tools offered by NLP. 🌈

But NLP is more than just a tool for making your dreams come true—it's a gateway to understanding yourself on a deeper level and overcoming the barriers that have held you back.

From rewiring limiting beliefs to enhancing communication skills, NLP offers a holistic approach to personal development.

Imagine the freedom of breaking free from negative thought patterns and stepping into your true potential. 🌱

With NLP, it's not just possible – it's within reach.

So why wait?

Embrace the transformative power of NLP and unlock the doors to a life filled with abundance, purpose, and joy. ✨

Comment “NLP” and start your journey now.



Habits. Mornings. Practices. Techniques. 🥰

In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to get lost in the chaos and forget the valuable lessons we've been taught since childhood.

I vividly recall my mother's words, reminding me that sometimes, it takes a friend to truly make us understand a point. 😁

As adults, we still seek that guiding presence, that friend who can keep us accountable and focused. We're human, after all, and none of us have all the answers.

That's where the role of a coach comes in. 🤝

I've had the privilege of being that friend, that guide, for many individuals on their journey toward personal growth, transformation, and success.

And I'm here, ready to welcome more into our community with open arms. 💗

If you're longing for someone to walk alongside you, to offer support and encouragement every step of the way, then look no further.

Send me a DM with the word "COACH," and let's embark on this transformative journey together. 🌟



I know you needed to hear this today. 🫶

Recently, in one of my sessions, a client said,
“Your story of coming from a rural town is really inspiring.”

And I pondered upon this for a while after the session. Indeed, it’s not just inspiring for them but for me too.

😊I never imagined I’d be able to study in college.
😊I never imagined I’d be able to work in a different city.
😊I never imagined I’d restart my career as a life coach at the age of 50
😊I never imagined I’d attain the freedom to travel, tick my bucket list and meet so many people.

👉I never thought that a girl from a small town who once had a dream to study to become a doctor 🩺would finally get a chance to help thousands of people change their lives as a life coach. 😍

But this is how the universe works. ✨

You don’t know what’s waiting for you on the other side.
Then why do we waste our time thinking about and constantly worrying about the future?

🍁Remember, what you chase is chasing you.

The dreams, goals, and aspirations you relentlessly pursue are not merely distant destinations but magnetic forces drawing you closer to your destiny.

So, don’t stop if you’re not winning today.
💫Don’t stop if setbacks are making your journey hard.
💫Don’t stop because people tell you it’s not your thing.
💫Don’t stop until you reach the highest level of success and can finally say, “I Did It!”

Keep going.

You’ve got it.

Drop a ‘ ❤️’ if even a single line spoke to you.



This might open your eyes. 👇

In the journey of self-transformation, we often burden ourselves, try every technique, and want to achieve instant results.

And when we don’t get the desired outcome, we instantly GIVE UP!

But let me tell you: Challenges and Success go hand in hand.

It’s natural to encounter setbacks on the path to manifesting our dreams, but remember, these obstacles don’t define your capability, worth, or potential. Instead, they signal an opportunity for internal growth and transformation.

So, if you try to do the big thing or try to reach your potential or try to manifest the dream and it doesn’t happen…

It doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

It doesn’t mean you’re not capable of it.

It doesn’t mean you’re not worthy of it.

It just means you still have internal work to do before you can get it.

Your dreams are deeply embedded in your soul for a reason – because you possess the ability to achieve them.

Yet, the journey may require discomfort, challenges, and even failures along the way. But amidst the struggle, don’t give up.

This is your invitation to try again, to embrace the discomfort, and to persist in pursuit of your dreams.

Often, we’re tempted to bypass the internal work and seek immediate results.

However, true transformation starts by embracing the discomfort, confronting our fears, and evolving into the best version of ourselves.

It’s a journey of shedding old beliefs and stepping into a new, empowered identity.

If you’re ready to embark on this transformative journey, my 30-Day “Become Your Super Self” Challenge can help you in this journey.

In this program, we navigate the roadblocks in your journey, do a lot of inner work to understand your limiting beliefs, and help you transform in all areas of your life.

Are you ready to take the first step?

Comment “RESTART” below, and let’s embark on this journey together. 🌟



Hear what he says 🤩

“I used to be trapped in the cycle of overthinking, constantly consumed by worries about the past and anxieties about the future. However, after your sessions, I learned the importance of living in the present moment.”

This change in mindset helps him feel a profound sense of calmness, and he’s able to make decisions with clarity and confidence.

Living in the present has transformed my life in ways I never thought possible too.

It has taught me to appreciate the beauty and richness of each moment, to savor the simple joys, and to let go of unnecessary stress and worry.

By focusing on the present, I've discovered a newfound sense of peace and fulfillment that touches every aspect of my life.

I encourage you to take a moment to pause, breathe, and embrace the present moment. It's where true happiness and contentment reside.

So, if you’re someone who:
👉Always worried about your future
👉Wants to overcome overthinking
👉Get rid of past traumas haunting you
👉Wants to take charge of their life

I invite you to my 30-Day “Become Your Super Self Challenge” where I help you:
🤩Stop overthinking and take quick action toward whatever you want in life
🤩Cut the confusion and indecisiveness and get clear on your desires
🤩Take charge of your emotions and channel them in the most empowering way

Join me for 30 Days and experience the same for yourself.

Comment “BYSS” and join me for the next session. 👇



Ever been told that you overreacted to a situation? ☹️

Or missed out on doing things or situations because of bad feelings you held?

Have you ever set goals in the future and had them not happen? 🥵

These are the result of you still carrying the baggage of your past traumas.

And this is where Timeline therapy can help you. ⏳

It involves delving deep into a person's life, including significant events, memories, and experiences, to identify and address unresolved traumas and blockages.

As you release negative emotions and limiting beliefs from your past, you'll find yourself making decisions from a place of clarity and empowerment, rather than being influenced by past experiences.

🥰You enjoy healthier and more fulfilling relationships, as you learn to communicate and relate to others more positively and authentically.

Overall, timeline therapy can help you lead a more balanced, fulfilling, and empowered life by freeing you from the constraints of your past and empowering you to create a brighter future.

Want to learn more and experience it for yourself?

Comment “NLP” below and I’ll connect with you.



I had to say the truth…

True mindset transformation involves delving into the hidden layers of our subconscious mind, where unseen mental and emotional obstacles reside. These barriers, such as distraction, inconsistency, self-doubt, and fear, often hinder our progress.

By identifying and understanding these underlying issues, we can effectively remove the obstacles that hold us back.

This process of uncovering and addressing the core of our struggles is what truly allows us to move forward without blocks, paving the way for genuine transformation without the need for daily affirmations or positive thinking.

It's not just about setting a direction for our lives; it's also about clearing the path from the loop of past experiences and limiting beliefs.

In essence, profound mindset work is like digging deep into our minds and emotions, resolving the deep-seated issues that prevent us from reaching our full potential.

If you're ready for true transformation, comment “TRANSFORM" below, and let's discuss what your transformation can look like.



When you're on a journey to improve yourself, it can feel like there's a mountain of things to do and learn, leaving you overwhelmed.

You might believe that becoming a better version of yourself requires tons of hard work and effort. But in a recent session, my students learned a valuable lesson: it all starts with the basics.

Take Krishnaveni, for example. She used to think achieving her goals meant tackling massive tasks and working endless hours.

However, with some reflection and guidance, she realized that focusing on the simple things was the key to progress. Krishnaveni realized she could move forward more effectively by breaking her goals into smaller steps and concentrating on the fundamentals.

The takeaway here is simple: when you concentrate on the fundamentals and keep things simple, you can make significant strides in your personal growth journey.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the challenges ahead, trust in the power of taking small steps and sticking to the basics.

So, if you're feeling like there's a mountain to climb on your path to self-improvement, remember that sometimes, starting with the basics is the best way to reach the summit.

To understand this better, I invite you to join me for 3 days and experience it yourself in my Magical Self Mastery Mornings.

The next batch is on 4 March, so register soon.

Comment “CHANGE”, and I’ll send you the link to join.



This is the only ‘thing’ you need to manifest your desires 👇

In the sacred realm of Arunachalam Temple, amidst the bustling city of Tamil Nadu, lies a testament to the strength of human spirit and the depth of unwavering intention.

Here, devotees embark on a pilgrimage of spiritual significance, traversing the perimeter of 15 kms to pay homage to the eight surrounding temples before reaching the main sanctuary.

Their journey mirrors the importance of setting clear intentions in achieving one's goals.

Just as these devotees walk around with a focused intention to connect with the divine, so too must we set our sights on our desires and move forward with determination taking action.

On days like Magha Purnima, the temple grounds buzz with thousands of devotees, each driven by a profound sense of purpose. Despite physical and mental challenges, such as walking barefoot, their unwavering commitment to their intention keeps them going.

Their journey transcends mere religious ritual; it is a powerful demonstration of the transformative power of setting intention and taking action.

It teaches us that when we align our intentions with our actions, we can surpass any obstacle and achieve whatever we want.

Let the lesson of Arunachalam Temple serve as a reminder to align our intentions with our deepest desires and forge ahead with unwavering determination.

With clear intentions, we unlock the boundless potential within us and pave the way for success in our endeavours.

Declare your intentions for March in the comments below. 👇



Have you ever noticed how certain places evoke feelings of happiness while others leave you feeling disconnected and drained?

It's all about energy – how it flows, how it interacts with our surroundings, and how we engage with it.

Whether you're travelling to different places or navigating life's journey, intentional living and continuous learning are the keys to unlocking your full potential.

Intentional living is more than just going through the routines – it's about actively engaging with your environment, building meaningful connections, and becoming an integral part of the process.

When you approach life with intention, you open yourself up to endless possibilities for growth and transformation.

Take me, for example. Whenever I visit a new place, I embody the spirit of constant learning and exploration, immersing myself in the history, culture, and people of each place I visit.

My commitment to understanding and connecting with my surroundings ensures that every experience is an opportunity for growth and discovery.

But here's the thing: intention and a progressive mindset are essential for seeing real progress and transformation.

Without intention and a willingness to learn and grow, we bring ourselves near stagnation and miss the opportunities for personal development.

So, the next time you feel stuck or stagnant, ask yourself:
Am I approaching this with intention?
Am I actively engaging with my surroundings and seeking out opportunities for growth?

By embracing intentional living and continuous learning, you'll unlock the full potential of every experience.

Start by setting an intention now with me in the comments below 👇
“ I am committed to embracing every opportunity for growth along the way.”



Ever find yourself struggling to concentrate, despite your best efforts?

Subconscious emotions like anxiety, guilt, anger, and sadness can silently sabotage your focus, creating a barrier between you and your goals. These underlying feelings lurk beneath the surface, manifesting as intrusive thoughts, self-doubt, and mental fatigue, making it challenging to stay present and engaged.

But fear not! Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) offers a powerful toolkit to navigate and overcome these subconscious barriers. By tapping into the intricate connection between mind and language, NLP empowers you to reframe negative emotions, break free from limiting beliefs, and unlock your full potential.

Through techniques like reframing, anchoring, and timeline therapy, NLP provides practical strategies to address and manage subconscious emotions, allowing you to regain control of your concentration and mental clarity. By rewiring your thought patterns and fostering a positive mindset, NLP equips you with the tools to thrive in the face of distractions and achieve laser-focused productivity.

So, if you're ready to break free from the grip of subconscious emotions and unleash your untapped potential, NLP is your ticket to clarity, focus, and success.

Embrace the journey of self-discovery and transformation with NLP, and watch your concentration soar to new heights! ✨

Comment “NLP”, and I’ll send the details.




Stress can send our brains into overdrive, triggering the ‘fight or flight’ response and leaving us feeling overwhelmed.

But fear not! Here are 5 quick self-inquiry questions to help regain control and restore balance:

1️⃣What emotions am I feeling?
Take a moment to identify the emotions swirling within you. Are you feeling anxious, frustrated, or maybe even a hint of excitement?

Naming your emotions can help you acknowledge and process them effectively.

E.g.: “I’m feeling a mix of anxiety and frustration about this upcoming presentation.”

2️⃣What past experience has brought me here?
Reflect on any past experiences or triggers that may have contributed to your current state. Understanding the root cause can provide valuable insight into your reaction.

E.g.: “My fear of public speaking stems from a negative experience in college.”

3️⃣Where am I feeling this in my body?
Tune into your body and notice any physical sensations associated with your stress. Is it tightness in your chest, a knot in your stomach, or tension in your shoulders?

E.g.: “I feel a tightness in my chest and my heart racing.”

4️⃣What can I control?
Shift your focus to what you can control in the situation. This empowers you to take action and alleviate feelings of helplessness.

E.g.: “I can control my preparation for the presentation and how I respond to questions.”

5️⃣What’s the best possible outcome that can come out?
Visualize a positive outcome, focusing on potential solutions rather than dwelling on worst-case scenarios.

E.g.: “I will deliver a confident presentation and receive positive feedback from my colleagues.”

By asking yourself these self-inquiry questions, you redirect your focus from panic to clarity. 🧘‍♂️

Also, if you want to recognize the triggers of stress and other emotions and learn to manage them effectively, join my 30-Day Become Your Super Self Challenge and start taking massive actions.

Comment “STRESS” below and join now.👇



Clients often ask me this question:
“Vasantha, how can I set powerful intentions for myself?”

So, here’s what you can do ⤵️

1. Reflect on Your Values: Take a moment to ponder what truly matters to you. What are your core values, aspirations, and dreams? Aligning your intention with these values sets a solid foundation for your journey of self-improvement.

2. Visualize Your Ideal Self: Close your eyes and envision the person you aspire to become. Picture yourself embodying qualities like resilience, compassion, and wisdom. Visualizing your ideal self ignites the spark of intention within you, fueling your desire for growth.

3. Set Clear Intentions: Be specific about the areas of your life you wish to improve. Whether it’s cultivating healthier habits, fostering deeper connections, or pursuing your passions, clarity in your intentions sets the stage for focused action.

4. Commit to Daily Practice: Intention without action is merely a wish. Commit to daily practices that align with your intention, whether it’s journaling, meditation, or small acts of kindness.

5. Embrace the Journey: Remember that personal growth is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the ups and downs, celebrate your victories, and learn from your challenges.

With each step forward, you’re one step closer to becoming the best version of yourself.

So, let your intention be your guiding light, illuminating the path to self-discovery and transformation.

Embrace the journey with an open heart and a steadfast commitment to becoming the magnificent soul you were meant to be.

Want to know the step-by-step guide to set intentions and take aligned steps towards your goals?

Join my 30-day “Become Your Super Self Challenge” and learn to set intentions, take aligned actions, and start manifesting the life you desire.

Are you ready to raise your self-worth and become the highest version of yourself no matter where you stand?

Comment “INTENTION” and start now. 👇


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