Dr.Mishmi Sinha,BAMS(Chennai) trained onKsharsutra,trained on cupping hijama
mon-sun:9-11am 6-8pm
Life is much better when we have a calm and composed heart & mind. There is no magic pill for high blood pressure.
Eating a healthy diet & exercising regularly is the best way to control it. Hypertension is not a disease rather it's a outcome of our unhealthy habits and negligence towards oneself.
Let us work together towards a stable and better health on .
"Measure your blood pressure accurately, and control it, for a longer life".
Follow ayurvedic daily routine for a better health.
Take a step towards your health and book consultation is you are suffering from .
AyurvedTattva Mishmi Sinha
Life is much better when we have a calm and composed heart & mind . There is no magic pill for high blood pressure.
Eating a healthy diet & exercising regularly is the best way to control it. Hypertension is not a disease rather it's a outcome of our unhealthy habits and negligence towards oneself.
Let us work together towards a stable and better health on .
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Leech therapy done for patient ...a step towards healing ..
🔹Leech therapy an invasive and effective procedure of blood letting for skin disorder, blood problems, good for increasing blood circulation , breaking blood clots.
🔹 Leech therapy (also known as hirudotherapy) is a natural , safe treatment which utilizes the healing properties of leeches. The healing properties of leeches have been known for hundreds of years. Leeches were used during mediaeval times because they were known to heal infection, before antibiotics were discovered.
🔹Leech therapy is used for variety of diseases starting from chronic eczema to non-healing wounds, diabetic foot, ulceration , hematoma, acne, skin pigmentation,bloodborne diseases.
Share who is struggling with these conditions.
Let's pay attention to your liver, what it is trying to tell you !?
Do you know !!!
Liver is the second large organ of our body after the skin doing hundreds of job . It is the only organ that can regenerate back. Along with its ability to remove toxins your liver can catch and destroy harmful bacteria 🦠germs that get inside body through food😱.
It performs hundreds of job for us and a healthy liver can give you a healthy brain🧠🤝.
So what makes your liver happy??
👉 Balanced diet with grains, fruits🌽
👉Lean protein 🥩
👉 Cruciferous veggies🥦
👉 Green tea 🍵
👉 Olive oil
👉Citrus fruits 🍋🍊
👉 Less or no alcohol 🥃❌
👉Stop popping pills unnecessary 💊
Triphala, amla ,turmeric, guduchi , Bhumyamlaki these are few ayurvedic herbs that you can include in your diet for better liver health . Remember healthy liver gives you a healthy life.
(take advise before starting any herbal preparation)
If you are facing any kind of liver issues & looking for ayurvedic solution you can consult me .
📍Dr.Mishmi Sinha BAMS
+91 088374 67947
#ব্লাড প্রেসার!!? রক্ত চাপ
blood pressure,,,,,low pressures. কি এগুলো?? কতই বা থাকা দরকার আমাদের সাধারণ ব্লাড প্রেসার। আসুন জেনে নেব আজকের পোস্ট এ।
আমরা সবাই কোনো না কোনো দিন প্রেসার check করিয়েছি বা নিজেদের বাড়ির লোকের প্রেসার চেক করতে নিয়ে গেছি। কিন্তু আমরা কি জানি কেনো এই time to time প্রেসার চেক করা হয়?? কখন প্রেসার চেক করা যাবে?? কি কি লক্ষণ থাকলে আপনার প্রেসার চেক করা বাঞ্ছনীয়??? কতটুকু সাধারণ range ?
আসলে আমাদের হার্ট কতটা সুস্থ তা জানতে এবং হার্ট এ্যাটাক বা cardiac arrest এর রিস্ক কতটা বুঝতে ব্লাড প্রেসার চেক করা হয়। নিয়মিত প্রেসার চেক করলে cardiac arrest এর ঝুঁকি কমায়। প্রেসার মাপার সময় systolic এবং diastolic প্রেসার দুটোই ধরা হয়। আমরা অনেকেই এখন স্বাস্থ্য সচেতন হয়ে rroutine চেক আপ এ এটাও করে নেই। তবে কাদের এটা খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভাবে দেখা দরকার :
☑️ বৃদ্ধ বয়স্ক নাগরিক
☑️যারা ধূমপান করেন
☑️যাদের বয়স 30 ঊর্ধ্ব
☑️ যারা junk food বেশি খান
☑️রাত্রি জেগে থাকেন
☑️অতিমাত্রায় চর্বি জাতীয় খাবার খান যারা
☑️ হৃদ রোগে আক্রান্ত ব্যাক্তি
☑️যারা থাইরয়েড বা ডায়াবেটিস এ ভুগছেন ।
☑️ অতিরিক্ত কাঁচা লবণ খান
☑️ চিন্তা গ্রস্ত ব্যক্তি
☑️Menopause এর পর প্রতি মহিলা
☑️High cholesterol আছে এমন
(*যারা obese না তারাও কিন্তু ছাড় পাচ্ছেন না)
কোনটা ideal time !!?
📍 ঘুম থেকে উঠেই চেক করবেন না। খুব বেশি হাটাহাটি, দৌড় ঝাঁপ করে ও না । প্রেসার এর ঔষধ না খেয়ে প্রেসার চেক করবেন ।
📍 ব্লাড প্রেসার সাধারণ range হচ্ছে 120/80
(বেশি বা কম হলে ডাক্তার এর পরামর্শ নিন)
*একটা ভুল ধারণা হলো হার্ট এর সমস্যা শুধু নাকি পুরুষরাই ভুগেন। গবেষণায় দেখা গেছে তুলনমূলকভাবে পুরুষরা বেশি ভুগেন কিন্তু menopause এর পর মহিলাদের ক্ষেত্রে ও হার্ট অ্যাটাকের ঝুকি বেড়ে যায়।
তাই প্রেসার টা মেপে দেখা জরুরি সবার।
কি করবেন pressur normal রাখতে ??
☑️ ডাক্তার এর পরামর্শ নিন।
☑️উপরে তুলে ধরা অভ্যাস গুলো যথাসম্ভব এড়িয়ে চলা বা নিয়ন্ত্রণে আনতে হবে
☑️প্রাণায়াম যোগ প্রেসার নর্মাল রাখতে খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ
☑️ স্ট্রেস ম্যানেজমেন্ট করুন।
☑️ সুস্থ জীবযাপন করুন
*যেকোন রকমের ঔষধ সেবন করার আগে অবশ্যই ডাক্তার এর পরামর্শ নিন।
Dr.Mishmi Sinha,BAMS
Next post এ দেখবো high blood pressure এবং low blood pressure নিয়ে । কি লক্ষণ, কি করনীয় সব নিয়ে।
ভালো লাগলো like করবেন👍🏻 , আরো health related post করা হয় আমার এই পেজ এ🙏 ।
Mishmi Sinha
Results like this encourage to learn more and work more as ayurvedic practitioner...
This female patient came to me with active eczema as you can see in pic 👆 itching , inflammation, burning sensation , mentally distressed . She have used many tropical ointment gave relieve on time to time. Itching pertaining more at night and lead to disturbed sleep. Since more than 4 years .
And here is the results after 3 + months of internal medication and purgation time to time . Corrections made in daily routine & food habits here n there, techniques to reduce stress in general. Here are the results.
Happy patient happy doctor.😊Sign of healing with Ayurveda .
Heal with Ayurveda .
You can comment down your doubts here 👇.
Are you eating curd daily ??
📌 We have a wrong concept that curd is cooling in nature this can be taken daily. But according to Ayurveda curd has sour taste and heavy to digest.
📌 Where as curd is formed when milk is fermented which is a exothermic process, that means heat is given outside during this process.
📌So daily consumption is not advised by Ayurveda .
📌Specially for them who have complaint of piles , sinusitis , obese etc.
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Share with a curd lover.
"It is health that is real wealth not pieces of gold and silver" -Mahatma Gandhi.
Let's prioritise our physical, mental & emotional, spiritual health as a society and individual to live healthy 🌱...to live free . Health always starts from within , so make sure you are healthy and help others to stay healthy.🙏
"Health for all ".
Living healthy is a choice .
Here is a simple tip for intestinal worm.
Get rid of worms with these 2 simple ingredients easily.💯
mishmi_sinha share it with everyone guys..DM for online consultation 📲check bio for more info✅
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Holi is the perfect time to celebrate the colours of our relationship with health, food ,culture & mental peace.
So Ayurvedatattva wishes you a safe and happy holi..💥✳️⛲.
Saalon dusrepathy ke medicine lene ke baad bhi cure jab ayurveda main milta Hain phir kon si pathy slow hai 😆😁???
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Major works such as; Carakasamhita, Susrutasamhita (~ 400 BC-200 AD)and Astangahrdaya (500 AD)has provided descriptions of over 700 herbs and 6000 formulations.
The references to Ashwagandha in the books and works on Ayurveda that were written during the ancient, mediaeval, and modern periods provides a detailed insight of how Ashwagandha is being used in Ayurvedic practise at various times.
Take a look at the historical facts of Ashwagandha and Stay tuned with us to know more.
Source: Ashwagandha Safety Dossier
You will sleep like a baby by following this simple 2 tips👇🛌.
Check out my post 👆✔️.
✳️ You can rub your feet 🦶 gently with few drops of sesame oil or ghee to experience a better quality sleep. For better results heat the oil/ghee (lukewarm) and take bath with lukewarm water. Resolve your sleeping issues with this foolproof tips easily in your home.
Tips for better 😴 sleep . Sleep better become happier 🌿. Say good bye to your sleepless nights🤯.
If you still face problem you can consult a doctor or you can book consultation with me .
For online consultation check ✔️ bio 👆.
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When you are doing any kind of exercise, yoga make sure you eat healthy 🥗😊. Exercising daily don't doesn't give you access to eat junk 🥪 un healthy food.
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For online consultation check ✔️ my bio
✔️ This morning ayurvedic checklist help us with guidance to start the day ina positive way for more productivity .
✔️Practicing these six simple routine hel you to connect with nature, one can clean mind body & balance Doshas ,, strengthen immunity.
✔️Ayurveda says Brahma muhurta is best time to wake up. It is considered auspicious time for all. Waking up in this period boost your energy, better decisions making, relieves all tensions, maintain blood pH.
✔️ Self abhyanga / oil massage gives you lustrous skin, improves blood circulation, removes dead skin, eliminate body toxins.
✔️ Exercise daily from 15 - 30min increase flexibility, relieve pain, soreness, improve moods, 3 - 5 rounds of Surya namaskar helps to build core strength.
✔️Tongue scraping removes bad bacteria from your mouth, reduce bad breath, improve orall health , provide better taste sense.
✔️Oil pulling improves gum health, keeps oral cavity moist, reduce plaque formation, keeps bad breath away .
For more follow 👉
Stay fit and energised ayurvedically.
ayurvedic herbs combination for -
✔️gut health
✔️to relieve inflammation in body,
✔️reduce pain
✔️boost metabolism,
✔️better wound healing.
✔️ Strong immunity.
For more follow 👉
Consult to a ayurvedic doctor.
For consultation check ✔️ bio.
Health tips 👆👆👆. Tag others & follow for more health related knowledge.
Online consultation is available. For consultation check out ✔️my bio👆👆.
Mouth ulcers are serious symptoms of infection , underlying conditions, & deficiency of Vit B12 in body. Some time it's a indicator of Dosha vitiation in body mainly caused by pitta . People who have pitta prakruti are more prone to ulcers .
At a few times mouth ulcers are managable with home remedies. But what it actually means to balance your Dosha .
Ayurvedic herbs have excellent cooling effect & normalizing pitta dosha prevent further reccurence of ulcer.
Other than drugs panchakarma gives excellent relief . If you are having a frequent appearance of ulcers consult an ayurvedic practitioner. You will be able to cure from root & leaving a more healthy state of body and mind.
If u need a online consultation u can check my bio or DM me.
Follow for more such post 👆👍🏻.
Love & regards,
Dr.Mishmi Sinha, BAMS
Many have heard about ayurvedic concept of Prakruti or body types .Which includes our personality, health condition, metabolism & other aspects of our life.
Well , what is that about ??🧐😵
And how can each one of us can relate to it?🤔
What food we need to avoid & include in our menu according to our prakruti🥗🥘🍴?
Here you can find similar quality to understand your own prakruti 🔄 and a better insight what to avoid & what to include in your lifestyle 🤸🏋️ & food habits🍴🍵. Hope it will help you out. If u have more queries comment down below 👇.
Share it with your friend & family.💫
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Online consultation available.
For consultation check bio👆👆🙏🙏.
Ayurveda recognises three basic type of functional pillar or energy that are present in everyone and everything . These are vata, pitta , kapha . These principles can be related to basic biology & physiology of human body. Concerning energy and five basic elements of life(earth , air , fire, water & rather).
Each has specific set of functions to perform so no dosha superior or special to any other. Thus said, when the dosha s are out of balance , they can wreck a havoc on our health. The entire healing system of Ayurveda relates to these three doshas. We are related to these doshas by physicaly & mentaly . Every individual has a unique constitution or prakruti (by birth ) based on 3 doshas - vata, pitta , kapha,.
Stay tuned to know more about doshas n know what is your body type or prakruti according to Ayurveda .
Follow for more knowledge n upcoming series of 3 doshas .
Ayurveda regaining it's fame through ancient fundamentals, referring & curing diseases from grass root .
Thank you everyone for your support and love . Wish to gather more wisdom to share with you and spread ayurveda n it's benefits to every corner .
Feel blessed to have everyone with us and hope to grow more n more in the upcoming days. It's only possible with your love n support . So grateful for our ancient science and it's community.💫
-dr.mishmi Sinha
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Chirakuti Market
Kailashahar, 799279
Healing with Homoeopathy.🩺
Kailashahar, 799277
A Homoeopathy speciality Clinic ,Kailashahar,near model school কৈলাসহর মডেল স্কুলের পাশে,Tripura
Kailashahar, 799279
This page will give various facts and myths about pregnancy , Infertility