Birthvillage Natural Birthing Center

Birthvillage-The natural birthing Centre is South India’s first collaborative birth centre. We follow the Midwifery Model of Care.

We offer professional antenatal, birth, postnatal and well woman care with a holistic approach in a warm and supportive setting. Our goal is to provide individualized care with a high level of professionalism to meet the needs of women and their families, as we recognize that every woman and family is different. Our staff is guided by the philosophy that a woman should be in control and take respo

Photos from Birthvillage Natural Birthing Center's post 16/05/2024

Birthing mothers are the strongest women. Yet they can be the most vulnerable too.
How they feel determines how they will give birth. During pregnancy, in labour or postpartum- what they hear matters. For it will alter their world view.


Midwives Notes:

Being alone in labour the first time to being held with loving hands this time. Aparna worked hard for this birth.

But as labour progressed, the intensity left her feeling overwhelmed. It was then her loving partner and her birth team, who encouraged her through each contraction with affirmations. She was reminded of her dream for a natural birth that helped her.

Giving birth is a sacred and an intense experience. And having continuous support, especially by the partner can have a profound impact.

Photos from Birthvillage Natural Birthing Center's post 12/05/2024

Suchithra is a doctor and a BV mom. She lives on a farm with her family. Her husband is very fond of cows and believes raising them is his retirement plan. These pictures shot in the midst of these animals show the raw life of the countryside, filled with peace and tranquility.
“Motherhood for me has been a rollercoaster ride. It’s challenging but also very rewarding. When I see my children smile, I forget everything. 
I feel a mother needs to be just listened to. Her emotions need to be acknowledged. She too can do with a break and has needs. And these are more than just food and rest.”

~ Suchithra

Photos from Birthvillage Natural Birthing Center's post 07/05/2024

Anjana and Sarathi- a natural birth

I’m happy that I got opportunity to write my BV story since many wanted to know why I decided to give birth to my second baby at BV.

I never thought it would be possible to travel and live separately from my extended family and give birth away from home. I wanted to give birth to my first child at BV however due to corona (May 2020) and family pressure we couldn’t make it. We also didn’t make much effort, thinking it is all not possible for regular families to give birth at a birth center.

For my second delivery again my husband and I were discussing where to have the baby. Everybody around me told that since the first delivery was normal, it’s obvious that any hospital will take me for normal delivery. They asked me to not think too much and go for a consultation to any hospital.

They even told me that I will be able to get an insurance cover. But they were unsupportive during the first birth. And there were several medical interventions too at the hospital, when they pulled the baby out as if I couldn’t birth myself and only they could deliver the baby.

That birth was filled with fear, hindrance, ignorance and strangers. However, my husband told me to get an appointment with BV and then decide. To be honest, I wasn’t a follower or had watched any video. I first heard of BV in 2018 during a healing camp in Tamil Nadu.

We connected with our midwife Priyanka around the 13th week and all her words were so positive. She told me to have a good diet, exercise, also she patiently listened to all my concerns from the first delivery, my feelings of postpartum depression and the experience. She just gave a smile I now understand the smile behind, “Now it won’t be like that”. She always says write your own birth story. And today I am writing it with joy and happiness.

After our first appointment BV team shared a diet chart with us and details of various options to stay in Kochi. I thought then- How will we manage financially.

My husband introduced me to one BV mom, Auxelia and she told me that not everybody can give birth at BV. It’s not about being rich or poor. It is truly God’s decision.

My husband was my pillar of support and told we can make it. He also said don’t think you haven’t spent money in first delivery instead think what all you lost like your health, time mind and body. This really changed my mind and I wanted to go ahead with BV. Cost wise also it was much cheaper than our city.

BV offered birth education classes for couples. All the classes very informative and eye opening. They gave equal importance to both partners and ensured my husband also attended the classes. He also got all the right information and could support me during labour.

During birth education classes, they shared experiences from the birth room, which gave us goosebumps. I then understood it wasn’t going to be like the movies- only shouting and crying. Birth can be a joyful experience too. This made me feel we took the right decision.

I reached BV on Aug 1st which was four weeks before my due date. We chose a really good place which was only 2-3 km away from BV. Sometimes we used walk to the center too. It felt like home. The owner was nice and there was another BV mom on the ground floor.

Our first consultation was in one of BV’s birth rooms. It was so rich, comfortable and I could feel the warmth. My elder one Vennila was also very happy. She was jumping in bed and was checking all the little things.

It was unbelievable that I was going to have my baby here and not a hospital. I was also a little nervous because BV midwife told me I had low HB level and was asked to improve with diet. I was given a week’s time for improvement. Since it was my second pregnancy, labour could start anytime. She told me the baby was head down by just touching and feeling my belly. Everything was fine. I enjoyed listening to my baby’s heartbeat.

I needed an iron infusion. I was scared and got a chance to meet my midwife. She told me the consequences of low HB and that blood loss during delivery can take a life in 7 min. I told her that I was feeling guilty that I didn’t take care of myself, didn’t eat a proper diet, or exercised. Only concentrated on Vennila. Then she told me- start from now, your baby is telling you that take your time and concentrate on me.

After that I joined BV’s online workout classes and understood the importance of being active in pregnancy. A BV mama shouldn’t be lazy and I then continued with exercises, breathing techniques and all positive words that really helped me during labour. I started using stairs, meditation and walking as I was advised.

I continued walking with another mother, also with BV. We started taking 200 stairs everyday. Then days were spent on visiting all places in Kochi which was so refreshing, talking to new people, new places, new friends, cutting off from all negative vibration in our life.

I continued the iron infusion and consultations. Every time we visited BV, we felt good and positivity. Good environment, friendly staff and happy welcoming faces. We got a chance to attend an offline couple’s workout session which was super fun and we really enjoyed all the moments with our little one.

All was going so well however my labour pain didn’t start. Based on growth scan it was expected that labour will start little early. But then BV medical team told me that they consider the expected due date based on initial scans. I had crossed my due date.

I also had a consultation with my midwife and she said to cut the cake as due date is crossed. We felt confident because she was confident and felt no need to worry. My extended family started calling me for updates. I still remember telling my husband that for the first birth, labour started only after membrane sweep. It was so painful and I didn’t want that to happen again for this birth.

My midwife told me that we can wait only if I’m ready to wait. I told her that I am ready to wait however she got to know that I had castor oil earlier at home. Which didn’t induce any contractions but gave me diarrhoea. We went for CTG and every time my husband fed me rose petals dipped in honey just to feel baby movements. We talked to the baby continuously and felt happy every time there was a movement.

My midwife told me to not think of anyone else’s delivery, as one-by-one mothers were giving birth by their due dates. And she mentioned, “Think that is only reason you’re here that even after the due date we are still waiting for baby come naturally”. Which was true!

My husband told me to think that if we are in our hometown and in a hospital, they would have induced pain leading to a c-section. I was more than satisfied with BV and gave answers to many of family members.

Our midwife always encouraged me to be happy, relax and continue whatever I do at home even if labour starts. She told me our next visit should be in labour room and gave me a hug. We threw everything in our mind like due date, labour pain and we continued with walking, taking stairs, exercises. My husband also joined me and did not leave me alone. We went for a movie, danced with Vennila, massaged my belly. Vennila also spoke to the baby.

Finally on 11th September I got contractions at midnight. I told my husband I think we should be ready to go to BV in the morning. The contractions continued till 4 am and I slept, woke up realizing I should be at BV but contractions had just disappeared. I went for CTG. I informed the staff about the contractions and they explained the body was preparing for birth. It may still take a few more days.

Then on 12th September I got pain in the midnight and this time I couldn’t sleep. I was about to tell my husband to get ready to go BV but 7 am the contractions disappeared again!

I sat on the yoga ball just to increase the contractions and relax. I had good food prepared by my mom. At evening my husband and I went for a walk. I got contractions and I couldn’t walk but still continued.

We reached the lake and informed the BV team. I thought labour had started but I was still confused. Whether the contractions will continue or stop. She told me to go home by cab not to get tired and relax, continue with your routine and don’t think about pain.

We bought snacks and returned home. Preparing to welcome our baby after we reached home at 6:30 pm. We were watching some movie and 30 mins later I couldn’t lie down anymore and started walking in our room. I told my mom and she started praying and giving me hand medicine like jeera water, pepper at 7:30 pm. The contractions were intense and my husband started noting the time. Once they were coming every 15 mins, we called BV and told them. They asked us to wait till I started getting a contraction every 3 mins.

I kept on walking, sitting on yoga ball, my husband gave me hot water bag at 8:30 pm. I called BV and told I won’t be able to get a cab at midnight so I should reach there early. They told me that cab won’t be a problem and asked me to wait till the contractions intensified. I was still talking casually. They told me, “You won’t be able to talk, that’s the time your contractions will be intense”. She told me, “The whole of BV is waiting for your birth Anjana”.

This really helped me stay home. My mom asked to have dinner but I didn’t feel like eating. Then my husband became nervous too. He was booking a cab and getting ready, taking tender coconut and some snacks. My mom tried to put elder one to sleep so that only my husband and I could go, but she came with us.

Our midwives also so encouraged to have elder one during labour. And if I hadn’t taken her along, I would have missed such a joyful and awesome experience of being with my baby, Vennila and my husband. I felt full happiness.
At 10:30 PM I went to BV. The staff welcomed me at the entrance with a hug. As my labour wish, my room had been decorated with dim lights. I felt calm, still no hospital feel at all. The reality then hit me- I felt really happy that I am going to deliver my baby here. There was no scary thing at all like big machines, lots of wires, drips, medicines, monitoring machines etc.

Only known faces, super home feel room surrounded with my loved ones. BV midwife checked and told us I was 7 cm dilated. I was really surprised that I managed till 7cm at home.

Then pain became unbearable and my midwife reached. She just looked at me, didn’t say anything. To escape from reality I said I felt sleepy and the team arranged for me to rest. But I immediately got up in pain and I said I wanted to use the washroom.

They allowed me to do whatever I wanted to. Made me comfortable. I do remember telling them to turn the AC on and off, turn the fan on and off. I was sweating or feeling cold.

Then I started talking to our baby to come soon as I couldn’t bear it. My midwife told me to give some more time. I said I can’t bear the pain. The team asked me to try the bath tub. I said no as I didn’t feel like getting inside water. I thought I may catch a cold. I started pushing using the rope and tried to squat. Then breathing exercises helped me lot.
My husband started doing the breathing exercises just to remind me and it worked out. In between he fed me coconut water and I felt like I was running a marathon. Breathing exercises kept me calm. I didn’t cry, I didn’t shout, I just left my body and noticed the baby movements.

I clearly felt the baby turning around and at last while I kept pushing using the rope, my husband held me from the back and my darling daughter Vennila was at the front with torch along with the BV team. My midwife told me not to sit as the baby’s head was out.

I was super happy knowing that my baby was soon going to come out. I was about to lie on the floor, when my husband held me and put my weight on his leg and made me sit in a squat and supported me. Around 12 am the water bag broke with sound like a balloon burst. I thought the baby was out.

At 12:30 am, September 14th, my little one arrived in this world. I witnessed it. It was magical, beautiful and a life changing moment along with my husband Sarathi and Vennila, who was just 3 years old but she could have never learnt or witnessed this beautiful experience anywhere. BV made it possible.

My baby also had a cord around her neck. We were surprised knowing about the cord because it didn’t come in any scan. May be because we would have been scared as in hospitals they would have gone for a c-section.
Best part was skin-to-skin with the baby, Golden Hour with only closed ones, breast crawl, delayed cord cutting. They explained about the placenta and showed us it was a heart shape placenta 😊 I thought giving birth to a baby is just a delivery but BV made me realize it is a journey. I really enjoyed my journey.

I always felt a woman’s fate is to get through all the pain but birthing a baby is beautiful and BV made it happen. It is a woman’s super power so I was happy welcoming another daughter to this world.
Post-delivery I enjoyed the food at BV. I was taken care of so well, breastfeeding and massage. Here comes our postpartum midwife who was full of positivity. Whatever I worried about, she would come up with a solution. She made me feel comfortable and at ease during each home visit.

God’s angel my little is so sweet, special and feels so unique. Thank you, BV, for making our choice as priority. Anjana Mohan

Photos from Birthvillage Natural Birthing Center's post 06/05/2024

Caption 1:
Births are natural. But they can be daunting too. A midwife is a trained medical professional to support mothers through the the most intense experience of their life through their gentle, loving presence.
Caption 2:
Their support transcends all the way to postpartum. As they send messages of encouragement to new parents.
Caption 3:
A midwife truly believes the parents know how they will like to birth and be supported. And by sharing evidence-based information with them, a midwife truly empowers families.

Photos from Birthvillage Natural Birthing Center's post 16/04/2024

Kamalii & Karthigeyan- a natural birth

I came to know about Birthvillage through Instagram, from then I followed them about more than a year and came to know about their natural and water birth. We confirmed our pregnancy in January 2023. Being a girl who was scared of menstrual pain (literally took leave to school, college, workplace during my periods) took a bold decision to have a natural birth after we had our first appointment with BV when we completed 12 weeks of pregnancy. And rest is history.

After completion of 36th week...we travelled to Kochi ..the travel was so smooth it was just 4 hr from my place. We had our first appointment at BV which was a memorable one. We had cleared all our doubts with our midwife, they answered all our questions very patiently. I have never seen so much of transparency in any other hospital.

I have followed prenatal fitness sessions conducted by BV... walked daily ...squats.. breathing exercises. But I crossed my due, which was 26th September ’23. But at BV they didn't urge me or use any artificial induction to start labour. In fact they asked us to wait they told, "The baby knows when to come". On 29th morning I had slight discomfort and my mucous plug came off but had my routine walk for an hour and did squats too.

That night I had contractions so couldn't sleep. We visited BV the next morning 6.00am and checked for dilation. It was only 2 cm so the midwife advised us to stay back home to have some sleep until active labour starts. So we went back. I tried to sleep but couldn't help. My contractions were intense and we managed with breathing exercises and a hot bag. My husband continuously checked for time interval between each contraction.

I couldn't sit or lie down during contractions, so I continuously walked and used the birth ball. I felt like I had drained my energy. At It was nearly 2 pm and the contractions were so intense and 5:1:1. We reached BV and check for dilation, midwife said it was 7 to 8 cm. I was in active labour. My husband helped with the hot bag with each contraction which was a saviour. I continuously walked and climbed steps and managed pain in birthing pool.

My water hadn’t broken yet so it was manually done. And then had very intense contraction which was 10 seconds apart lasted for nearly a minute. Nearly 5.20 pm I felt like pushing something but I couldn't. I felt like I can't do it..everyone around me motivated me to push...but I couldn’t even get up...our midwife understood that I had no energy to push as I hadn’t slept two whole days. She so advised me to have glucose trips. Then needle was taken to puncture in hand but I had contraction so needle was not inserted.

There happens a miracle. I told them, "Can that wait for a minute? Let me try.”

So they held glucose trips ...I started to push my husband holding me from behind. I held my midwife's hand tightly and put my every last energy to push..I shouted loud, louder and loudest... everyone one around me motivated me to push. The head was husband told, "You have done it! You have done it!.” Here comes the last push...I roared like a lioness ..there my prince arrived at 5.53pm.

I immediately had skin to skin contact with baby, delivered placenta naturally and had delayed cord clamping. My husband, Karthi, cut the cord which was so special in BV. When I had my sutures my husband had skin to skin contact with baby I loved to see that💓. Breastfeed during the golden hour... My favourite part is they gave their hot chocolate after labour. For dinner I had green gram porridge and tasty puttu and banana for breakfast.

Special note- labour, breastfeeding and stay everything happened in the same room for the entire night.

I thoroughly enjoyed BV’s postpartum visits. The postpartum midwife so patiently cleared all our doubts. I felt grateful to whole team at BV. BV is God’s gift and angels are with us everytime every minute. Can't express in words how much I felt thankful for them.


This lovely couple, Priya and Karthik, knew exactly how they wanted to give birth. With a team that will trust them as much as they trusted themselves. They also realised that considering their age, a hospital will likely put them on a clock and will ultimately lead them to a cesarean.

This drove them, literally and figuratively, to Kochi. Despite all resistance from their families, they packed their homes and moved to Kochi. And had a beautiful natural birth.

Photos from Birthvillage Natural Birthing Center's post 01/04/2024

Sharlet and Shem- a natural birth

This is our incredible birth story which started in Pondicherry and ended at Kochi BV just like a fairy tale!

From my childhood I have always been a girl who hated hospitals and never liked medicines, even today I avoid going to the hospital as much as I could however, my belief towards natural cure, Ayurvedic medicines and giving time to the body to naturally heal has always been there. Having said this, undoubtedly I had nightmares about maternity wards and the stories I heard about having a baby, the pain and the whole process gave me chills.

My husband and I have been married for 8 years and both of us believed and waited to have a child only when we were physically and mentally prepared. It took 7 years to finally decide we will have a child and with God’s grace I was pregnant in February 2023 as I wished, it was a mixture of emotions for both of us and since my husband knows about my fear and anxiety towards hospitals he was worried.

I always believed in rare possibilities, from the time we got married I had Googled many times about the options of having children naturally with less trauma, that’s how I came across water birth and the midwife care that’s available in foreign countries. When I tried to see if the same is available in India, I came across Birthvillage in Kochi. We are from Pondicherry and the distance from where we live to Kochi would be more than 300 km. But after reading about BV and its functions, I decided I would have my baby there. I was not sure how, but I knew if I have a baby it would be in BV. This was strongly embedded in my mind.

Once we confirmed that I was pregnant I immediately contacted the client relationship manager at BV and she advised me to wait until 12 weeks completion and contact after that. We waited patiently and in the meanwhile contacted a hospital in our place as well to have the initial checks done. Finally after 12 weeks we were scheduled for an appointment with Priyanka, our midwife. The first time we spoke to her made both us understand a lot of things about pregnancy and childbirth. I understood one point very clearly and stuck to it until I delivered my baby, no matter what happens it’s me who is to deliver the baby and no one else can share the pain or deliver instead. So I started to prepare myself mentally.

Everything was fine until we discovered that my HB levels were bad and it was only 7 wherein it had to be between 11 to 13 during pregnancy. From then we started taking many tests to find out the reason for such low haemoglobin also simultaneously we were advised to take iron injections which did not help me much. Throughout my pregnancy almost until 8 months my HB level was 7.

We were not religiously in touch with BV assuming that we will reach there by the 36th week and the HB was not a big issue. At the beginning of 8th month we contacted BV, we were asked to email all the scan and blood reports taken, only after the BV medical team contacted us we realised the seriousness of this problem and we were in panic. There was great stress and many negative thoughts about what’s going to happen and how are we to correct the HB count. With all this we prepared to leave to Kochi in the 36th week of my pregnancy. Although there was such chaos around me, my intuition told me I would still have a natural birth as I manifested many years ago and in BV with no doubt.

The travel day was nearing so my husband Shem and I carefully packed things for our two months stay. I was 35 weeks pregnant then and our final scan and visit to our doctor at Pondicherry was over. With everything falling in place, we decided to leave on the first day of my 36th week of pregnancy. We had to travel almost 600 kilometres and it took 17 hours to reach which is longer than the usual time taken.

We were well prepared, Shem drove carefully and made sure I was comfortable the whole journey, we stopped and took adequate breaks and rest. I was extremely happy as I could see my dream come true in front of my eyes.

After we reached Kochi, our appointment was scheduled. My husband and I reached BV on a Monday and just the look of the reception filled us with such positivity. The calmness of the place made us feel so secure, also each person we met smiled at us which was completely new, especially the client relationship manager who welcomed us with a broad smile and called me by my name.

There may be so many appointments and patients to visit the place but calling me by name made me feel so special and important. I was taken to one of the birthing rooms to draw blood to check my HB, the way BV nurses took care of me during the process truly moved my husband as he was always worried about me being comfortable.

With no surprise my HB was only 8 and I was clearly advised by BV’s Dr. Asha that I had to undergo blood transfusion. I was given 3 units of blood and each time we went for the blood transfusion I was given such care and there was only positivity. I started to strongly believe in myself and my body and that’s when we were attending the Lamaze classes which made us understand the beauty of childbirth and I truly envisioned myself having a natural birth. I started believing my baby and I will go through this together and so did it happen.

Kochi is truly an eye candy. We enjoyed each visit to BV, roads covered with trees on both sides and almost no traffic, quiet and calm. Shem was working from home. Our parents and I would eagerly wait for his weekly off so that we would all go out to explore the place. Lulu mall was our favourite and the beautiful churches were favourite of our parents. Each evening they took a small walk to a chapel that was close to the place we stayed and it was almost like a vacation to them from their normal routine life.

Shem and I used to go have tea at one particular shop every day. I used to drive our Xylo, being pregnant and my due date almost close, it was just fun. I was happy that I was able to do all the routine work that I used to do hassle free. I have mentioned this in specific because driving a 7-seater during the last month of pregnancy with confidence was truly amazing, all thanks to our midwife for asking me to be active throughout my pregnancy. Everyday 1 hour yoga and 45 minutes brisk walking from the 3rd month along with my office work. Pregnancy is something very natural, it need not be stressful.

I was 39 weeks pregnant and during that week’s appointment with Dr. Asha I told her I was scared that I have not got pain yet. There were sometimes negative thoughts invading me assuming that I may not be lucky enough to go through the natural process of birthing. But she spoke to me with kind words and made me realise that I have to be calm and wait patiently, give time for my body to work the magic on its own.

Somehow, I had an intuition that my water would break first and then I will have my baby, nevertheless that’s what happened. Our thoughts and words have a lot of power. What I believed and wished for so many years became true!

On a Friday early morning I felt a sudden gush of water which made me jump up and wake my husband too to inform him that it was time and the wait was over, being first time parents anxiety hit us hard and we were in sudden panic. My husband immediately called our midwife over the phone. She reminded us of the Lamaze classes we had attended and advised us to stay calm. We then calmed down and waited for nature to take its course. I did not have pain but I could feel water leaking with long intervals. I had breakfast, my husband my mother-in-law and I were having a long chat about her labour and how my husband was born. We went for a walk together and only at 9.30 am I started to feel mild contractions and pain on my lower back which I was able to easily manage. I had lunch and took some rest, the pain was gradually increasing and the seconds it lasted started becoming longer and more frequent.

In between we received several calls from BV medical team to check on my status. Finally by 6.30 pm we reached BV where the nurse came right to our car to hold me by my hand and guide me to the birthing room. Upon checking I told I was only 2 cm dilated. BV midwife and nurses were there to guide me on managing pain and helped me by massaging my back and making me feel comfortable. My husband was there with me holding me tight and I was embraced with love and care.

As the labour progressed and the pain got intense, I felt very safe and comfortable as this is what I wished for. My prayers all through my pregnancy was for labour to happen naturally and I wanted to experience this natural course of birthing with courage.

There were times where I completely broke and felt feeble where I was on the verge of giving up. My midwife’s words gave me the power to bounce back and made me believe that it was possible and I could do it. She stood tall like a guardian angel guiding me through the toughest times and finally at 2.17 am on November 18th 2023 we welcomed our little princess our little blessing from heaven, what a surreal moment it was!

Delayed cord clamping was done, and the cord was cut by my husband. We are still and will forever cherish each moment of that day! A big thank you to the entire BV team for making me believe in my body and giving me the freedom and choice of birthing naturally.

After our baby girl was born the first visit to BV I drove again, how awesome it is to drive to your birth centre within a few days of delivering a baby, I felt strong from within and started believing more in myself.

The postpartum care by BV's Postpartum Midwife was so heart-warming, each time she came for a home visit we had long conversations which was comforting, she checked on me and the baby with utmost care and took down every detail.
She became close to everyone at home. We used to wait for her next visit. We have never heard or witnessed such care for pregnancy anywhere before, the bond continues, I share the baby's picture with her and that makes me feel happy that I’m still in touch with BV.

Special highlights of BV?

- No scary labour wards- the birthing rooms in BV are heaven which will make any woman feel safe and comfortable.
- The staff treats you with respect and dignity and have ever smiling faces.
- There is no unnecessary poking or uninformed medical procedures.

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Opening Hours

Monday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Friday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday 9:30am - 5:30pm

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