
All about Rose's ��� Looking forward towards wine � project �

Photos from Gullaboo's post 30/09/2022

Prossing at gullaboo of gulkand 😍😍


Gulkand ready to sell
200 Rs kg
Consistency 70% Rose petals 30% sugar
For daily health care 😜😜


Use of 00:52:34 & 00:00:50
Among the ingredients of NPK phosphate and potash are important . We need to understand the use of these two vital fertilizers :
00:52:34 ( Mono potassium phosphate ) :
1) For root treatment
2) For producing enzymes
3) For bud setting
4) For restrictung bud dropping
5) For growing resistence specially at time of change in weather
6) For resisting fungus attack
7) For helping cell growth and division
1) 1 to 2 grm/lt
2) For better result add H2O2 2 ro 3ml/lt
With the root pruning at the advent of season apply it once a week .

00:00:50 ( Potassium sulphate )
Potash is like the vitamin for human body -eating everything except vitamin is obesity without strength and vigour ,fragile -no output at all .
Sulphate also works in producing protein and amino acid etc .
1) Once bud is set well enough plants require extra potash for blooming well .
2) For the health of flower
3) For the color of flower
4) For the longivity of flower
Dosage : 2 grm/lt once or twice a week

For the new growers it may help but using is your choice .
Happy gardening and well wishes .

Photos from Gullaboo's post 14/07/2022

Fresh gullaboo farm Gulkand

Photos from Gullaboo's post 01/07/2022

First farm fresh Gulkand from Gullaboo farm 👌👌👌👌👌

Photos from Gullaboo's post 21/06/2022

Patience leads to understanding

Finding some posts its impels me to lay down my understanding .

Newly potted plants taking much more time to respond ,i.e . not reaching the height of aspiration , specially in summer or approaching summer . Patience lost , naturally .

The following are the factors causing the such delay :

1) Rose takes atleast three months in favourable condition to set its roots well in new set up provided all caring parameters maintained well .

2) Rose loves soft light and temparature

3) Rose prompts fast if it owns taproots

4) Baby plants do not have tap roots at the begining

5) In summer or nearly summer , climate begins to disfavour for the formation of roots .

6) At plantation leaves are generally removed that which counts a further threat . If purchased online the journey shock mounts up to life hazards

7) In new set up plant gives out new leaves consuming its protein stock with the aim to survive first ; and even may throw buds for reproduction and leaving its future generation at least even at stake .

8) So the new leaves at first seen are not produced by plant by using given feeds at large ; and therefore we often do a common mistake by pouring too much fertilizers for adding nutrition by the appearance of first leaves .

9} Too much fertilizers would rather revert the growth or bring threat to struggling plant

10) Adding fertilizers means watering that eventually does not prove to be helpful .

What needs actually
1) A pure calculation of three months gap to be made mentally from the advent of summer ; 27 degree C

2) Doing root treatment with 12 61 1 grm/lt twice a week ,provided media is dry enough with half cup water /plant to be poured only to stem/trunk

3) Spraying fungicide like ridomil gold 1.5 grm/kt once a week and pesticides like confidor and tafgor solution will protect the nods from sucking pests once /week . Oberon 1ml/lt once /week

4) A close monitoring is a must to meet the need of the plant

5) 52 34 1 grm/lt once a week as drenching ( half cup )

6) A right soil mix will help growing roots : gardening loam soil : garden compost :general compost = 1:1:1


one teaspoon SSP to be decomposed for 15 days

7) Checking if prepared soil is well drained .

8) Spraying water over canes daily

Its my understanding ,choice is yours

Best wishes

Photos from Gullaboo's post 07/04/2022

Rose cutting propagation

# Hard wood Cutting to be made from dormant plant in late august or early September.
# A rule in making hardwood cuttings is to cut immediately below a node at the base and immediately above a node at the terminal.
# Remove all buds except the one at the tip node, this tends to discourage the development of water sprouts later in the growth of the plant.
# Better rooting will be obtained if the cuttings are planted in a well-drained sandy or sandy loam soil.
# “own-rooted” plants, should be allowed to grow in the place for at least one seasons or ideally for two seasons.
# To grow the rose plants from softwood cuttings made from material during its current or first season of growth.
# The cuttings, 6 to 7 inches long with only the basal leaves removed, are planted upright about 3 inches deep.
# Softwood usually set in sand as the rooting medium and are shaded with cheesecloth until rooted.
# Soft wood cuttings root commonly in from 10 to 14 days-a shorter period than required for hardwood cuttings.
# Softwood cuttings should be made as early in a season as the wood becomes sufficiently mature.
# Cuttings may be taken from any part of a current and only current-season shoot.
# Cutting should be made from upper tip only.
# 15 days Before making cutting of any type, stock (Healthy plant) should be feed with systemic Fungicide/Pesticide for minimum 3 Dose, and at least 1 doses of auxin (Rooting Hormone).
# Keep cutting in rooting hormone for at least 30 min.
# Water frequently to keep moisture in plant media.
# Pot size should not be more then 5inches (3 is better) height of pot should be around 4-6 inches.

Disclaimer: I have never practiced rooting of rose from Cutting. This article is from one of my resent readings.

I want to contribute a lot in this group flip side I don't get time from regular day

Photos from Gullaboo's post 06/04/2022


Rose leaf diseases: Blackspot

What is it?

Blackspot (Diplocarpon Rosae) is the arch nemesis of rose lovers. It's a fungus that can defoliage an entire plant. Vulnerability to Blackspot on cultivated roses came into this world when the yellow color was introduced into the Hybrid Teas. Rosa Foetida, as a parent, introduced yellow but also blackspot.
This means that classical rose groups which flower only once won't get blackspot. Bourbons, Portlands, Hybrid Perpetuals and Hybrid teas are all susceptible to it. If it reblooms its susceptible.
The last decade there's been a lot of research on the Diplocarpon Rosae. The rose industry is really big and Blackspot is the main problem.
This fungus has the ability to morph into another strain, just like the flu or Covid. This means that resistance to Blackspot isn't permanent, not even with the new Varieties. They can withstand it for a while but eventually they'll get infected by a new strain. It's like the Star Trek Borg collective: Weapons can destroy them at first but they adapt soon and become invulnerable to the weapons.
Research has shown that infection on the plant spreads by water. The fungi spores are airborn and can travel several km or miles. So even if your garden is free of infected leafs and spores they can get infected by air. Once the spore land on the leafs of roses (transported by rain drops) it needs seven hours to infect the leaf. So it needs a wet environment for seven hours in order to survive. If the leaf gets dry earlier it won't get infected. But if it stays wet long enough the infection is permanent. Spreading to other leafs occurs when water falls onto infected leafs and drizzles onto other uninfected ones. But this can also only occur if it stays wet for seven hours.
So now we know that:

It's a fungus and it spreads by spores which are airborn. It can mutate to another strain and infect so called resistant varieties. Rain drops are its ride to land onto our roses and it needs seven hours of wet conditions to infect the leaf.

Cure and prevention: Curing the infected rose isn't that difficult. Very good results are reached with a treatment of Neem oil or whole fat cow milk (1:3 so 1 part water mixed with 3 parts milk). There are other bee friendly products on the market by different brands so you can find them online and shop there. Don't use regular chemical fungicides because it destroys the biodiversity of your garden, it's poison.
When using Neem or cow milk repeat weekly on infected plants for at least one month. As a prevention: Start spraying when leafs appear (so now) and repeat every two weeks until September. These products strengthen the plant without causing damage to other organisms.
When you detect the disease on a leaf or leafs remove it immediately and burn it. Start to spray with Neem or another bio product immediately and also treat roses next to the infected one.
In Autumn: When leafs have fallen down you can collect and burn them. Don't put them on the compost pile for obvious reasons. A thick layer of mulch prevents infection also So mulch on top of the fallen leafs if you don't want to collect them. Spray the naked rose canes with Neem or your product of choice. Now your roses are safe and Blackspot free.
Don't plant roses too close together. It helps to spread the infection and it prevents the leafs to dry up soon after rain. Also with Blackspot; Don't water the roses directly onto the leafs. Give water on the foot of the rose.
So that's it people. So never despair, Blackspot can occur on all reblooming roses but with these good tips it can be prevented and cured as much as possible.

Photos from Gullaboo's post 06/04/2022

See how cuttings growing planted on 25 march, for details see the 25 march post

Photos from Gullaboo's post 06/04/2022

New cuttings planted desi rose


📌उन्हाळ्यामध्ये झाडांना संतुलित खते देणे गरजेचे असते,कारण उन्हाची तीव्रता तसेच खतांची उष्णता,त्यामुळे झाडांवर दुष्परिणाम लवकर दिसून येतात,.. म्हणून अशा वेळी कुठली खते वापरावी हे समजून घेणे गरजेचे असते..
📌 प्रत्येक ऋतूनुसार झाडांमध्ये खत ग्रहण करण्याच्या गरजा वेगवेगळ्या असतात,शक्यतो उन्हाळ्यामध्ये रासायनिक, तीव्र खते, जसे डीएपी युरिया यासारखी खते देणे टाळावे❌️

📌गांडूळ खत 👉यामध्ये ह्युमस,ऑक्सिजन, कार्बन,हायड्रोजन,सल्फर, नत्र, स्फुरद,पालाश,हे घटक असल्यामुळे याचे चांगले परिणाम झाडांवर लगेच दिसून येतात,...जसे की झाडांची वाढ चांगली सुदृढ होते,हे खत इंडोर आऊटडोअर सगळ्या झाडांसाठी उत्तम असते👌...

📌 ह्युमिक ऍसिड 👉यामध्ये कार्बन,ह्यूमस,पोटॅशियम, ह्यूमेट, हे घटक सामावलेले असतात... फायदे 👉झाडांची मुळं ताकदवान होऊन,त्यांची अन्न ग्रहण करण्याची क्षमता वाढते,मुळांची श्वसन क्रिया सुधारते, बियांची उगवण्याची क्षमता वाढते,आपण झाडांना दिलेल्या खतांमधून ह्युमिक ऍसिड हे विटामिन्स,प्रोटिन्स,मिनरल्स, या प्रकारची पोषकतत्वे झाडांपर्यंत पोचवण्याचे काम करते....
🌿सगळ्या प्रकारच्या झाडांना हे द्यावे, झाडाची पाने अचानक पिवळी पडू लागल्यास, तसेच झाडाला उन्हाची तीव्रता सहन न झाल्यास,आणि नवीन रोप नवीन कुंडीत लावते वेळी( repotting )पाण्यात मिक्स करून मातीतून द्यावे,..

📌एप्सम सॉल्ट यामध्ये 👉मॅग्नेशिअम, सल्फर,मिनरल्स,मायक्रो न्यूट्रॉन्स, सामावलेले असतात,झाडांना सूक्ष्म अन्नद्रव्ये पुरवण्याचे काम करते,झाड शॉक मध्ये गेले असता त्यातून झाडाला रिकवर लवकर करते,रोपाची वाढ होते, तसेच नवीन फुटवे फुटण्यास मदत करते....
🌿सर्व प्रकारच्या रोपांना एप्सम सॉल्ट द्यावे झाडावर फवारणीसुद्धा वेळोवेळी करावी.... टीप 👉हल्ली बरेचदा ह्युमिक ऍसिड मध्ये एप्सम सॉल्ट सामावलेले असते,म्हणून पॅकेटवर वाचून घ्यावे, एप्सम सॉल्ट यामध्ये सामावलेले असल्यास वेगळे द्यायची गरज नसते ❌️

📌केळी साल पाणी यामध्ये 👉पोटॅशियम,कार्बोहायड्रेट्स,फायबर्स, मिनरल्स, तसेच सूक्ष्म अन्नद्रव्ये सामावलेले असतात, हे पाणी किंवा पावडर झाडांना दिल्यास झाड सुदृढ होतात, सूक्ष्म अन्नद्रव्यांची झाडाला पूर्तता होते,माती सजीव होते,फुलं गळून पडण्याची समस्या उद्भवत नाही, सर्व प्रकारच्या फुलझाडांना हे द्यावे....

📌चहा पावडर यामध्ये 👉कॅफेन, टॅनिन,बूस्टरर्स हे घटक असतात ,यामुळे झाडांना फुलं लवकर येतात,तसेच झाडांना नवीन फुटवे येण्यास मदत होते, माती भुसभुशीत तसेच आम्लयुक्त ठेवते,झाडांना नवीन एनर्जी प्रदान करते, सगळ्या प्रकारच्या फुलझाडांना,फळझाडांना द्यावे...

📌एन पी के 191919 यामध्ये👉 नत्र,स्फुरद,पालाश( nitrogen Phosphorus potassium) हे घटक सामावलेले असल्यामुळे, रोपाची सर्वांगीण वाढ चांगली होते,तसेच नवीन कळ्या येण्यास मदत होते, फुल गळून पडण्याची समस्या उद्भवत नाही,सर्व प्रकारच्या फुलझाडांना तसेच इंडोर प्लांट ला सुद्धा देता येते...

📌तसेच उन्हाळ्यामध्ये झाडांना शेणखत द्यायचे असल्यास तेही पाण्यात एक रात्रभर भिजवून दुसऱ्या दिवशी त्या पाण्यात तेवढेच साधे पाणी मिक्स करून मग झाडांना द्यावे, झाडांवर याचा स्प्रे देखील करावा,शेणखत नसेल तर गौरी ही चालते 👍यामुळे झाडांना एनर्जी मिळते झाड हिरवेगार राहण्यास मदत होते... याच प्रकारे तुम्ही गांडूळ खत पाण्यात मिक्स करून देऊ शकता👍 उन्हाळ्यामध्ये शक्यतो झाडांना liquid fertilizer द्यावे, म्हणजे झाडाच्या प्रत्येक मुळापर्यंत हे दिलेले पोहोचते, त्यामुळे झाडांवर चांगले परिणाम लवकर दिसून येतात...

📌 तसेच Seaweed extract 👉याचीदेखील फवारणी झाडावर करू शकता,तसेच माती तूनही द्यावे यामुळे देखील झाडाला संपूर्ण पोषण मिळते, झाड हिरवेगार टवटवीत राहण्यास मदत मिळते...

📌मायक्रोन्यूट्रिएंट पावडर चे पॅकेट देखील ॲग्री शॉप मध्ये विकत मिळते त्याचीदेखील झाडांवर फवारणी तसेच मातीतून द्यावे....

📌 उन्हाळ्यामध्ये झाडांना एक तर सूर्योदयाच्या आधी किंवा सुर्यास्ता नंतर पाणी द्यावे, दोन्ही वेळेस झाडांवर पाण्याचा फवारा करावा,तसेच आठवड्यातून एकदा घरगुती कीटकनाशकाची फवारणी करावी,त्यासाठी माझी कीटक नाशक पोस्ट वाचावी....👍
🌿उन्हाळ्यामध्ये दुपारच्यावेळी झाडांना झळा लागणार नाही याची काळजी घ्यावी,ग्रीन नेट लावून वगैरे, कुंड्यानखाली पाण्याच्या प्लेट ठेवाव्या, कुंड्यांमध्ये मल्चिंग करावे,यासाठी सगळ्यात वरचा थर कोकोपीट /तांदळाची तूस/ कलिंगडाचे काप/ पालापाचोळा/ विटांचे भिजवलेले तुकडे /यापैकी काहीही एक वापरू शकता 👍जेणेकरून उन्हामुळे झाडाची feeder root damage होणार नाही,झाडाचे उन्हापासून संरक्षण चांगले होईल,
🙏 तर ही होती उन्हाळ्यात झाडांची काळजी कशी घ्यावी आणि झाडांना खते कशा प्रकारे द्यावी याबद्दल माहिती... याबद्दल काही प्रश्न असल्यास नक्की विचारा 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Summer Care
Summer is harsh but still a growth period upto 35 degree C more or less . The factor causes threat is high humidity that follows after summer in early and late monsoon .

A digestible feeding is less hazardous since plants need more fluid for vascular growth . It is the time of recurrence arrival of predators like mites ,thrips .aphids etc overloaded with fungus from the injury caused by those predators ,specially the nods and tender leaves .

Feeding ( For both media /any media )
1) General feeding -- 1 grm + 1ml humic acid /lt /2 times a week

2) Calcium nitrate 1 grm/lt /once /week

3) Tata master /Ridomil gold 2 grm + 52 34 1 grm/lt once /week in roots


1) Ridomil gold 2 grm/lt /1/week

2) Confidor 0.6 ml +0.4 ml tafgor /lt 1/week

3) Oberon 1ml/lt /1/week

4) Mgsor 1.5 grm/lt /1/week

5) Seaweed 2 ml/lt /1/week


1) Once at the time of fertilization

2) At noon

3) Afternoon

Mind it carefully if your plants need water or not ; mean media condition is moist or not . If moist shower only two to three times over canopy . If water is in demand water with shower ,no need to water separately .

If newly potted plants drooping with impression of unsteady leaves with black edges ,it means lesser root development inside causing this multiplied by thrips and pests ; therefore no cause of over watering demanded by the sick plant . Spray then fungicide and pesticides as mentioned .

Note : I relentlessly write for you not for getting 'wow' etc but whenever I notice an important video missing the attention of so many ,I feel your disinterest .

I don't know whether there is any sanction imposed upon from outside 😄😄😄

Gardening is a culture by heart but marred by some ,a long experienced circus show .

Anyway I have been doing my duty out of love & commitment ,rest is yours .

Best wishes

Photos from Gullaboo's post 25/03/2022

Photos from Gullaboo's post 22/03/2022

Making cuttings of chitri gulab
It's one of Desi rose
Full of fragrance

Photos from Gullaboo's post 17/03/2022

Check out your plant's Root's,
If they are not growing or not buding as your wish, check them if they need any treatment 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


New opportunity for both business

Photos from मालती Restaurant and café's post 31/10/2021

Happy wali divali

Photos from उत्तम श्रेणी's post 23/10/2021

Nice one




Good night 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


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