I Reborn Everyday

I Reborn Everyday

At IReborn a positive change of life is waiting for you to make you reach high level of consciousnes


ভোরের সূর্যদয় আমি রোজ দেখি। চোখ ও মন ভরে দেখি। ভোরের এই সূর্য টা দেখলে মনে খুব জোর পাই। আগের দিনের ক্লান্তি, হেরে যাওয়া, ভাঙ্গা মনবল, দায়িত্বের লড়াই......সব কিছু আবার একটা দিনের সাথে শুরু হয়ে যায়। ভোরবেলা কাজে যাওয়ার পথে বেশ কিছুক্ষণ দাঁড়িয়ে দেখি সূর্য টাকে। গ্যালারি ভর্তি হয়ে গেছে রোজ ছবি তুলে। এটা আজকের (২'রা মার্চ, ২০২৪, শনিবার, প্রায় ভোর ৬ টা) তোলা। একদিন যদি ও ভাবে আজ আমি দেরী করে উঠব, উঠব না অথবা কক্ষপথে ধীরে চলব... তবে তো দুনিয়াই শেষ হয়ে যাবে। সেরকম আমিও পারি না থামতে। আমি থামলেই আমার দুনিয়া ধ্বংস হয়ে যাবে। নিজেকে সূর্যের মত ভাবতে ভালো লাগে। সারা জীবন নিজেকে পুড়িয়ে চকচকে উজ্জ্বল হাসি নিয়ে নিজের পৃথিবী টাকে তার কক্ষপথে সচল রাখাই তো সূর্যের কাজ। আমাকেও সূর্যের মত কাজ করে যেতেই হবে। তোমরাও সূর্যের মত হয়ো। জীবনে যত যাই হোক, পরদিন উঠতেই হবে এটা মনে রেখো।
সপ্তাহের শেষ দিনটি শুভ হোক


I have had the realization lately, that pushed me on my self-love journey... And I sincerely apologize to my inner self and ask for forgiveness for letting others devalue and use me for decades... I and my inner-child are best friends now. And I am doing all the justice to her which she deserves...Loving myself dearly is the best lesson I learned in this lifetime...


নিজেকে প্রতিজ্ঞা করুন, লোকেরা আপনার সাথে যতই খারাপ ব্যবহার করুক না কেন, প্রতিশোধ নেওয়ার জন্য কখনই খারাপ ব্যক্তি হবেন না। তবুও সদয় হোন। ঈশ্বর আপনার হৃদয়ের গভীর জানেন. ✍️ জয়ন্তী
Promise yourself, no matter how bad people treat you, never be a bad person to take revenge. Still be kind. God knows deep of your heart (translated)


একলব্য সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ ধর্ণূধার ছিলেন। অর্জুনকে সর্বসেরা করার জন্য দ্রোণাচার্য একলব্যের একটি আঙুল গুরুদক্ষিণা হিসেবে চেয়ে নিয়েছিলেন। তাই মহাভারতে অর্জুনকে যে সেরা ধর্ণূধার হিসাবে বর্ণনা করা হয়ে আসছে সেটা ভুল প্রমাণিত করার জন্য এই যুগে পুনরায় একলব্যের জন্ম হয়েছে। এটা তুলনা নয়। এটা একটা প্রমাণ যে, সত্য কখনো অন্ধকারে থাকে না। দিন কাল মাস বছর যুগ পরেও তা সামনে আসে। কোন যুগে ঘটে যাওয়া সেই অধার্মিক কাজ যার জন্য একলব্য তার যোগ্যতা প্রমাণ করতে পারেননি, তিনি ঠিক আগামী কোনো এক যুগে তার যোগ্যতা প্রমাণ করবেন তিনি সেদিন ভেবেই নিয়েছিলেন। তিনি নিশ্চয়ই এটাই ভেবেছিলেন যে কোনো এক জন্মে আমি শুধু আঙুল নয় দুহাত ছাড়া ধনুক চালিয়ে দেখাবো এবং সেরা হব। তাই একলব্য যখন ফিরে এসেছে তখন অর্জুন তো আর সেরা ধর্ণূধার রইল না।
সেদিন অঙ্গুষ্ঠহীন হয়ে একলব্য অনুশীলন বন্ধ করেছিলেন। নিজেকে প্রতিবন্ধী প্রমাণ করেছিলেন। এ জন্মে উনি সেই ভুল করেন নি। প্রতিবন্ধকতা যে মস্তিকে, শরীরের নয় এই শিক্ষা তিনি হাড়ে হাড়ে বুঝেছেন।



The first time I met with sir was the 2019 fitexpo. I have only one photo with him in that place where the 1st time we met. Every year I post that to wish him. But this year Instead of posting his (sir's) photo, I thought this photo with ma'am and .khan92 sir would be the best thing I can post today on 4th December, to tell him "sir hum abhi bhi apne logo ke sathe hi hai aur hamesha rahenge".

Happy Birthday sir 💐.
I never missed you. You live in my heart where I keep very few people.

You are special sir.


Never miss a chance to show your gratitude towards the people who made you who you are today.
I will always be in debt to my
and the people in it

This smile on my face because of them. ❤️



Hi, dear Cellulite


Anti -aging with No cream & make up


Lets try this!
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Two day world. How many days have you thought to stay healthy? 🙂 Come on, don't do wrong. Do not kill the rights of others. I respect, I love in return. Be good as a human being before. If I can't do that, I don't do inhuman deeds without being inhuman. Trust in god May all souls in the world be beautiful. We also practice humanity in this regard.

In frame:


It should be shown to all children out there. I am remembering my elder brother Jayabrata Aich who used to do the same. Thats why he is still different.
Share & show. Karm is dharm.
.and you say "time nehi milta!"


Stay awake


Do share if you think I am saying correct.


🔶Time to enjoy your food
🔶Eat limit less
✉️DM to for further details

In video 🍫chocolate in correct way to make you healthy with happiness, not the one with unhealthy with guilt.


Dont trap into "Free"


Whats the different between my last 40 kg bench press and today's!?

No no...its not that today I am wearing sports bra!!

Its finally I have done 5 reps ! 💚
Happy active Friday 🥰


Betterment of oneself is challenge of lifetime.

Our bodies find stability and strength for one side from the other. Our left side obliques turn on to help keep us from side-bending when we’re holding something heavy on the right side of our bodies.
We create a force against the ground from our right foot to flex our left lat.
These cross patterns should be automatic, and we should have control and strength on each side to stabilize the other, but that’s not always the case.
The suitcase deadlift makes it intuitive to sharpen this quality.
It feels wrong to tilt or rotate to one side when you’re picking a heavy weight off the floor in just one hand. You instinctively and actively fight against it.

If you life then like, commet & share.


We lift for empowerment, not for beach body.
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It's no secret that world is now a sedentary society. The predictable result of this inactive lifestyle is an almost-unavoidable increase in body weight. According to researches & journals as many as 80 percent of men and women in their 50s and older have too little muscle and too much fat, leading to obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, low back pain, and numerous types of cancer.

Fortunately, muscle loss is reversible, and research reveals that resistance exercise is effective for increasing muscle mass at all ages. Researches prove that Strength Training Past 50, it is essential for men and women over 50 to engage in regular resistance exercise because the rate of muscle loss nearly doubles after the fifth decade of life. There are many benefits of strength training and the maintenance of a strong muscular system.

Here is a 77 yrs old young boy.
Can't explain the time when I met him for the first day and now after 2 months. He was not even lay down on his stomach. Can't his elbow shake a bit for pushing.

After 2 months he earned this of continuous practice & dedication.
A Happy Day For Me as his coach.

Believer is the song & patience is the Key


People ask this type of question to us👇
Muscle baniye ki hobe?/ What will you do by making these much of muscles?
People often think of muscle as merely a tissue with the capacity to lift, push or pull – or as something to show off on spring break. But those guns play many other important roles in your body as well. For example, muscle is the main driver of heat generation and also largely influences your body's metabolism.

But no matter your motivation, building strong muscles takes work. To increase muscle mass, you have to build muscle fiber girth – not add new muscle fibers – since the number of such fibers is established at birth. The best way to impact muscle fiber size is by resistance training or weightlifting.

Fortunately, the musculoskeletal system is one of the body systems that responds most readily to exercise. In other words: We have a great capacity to change it. Unfortunately, that change works both ways: Strength training provides benefits which people don't understand or rather it is better to say dont want want to understand but those improvements also rapidly decline when you let it stop. Use it or lose it theory.

Incorporating resistance training into your exercise routine is an importance facet of overall wellness. Here are some of the many reasons to boost your muscle mass. Beach body not included 😜

1. Muscle helps manage blood sugar.
2. Muscle builds strength and
3. Muscle supports your joints.
4. Building muscle builds bone, too.
5. Muscle helps you control body fat.
6. Muscle may change your
emotional state.
7. Muscle makes you more self-
Make Regular Deposits Into Your
Quality of Life Savings Account

Last but not least it is not easy to make 1 kg muscle.
You are ignoring the thing(muscle) which takes time to build.
Think if you lose it 🤔

Video is for attraction 🧲😂


A same room can have different view at different time of a day.
Our body also can have different view at different perspective from different individual.

Dont change your ROOM or BODY on the basis of different views & perspective.

If you like then please do like, comment & share
Thank you


Have a strong saturday guys 💪🏾💪🏾
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Its all about the planning of training. Coach knows better.
Video from Squat University


Trying new things in life is always needed to keep up the old things.
Its carry on your learning process and help you open your mind to accept the other good things other do, but you don't.

*I forgot one push 🙈
Come & join the TRX training. Fitness with Fun. DM for online & offline classes


What a beautiful thought from a 14yrs old ❤️


Being healthy depends on a healthy lifestyle. And healthy life style depends on healthy food, exercise and good amount of sleep.
Here is my healthy lunch recipe.

💠Paneer kebab💠
1⃣cut capsicum, onion, tomato into cubes.
2⃣cut paneer into cube, soak them in salted
hot water for a while. Then strain.
3⃣in a bowl take curd, ginger garlic paste
salt, turmeric powder, Jeera & dhaniya powder, dried kasoori
methi, tandoori masala. Mix them.
separate into two part. Mix paneer cube
in one and cube vegies into another. Rest
for 1-2 hrs.
4⃣arrange all cubes in sticks
5⃣heat a pan and put butter into that. Bake
all sticks by rotating all sides.
6⃣add some amul fresh cream while eating.

➡Avoid refine oil. Rather use butter/ghee/coconut oil to cook food. Dont think it will cost you more. Belive me it will require less if you cook in slow to medium heat and use lid to cook any food.
💙Stay healthy ...keep your family healthy.


Today I went to a park which is close to my house. Did awesome cardio and body weight exercises. Feeling good. Hope you people are not sitting or sleeping at home. Someone told me to use these day offs at its best. So I am all set to do that. Not only exercise, there are lot of work i will complete during these days. Dont let the virus win over us. Stay safe, be hygenic.
Here are some videos of my today's workout. Have a good morning and a good day ahead dosto. 😊
1⃣ push up 10
2⃣ close grip push up 10
3⃣ push up with knee touch elbow
4⃣ step up 10 each leg
5⃣ shoulder drill
6⃣ rows
Repeat the whole set(6 exercises) 3 to 4 times. No rest between exercises. Take rest of 2 to 3 mints in between sets.
🔸If you dont have resistance band then use 1 ltr bottle in hand and do the same.
🔸If you are a beginner bend your knee then do push ups.
🔸If you are doing at home use a chair to do step ups. Make sure to suppport the chair against wall. Or else it will slip.

Videos (show all)

Hi, dear Cellulite
Anti -aging with No cream & make up
Lets try this! Like comment share#squatuniversity
Anything or everything... put your 100%  Share if you think its helpful #ireborn #instahelp #myth #science #weightmanage...
It should be shown to all children out there.  I am remembering my elder brother Jayabrata Aich who used to do the same....
What do you think? Share & comment
Health is wealth
Happy New year to everyone ❤️
Hey ladies 🙋‍♀️ Lets Reborn   #reels #trend #trending #trendingnow
Jab aap dimag mein soch lete ho ke aap kar sakte ho..half of the work you have just done there. Just rest of the work yo...
DM for nutrition plan 🥰



Opening Hours

Monday 05:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 05:00 - 22:00
Wednesday 05:00 - 22:00
Thursday 05:00 - 22:00
Friday 05:00 - 22:00
Saturday 05:00 - 22:00