SuVi Eye Institute & Lasik Laser Center, Kota, Rajasthan, India

Located in Kota, India, SuVi Eye Inst is renowned, ultra-modern eye center established by Dr Vidushi

Located in Kota, Rajasthan, India, SuVi Eye Institute and Lasik Laser Centre is an internationally renowned, ultra-modern and well-equipped eye hospital with a special emphasis on advanced phacoemulsification surgery, pediatric cataract surgery and oculoplastic surgery. Founded in 2006, it is already well-known in the state for the excellent services provided. It is the desire, passion and mission


दौलत, शोहरत या ताकत? असली खुशी कहाँ छिपी है?

कभी आपने सोचा है कि हम अपनी ज़िन्दगी से नाखुश होते हैं, जबकि दुनिया में बहुत से लोग हमारे जैसी ज़िन्दगी जीने का सपना देखते हैं? 🤔

🌾 सोचिए, एक खेत में काम करने वाला बच्चा आसमान में उड़ते हुए हवाई जहाज़ को देखता है और उड़ने का सपना देखता है। ✈️ वहीं उस हवाई जहाज़ का पायलट नीचे उस खेत को देखता है और अपने घर लौटने का सपना देखता है। 🏡

यही तो ज़िन्दगी है! हम अक्सर दूसरों की ज़िन्दगी की ओर देखते हैं, ये सोचते हुए कि शायद वहाँ कुछ बेहतर है, जबकि हमारी खुद की ज़िन्दगी में भी अनमोल ख़ुशियाँ छिपी होती हैं। ज़िन्दगी हमें हर दिन कुछ न कुछ सिखाती है, बस हमें उसे समझने की ज़रूरत होती है।

💸 अगर दौलत ही खुशी का राज़ होती, तो अमीर लोग सड़कों पर नाचते दिखते। लेकिन असल में, छोटे-छोटे गरीब बच्चे बिना किसी चिंता के खुशी से झूमते और नाचते हैं। 🎶

💼 अगर ताकत ही सुरक्षा की गारंटी होती, तो बड़े सत्ताधारी नेता बिना सुरक्षा के चलते। लेकिन देखिए, जो साधारण जीवन जीते हैं, वो रात में चैन की नींद सोते हैं। 😌

💍 और अगर सुंदरता और शोहरत से बेहतरीन रिश्ते बनते, तो मशहूर हस्तियों की शादियाँ सबसे अच्छी होतीं एवं लंबी चलती। लेकिन अक्सर, असली और मजबूत रिश्ते उन्हीं के होते हैं जो सादगी से जीते हैं, दूर चमक-धमक से।

ज़िन्दगी का सबसे बड़ा सबक: चाहे हम दौलत, शोहरत, या ताकत का पीछा करें, असली खुशी इसी में है: साधारण जिएं, विनम्रता से चलें और सच्चे दिल से प्यार करें, और जीवन की सारी अच्छी चीजें खुद-ब-खुद आपके पास आएंगी। 🌻

अपने आपसे पूछना नहीं भूलें: 🌟

✨ वो कौन-सी छोटी-छोटी चीज़ें हैं जो आपकी ज़िन्दगी में सबसे ज़्यादा खुशी लाती हैं? ✨ क्या कभी आपने ऐसा कुछ चाहा है, जो बाद में महसूस हुआ कि वो खुशी आपको पहले से ही मिली हुई थी?

आइए, मिलकर उन चीज़ों को सराहें जो हमारे पास हैं। ज़िन्दगी सितारों को छूने में नहीं, बल्कि ज़मीन की मिट्टी को महसूस करने में है। 🙏

डॉ. सुरेश पाण्डेय, सुवि नेत्र चिकित्सालय, कोटा

#ज़िन्दगी_के_सबक #सादगी_में_खुशी #खुशी_को_पहचानों #विनम्र_रहो #ज़िन्दगी_को_जीओ #खुशी_अपने_अंदर_है #सादगी_से_जीना #सच्चे_रिश्ते #ज़िन्दगी_की_कद्र_करो #खुशी_छोटी_चीज़ों_में

Lessons Taught by LIFE: Wealth, Power, Beauty: What Truly Matters in Life?

Have you ever noticed how we often dream of a life that’s different from our own?

A child on a farm gazes at a plane flying overhead and dreams of soaring through the sky. But the pilot in that plane longs to land and return to the warmth of home.

Life is full of contradictions, isn't it? While some chase wealth, power, or fame thinking they bring happiness, the truth may be very different...

If wealth is the key to happiness, why aren’t the rich dancing in the streets? But it's often the children with the least who dance with the most joy.

If power guarantees safety, why do the powerful walk surrounded by guards, while those living simple lives sleep soundly and unafraid?

If beauty and fame ensure the perfect relationship, why do so many celebrities struggle with their marriages?

Take a moment and ask yourself: What small things in your life do you overlook that others might dream of? What is something simple that brings you the most joy?

Let’s remind ourselves: Live simply, walk humbly, and love genuinely... and all the good will come back to you.

Dr. Suresh K. Pandey
SuVi Eye Hospital, Kota


सामर्थ्य सेवा संस्थान के डॉक्टर राम जी लाल चंद्रवाल से विशेष चर्चा



A Tribute to the late Professor Arvind Dubey Sir
Sharing a heartfelt video tribute dedicated to the late Professor Arvind Dubey Sir, a mentor, teacher, and an inspiration to countless students. His guidance, wisdom, and passion for teaching have left an indelible mark on everyone who had the privilege of learning from him.

In this video, we reflect on his incredible legacy and the profound impact he made in the field of education. His lessons extend far beyond the classroom and continue to inspire us in our personal and professional journeys.

Let's come together to remember and celebrate the life of a truly remarkable educator.
Let’s honor his legacy by passing on the knowledge he instilled in us.


World Su***de Prevention Day - September 10, 2024
Theme: ""Changing The Narrative On Su***de,"

Dear NEET and IIT-JEE Aspirants in Kota,
You are the dreamers, the achievers, and the ones who are working day and night for a brighter future. Today, on World Su***de Prevention Day, let’s take a moment to remind ourselves that life is a precious journey, full of ups and downs, but worth living through every challenge.

The pressure to succeed can sometimes feel overwhelming, but remember that you are more than your exam scores. Your dreams, your efforts, and your persistence already make you a winner. In moments of doubt, talk to someone—be it a friend, teacher, or counselor. You are never alone.

Actionable Steps to Minimize Student Su***des in Kota:

1. Talk about your feelings: Silence fuels pain. Opening up reduces the emotional burden.

2. *Break the stigma of mental health*: Prioritize your well-being. Mental health is as important as physical health.

3. Support groups: Join or create small circles of friends where you can share concerns without judgment.

4. Seek professional help: There’s no shame in contacting a counselor or therapist.

5. Balance: Take breaks, and engage in activities you love—music, art, or sports. It’s crucial to maintain a balance between study and relaxation.

Every setback is an opportunity to rise stronger. There is hope in every action we take. Let’s promise to be there for each other, to uplift those who may be struggling, and to make our Kota community one where dreams thrive and lives flourish.

You matter. Your life matters.

Dr. Suresh K Pandey
Dr. Vidushi Sharma
SuVi Eye Hospital Kota


विश्व आत्महत्या रोकथाम दिवस - 10 सितंबर, 2024

थीम: "आत्महत्या पर कहानी बदलना"

प्रिय NEET और IIT-JEE के छात्र,
आप सपने देखने वाले हैं, मेहनत करने वाले हैं, और अपने भविष्य को उज्ज्वल बनाने के लिए दिन-रात एक करने वाले हैं। आज विश्व आत्महत्या रोकथाम दिवस के मौके पर, आइए खुद को याद दिलाएं कि जीवन एक अनमोल यात्रा है। चाहे कितनी भी मुश्किलें आएं, यह हर पल जीने लायक है।

कभी-कभी सफलता का दबाव भारी लग सकता है, लेकिन याद रखें कि आप केवल अपने अंक नहीं हैं। आपकी मेहनत, आपके सपने, और आपकी लगन ही आपको विजेता बनाते हैं। जब भी आपको लगे कि हालात भारी हैं, किसी से बात करें—दोस्त, शिक्षक या काउंसलर। आप कभी अकेले नहीं हैं।*

कोटा में छात्रों की आत्महत्याओं को रोकने के लिए कदम:

1. अपनी भावनाओं को व्यक्त करें: चुप्पी दर्द को बढ़ाती है। खुलकर बात करने से मन हल्का होता है।

2. मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को प्राथमिकता दें: मानसिक स्वास्थ्य शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य जितना ही महत्वपूर्ण है।

3. सहयोग समूह: छोटे समूहों में शामिल हों या बनाएं, जहां बिना किसी आलोचना के अपनी चिंताओं को साझा कर सकें।

4. पेशेवर मदद लें: काउंसलर या मनोचिकित्सक से बात करने में कोई शर्म नहीं होनी चाहिए।

5. संतुलन बनाए रखें: पढ़ाई के साथ-साथ उन गतिविधियों में समय बिताएं, जिन्हें आप पसंद करते हैं—चाहे वह संगीत हो, कला हो, या खेल। पढ़ाई और आराम के बीच संतुलन बनाए रखना जरूरी है।

हर असफलता के बाद, फिर से उठने का मौका होता है। *हमारी हर क्रिया में आशा छिपी होती है। आइए हम एक-दूसरे का साथ देने का वादा करें, जो कठिनाइयों का सामना कर रहे हैं उन्हें संबल दें, और कोटा को एक ऐसा स्थान बनाएं जहां सपने पनपते हैं और जीवन खिलता है।

आप महत्वपूर्ण हैं। आपका जीवन महत्वपूर्ण है।

Dr. Suresh K Pandey
Dr. Vidushi Sharma
SuVi Eye Hospital Kota


Photos from SuVi Eye Institute & Lasik Laser Center, Kota, Rajasthan, India's post 10/09/2024

A Tribute to Kota’s Coaching Students: A Message of Hope on Su***de Prevention Day (September 10, 2024)

As I share my memoir, An Eye for the Sky: How an Eye Surgeon Helped Millions Dare to Dream, I dedicate it to every NEET or IIT JEE student who comes to Kota, carrying the weight of big dreams, especially on this day – Su***de Prevention Day.

I know the pressure can feel unbearable sometimes – the weight of expectations, the fear of failure, and the struggles that often seem overwhelming. My journey wasn’t easy either. There were moments of doubt, darkness, and despair when giving up felt like the only option. But I want you to know this: you are not alone.

Your dream is important, but so is your well-being. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, it’s okay to ask for help, and it’s okay to take things one day at a time. This book is more than a story about achieving success; it’s about the struggles we face along the way and the courage to keep going, even when the road gets hard.

On this Su***de Prevention Day, I urge you – to reach out, talk to someone, and never think you are alone in this journey. Your life and your dreams are worth fighting for. You have the strength to overcome every challenge, just like I did.

Let’s lift each other up, and remember – where there’s hope, there’s a way forward.🙏

An Eye for the Sky: How an Eye Surgeon Helped Millions Dare to Dream is available on Amazon

Please read the book and share the feedback.

Dr. Suresh K Pandey
SuVi Eye Hospital Kota



Felicitation of Eye Donor Family Members by the Eye Bank Society of Rajasthan, Kota Eye Bank Society of Rajasthan Kota Chapter

, , , , , , , , , , #नेत्रदान, #नेत्रदानमहादान, #दृष्टिकादान, #आंखेंदानकरें, #दृष्टिदान, #जीवनकीरोशनी, #नेत्रदानजागरूकता, #आंखेंदानीबनें, #दृष्टिबनाएंसबकेलिए, #आंखोंकीदुनिया

Photos from SuVi Eye Institute & Lasik Laser Center, Kota, Rajasthan, India's post 09/09/2024

It was a great honor to be felicitated by Dr. Sangeeta Saxena, Principal of Medical College Kota, and Dr. Jagdish Soni, CMHO Kota, during the Eye Donors Felicitation Program organized by the Eye Bank Society of Rajasthan, Kota Chapter, in association with the Rotary Club Kota and the Rajasthan Ophthalmological Society.

I had the privilege to present my talk on "Eye Donation: Myths and Facts," highlighting the importance of eye donation in restoring vision and debunking common misconceptions.

The program also saw the heartfelt felicitation of the families of eye donors, honoring their selfless contribution to society. Special thanks to all dignitaries present, including Dr. K.K. Aganjolia, Suresh Sedwal, Anita Chauhan, and Dr. Amit Rathore.

Together, we can work towards spreading awareness and ensuring that every individual understands the profound impact of eye donation.

Photos from SuVi Eye Institute & Lasik Laser Center, Kota, Rajasthan, India's post 08/09/2024

It was my pleasure to participate in the CME program organized by the Kota Division Ophthalmological Society (KDOS) at Country Inn, Kota on September 7, 2024. We had an insightful talk by Dr. Mukesh Sharma (CFS Jaipur) on managing Entropion, Ectropion, Ptosis, and IOL opacification.

I spoke on 'VIP Syndrome in Ophthalmology', discussing how treating high-profile patients can sometimes skew clinical decisions and emphasizing the importance of unbiased care for all.

Dr. Ekta Karhana (Ophthalmology Resident, GMC Kota) also gave a fascinating presentation on Ocular Prosthesis.

Special thanks to Dr. Kamlesh Kedawat (President KDOS), Dr. Rajendra Chandel (Secretary KDOS), Dr. Arpit Bansal (Chairman Scientific Committee), Dr. Rahul Garg (Treasurer KDOS), all KDOS executives and Ajanta Pharma for organizing this interactive and enjoyable event, followed by a wonderful dinner.

Dr. Suresh K Pandey
SuVi Eye Hospital Kota


It was my pleasure to participate in the CME program organized by Kota Division Ophthalmological Society (KDOS) at Country Inn, Kota on September 7, 2024. We had an insightful talk by Dr. Mukesh Sharma (CFS Jaipur) on managing Entropion, Ectropion, Ptosis, and IOL opacification.

I spoke on 'VIP Syndrome in Ophthalmology', discussing how treating high-profile patients can sometimes skew clinical decisions and emphasizing the importance of unbiased care for all.

Dr. Ekta Karhana (Ophthalmology Resident, GMC Kota)also gave a fascinating presentation on Ocular Prosthesis.

Special thanks to Dr. Kamlesh Kedawat (President KDOS), Dr. Rajendra Chandel (Secretary KDOS), Dr. Arpit Bansal (Chairman Scientific Committee), Dr. Rahul Garg (Treasurer KDOS), all KDOS executives and Ajanta Pharma for organizing this interactive and enjoyable event, followed by a wonderful dinner.

Dr. Suresh K Pandey
SuVi Eye Hospital Kota

Photos from SuVi Eye Institute & Lasik Laser Center, Kota, Rajasthan, India's post 07/09/2024

Heartfelt Congratulations to Dr. Abhay R. Vasavada Sir for receiving Sir Harold Ridley's medal!

A proud moment for Indian ophthalmology as Dr. Abhay R. Vasavada (from Raghudeep Eye Hospital, Ahmedabad), receives the prestigious Sir Harold Ridley Medal at the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) 2024 in Barcelona.

Dr. Vasavada became the first Indian ophthalmologist to be honored with this accolade, recognizing his unparalleled contributions to the field of cataract surgery. His dedication and innovation continue to inspire eye surgeons worldwide. We are immensely proud to celebrate this historic achievement!

Dr Suresh K Pandey
SuVi Eye Hospital Kota

Photos from SuVi Eye Institute & Lasik Laser Center, Kota, Rajasthan, India's post 07/09/2024

🌟🎉 Happy Ganesh Chaturthi! 🎉🌟

May Lord Ganesha bless you with wisdom, prosperity, and success. As we celebrate the arrival of the beloved Ganpati Bappa, let’s come together to spread joy and harmony. 🐘🌺✨

Let’s cherish the moments of devotion and togetherness with family and friends. Share your celebrations and join us in welcoming Bappa with open hearts! 🙏🪔

Wishing you all a vibrant and joyous Ganesh Chaturthi! 🐘🎊


It is with a deep sense of sorrow and profound respect that I pay tribute to renowned ophthalmologist and pioneer, Dr. I. Howard Fine, whose passing on August 29, 2024, has left an irreplaceable void in the world of ophthalmology.

I had the privilege of meeting Dr. Fine on several occasions during my time in the United States while working at the Storm Eye Institute, MUSC, Charleston, and the John A. Moran Eye Center in Salt Lake City. We coauthored several book chapters. Our paths often crossed at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) and American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) conferences, where his brilliance as a surgeon, inventor, and teacher was evident to all who were fortunate enough to witness it.

Dr. Fine’s journey was nothing short of inspiring. Starting his career as an engineer, his passion for medicine led him to pursue ophthalmology, where his groundbreaking contributions forever changed the way cataract surgery is performed. He pioneered the clear corneal phaco technique, transforming phacoemulsification into a bloodless surgery. His innovative work not only improved surgical outcomes but also set new standards in patient care that continue to save and restore vision for countless individuals around the world.

To me, Dr. Fine was not just a remarkable surgeon but also a generous educator, always willing to share his vast knowledge with others. Participating in his instruction courses at ASCRS and AAO was an enriching experience, one that shaped my own journey in ophthalmology. His passion for precision, his commitment to innovation, and his unyielding dedication to his patients will forever remain a guiding light for me and many others in our field.

As we mourn his passing, we also celebrate the indelible mark he left on ophthalmology. Dr. Fine’s legacy will continue to inspire future generations of surgeons, just as it has inspired mine. Though he may no longer be with us in body, his spirit and contributions will live on in every surgery performed and every sight restored through the techniques he pioneered.

Rest in peace, Dr. Fine. Your vision will continue to illuminate the world.


नेत्रदान महादान Eye Donation Awareness Program at Rajkiya Ucch Madhyamik Vidyalay Gopalpura, Kota



Wishing you all a very Happy Teachers' Day!

On this special occasion, we would like to share a famous quote from William Arthur Ward: "A mediocre teacher tells, a superior teacher demonstrates, and a great teacher inspires."

Our heartfelt thanks to our parents, all respected teachers, friends, colleagues, students, and patients for their inspiration, guidance, and providing us opportunity to learn each and every day.

With most sincere gratitude. 🙏

Dr. Suresh K. Pandey,
Dr. Vidushi Sharma, Kota


नेत्रदान महादान Eye Donation Awareness Program at Mahatma Gandhi Govt School Vocational Nayapura, Kota


Photos from SuVi Eye Institute & Lasik Laser Center, Kota, Rajasthan, India's post 04/09/2024

Mahatma Gandhi Govt School Vocational Nayapura Kota


Mahatma Gandhi Govt School Vocational Nayapura Kota


नेत्रदान पखवाड़ा Eye Donation Fortnight

As part of the ongoing Eye Donation Fortnight (August 25 to September 8, 2024), a remarkable event unfolded on September 2, 2024, at SuVi Eye Hospital, Kota. Shri Rajesh Maheshwari, Director of Allen Career Institute, Kota, stepped forward with a pledge to donate his eyes, exemplifying a true spirit of generosity and community support. His pledge underscores the powerful message that everyone can make a difference by giving the precious gift of sight.

Distinguished guests at the event included Dr. K.K. Kanjolia, President of the Eye Bank Society of Rajasthan Kota Chapter, Dr. Suresh K. Pandey, Coordinator of the Eye Bank Society of Rajasthan Kota Chapter, Dr. S.K. Gupta, Consultant at SuVi Eye Hospital, and Dr. Nipun Bagrecha, Retina Specialist at SuVi Eye Hospital. They were joined by Tinku Ojha, a Technician at the Eye Bank Society of Rajasthan Kota Chapter, all working together to promote the noble cause of eye donation.

Shri Rajesh Maheshwari lauded the dedicated efforts of the Eye Bank Society of Rajasthan Kota Chapter, emphasizing the critical need for more individuals to come forward and pledge their eyes. He appreciated the insightful talks delivered by the experts, which have been instrumental in educating and inspiring the community.

Eye Donation Fortnight is a time to reflect on the power we hold to change lives. By donating our eyes, we can transform darkness into light for those who are visually impaired. Let’s unite and pledge to bring vision to those who need it the most!



10 Life-Changing Habits to Elevate Your Day!

Kickstart your mornings and take control of your life with these powerful habits! Incorporate them into your daily routine, and watch how they transform your energy, mood, and productivity. Let’s dive into these game-changers:

1️⃣ Exercise for 1 Hour: Whether it’s cycling, running, or yoga, move your body to boost your energy and mood. What's your favorite workout to get your blood pumping?

2️⃣ Enjoy 2 Cups of Coffee: Savor your morning coffee and let the aroma wake you up. Are you a fan of espresso, or do you prefer a latte to start your day?

3️⃣ Hydrate with 3 Liters of Water: Water is essential for your health and vitality. How do you remember to stay hydrated throughout the day?

4️⃣ Have 4 Balanced Meals: Keep your energy levels steady with nutritious meals. What’s your go-to healthy meal to stay fueled?

5️⃣ Eat 5 Servings of Fruits: Fruits are packed with essential vitamins and nutrients. Which fruit is your favorite for a quick, healthy snack?

6️⃣ Listen to 6 Songs You Love: Music can uplift your spirits and set the tone for your day. What song do you have on repeat to stay motivated?

7️⃣ Laugh for 7 Minutes: Laughter is the best therapy! What’s the last thing that made you laugh out loud?

8️⃣ Get 8 Hours of Sleep: Quality sleep is crucial for a productive day. Do you have any bedtime rituals that help you sleep better?

9️⃣ Read 9 Pages of a Book: Feed your mind with knowledge and escape into a good story. What book are you currently enjoying?

🔟 Meditate for 10 Minutes: Clear your mind and find your inner peace. How do you practice mindfulness in your daily routine?

Which of these habits will you start today? Share your thoughts and let's inspire each other to live our best lives!

Dr. Suresh K. Pandey, Kota


10 Life-Changing Habits to Elevate Your Day!

Kickstart your mornings and take control of your life with these powerful habits! Incorporate them into your daily routine, and watch how they transform your energy, mood, and productivity. Let’s dive into these game-changers:

1️⃣ Exercise for 1 Hour: Whether it’s cycling, running, or yoga, move your body to boost your energy and mood. What's your favorite workout to get your blood pumping?

2️⃣ Enjoy 2 Cups of Coffee: Savor your morning coffee and let the aroma wake you up. Are you a fan of espresso, or do you prefer a latte to start your day?

3️⃣ Hydrate with 3 Liters of Water: Water is essential for your health and vitality. How do you remember to stay hydrated throughout the day?

4️⃣ Have 4 Balanced Meals: Keep your energy levels steady with nutritious meals. What’s your go-to healthy meal to stay fueled?

5️⃣ Eat 5 Servings of Fruits: Fruits are packed with essential vitamins and nutrients. Which fruit is your favorite for a quick, healthy snack?

6️⃣ Listen to 6 Songs You Love: Music can uplift your spirits and set the tone for your day. What song do you have on repeat to stay motivated?

7️⃣ Laugh for 7 Minutes: Laughter is the best therapy! What’s the last thing that made you laugh out loud?

8️⃣ Get 8 Hours of Sleep: Quality sleep is crucial for a productive day. Do you have any bedtime rituals that help you sleep better?

9️⃣ Read 9 Pages of a Book: Feed your mind with knowledge and escape into a good story. What book are you currently enjoying?

🔟 Meditate for 10 Minutes: Clear your mind and find your inner peace. How do you practice mindfulness in your daily routine?

Which of these habits will you start today? Share your thoughts and let's inspire each other to live our best lives!

Dr Suresh K Pandey, Kota

Photos from SuVi Eye Institute & Lasik Laser Center, Kota, Rajasthan, India's post 03/09/2024

Pledging for Sight: Eye Donation Awareness Reaches Central Jail Kota

On September 2, 2024, an Eye Donation Awareness Program was held at Central Jail Kota, bringing hope and a vision for a brighter future. The event kicked off with a heartwarming gesture by Sh. Rajendra Kumar, Superintendent of Kota Central Jail, who signed the eye donation pledge, setting an inspiring example for everyone present. This was a significant step toward raising awareness about the importance of eye donation.

Shri Dhara Singh, Deputy Superintendent, Miss Farzana, in charge of the Female Prison, and team members were also present to show their support. The program was led by Dr. K.K. Kanjolia, President of the Eye Bank Society of Rajasthan Kota Chapter, and Dr. Suresh K. Pandey, Coordinator of the Eye Bank Society of Rajasthan Kota Chapter, who delivered insightful talks on the significance of eye donation, dispelling myths and answering the prisoners' questions.

Notable attendees included Sh. G.D. Patel from Gayatri Pariwar, Kota, Miss Anita Chauhan, Past National President of ISTD, and Er Suresh Sedwal and Tinku Ojha from the Eye Bank Society of Rajasthan Kota Chapter. A total of 125 prisoners attended the event in person, while 1000 more watched the program live, making it a truly impactful initiative.

The message of eye donation also reached the Female Prison, where a similar program was conducted, ensuring that everyone had the opportunity to learn and commit to this noble cause.

Eye Donation Fortnight is a crucial time dedicated to raising awareness about the life-changing impact of eye donation. By donating your eyes, you can give the gift of sight to someone in need, turning darkness into light. Let’s all join hands and pledge to make a difference!


🌴🥥 Happy World Coconut Day! 🥥🌴

World Coconut Day is observed on 2nd September every year to make people aware of the importance of this crop in poverty reduction. This day also commemorates the formation day of the Asian Pacific Coconut Community (APCC).

Today, we celebrate the amazing coconut - a versatile fruit that nourishes, hydrates, and delights us in so many ways! From coconut water to coconut oil, this tropical wonder has endless benefits for our health and daily life. 🌿✨

Let's appreciate the coconut and all the ways it brings joy, flavor, and wellness into our lives! 🌊🍹

Theme: "Coconut for a circular economy, Building partnership for maximum value"


Sheetal Kumari: A True Inspiration

Have you ever imagined how an athlete without both hands can compete in the Paralympics?

Meet Sheetal Kumari, just 17 years old, fighting a rare disease called Phocomelia. Born without both hands, she still had the courage to qualify for the Paralympics and make a stunning debut. Despite her challenges, Sheetal's passion and determination have made her a true champion.

Sheetal’s story teaches us that with passion and determination, no obstacle is too big to overcome. Even though she didn’t win a medal, her spirit and courage are worth more than any medal!

Do you salute Sheetal's courage?
Share her story and encourage others to dream big and never give up!

शीतल कुमारी: साहस की मिसाल

क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि बिना दोनों हाथों के कोई खिलाड़ी पैरालिम्पिक में कैसे खेल सकता है?

मिलिए शीतल कुमारी से, उम्र सिर्फ 17 साल, जो दुर्लभ बीमारी फोकोमेलिया से जूझते हुए भी पैरालिम्पिक में हिस्सा लेने का हौसला रखती हैं। जन्म से ही दोनों हाथ नहीं होने के बावजूद, शीतल ने जोश और हिम्मत के साथ पैरालिम्पिक में डेब्यू किया और अपना शानदार प्रदर्शन दिखाया।

शीतल का ये जज्बा हमें सिखाता है कि अगर हमारे पास सपने देखने और उन्हें पूरा करने का जुनून हो, तो कोई भी कठिनाई हमें रोक नहीं सकती।
चाहे शीतल ने मेडल नहीं जीता हो, लेकिन उनके हौसले की जीत किसी मेडल से कम नहीं है!

क्या आप शीतल के साहस को सलाम करते हैं?
शीतल की इस कहानी को शेयर करें और उन्हें हौसला दें!

#शीतल_कुमारी #हौसले_की_मिसाल #प्रेरणास्त्रोत #पैरालिम्पिक #फोकोमेलिया #जीत_की_कहानी #भारत_की_शान

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A Tribute  to the late Professor Arvind Dubey SirSharing a heartfelt video tribute dedicated to the late Professor Arvin...
Felicitation of Eye Donor Family Members by the Eye Bank Society of Rajasthan, Kota Eye Bank Society of Rajasthan Kota C...
It was my pleasure to participate in the CME program organized by Kota Division Ophthalmological Society (KDOS) at Count...
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C 13 Talwandi, Suvi Eye Hospital Road

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 8pm
Tuesday 9am - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 8pm
Sunday 9am - 2pm

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