Aashi's Yog & Fitness Studio

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Aashi's Yog & Fitness Studio, 240 R Model Town, 1st Floor, Krishna Hospital Road, Building Opposite to Hairs Maker Salon, Ludhiana.

Yoga Studio for Females
Power yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Hatha Yoga,Acro Yoga,Yoga for Stress Relieving, Pranayamas, Meditation Sessions, Art Of Living
Fitness classes and weight loss through aerobics and weight loss workouts, HIIT


🍁 Radical acceptance is necessary in order to accomplish change, and with radical acceptance, it's imperative that you accept the situation completely with your whole heart, mind, and body. That's why yoga is such a great tool for radical acceptance because in yoga you're exercising your whole heart, mind, and body. 🍁
Accept and Embrace the Changes in Life 💖


🌼Discover the Transformative Benefits of
Yoga! 🌼

🧘‍♀️ Lower Stress Levels
🧘‍♀️ Increased Flexibility
🧘‍♀️ Lower Blood Pressure
After a single yoga class, you'll experience immediate benefits like reduced stress, improved flexibility, and a calmer mind. But the true magic lies in the long-term effects of regular practice.

Months of dedication can bring:
🍀 Relief from Anxiety
🍀 Relief from Lower Back Pain
🍀 Relief from Chronic Pains
🍀 Changes in Mind and Body

Years of commitment lead to:
🌷 Improved Balance
🌷 Stronger Bones
🌷 Enhanced Brain Function
🌷 More Connection with Self
🌷 Disciplined Life with Consistent Practice
🌷 Path of Spirituality

The longer you practice, the more profound the positive impact on your overall health and well-being. Embrace the journey and unlock the countless rewards of a consistent yoga practice.

If you're ready to explore, come and practise with us!!


🧘‍♀️ Yoga is peace and calmness of mind and at the same time making your body internally strong. .keeping you away from negative energies. .Self Practice is just like Sadhana that you do to be connected with your breath your inner self. .🧘‍♀️
A journey within. . . . . . . . . 😇
What is Yoga for you. . .Comment Below. .👇
Also, Drop a ❤️ if you practice and like YOGA 🙏


🪴 Whatever you do in life, Yoga shows you how to do it better 🪴
Do you practice YOGA . .Drop a ❤️ if you do love and practice Yoga


What is meditation? 🧘
How to do it. .?? ✨✨
How can we stop our thoughts?
Through meditation we bring the focus and attention to one particular object, thought or activity so that we
know how to be involved in one action for a long period of time along with managing the distractions
and chaos around.
It is not about quieting our minds or keeping us away from distractions. It is more about focusing on the action that is being done in the current moment so much that the distractions automatically take a back seat.

What does meditation do to our body and mind?

✓ Meditation works on calming down our sympathetic nervous system and turning on the parasympathetic mode. In sympathetic mode, when the body is stressed, it increases the heart rate, and your adrenal glands produce a lot of cortisol hormone and excess of this hormone can affect the function
of the brain, immune system and other organs.
✓ Regular practice of meditation works on stimulating the vagus nerve which is the largest nerve in the body. Stimulating the vagus nerve dramatically reduces the severity of depression and stimulates immunity. Humming and rhythmic chanting have long been acknowledged meditative techniques, and are
proven methods of stimulating the vagus nerve.
✓ Through regular meditation practice, we strengthen areas of our brain responsible for memory, learning, attention and self-awareness, increasing concentration and grey matter in the brain.


🕉️ Patanjali defines the state of Yoga as the cessation of identification with the fluctuations of mind. In sutra 1.12, he offers a 2-step method for how to stop those fluctuations and thus how to attain Yoga. He tells us that through practice (abhyasa) and non-attachment (vairagya), we will be able to stop identifying with our thoughts and be able to see the true reality of who we are. At that point, we have reached enlightenment –the realization of the oneness of being, eternal bliss.
So all we need to do is practice and not be attached. Abhyasa means to practice, and to practice something implies that you stay with it for a while. Vairagya means non-attachment, detachment, dispassion. Vairagya is facing something –even something positive– and not identifying with it, not becoming attached to it so that it comes to be part of the way you see or define yourself.
There is only one asana and that is the relationship with yourself. Being comfortable with yourself–with your body and your mind—is the goal. Allowing your relationship with yourself to be steady and joyful will reveal the true Self inside of all the whirlings and changing. The true Self is eternal and unchanging. Asana and meditation are the same practice–both about being able to sit with whatever may be happening and trusting that inside of it all is that eternal joy which is the only true reality–and that is your own Self.
The paradox is that in order for practice to be effective, we need detachment; but in order to develop detachment, we need to practice.


🧘‍♀️The Way Breath helps you to release all the odds from your mind and body and focus us on a particular goal.
Meditation nourishes the mind like food nourishes the body. If you are looking to add a little more Mindfulness into your life or just want to understand the benefits of meditation to cope with anxiety, fear, depression, and a myriad of other ailments, start BREATHING 👃🫁
Don't have 20 minutes to meditate? Been there. Don't have your favorite meditation cushion handy? Been there. Don't have … been there. But for all of the reasons to not, there is always at least one good reason to do. So within the 1440 minutes in a day, I can always find one of those precious minutes to do my favorite one-minute meditation. The method is simple: we can release the mental chatter by feeling what's going on, right now, in the body.

Have a minute? Try it out! 🙋


Pancha Bhuta or Pancha Maha-Bhuta, five great elements, also five physical elements, is a group of five basic elements, which, according to Hinduism, is the basis of all cosmic creation.
"How the five elements behave within your
system makes the difference between wellness and illness, peace and turmoil, joy and misery." -Sadhguru
In Yoga, the five elements are seen as the basis of all creation, including the physical body. The Yogic sciences have powerful processes that can bring the body and mind to a vibrant state of health and wellbeing by purifying the five elements within the human system.


🧘‍♀️ How often do you observe your breath? 🪷
Focusing on the breath during asanas (yoga postures) serves several important purposes, enhancing the overall yogic experience.
✨ Some of the benefits include:
✓ Single-Pointed Focus
✓ Steadiness and Reliability
✓ Self-Exploration
✓ Stability during Asanas
Focusing on the breath during asanas helps maintain
awareness throughout the practice. It supports you in
holding postures with steadiness, poise, and control, enhancing the overall benefits of the practice. It is your breath which holds you and your body together. This kurma nadi, as we call it in yoga, is like a thread that ties you and your body together.
Come explore the subtle and
powerful practices here for deeper consciousness and a transformative experience.


🧘‍♀️ Yoga is about making progress, not about perfecting anything. The physical practice of yoga is a tool and a journey, not a destination. Finding patience and joy in the process and meeting ourselves where we are helps us to let go of perfectionism, one of the greatest thieves of self-love and acceptance.
Accepting is surrendering. Accepting is also a process such that surrendering is not failing or giving up but succeeding and progressing in a quest to find, sit with, and embrace the truth. Acceptance, when done with grace, is intentional. It brings you into the present moment.
Pratyahara itself is termed as yoga, as it is the most important limb in yoga sadhana.
The term “pratyahara” is composed of two Sanskrit words, prati and ahara. “Ahara” means “food,” or “anything we take into ourselves from the outside.” “Prati” is a preposition meaning “against” or “away.” “Pratyahara” means literally “control of ahara,” or “gaining mastery over external influences.” It has been compared to a turtle withdrawing into its shell—the turtle’s shell is the mind and the turtle’s limbs are the senses. The term is usually translated as “withdrawal from the senses,” but much more is implied.

In yogic thought there are three levels of ahara, or food. The first is physical food that brings in the five elements necessary to nourish the body—earth, water, fire, air, and ether. The second is impressions, which bring in the subtle substances necessary to nourish the mind—the sensations of sound, touch, sight, taste, and smell that constitute the subtle elements: sound/ether, touch/air, sight/fire, taste/water, and smell/earth. The third level of ahara is our associations, the people we hold at heart level who serve to nourish the soul and affect us with the gunas of sattva, rajas, and tamas.
By withdrawing our awareness from negative impressions, pratyahara strengthens the mind’s powers of immunity. It is not possible for most of us to move directly from asana to meditation.
✓ Control of the Senses - Indriya Pratyahara.
✓ Control of the Prana - Prana Pratyahara.
✓ Control of Action - Karma Pratyahara.
✓ Withdrawal of the Mind - Mano Pratyahara.


🧘‍♀️Non attachment is one of the deepest
lessons I have learnt and continue to learn through my yoga practice.
We are conditioned to become attached to things like our relationships, our achievements, status, finances, material possessions etc. . .Sometimes attachment can be unhealthy though and this is
what my yoga practice has taught me.
The only thing in life that is consistent is change. Whether we like it or not change happens. And the more we are attached to things the more uncomfortable change feels. I've learnt this through living with chronic pain, my yoga
Sutra studies and my various injuries over my years of practice.
If our practice is only based through the physical asanas, when we are injured, in pain or in poor health, we may find that we are unable to practice. However, if we understand that the
physical practice of yoga, the movement, the postures are just ONE TOOL, to use to experience yoga, we can practice regardless of literally anything! Whether we are injured, poorly, in pain, on holiday, at work, without a mat, without a teacher; wherever and whenever.
My asana practice has taught me incredible things about my body, her strength, abilities, memory and resilience. But it's also taught me that I am more than just my body and that my
yoga is not dependent on whether I can or cannot do the asana postures.
I share to remind you that just because you may not make it to your mat this weekend, it doesn't mean you cannot practice yoga.


☘️ Yoga has the power to reconstruct a person completely ☘️
Come to the mat with a sense of curiosity.
When the mind gets in the way we blockthe support of what each moment brings. What we need is right in front of us and within reach.
Learn to see instead of look.
Learn to listen instead of hear.
Learn to communicate instead of talk.
The nourishment we seek is in front of you.
Join us and start your Yoga Journey with and rediscover yourself, your inner strengths.


🌷 The purpose of Karma Yoga is to transcend the bo***ge of selfish genes through the service of others 🌷
Yoga is often considered a solo activity – a time for self-reflection, for being quiet and achieving inner peace. Successfully practicing yoga with a partner, however, requires a different set of skills: communication, awareness of others and a sense of cooperation outside the self.

Partner yoga may seem intimidating, especially if you’re new to yoga in general. But everyone, from experienced yogis to beginners, can benefit from grabbing a buddy and joining a practice with a partner.
Benifits of Partner Yoga
* Enhances Communication.
* Accelerates Stretching.
* Improves alignment, balance and posture.
* Deepens Connection.
* Increases Fun.
The postures of partner yoga may be very low-intensity, with both partners seated, or high-intensity, with one partner flying. But in either case, the purpose of the partner is the same – to assist and adjust one another, and to deepen the sensations of the pose.


"The Body Achieves What The Mind Believes."
Core on Fire 🔥
No amount of talk or analysis will replace the action required to face ourselves in practice and in life.
There are a million and one things that call to our attention and distract from what is truly important. There are even those who count on it. Whatever discipline you choose make sure it brings you to the centre - facing and confronting all that you are, the good, the bad, the ugly - because we can never change what we are not willing to face.
Join us for amazing workout sessions


Yoga is Better Together 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️
* Enhanced Asanas
Using partner's bodies to enhance a stretch or deepen a posture to create more strength and stability together

* Building Trust
Trust goes hand in hand with getting out of the comfort zone.

* Communication
Partners rely on each other to stay balanced and strong in poses and improves communication.

* Fun and Laughter
Partner Yoga is a source of fun and giggles. The more you let go, you will enjoy the process.


🌻 Strength and Growth comes only through continuous efforts and struggle 🌻
Your “core” includes more than your abdominal muscles. Rather than thinking of only the front of your stomach as your core, imagine your core is made up of your entire trunk- front and back side. Your spine, pelvic girdle, abdomen and hip joint are included. As well, upper back muscles, shoulders, and chest muscles play a crucial role in your core stability and strength.
A strong core (including the spine and back muscles), helps to support the natural curvature of the spineand maintain proper upright posture. This is especially important in balancing postures, where the integrity of posture is dependent on the ability to keep a straight spine.
In Yoga, it is important to view the whole core area as the connecting link between upper and lower body. Having a strong and stable core harmonizes the movements of the upper and lower body. It unifies the body in the posture by providing a centre of stability a well as a focal point for your energy. Focusing on having a strong and engaged core will benefit both the upper and lower body and their ability to perform movements with strength and precision.

Additionally, the ability to engage the core during certain parts of yoga practice can help to boost digestion and elimination.
One other benefit outside of yoga practice you will experience as a result of a strong core is reduced back pain, especially in the lower back area. Lower back pain is most commonly caused by posture issues. Strengthening both the front and the back portions of the core can help reduce postural imbalances, which will often result in less strain to the lower back. The end result is - less lower back pain!
Having a balance between strength and flexibility in the core gives you greater adaptability, meaning the body can adjust better and more safely to different positions, which is incredibly important when moving through yoga postures.


Algorithms - do we allow them to control us and let them affect how we navigate these spaces or do we set the tone?
I just keep doing what I do - clear in what my purpose and intention is. Trends go up and down. I prefer to march forward.
This is my to-go flow for back pain. Try this flow in the morning after you wake up and you will see a difference very soon!
Wearing and


There's nothing wrong with bringing joy to your practice, enjoying the process. Yes, struggle and obstacles are part of the path, but often it feels like a competition on who has weathered the darkest storms. It's true, calm waters don't make the best sailors, but even better are those who love the sea, with all its beauty - through the calm waters, despite scary storms and tidal waves.
I have fallen victim to unfortunate events, but it has never defined me. There have been moments of consideration wanting not to carry on, but there is a defiant part of me that just never gives up. For the life of me, I don't know why, but I'm grateful even in times of uncertainty, to have found my way.
Sometimes it takes an immense amount of strength to smile in the face of adversity. You only need to know what you're made of and faith will prevail.


Asana. Making shapes to hopefully reshape the mind. To then filter the landscape of the psyche, and observe where there is resistance. Our dark spots. We all have them. Because, in essence it is our minds that need healing first, before we even think we can save the world. Where in truth, when we take responsibility for our own personhood it has a ripple effect that transcends what we see, touch, taste and feel. Everything is Energy. Don't let it go waste.
Morning Session With Lower Body Mobility


🍁 Yoga is like music: the rythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life." 🍁
Always find the joy in your journey, coz it's not a race!!
Energetic Evening Session
✓ Beginners and Kids(10yrs & above) Batch
✓ Hip Mobility
✓ Yoga is for Everyone


🌷 To flow is to feel freedom and lightness in all that you do. It starts with a mental attitude - allowing processing to take place with no obstructions. If anything, it's better not to think. Be in each moment, in each movement. This is one reason why I find the simplest attribute of one breath, one movement to be one of the most profound teachings available. It doesn't have to be complicated and it's not out of reach. Often the most obvious is the last place we look. 🌷
Following the reel trend.. It was fun doing it.


"For a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen: a gaseous nebula must collapse. So Collapse. Crumble. This is not your destruction.
This Is Your Birth."
🍁🍁 Fun Yoga Time 🍁🍁
Enjoying my Sirsasana and it looks so beautiful to be upside down and flowing through it.
Try out this fun reel challenge


🌷Being Aware Of Your Fear Is Smart
Overcoming It Is The Mark Of A Successful Person🌷
Hard Work is not Enough, Perseverance and Dedication are important, but no matter how hard you struggle, if you go in the wrong direction you will never arrive.
Surround yourself with people smart, competent, experienced and Learn from THE BEST.
Have Fun in the Process and Do Not Compare, that your ego is not only a threat but the main cause of your frustration, unhappiness and abandonment. Seriousness does not imply responsibility, worrying does not make you more responsible or solves your problems.
Having Fun and Enjoy without fear of error is the best way to bring out your Maximum Potential, focused on the causes, Results will come as a Consequence of these. . . .


🌷The Only Way To Do Great Work Is To Love What You Do 🌷
No matter where you are, take your time. The unfolding process never needs to be rushed. Be careful of adding stress to the Yoga Practice. When fully present, everything is accomplished.
Do the Work. . . Be the Work. . .
Even if a little bit. It's the Consistency that matters. Take small steps in the direction that brings inspiration, introspection and strength. It builds good character at the very least, and possibly something else, unexpected. In reality, it's simply about showing up. That's it. . . .


🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️ Hey Yogang! Sharing this Reel of my practice with my members during fun partner Yoga Sessions we did.
Partner Yoga uses the forms and principles of individual yoga posture while incorporating the presence of another person to deepen the impact of the session.
Partner Yoga integrates the body-heart-mind-spirit connection through the use of universal principles such as trust, compassion and creativity.
It is nurturing and playful as well as instructive. Partner Yoga provides a pathway into yoga that may have previously seemed intimidating and inaccessible.
It allows everyone to explore various dynamics in ways that help nurture different relationships.
Join us for nurturing different relationships with different people.


When pairing up with another, we all come to crossroads of frustration and blame or patience and communication. It really doesn’t matter what it is, when we step outside of just working alone, we are faced with many new challenges. Challenges always exist, whether you are alone or partnered up. But there is a significant difference in how those challenges present themselves in each situation, whether it be for work or play.
Partner yoga (or Acroyoga) is no different. It constantly provides opportunities for both the Flyer and Base to blame and point the finger at each other, or breath and communicate their way to success. It all comes down to the willingness of the individual to participate in a manner that is harmonious to both themselves and the person with whom they are practicing. Then comes the effort it takes, to follow through with that willingness. Sometimes that effort can be a challenge in itself.
We all need a little help sometimes, that’s the beauty in humanity, we are all vulnerable.
🌱 Let's learn to work together and try lifting each other 🌱


🌱When you realise how good everything is that nature has made, you will tilt your head back and smile at the sky.
🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️Team building yoga is a form of exercise and meditation for teams. The purpose of this activity is to provide health benefits, such as decreased stress and increased flexibility. For teams, practicing yoga can lead to stronger relationships and improved communication.
Yoga is a great team bonding activity and an example of a team building workout. Team building yoga teaches teamwork skills like stress management, patience, and adaptability.
Weekend Fun Session at our Studio
✅ Strong Yogipants
✅ Focus and Balancing
✅ Being United


🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️ Strong people do not put others down. They lift others up. . .
Practicing yoga with a partne requires a different set of skills: communication, awareness of others and a sense of cooperation outside the self.
Partner yoga may seem intimidating, especially if you’re new to yoga in general. But everyone, from experienced yogis to beginners, can benefit from grabbing a buddy and joining a practice with a partner!
Benifits of Partner Yoga in Yoga Sessions:
🌱 Enhances Communication
🌱 Accelerates Stretching
🌱 Improves alignment, balance and posture
🌱 Deepens Connection
🌱 Increases Fun
🙋 Join us for an inspiring Yoga journey to deepen your practice.


🧘‍♀️ Yoga practices are magical practices. Magic happens when there is a shift in perception - what you thought was real drops away to reveal a more expanded enlightened reality. Yoga practices, dueled by a sincere intention for Self - realization, will transform habitual ways of seeing: of realting, to ourselves and others.
Twisting the spine while lying down with the support of the floor allows us to slowly relax and settle into a deep and nourishing spine rotation. This pose stimulates digestion, creates balance and also opens and relaxes the chest, shoulders and upper back muscles.
Benifits of Spine Twisting Yoga Session:
🌱 Spine Flexibility and Improves Back Muscles.
🌱 Lengthens the Spine.
🌱 Reduces Abdominal Fats.
🌱 Improves Digestion.
🌱 Reduces Back Pain.
🌱 Great tool to De - Stress.

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Videos (show all)

☘️ Yoga has the power to reconstruct a person completely ☘️.Come to the mat with a sense of curiosity..When the mind get...
🌷 The purpose of Karma Yoga is to transcend the bondage of selfish genes through the service of others 🌷..Yoga is often ...
"The Body Achieves What The Mind Believes."..Core on Fire 🔥..No amount of talk or analysis will replace the action requi...
Yoga is Better Together 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️..* Enhanced AsanasUsing partner's bodies to enhance a stretch or deepen a posture to cr...
🌻 Strength and Growth comes only through continuous efforts and struggle 🌻..Your “core” includes more than your abdomina...
There's nothing wrong with bringing joy to your practice, enjoying the process. Yes, struggle and obstacles are part of ...
Algorithms - do we allow them to control us and let them affect how we navigate these spaces or do we set the tone?I jus...
Asana. Making shapes to hopefully reshape the mind. To then filter the landscape of the psyche, and observe where there ...
🍁 Yoga is like music: the rythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of l...
🌷 To flow is to feel freedom and lightness in all that you do. It starts with a mental attitude - allowing processing to...
"For a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen: a gaseous nebula must collapse. So Collapse. Crumble. This ...
🌷Being Aware Of Your Fear Is SmartOvercoming It Is The Mark Of A Successful Person🌷..Hard Work is not Enough, Perseveran...




240 R Model Town, 1st Floor, Krishna Hospital Road, Building Opposite To Hairs Maker Salon

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 11:30am
4pm - 7pm
Tuesday 7am - 11:30am
4pm - 7pm
Wednesday 7am - 11:30am
4pm - 7pm
Thursday 7am - 11:30am
4pm - 7pm
Friday 7am - 11:30am
4pm - 7pm

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