Nutrishastra by Pooja Ahuja, Mumbai Videos

Videos by Nutrishastra by Pooja Ahuja in Mumbai. Health services, nutrition expertise, wellness and lifestyle educator

The body prioritizes healing processes in a specific order - hormones are at the bottom of the list.Why?1. Survival Functions: The body’s primary focus is to maintain essential functions that are crucial for immediate survival, such as circulation, breathing, & maintaining stable blood sugar levels. These functions take precedence over less critical processes like hormonal regulation.2. Immediate Threat Response: When the body perceives a threat or stressor, it activates the fight-or-flight response, which diverts resources & energy towards dealing with the perceived danger. This response often suppresses non-essential functions, including those related to hormonal balance - even digestion is put on hold during fight-or-flight.3. Recovery Hierarchy: After addressing more immediate needs, the body can give its resources to healing processes. This often begins with tissue repair & inflammation control, gradually progressing to functions like immune system modulation & metabolic adjustments before reaching hormonal balance!4. Complexity & Regulation: Hormone regulation involves intricate & delicate feedback loops between various glands & systems. These systems include the nervous system, immune system, digestive system, circulatory system, & metabolic system.5 Chronic Stress: Our lifestyles today are filled with chronic stress, poor nutrition, & inadequate sleep, which can disrupt the body’s natural healing hierarchy. When these foundational aspects are neglected, they can lead to hormonal dysregulation & imbalances! This is why it is SO important to address the foundations of health (sleep, nutrition, stress, & movement) BEFORE & WHILE you work on healing your hormones!Send this to a friend that needs it!Hi ! I am Pooja Ahuja , Your own weight management and sports nutrition mentor ! DM me to understand it better!#understandinghormonalimbalance #hormoneshealth #hormoneshealatend #nutrishastrabypoojaahuja #nutrishastra #pumpyourprana

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The body prioritizes healing processes in a specific order - hormones are at the bottom of the list.Why?1. Survival Functions: The body’s primary focus is to maintain essential functions that are crucial for immediate survival, such as circulation, breathing, & maintaining stable blood sugar levels. These functions take precedence over less critical processes like hormonal regulation.2. Immediate Threat Response: When the body perceives a threat or stressor, it activates the fight-or-flight response, which diverts resources & energy towards dealing with the perceived danger. This response often suppresses non-essential functions, including those related to hormonal balance - even digestion is put on hold during fight-or-flight.3. Recovery Hierarchy: After addressing more immediate needs, the body can give its resources to healing processes. This often begins with tissue repair & inflammation control, gradually progressing to functions like immune system modulation & metabolic adjustments before reaching hormonal balance!4. Complexity & Regulation: Hormone regulation involves intricate & delicate feedback loops between various glands & systems. These systems include the nervous system, immune system, digestive system, circulatory system, & metabolic system.5 Chronic Stress: Our lifestyles today are filled with chronic stress, poor nutrition, & inadequate sleep, which can disrupt the body’s natural healing hierarchy. When these foundational aspects are neglected, they can lead to hormonal dysregulation & imbalances! This is why it is SO important to address the foundations of health (sleep, nutrition, stress, & movement) BEFORE & WHILE you work on healing your hormones!Send this to a friend that needs it!Hi ! I am Pooja Ahuja , Your own weight management and sports nutrition mentor ! DM me to understand it better!#understandinghormonalimbalance #hormoneshealth #hormoneshealatend #nutrishastrabypoojaahuja #nutrishastra #pumpyourprana

I have been PCOS 30 years of my life ,which never allowed my periods clock in 40 days and have been border line insulin sensitive ,was 85 kgs with hirsuitism and very high acid reflux resulting in grade 3 Gerd. For the last 15 years, I have clocked my period cycle in exactly 28 days and now my HBa1c stands at 5.4. Neither do I take any metformin drug. For the last 15 years ,weight has been 55-57 kgs. The game changer which may sound as small and irrelevant but with consistency ,I have not been ever dependent on any low dose hormonal pills. ▶️Seed cycling ; DM me I'll tell you how. ▶️Apple cider vinegar before meals. ▶️Sleep; as much as it sounds funny, but I love my sleep, why ? DM me now 🤩 ▶️Made sure I clocked protein and did cardio more then strength training. With strength training, I realised I was only feeling bloated and heavier the next day. ▶️Patience and only Patience, failed but got back to it quietly and worked more harder. ▶️Magnesium and millets in last 5 years. They are absolute game changers. Keeps mood in check ,gut is much more calmer and millets help in stabilizing blood glucose levels. #pcosawareness #pcosjourney #nutrishastrabypoojaahuja #nutrishastra #pumpyourprana #loveyourselftoday

May the warmth of the sun fill your days with prosperity, just like the fields are filled with the harvest bounty. Happy Makar Sankranti! As the kites soar high, may your dreams reach new heights and your spirit remain forever free. Wishing you a joyful Makar Sankranti!

UNDERSTAND !! STATINS ARE NATURALLY PRODUCED BY THE BODY ! ▶️ You practitioner need to understand your blood reports and your family history. Giving STATINS orally will make your body latent and not produce STATINS on its own. ▶️You need to work via red rice yeast extract ,milk thistle herb and Omega to make your triglycerides level better. ▶️Improve HDL by exercising regularly and achieve a liver cleanse by doing intermittent fast. ▶️Allow your filteration plants of your body to heal by not eating junk,starchy carbs and eating more fiber. ▶️Watch your GGT,SGOT and SGPT levels to understand the degree of fatty liver. ▶️JUST DONT START BLINDLY ▶️COMMENT HDL and I'll help you how much to use as a supplement ⤴️🤗 #liverhealthmatters #livercleanse #indiannutritionist #startingstatinsnow #viralreels #foodforliverhealth #pumpyourprana #nutrishastra #nutrishastrabypoojaahuja

FIRST SAVE AND COME BACK LATER TO SEE 💾 Your endocrinologist keeps increasing the THYRONORM DOSE with growing TSH reports. Understand that the basic metabolism is so much compromised, as much as you increase THYRONORM DOSE ,you can't lose weight and neither you'll feel energetic. You need to understand where your malabsorption is coming from ? 1. Selenium - is the base line trace mineral for optimal thyroid function and send energy at mitochondrial levels 2. Iodine - Very important ! But don't start eating salt to just increase iodine, either supplement or use foods like seaweed ,seakelp ,nori, fish ,dairy, shrimp and iodised salt 3. Zinc- Either supplement or use zinc rich food meat,she'll fish ,legumes ,seeds ,nuts and dairy 4. Coq10 : combination of turmeric and pepper ,that's curcumin and combination of bio peprine will help in letting energy move faster at mitochondrial level. Use of all these will help you not only LOSE weight but at the same time make metabolism activate. Do tell me ! Comment your TSH levels in the chat ,I'll tell you how to supplement !

Every relationship, situation or circumstances come with the utmost joyful or learning experience.One of the hardest years, beautiful things learnt and wonderful experiences that came by. Only thing is that once you leave with gratitude, there’s more room for learning, gaining more wisdom and obviously more room for real love. I obviously seek to be a better learner , a lone traveller and fall in love with the serenity , solitude and the experiences that teach me to go more minimal .. #whenyoustoptryinghard #totalacceptance #nutrishastrabypoojaahuja #nutrishastra

olycystic ovaries is a common symptom of PCOS but it is important to note that these are two different things / PCOS and PCO are not the same.Polycystic ovaries are a finding on an ultrasound whereas PCOS is a complex metabolic & hormonal condition.Facts:- You can have polycystic ovaries and NOT have PCOS- You can have PCOS and NOT have polycystic ovaries- You can have polycystic ovaries on ultrasound and then find they are gone on a future ultrasoundPolycystic ovaries are actually partially mature follicles. Triggered by an event called‘follicular arrest”, caused by elevated levels of LH early in the menstrual cycle. The partially mature follicles show as polycystic ovaries. They are often symptomless and only found when an ultrasound is done.As with all symptoms of PCOS, it is possible to improve PCO by regulating your menstrual cycle.Let me know in the comments if you experience polycystic ovaries?#polycycsticovariansyndrome #pco #pumpyourprana #nutrishastrabypoojaahuja #nutrishastra #pcosdiet #pcosawareness #pcossupport #indiannutritionist

The other day I was talking to a client ,and she has been taking metformin drug - like glycomet, glyciphage, to treat her insulin sensitivity and induce weight loss by giving a diabetic drug. She's been waiting for her appointment for almost 2 hours; what she's only told is her bloodwork looks fine and she'll get ok by just having Metformin. 🫢🫥 ➡️ Needs to be understood,that the endocrine system simply replicates the same behaviour ,but doesn't requires Metformin. ➡️Should be treated with INOSITOL and vitamin B6 to have the necessary weight loss,manage insulin sensitivity and have healthy menstrual cycle #pcosweightloss #pcosawareness #pcosdietplan #pcosjourney #nutrishastrabypoojaahuja #nutrishastra #pumpyourprana

What you think ?? 😄#bellyfatlosstips #bodyrecomp #fatlosscoach #bodyfatpercentage #skinnyfat #lemonwaterdetox #coffeefatburn #indiannutritionist

RUN TO DOCTOR and start Statins 🤦‍♀️1. First understand high Total Cholesterol, triglycerides, VLDL , Non - HDL , can be changed by dietary changes. 2. Instead of cutting down the refined oil - which is also right thing to do , BUT FIRST cut down the starchy carbohydrates , pizzas , colas and the unnecessary binge eating. 3. Those Indian desserts and one bite of makai kulfis, cakes are the major reason , you are eating invisible trans fats in your system. HOW TO CORRECT 👇1. Start your liver cleanse by having celery juice with anwla( Gooseberry) daily. 2. Add omega in your system with atleast 1100 mg , also qualitative EPA and DHA, this will help the fatty liver issue , inflammation in the system and above all increase HDL 3. Add milk thistle 300-400 mg daily. They’ll replicate a statins behaviour in the system. 4. Those take- aways and Swiggy- ing the food parcels which has made late night eating SO EASY and given easy choices in life , has only made your health an UNPRIORITY ( sorry for the language) 5. Also very importantly, correlate with your other issues - for example you are diabetic , hypertension, and your hypothyroidism. Hence take the regulated supplement dosages accordingly. #highcholesterol #hightriglycerides #highnonhdl#livercleanse #liverdetoxification #indiannutritionist #nutrishastrabypoojaahuja #nutrishastra #pumpyourprana

HOW THESE 7 THINGS CHANGED MY LIFE 👇 ↪️I am from PCOS background all my life ,these last 15 years ,I have clocked my periods every 28 days,barring 1-2 months. ↪️ I am insulin sensitive, hence crave for sugar on PMS ⤵️ HOW DID I MANAGE ! ⤵️ I opted for same meals and consistent workout no matter what ! Even if the days ,I don't feel like ,I'll just go and stand in the gym, eventually I started working out. ⤵️ As harder as it may sound ,but its very easy to clock protein as per your body weight once you know which protein brackets suits your body type. ⤵️ My sugar cravings automatically subsided when I started clocking Protein rightly and managed my eating window correctly. ⤵️ I don't ever forget to chant / meditate, journal, if I forget to carry my book,I have saved my journal on cloud. I don't wish at all missed talking to myself. I need to meet ME ,before I meet anyone else. ⤵️Gratitude brings forgiveness for yourselves and the lives around you. When you have a lot to be thankful for ,you are equally opening arms to receive. There's nothing more beautiful than being at peace with how life flows; once you are ready , your body starts syncing with the BETTER and UPDATED VERSION OF YOURSELF. ⤵️Seek child in you everyday ! Celebrate yourself like a FIVE year old kid, Be naughty ,curious and ready to participate ! #overcomingselfsabotage #selfdevelopment #selfdevelopmentjunkie #selfcareday #starttoday #nutrishastra #nutrishastrabypoojaahuja #pumpyourprana

SAVE THIS !!⬇️Histamine overload (histamine intolerance) arises when the body struggles to manage a natural compound called histamine, which typically aids in allergy defense & food digestion.However, an excess of histamine or inefficient breakdown results in unwanted symptoms!People with histamine overload often modify their diet, avoiding high-histamine foods & beverages, & might use medications to alleviate symptoms. But, these measures offer limited relief as they don’t address the underlying cause. In my clinic, we’ve observed that severe histamine intolerance is frequently associated with environmental toxins,Or sluggish liversWhy does it happen ?? 😔 * When your estrogen levels rise, you release more of your own histamine. If you are intolerant to histamine, you will not tolerate your own estrogen very well & feel MUCH WORSE on your menstrual cycle.* Fermented foods such as wine, dry sausage, sauerkraut, miso, & soy sauce can also contain histamine along with other biogenic amines.• Some bacteria are histamine producers, & bacterial overgrowth may lead to INCREASED histamine levels. Plus, SIBO, bacterial infections, parasites, & digestive issues may make it harder to break down histamine!How to combat ! 🤺🥷1. Increase you water intake - to wash out excess histamine. 2. Have high anti- inflammatory and high anti- histamine foods - like blueberries , nuts ,bell peppers,broccoli, cantaloupe melon, cauliflower, citrus fruits, kiwifruit, strawberries, tomatoes and tomato juice and take high quality omega as well. #antihistaminefoods #histamineintolerance #histaminefree #nomoreallegraandzyrtec #nutrishastrabypoojaahuja #nutrishastra #pumpyourprana

Maximum people arround the world 🌎, are deficient in Magnesium ! Basic reason for lowered magnesium levels : 1. Poor stress management.2. Bingeing on starchy and high carb diet3. You are diabetic ( not always ) 4. Missing REM at night 5 inadequate magnesium rich foods like pumpkin seeds, avocado, legumes , almond and cashews 6. Leaky gut and reducing stomach acid levels How to work to bring up magnesium levels ; 1. Manage stress by sleeping on time and exercising 2. Have Magnesium rich foods or supplement your self about 300-500 mg. Magnesium oxide is readily available but it’s the poorest source of elemental MagnesiumMagnesium citrate and oxide helps in reducing constipationMagnesium glycinate helps in reducing blood pressure , helps in inducing sleepMagnesium bisglycinate works on blood pressure , sleep and eases constipation too. Magnesium Threonate is best for cognitive health. #magnesiumdeficiency #magnesiumbenefits #magnesiumlthreonate #magnesiumbisglycinate #magnesiumcitratepowder #constipationrelief #lowstomachacid #nutrishastra #nutrishastrabypoojaahuja #pumpyourprana

😂😂🙈🙈!! Just kidding !! Tried doing something fun 🤓! I know , we all look at our body parts with huge judgements and become overly critical about it. Yes , it’s very important to maintain our health , and more lean mass percentage with lower fat percentage ! But it’s absolutely NOT RIGHT to fat- shame or body - shame anyone and absolutely not to your self. Accept and celebrate your shape, form and size and make sure that you keep improvising your habits for the betterment of yourself. #celebratingsizediversity #celebratingyourownbody #nutrishastra #nutrishastrabypoojaahuja #pumpyourprana #nobodyshame #celebratehealthychoices #celebratehealthyliving

FIRST 💾 Save and Keep to come back to see laters! Travelling in December is a usual mandatory event for most people , as kids have holidays ! But this is also the season for maddening viral infections , people going through headaches due to altitude shifts , joint pains and menstrual issues with immense fatigue. You only come home , falling sick for another 15 days , regretting , why you travelled at the first place. These are 5 VITAMINS stack , whenever you are travelling , make sure you carry it along. ✅Vitamin D3 : Take either 60000 iu once a week for 6 months or do 2000iu on daily basis ✅ Omega 3 : Any inflammation in the system , omega is going to combat it. ✅Magnesium : Any issues with muscle cramping , gut dysbiosis ,sudden episodes of constipation, chose a bisglycinate version. ✅Probiotics : The important and healthy bacterial colony , for better food absorption ✅Vitamin C with zinc : Your immunity bundle and allowing your skin and hair to feel hydrated as well. Don’t forget to comment , that you especially like to take it for you and Do comment , which one , you’ll never forget ! Mine is Vitamin D3 and Magnesium. #magnesium #vitamindtherapy #travelvitamins #omega3 #vitamincwithzinc #dailyprobiotics #nutrishastra #nutrishastrabypoojaahuja #pumpyourprana

You can’t be cutting calories to just work on weight loss. Someone who made you understand, that weight loss is achieved by only doing CALORIFIC DEFICIT , is such a lame game. Please understand , 1. Healthy nutrition is achieved by working on fat loss percentage. 2. Your goal should be always oriented arround building muscle mass , not losing it to attain quick weight loss. 3. Carbohydrates are the fuel and energy giving mechanism. Depreciating to the lowest will only make you feel restless, agitated and yearning for more sugar or carbohydrates later. 4. You can’t live on air and water to look just leaner. You are making yourself more vulnerable to having loss in musculo- skeletal mass to degenerate further more , which can’t be repaired later. 5. Am not saying that calories deficit doesn’t work. If you stay below your BMR , you would be able to stay leaner. But doesn’t mean , that you keep cutting down and make yourself vulnerable at 800-1000 calories diet. #fatlossvsweightloss #caloriecontrolled #fatlosshelp #nutrishastrabypoojaahuja #nutrishastra #indiannutritionist #pumpyourprana #caloriesincaloriesout #caloriecount #fatlosscoach

If your goal is weight loss , these 3 things are must try ! This is because they all have been clinically researched , that they help with weight loss , help turn T4 to T3 better, gives you better energy yield . This is incredibly helpful because not only they do with help loss , they help you bring down the dosages of levothyroxine ( Levi-T or thyronorm). Also, gives you better energy yield and above all weight loss you were desiring at abdomen and hip area. Dosage tips : 1. Iodine tablets : 100 mcg 1/2 an hour after your Levi-T 2. Selenium 100 -150 mcg3. Zinc -10 mg #thyroidproblems #thyroidawareness #thyroidweightloss #seleniumforthyroidhealth #iodineforthyroidhealth #zincforthyroid #nutrishastrabypoojaahuja #nutrishastra #pumpyourprana #indiannutritionist

Your blood work tells you about how your gut works ! 1. Amylase: helps digest carbohydrates* . 2. Protease: helps digest proteins* . 3. Lipase: helps digest fats* . 4. Cellulase: helps digest fiber* . 5. Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV): helps in digesting gluten* Most people suffer due to lack or slow release of this enzyme Also , Women are more likely to suffer than men due to adrenal distress , hormonal imbalance due to thyroid , PCOs or menopause. Check these enzymes in your blood work to know , what’s causing you more abdominal distress. Also, if you are eating too starchy and carbohydrate rich meals , check eosinophils, if it’s high ; that means , parasites are present. Your blood profile is capable of deciphering everything that’s going inside of you. Hope this helps ❤️✌️. #enzymes #enzymetreatment #enzymesfordigestion #indiannutritionist #nutrishastra #nutrishastrabypooja #pumpyourprana

Your Vitamin D3 is going to be useless in the absorption of Calcium in the body if it’s not very well supported by Magnesium and Vitamin K. Normally whenever you go for Vitamin D3 shots / injections / oral vials or supplements , you should eat: 1. Magnesium rich foods : Pumpkin seeds ,spinach , dark chocolates , avocados,leafy greens and nuts. 2. Vitamin K rich foods: Green leafy vegetables, soybean, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and lettuces. Vitamin D3 and Calcium are interdependent for each others absorption, but at the same time Vitamin K directs that absorbed calcium to the bones and out of the soft tissues, such as blood vessels and kidney. Make sure to have them via food or else , if choosing a supplement , chose the one, which has all 4 ! #vitamind3k2 #vitamind3c #calciumdeficiency #nutrishastra #nutrishastrabypoojaahuja #indiannutritionist #pumpyourprana

Salt ! Yes ! Your own table salt , so very important to maintain the balance of your electrolytes , carry nutrients to your cell and retain fluids at cellular levels , regulate your acid - base balance , regulate your blood pressure and help secreate your gastric acid from the glands and YES , don’t let you have that brain piercing HEADACHES, when you are doing fasting or on too much caffeine. If you want less congested system , don’t forget to add a good mineralised salt or Himalayan pink salt or Celtic salt to your morning water. Frequency of headaches will reduce and your skin under your eyes and suppleness of skin will improve. #saltismust #sodiumchloride #electrolyes #potassiumforeyetwitches #potassiumfoods #nutritionist #nutrishastrabypoojaahuja #nutrishastra #pumpyourprana