
This page is dedicated to Sai Baba of Shirdi

Artist @MartinaPinto


When God created you he made you like no other. The proof of which is your finger prints to begin with. He made you with love and in your heart He made his home. Today we are living in a world where every one is judged by the looks they carry. Marketing sell products through compassion. They just what is beautiful and what is not.

However, don't let yourself to believe it. Just know the one who created you made you with love and today what you see in the mirror is God work of art.

Remember the hand that paints the sky is the one who created you, how can it not be beautiful? Never let any one or any body make you believe otherwise


Every word has a spelling. Now if you break the word spelling you are left with the word 'spell' and 'ing'. Through this the universe is telling us that every word has power of its own. They work like spells. That is why it is very important to choose your words.

Every word gives out an energy of its own.
So be very particular of words you use in your conversations with yourself and others. They are creating the world around you. Through your words you are also letting the universe know what you like or dislike. If you are repeating certain words over and over again the universe will bless you according with that. For the universe will see it as something you love and will bless you with more of it.

So always speak positive things even if at times nothing seems right. The universe that's listening will change things and give you just what you want.

Remember you have the power and words can work it's magic. Now you decide would you use your words as a blessing or a curse.


Everything happens for a reason and if there has been something that hasn't turned out to be your way, accept it and then let it go. You may not understand the reason for you not getting what you desire, but you can rest assured its for your higher good.

So don't sit on things that don't work out. Carry the lessons it taught you and walk ahead. Some situations are only a practice ground for a greater event to come.

So don't carry any situation like a burden. Instead learn to make the most of it .When you are going through a difficult time it may not seem easy, but know that you are strong. Also difficult situations are also an opportunity to cleanse your karma so go through it without complaining. Dont bring negative emotions cause that will create only more negative karma.

We all have a limited time on this earth try to let go of every burden for the more light you are the higher you can fly.


Wish you all a very Happy Diwali


If you look back at life there will be times when you needed something very badly.You gave your 100%, cried for it, prayed for it but didn't get it. You definitely felt disappointed but you moved on.

Today look back at all those things you wanted so dearly and ask yourself do you want those things now and most of you would say no.

Things always happen for a reason. And when you don't get something remember this, if you ask and get it be happy, because it happened according to your way however if it doesn't happen according to your way feel happier because that is happening according to what God wants.

God always gives you things looking at what is best for your future. So trust Him. He know best


We often find it difficult to forgive someone. Afterall whatever you may have gone through it's not easy. However you need to remember that it was a Karmic debt and when you forgive you choose to break that loop. You choose to let go of what binds a relationship that causes you pain.

You may think even if I forgive and that person doesn't then what? Then you are released and that person holds themselves captives. When you forgive you allow the wound a person gave you to heal.

Just imagine if you are hurt and you continuously keep touching the wound, wouldn't it pain. Instead if you leave it untouched wouldn't it heal by itself? It will. It is the same. If we keep thinking of what hurt us we will never be able to forget it. Due to continuously thinking about it we let our minds be its captive. The question you should ask yourself is, how long do you want to be a captive of the person who hurt you.

Hence forgive, cut the chords of hatred. You are God's child let your soul feel it. God has forgiven us many times, as God's children we too can do the same.


In life when anything doesn't go our way we question God. However God loving stays silent. Sometimes years pass wondering why things are not happening our way. We continue looking to God for an answer.

Then after years when we look back and ponder we feel that good things didn't go the way they did. Sometimes we are unable to understand God's plan for us, but in time He will definitely give you an answer.

Be patient. You are an eternal soul and answers will be revealed when the time is right. You will get your answer to everything.Till then keep your heart filled with faith knowing what is going on is leading you to the best.

Also, do good selflessly along the way, then you don't need not worry at all.


Everyone is going through their own struggles. Some share it with others while others silently endure. Whatever be the way of coping up with a situation one thing is for sure nothing is hidden from God. He sees every tear. He sees every struggle.

If anyone were to ask you how is God, you would say God is loving, he is kind, he is caring, he is a giver and many more qualities.We as His children need to reach out with these qualities to people around us. Someone may be going a tough time, your kind words could bring them comfort. Someone who needs food, you could be the giver. Someone who needs help urgently your help could strengthen their faith in God.

So when ever you are in a position to help someone just do it, cause to you it may not matter but to someone it could be a prayer answered.


With siblings you grow and experience this world. You go through life, without knowing you are creating memories.

Without saying a word you know they will always be there for you.

Happy Raksha Bandhan

Do tag your siblings


God knows you are tired. He knows you have done your best, now He wants you to know is, its absolutely fine to rest. You cant be working and stressing yourself all the time. Your body and mind needs your attention so give it the time it deserves. Detach yourself from situations that bring unnecessary worry.

Instead center yourself knowing God will take care of you. He will always put His blanket of protection over you. So rest in faith.


We all come into this world with unique gifts that God gives us. Apart from which we come with nothing and one day will return with nothing. However, while on this earth we can definitely leave behind something that will benefit the world in someway. We owe to this world a lot. How can we ever forget it has given us a home for a lifetime.

So it is our responsibility to give as much as we can.

So today ask yourself what can you give to the world?

Also ask yourself what do you want to be remembered as.

Then with the answer begin working towards it.

Everything will one day pass but always remember what you give will live on wheather you are here or not. It will live on...



You are on earth for a limited time . Your journey on earth was for your soul purpose. That's why your focus needs to be on the work you perform. No one's life will ever be the same. We all have our unique experiences and we are here for our own learnings. So don't compare your life to that of someone else.

Focus on your path, pave your way. Don't run behind validation or recognition cause that stems from ego. When ego comes into play then follows anger, pride, greed, jealousy etc. So while we all love to be recognized don't make it your sole objective, because it is not.

Move forward in silence and do what is required.Let not success make you feel proud and let not failure disappoint you. Just remember what ever the outcome, it is working for you. Things will reveal itself when the time is right. Even then stay calm and go ahead in your own way.

This is your journey and its unique so remember as long as you are happy it doesn't matter who is cheering you or not.


Today is Father's Day let's look within and ask ourselves what gift can we give Baba?

Baba who has been there through the highs and lows. Baba who makes the impossible, possible. Baba who listens to us and guide us on the right path. What can we ever give him.

Well there are many things we can give him. Things that money can't buy. We can give him our heart, our love, our trust, our Faith, our patience. We can be the person He wants us to be.

So this Father's Day go to our Baba with your heart ❤️ offer a heart that is filled with devotion and love to Him and you will make Him smile.


We all have our weaknesses. Some of us get angry, some can't trust, some can't accept things etc.

We all have had experiences in life that break us at one point in time. These experiences create a deep hole in our hearts. As we go on with life, we forget about what hurt us but somewhere we still carry the pain. It takes different forms but it stays with us .What it needed is healing.

There is a Japanese concept 'Kintsugi' wherein broken pottery pieces are put back together with gold. If you look at this pot after it is mended, the cracks take form of a design. It looks even more beautiful. Now let's implement this in life.

When we go with our brokenness to God, he mends us with His love which is like gold. He let us break because He wants us to become better.
Its our weaknesses that also breaks us. Here God mends our hearts with faith and courage.

All we need to do is go to Him with a humble heart and he will fix you.


Lets look at our lives today. A part that hasn't healed yet. What keeps the wound still open? What makes it still hurt, when we think about it?

This often happens when we have buried the situation without healing ourselves. The first step to healing is acceptance.Now you will think you have accepted a situation. The truth is if you had, it would not hurt.

So tell yourself today no matter what the pain I accept and release. It's a pain that no longer has any place in your life. If the pain is about betrayal accept the person, forgive and let it go. Temporary people can't make permanent rooms in your heart. If the pain is about loosing a loved one know that they are never gone and are always with you.

You don't have to carry your pain. It time to accept and put it down. Don't let it be a weight to carry. It happened and its no more your present.

Let it go and set yourself free.


We all agree that God's creation is beautiful. We all know that God makes everything with a purpose, we all know that He is perfect. Then why when we look into the mirror do we look for flaws.

Some think their eyes are small, some feel their nose is not right, some feel they could be taller and many other things. However why do we forget who created us?

It is God who created us then why do we think that we are flawed. Remember you are perfect, just like God wanted you to be.

Then why do you compare yourself with people. Remember this is your journey. Don't live it watching someone's else's life. Focus on your path.

And always remember the next time you look into the mirror like the most beautiful scenery God made you too.So love yourself.


Today no matter what you are doing, know that it was meant to be. The moment you are now living in, is beautiful.

Do not take it for granted. If you are happy give thanks to the One for giving you this moment. If you are going through a bad times still give thanks for God is teaching you what you need to know. Either ways it is all for your good.

So embrace the joys and sorrows. For ten years from now you will look back and understand it was all for the best.


You may be suffering from any ailment but if you hold on to your faith you have conquered half the battle.

Many people think when something bad happens, it will last. That's not true. Faith cures the deepest wounds

So have faith in God, surrender to Him. He will take care of everything, don't doubt His ways. Keep your faith strong, it will be the light in the darkness.

There are people going through a difficult time in their life. Just know this time will pass, you just need to hold on to God. He has the power to heal, every wound and to lead you on.

So today let's say a prayer for those who are unwell. May them along with their families always remember they are never alone. God is always with them and he will sail everyone to safe shores


Today slow down and just observe the world around you.

Watch how beautifully the sun rises, listen to the sound of the birds, watch how the buds have bloomed into flowers.
Look how effortlessly you are breathing, your heart is beating, your blood is moving to every part of your body. It's all happening without us having to tell it to do so.

So the next time you are looking for magic.
Slow down and observe how many things are naturally happening in the universe.

The reason we don't see it, is because we have taken it for granted or rather we feel that this is how it is. The truth is you are blessed and the magic you look for is you.

So be happy and dance to whatever is with and around you. Tune in to the vibration of the universe, it knows only abundance.

Happy Thursday


Whenever you face a challenging situation in your life, take out an hour and withdraw to be with yourself. Now look at the situation and think of solutions. While doing so it is important to remind yourself that a situation is something that is created externally and you have a choice if you want to let it in or not.

You may wonder how can a challenging situation not internalize itself. Here, if you look at it as only a situation and not a part of you, it will have no power over you. Hence, always remind yourself you are stronger than any situation. While the world may think and share many opinions, trust the truth that God made you the strongest and within you He has hidden the key of its solution.

So don't be afraid, God's grace is always with you.


God has His own ways of performing a miracle in your life. He won't always change things all of a sudden. He will align everything in a way that it reaches you when the time is right.

To bring a miracle to you He aligns the right people, situation and resources for it to all happen. He choose each one of us at different points in our life to be a part of His miracles. So today ask yourself are you open to be a part of a miracle He wants to perform.

Every time you are kind, every time you help someone, every time you have been there for some one you are a part of the miracle He wants to perform in someone's life. So whenever you get an opportunity to help someone, rejoice, for God is wanting to perform a miracle through you.


Never give up on your dreams for if you hold on, it will definitely come true.

We would have heard this many times then why do some of our dreams not come true. There are 3 reasons.

1. It is not in line with our soul purpose

2. We doubted the fact that it could come true

3. Our desire to have it was not strong enough

Remember the only way your dream will come true is when you believe with all your heart that a particular dream is for you,
and trust it is your soul purpose.

You should not doubt and your desire needs to be so strong that you give it no choice but for it to manifest.


We all have heard that there is a continous battle of good and bad. However, have we ever wondered where is this battle happening and against whom?

Well, this battle is fought no where else, but within each one of us. Every day the thoughts we think and the emotions we create because of those thoughts is where battles are fought.
The negative thoughts bring forth emotions of hate, anger, wrath etc while positive thoughts bring forth emotions of peace, compassion, love etc.

The thoughts we listen to the most and our reactions decides whether we have let good or bad triumph.


We all want different things in life. Now, take a minute and think about it. Be aware and check the thoughts that come to you, while thinking of that one desire. Are there thoughts of doubt, of want, of fear or sadness, knowing that you don't have it at the moment. Or are there thoughts of happiness, when you think about your desire.

If you have experienced thoughts of doubt, fear or want you are sending out vibrations of lack. When we send out the vibration of lack, we are against the vibration of gratitude. And where there is no gratitude, how will there be abundance.

So if you need anything pray, put it out in the universe and then let yourself to believe you already have it. Think, act and speak in a way you would do once you have recieved what you desire. Above all be grateful and also don't place your happiness in the hands of your desire. Set it free. Be at peace.

Remember if it is good for you nothing can stop it from happening. If the energy of what you ask for will harm you, it may never happen.


There will always be people who will criticise or mock your potiental. However never let it affect you. Remember the way people behave is a reflection of what they are going through within. So look to them with compassion.

Use their criticism to strengthen yourself and your determination to succeed. If you do it all with a pure heart, in time without even saying a word, those who have mocked you will see the potiental you have.


How do you feel when some one appreciates or tells you how special you are to them? We all know, it feels great. Then why do we hold back. Why do we wait for a particular day to express our love or gratitude towards someone. Why do we forget that we live on this earth for a very brief period and it is now more than ever that the world needs love and words that can heal.

If you think you are to small to change the world, look at a Diya(lamp) with its little flame, it lights up the whole room. You may think, it's just a room that it brightens, yes it's true. However, all those in that room, have recieved the light.As you journey through life be that flame. Be that light.Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. Remember great things may take time, but we can always do small things with great love.


Are you focussing on a problem in your life for far to long? If yes, there is something you are missing out.

Remember you can't change things with the same mindset that led you to the problem. You need to look at the situation differently and only then will you find a solution.

Remember sometimes all it takes is a different point of view.


In life we face certain situations wherein our mind makes us think of the worst outcome. This leads to worry, stress and fear. Sometimes we also began reacting, to a situation that is not even true.

Our loving Baba knows our shortcomings, that's why He asks us to have faith. He reminds us time and again that He will always be with us. He ask us to trust Him more than our fearful thoughts.

So whatever the situation, just take His name and move forward

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