Shri Bhagwan Diagnostic & Imaging Centre Pvt. Ltd.

Shri Bhagwan Diagnostic & Imaging Centre Pvt. Ltd.

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Welcome to Shri Bhagwan Diagnostic & Imaging Center, which serves the society with superior quality Shri Bhagwan Diagnostic & Imaging Centre Pvt. Ltd. TMJ scans.

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MRI. Siemens 3.0 Tesla image quality. Best in class standard bore 3.0 Tesla image homogeneity with trim TX true form and outstanding image consistency and high reproducibility with Dot. Easy and comfortable patient setup. Dual Source, 128 Slice CT Scanner. The world`s first dual source CT with Two X-ray Sources and Two Detectors at the same time, faster than every heart beat wit


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Shri Bhagwan Diagnostic & Imaging Centre Pvt. Ltd.

Welcome to Shri Bhagwan Diagnostic & Imaging Center, which serves the society with superior quality medical diagnostic solutions.


श्री भगवान डायग्नोस्टिक & इमेजिंग सेंटर, नरेला की ओर से आप सबों को शारदीय नवरात्री की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ


श्री भगवान डायग्नोस्टिक & इमेजिंग सेंटर, नरेला की ओर से आप सबों को शारदीय नवरात्री की हार्दिक शुभकामना


श्री भगवान डायग्नोस्टिक & इमेजिंग सेंटर, नरेला अमर शहीद शिरोमणि भगत सिंह की जयंती पर उन्हें शत शत नमन करता है।
शहिदों की चिताओं पर लगेंगे हर बरस मेले,
वतन पर मिटने वालों का यही बाकी निशां होगा।’
भारत की आजादी के इतिहास में अमर शहीद भगत सिंह का नाम स्वर्ण अक्षरों में लिखा गया है।
शहीद भगतसिंह ने देश की आज़ादी के लिए जिस साहस के साथ शक्तिशाली ब्रिटिश सरकार का मुक़ाबला किया, वह आज के युवकों के लिए एक बहुत बड़ा आदर्श हैं।
जन्म: 28 सितम्बर, 1907 गाँव बावली, जिला लायलपुर, पंजाब
निधन: 23 मार्च, 1931 लाहौर जेल, पंजाब
फाँसी के पहले 3 मार्च को अपने भाई कुलतार को भेजे एक पत्र में भगत सिंह ने लिखा था -
उसे यह फ़िक्र है हरदम, नया तर्जे-जफ़ा क्या है?
हमें यह शौक देखें, सितम की इंतहा क्या है?
दहर से क्यों खफ़ा रहे, चर्ख का क्यों गिला करें,
सारा जहाँ अदू सही,आओ मुकाबला करें।
कोई दम का मेहमान हूँ,ए-अहले-महफ़िल,
चरागे सहर हूँ, बुझा चाहता हूँ।
मेरी हवाओं में रहेगी, ख़यालों की बिजली,
यह मुश्त-ए-ख़ाक है फ़ानी, रहे, रहे न रहे।


श्री भगवान डायग्नोस्टिक & इमेजिंग सेंटर, नरेला की ओर से आप सभी को गणेश चतुर्दशी की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ


श्री भगवान डायग्नोस्टिक & इमेजिंग सेंटर, नरेला की ओर से आप सभी को जन्माष्टमी की हार्दिक शुभकामना


श्री भगवान डायग्नोस्टिक & इमेजिंग सेंटर की ओर से आप सबों को रक्षाबंधन की हार्दिक शुभकामना


Uroflowmetry is a test that measures the volume of urine released from the body, the speed with which it is released, and how long the release takes.
How the Test Is Performed?
You will urinate in a special urinal or toilet with a machine that has a measuring device.
You will be asked to begin urinating after the machine has started. When you finish, the machine will create a report for your health care provider.
How to Prepare for the Test ?
Your health care provider may ask you to temporarily stop taking medications that can affect the test results.
Uroflowmetry is best done when you have a full bladder. Do not urinate for 2 hours before the test. Drink extra fluids so you will have plenty of urine for the test.
Do not place any toilet tissue in the test machine.
How the Test Will Feel ?
The test involves normal urination, so you should not experience any discomfort.
Why the Test Is Performed ?
This test is useful in evaluating the function of the urinary tract. Usually, a patient having this test will report urination that is too slow.
Normal Results
Normal values vary depending on age and s*x. In men, urine flow declines with age. Women have less change with age:
• Ages 4 - 7
o The average flow rate for both males and females is 10 mL/sec.
• Ages 8 - 13
o The average flow rate for males is 12 mL/sec.
o The average flow rate for females is 15 mL/sec.
• Ages 14 - 45
o The average flow rate for males is 21 mL/sec.
o The average flow rate for females is 18 mL/sec.
• Ages 46 - 65
o The average flow rate for males is 12 mL/sec.
o The average flow rate for females is 18 mL/sec.
• Ages 66 - 80
o The average flow rate for males is 9 mL/sec.
o The average flow rate for females is 18 mL/sec.
What Abnormal Results Mean
Results are compared with your symptoms and physical exam. A result that may need treatment in one patient may not need treatment in another patient.
Several circular muscles normally regulate urine flow. If any of these muscles becomes weak or stops working, you may have an increase in urine flow or urinary incontinence.
If there is a bladder outlet obstruction or if the bladder muscle is weak, you may have a decrease in urine flow. The amount of urine that remains in your bladder after urinating can be measured with ultrasound.
Your health care provider should explain and discuss any abnormal results with you.
There are no risks with this test.


Uroflowmetry is a diagnostic test used to measure the flow of urine during urination. The speed of urine flow is measured electronically and the flow rate is calculated as milliliters of urine passed per second. Both average and maximum flow rates can be measured.

Patients should arrive for the test with a comfortably full bladder. If possible, do not empty for a couple of hours prior to the test.

For the test itself, the patient will be asked to urinate into a funnel connected to the electronic uroflowmeter, which records data about the urine flow on a flow chart. The peak flow rate, also known as Qmax is generally used as the basis for determining the severity of any blockage or obstruction. Low flow may indicate such conditions as obstruction of the urethra, enlarged prostate or poor bladder function.

The patient can resume their daily activities immediately following this test.


5D Ultrasound has opened a finer aspect in the ultrasound for women's wellbeing. Medison UGEO WS80A is a revolutionary ultrasound system that proffers superlative quality in performance of image for different kind of women's health exams. We, at Shri Bhagwan Diagnostic & Imaging Centre Pvt. Ltd, used such unparalleled product which not only best in the whole industry, but also unrivaled in the results of their services. Customer Satisfaction has always been the topmost priority for SBDIC, which is why we proffer the best services at every level.
5 D Ultrasound is one of the most renowned services of SBDIC, which provide an utterly new dimension in the ultrasound for women's health. With elegant Samsung design and its pioneering features including ElastoScan, MPI and 5D technologies, WS80a, reshape the supreme ultrasound for women's health. Here we are leveraging the prime features of the 5 D Ultrasound (Samsung-Medison UGEO WS80A).
Extremely Realistic View- This technology exemplifies meticulous visualization of slight anatomical features, allowing perceptive analysis on the scanned 3 D images and elevating patient communication. 5 D LB- 5D LB glean and process fetal long bones from volume data easily and mechanically. Fetal malformation is resourcefully diagnosed with appropriate measurement while bringing down the examination time. MPI- feature of 5 D ultrasound allows the Semi-automatic process of fetal MPI (Myocardial performance Index, bringing down the operator reliance on the machine. It also enhances the workflow during fetal heart examination with extremely simplistic, one-click operations. Color Doppler-Color Doppler ultrasound is a medical imaging practice, used to proffer accurate visualization of the blood flow, using the color processing feature to add color in the image so that the caretaker or doctor can clearly observe all the happenings in the body at that given point of time. ElastoScan- ElastoScan™ utilizes strain imaging expertise, which exemplifies the gradient value of tissue displacement through color map. Users can easily get the information on tissue stiffness and glean the malevolent diseases at the earliest stage for the better treatment. Hybrid Beam-forming Engine- This technology blend 2D and color image with fast frame rates for more speedy and systematic data processing and less noise generation. It proffers clearer images with more unwavering signals for appropriate diagnosis.


Siemens MAGNETOM Spectra an ultra modern 3.O version Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for wide sphere of scientific applications and present and top notch medium with premium care for its users. It proffers unique features for all the patients. Some of the features are- its unique usability and interface, its supersonic MRI structure, High Receiver Density Coils and Highly Advance 4 Gen Matrix Coils. As far as Medical Diagnosis Is concerned, it leverages Ultra Modern 3 Tesla MRI Imaging Quality, Dot Technology, TIM technology for multiple coil connectivity for fastest scanning mechanism and much more. Siemens MAGNETOM Spectra an ultra modern 3.O version Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging has some unique characteristics, such as Non contrast Angiography (vessel imagining) in patients with severe renal deficiencies, Susceptibility weighted Imaging (SWI) for patients with cerebrovascular disease, and traits like Blade and CSS for facilitating incorporative patients and analyzing and assessing exceptional image of ideal structure in a body. Here we are proffering the unique and distinctive features of MRI Magnetom Spectra 3 Tesla, in different sub-headings.

Super squat MRI Structure- Siemens Magnetom Spectra 3 Tesla MRI offers the premium blessing-like feature of keeping their head-out to all anxious patients. Supreme Handiness - Easy to Handle & Ergonomically formed open architecture coils with smooth connection, which generally saves patients with less claustrophobia experience.
Highly Advanced 4 Gen Matrix Coils- This allows the machines examine the whole body without repositioning the patient several times, thus dipping anxiety among patients. High Receiver Density Coils- Which make the process faster than anything and bring significant reduction in scan time.
Ultra Modern 3 Tesla MRI Imaging Quality For the superlative level of patient care. Advance Siemens 3.0 Tesla Digital Image Quality & Ultra High Coil Density leveraging finest pictures for the betterment of patients. Dot Technology- for personalized and reproducible medical information. Use of state-of-the-art applications for superior quality of diagnosis. TIM technology for multiple coil connectivity for fastest scanning mechanism.
It proffers the Native trait for Non contrast Angiography (vessel imagining) in patients with severe renal deficiencies. It proffers the Susceptibility weighted Imaging (SWI) for medical diagnosis in patients suffering from cerebrovascular disease, e.g. stroke, brain trauma and tumors, venous malformation, etc. It proffers BLADE trait for Scanning children and uncooperative patients without giving them any kind of anesthesia. Availability of CISS Sequence for exceptional image of ideal structure in a body, such as cranial nerves, inner ear and spine, etc.
Last but not the least, Siemens Magnetom Spectra 3 Tesla MRI posses a matchless quality, unlimited usability, unrivaled patient care and use of Tim TX True Form advance technology, which enable standardized RF distribution in all body regions.


श्री भगवान डायग्नोस्टिक & इमेजिंग सेंटर प्रा. लि. , नरेला की ओर से आप सभी भक्तों को महाशिवरात्रि की ढ़ेर सारी शुभकामनाएँ


श्री भगवान डायग्नोस्टिक & इमेजिंग सेंटर प्रा. लि. , नरेला की ओर से आप सभी को स्वामी दयानंद सरस्वती जयंती की ढ़ेर सारी शुभकामनाएँ


Shri Bhagwan Diagnostic & Imaging Centre Pvt. Ltd, always take their customer at their utmost priority, which is why we bring those products for our customers, that are not only cost-effective, but also the one with minimal time, utter comfort and matchless results for our customers. One of the most superlative and effective benefits of Hologic Discovery is its ability to cover the whole process less than a minute, which other machines take more than one hour to complete.
The HOLOGIC Discovery facilitates in gleaning the patients at peril for disease of osteoporosis and fractures, with remarkable exactitude and precision. Moreover, Bone Densitometry also proffers the highest resolution possible for vertebral imaging for the revelation of abdominal aortic calcifications, a massive peril aspect for cardiovascular disease, as well as vertebral fractures. Furthermore, Bone Densitometry ( Hologic Discovery) also possess ultra modern Body Composition assessment that exemplifies the division of fat, lean tissues and bones in the body. Here we are proffering prime features of the Bone Densitometry ( Hologic Discovery).
State exam efficiency utensils. Highly efficient Automatic Low BMD Spine & Hip Analysis. Image, Quantitative & Semi-quantitative investigation of vertebral bodies. Effective Infant Spine scrutiny Down to Age zero. Technology instructions Onscreen assistance graphically presents appropriate patient positioning. Five Region Proximal Femur Analysis (Total Femur, Femoral Neck, Inter-Trochanteric, Trochanteric, Wards Triangle). Forearm analysis along with automated analysis of Ultra Distal, 33% Shaft. Scoliotic Spine examination. 15 second single energy attainment with decubitus or supine patient positioning. L1-L4 Quality Spine Analysis. Better than 1.0 % in vivo precision Single/Dual High Energy Image exhibit Software and Hardware promote accessible to defend from obsolescence


Shri Bhagwan Diagnostic & Imaging Centre Pvt. Ltd.

An Echocardiogram is an examination that utilizes sound waves to generate lifelike images of your heart, permitting your doctor to scrutinize how your heart and its terms are working. An echocardiogram, also directed as an "echo," that actually help in finding the blood clots in the heart, liquid in the ideal sac about the heart, and issue with the aorta (main artery linked to our heart).
Echocardiogram is basically a key examination used for deciding the healthiness of heart muscle, commonly after a heart attack. Moreover, this test, also facilitate doctors in identifying heart defects in your unborn child. It's a painless process, but it does have some risk. Basically, a medical examiner recommends this test when he/she feels that you have some symptoms of heart problems. With sub-units like Stress Echocardiogram, Transthoracic Echocardiography (TTE), Fetal Echocardiography, Echocardiogram has so many different units with different risks, process and precautions. For best results from tests of echocardiogram, a patient must gather all required information from his/her medical doctor.

We, At Shri Bhagwan Diagnostic & Imaging Center Pvt. Ltd wholeheartedly believe in the benevolence of our customers, and hence leveraged best of appliances and personnel for the ideal ex*****on of echocardiogram. Here, we are leveraging the inclusive guide on echocardiogram, including the reasons, types, risk & process and everything linked with it.

Your medical consultant may recommend you an echocardiogram test, if you are presenting the symptoms of the heart issues. These problems generally include examining unbalanced heartbeats produced by quandaries related with heart chambers, values, or the ability of pumping of your heart.

There are several types of echocardiogram, and major types of echocardiogram are as follows-

It uses a custom transthoracic echocardiogram, but done after exercise or tandem cycling with medicine to increase your heart beat. This checks how your heart executes under stress.

It is the most renown echocardiography, which is pain-free and non-invasive In it a device known as a transducer, positioned on your chest (directly above your heart). This transducer, conveys ultrasound ways by your chest above your heart, a computer decipher the waves while bouncing back the transducer, this whole process generates the real live images & shown on monitor.

It is performed on the would-be mother, in the 18 to 22 weeks of her pregnancy. The Transducer is positioned over the woman's belly to observe the fetus for all kinds of heart problems. This test doesn't have use of radiation in it, thus considered secure for unborn baby.

If a transthoracic echocardiogram doesn't provide the required definitive pictures, then your doctor may advise you to conduct a Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE). In this, a smaller transducer is directed in your mouth through a slight, elastic tube, down to your throat. (Generally, the throat of a person is numbed, which make the process easier).

Basically, An Echocardiogram does not use radiation like X-rays, hence considered safe. But all different kinds of echocardiogram have different risk & processes attached to them, which are ideally guided by a technician or medical consultant if required.


Shri Bhagwan Diagnostic & Imaging Centre Pvt. Ltd.

Angiography is a kind of X-ray utilized to evaluate blood vessels in our body. The pictures created during the process of angiography are commonly known as angiograms. Generally, our heart is the exact organ which is ideally monitored thorough angiography. But, angiography is a complex examination, as our blood vessels don't causally appear with the help of a normal X-ray, which is why the doctors have to conduct a surgery and a substance known as contrast medium is inserted in the sphere being observed. This inserted medium actually highlights our blood vessels as it moves all the way through them. This angiography is also known as Catheterisation. This angiography is not only costly, but also painful to the patient conducting it.
But now with the aid of technology, angiography can be done on the normal single source CT scan. These Single source CT scans appliances trace the heartbeat of the patient, if the heartbeat is fewer than or equal to 60 heartbeats per second.

And if, the heart beat of a patient is more than that, then health care provider use a medication named as BETA BLOCKER for them, this medication does its wonder on the patients with enhanced heartbeat and reduces their heartbeat up to 60 heartbeats per second. But, taking Beta Blocker is not good for health and it has several side effects.

You may be wondering that, if angiography is painful, CT- Scan with Single Source has side effects, and then what should be the most unsurpassed way to solve this hassle. Well, for the benevolence of the society, Shri Bhagwan Diagnostic & Imaging Centre Pvt. Ltd. has come forward with unsurpassed CT Imaging (CT-Somatom- Definition-Dual Source-Siemens). This Magical appliance does the absolute non-invasive angiography without the use of drug β Blocker, due to its highest speed possible with every heart beat and outcome with complete cardiac details of the half radiation dosage.

The Three Inimitable Traits of Noninvasive Cardio-Angiography are as follows-
1. NO SURGERY- Matchless CT Imaging (CT-Somatom- Definition-Dual Source-Siemens) conduct the Noninvasive cardio-angiography, which don't require any kind of insertion in your body to get the pictures of your blood vessels. Hence, it provides the absolute freedom to the patient from the devastating customary angiography pattern.
2. COST EFFECTIVE- We at Shri Bhagwan Diagnostic & Imaging Centre Pvt. Ltd, works to proffer the best services possible in the technology sector for the benefit of the common man in the society. This non-invasive cardio angiography is not only pain free but also extremely cost effective, when compared to normal angiography.
3. NO SIDE EFFECT- The CT Imaging (CT-Somatom- Definition-Dual Source-Siemens) used by us for Noninvasive cardio angiography is one of the most renowned machine in the whole world, which don't only conduct everything at the fastest speed possible in the era, but also without the use of Beta Blocker, which shows side effects on the patient.
If you wish to know more about the Noninvasive cardio-angiography provided by us, then please don't hesitate in contacting us. We will be more than glad to assist you.


Shri Bhagwan Diagnostic & Imaging Centre Pvt. Ltd.

An Exercise Stress test is a test utilized to evaluate, how ideally your heart is responding during the time when it has the maximum pressure on it. During the examination, you will asked by your technician or health care provider to exercise normally on a treadmill, while you are gripped with an electrocardiogram (ECG). And this association will permit the doctor to observe your heart rate. This Exercise Stress test is also known as Tread Mill Test. A medical physician recommends this examination to those people, who are suffering from chronic pain in chest or been telling about the symptoms of coronary heart disease. According to a renowned study, this examination is not only ideal for identifying the sickness in the heart, but also deliberated best for estimating the risk of heart disease among people who have risk factors like high alcohol. It is a safe test with no risk but the conditions which have recorded among people while conducting the exercise include Heart Attack, Collapsing, Unequal heartbeat, Fainting, Chest pain, but if conducted with the utmost care, then the chances of the occurring of these issues reduce to zero.

We, At Shri Bhagwan Diagnostic & Imaging Center Pvt. Ltd sincerely believe in the munificence of our valued customers, and hence leveraged state-of-the-art appliances and human resources for the idyllic implementation of Treat Mill Test. Here, we are leveraging the inclusive guide on Tread Mill Test (TMT) or Excise stress Test, including the reasons, types, risk & process and everything linked with it.

Basically, A Tread Mill Test is used to facilitate the doctor in determining if your heart receiving a sufficient quantity of oxygen and adequate flow of blood, when it needed the most, the time when you exercise. A medical doctor advises this test for those people, who have been experiencing chronic pain in chest or exemplifying the symptoms of coronary heart disease. According to a study, this test is not only perfect of diagnosing the disease in the heart, but also considered ideal for estimating the peril of heart disease among people who have risk factors like high alcohol.
Plus, if you are a smoking addict of 40 years old, or you have some other risk factors showing symptoms of heart disease, you must consult with your doctor and check whether Treadmill Test, would be a right idea for you.
Generally, Exercise stress test is measured as a safe test, because they are conducted in an ideal environment under the direction of a skilled medical professional. However ,the risk associated with them are as follows-
Heart Attack. Collapsing . Unequal heartbeat Fainting . Chest pain .
Although, these reactions are not really particular with Exercise stress test as your medical professional will access every problem above hand, but still one should know of the risk of conducting this test. Moreover, the people with advanced coronary heart disease should not be considered apt for this test.

Before conducting the test, your medical examiner will conduct a physical test and inquire about your complete medical history. At this moment, you be supposed to tell your medical doctor about your indications, particularly those which are related to any chest pains or shortness of breath. Plus, you should tell your medical examiner about the situations or indicators that really make your exercise thorny for you.
Lastly, you be supposed to tell your medical doctor if you are a diabetes patient, since exercise impinges on blood sugar level of our body. So, if you are a diabetes patient, your physician may like to scrutinize the blood glucose stage throughout the exercise examination as well.
Make sure you are wearing loose, comfortable clothes on the day of exercise stress examination. Something, which makes you feel light and breathable, is the perfect clothing. Wear contented shoes, like athletic sneakers. Plus, your medical doctor will feed you with inclusive guidelines, about how to prepare for the test. These guidelines might contain these mentioned factors:
Don't Smoke . Don't Drink Caffeinated beverages for at least 3 hours before conducting the test. Report for any kind of chest pain. Report for any kind of complications you are feeling on the day of examination.
The whole process performed in a Tread mill test is given below in simplified points-:
Before initiating your exercising process, you will be linked up to the electrocardiogram. Various pads will be stuck and linked to your beneath your clothes. Your medical examiner or a technician will observe your heart rate and breathing rate before initiating to your exercising. . Report for any kind of chest pain. Your medical examiner may also make you breathe into a tube for checking the strength of your lungs. Then, the medical examiner will tell you to start the process by walking with slow pace on a treadmill. With the passage of time, the speed and grade of the treadmill will be enhanced and the test remains in the functioning phase. If you feel any kind of difficulties in the process, especially fatigue, weakness, or chest pain, then you may request to stop the test in between. Whenever your medical examiner feels contented with your results, s/he will tell you to stop exercising. But your breathing and heart rate will persist to be examined for a short span afterwards.


Shri Bhagwan Diagnostic & Imaging Centre Pvt. Ltd.

In Serology pathological services, we proffer several kinds of Blood tests (related with cells and chemistries of the human body) A few of them are as follows-
RA Factor
Typhi dot IgG and IgM
Dengue serology
Dengue NS1 Antigen
Malaria Antigen
Arthritis Profile (RA, CRP, ANA, Anti CCP, Calcium, Phosphorus)


An Exercise Stress test is a test utilized to evaluate, how ideally your heart is responding during the time when it has the maximum pressure on it. During the examination, you will asked by your technician or health care provider to exercise normally on a treadmill, while you are gripped with an electrocardiogram (ECG). And this association will permit the doctor to observe your heart rate. This Exercise Stress test is also known as Tread Mill Test. A medical physician recommends this examination to those people, who are suffering from chronic pain in chest or been telling about the symptoms of coronary heart disease. According to a renowned study, this examination is not only ideal for identifying the sickness in the heart, but also deliberated best for estimating the risk of heart disease among people who have risk factors like high alcohol. It is a safe test with no risk but the conditions which have recorded among people while conducting the exercise include Heart Attack, Collapsing, Unequal heartbeat, Fainting, Chest pain, but if conducted with the utmost care, then the chances of the occurring of these issues reduce to zero.

We, At Shri Bhagwan Diagnostic & Imaging Center Pvt. Ltd sincerely believe in the munificence of our valued customers, and hence leveraged state-of-the-art appliances and human resources for the idyllic implementation of Treat Mill Test. Here, we are leveraging the inclusive guide on Tread Mill Test (TMT) or Excise stress Test, including the reasons, types, risk & process and everything linked with it.

Basically, A Tread Mill Test is used to facilitate the doctor in determining if your heart receiving a sufficient quantity of oxygen and adequate flow of blood, when it needed the most, the time when you exercise. A medical doctor advises this test for those people, who have been experiencing chronic pain in chest or exemplifying the symptoms of coronary heart disease. According to a study, this test is not only perfect of diagnosing the disease in the heart, but also considered ideal for estimating the peril of heart disease among people who have risk factors like high alcohol.
Plus, if you are a smoking addict of 40 years old, or you have some other risk factors showing symptoms of heart disease, you must consult with your doctor and check whether Treadmill Test, would be a right idea for you.
Generally, Exercise stress test is measured as a safe test, because they are conducted in an ideal environment under the direction of a skilled medical professional. However ,the risk associated with them are as follows-
Heart Attack. Collapsing . Unequal heartbeat Fainting . Chest pain .
Although, these reactions are not really particular with Exercise stress test as your medical professional will access every problem above hand, but still one should know of the risk of conducting this test. Moreover, the people with advanced coronary heart disease should not be considered apt for this test.

Before conducting the test, your medical examiner will conduct a physical test and inquire about your complete medical history. At this moment, you be supposed to tell your medical doctor about your indications, particularly those which are related to any chest pains or shortness of breath. Plus, you should tell your medical examiner about the situations or indicators that really make your exercise thorny for you.
Lastly, you be supposed to tell your medical doctor if you are a diabetes patient, since exercise impinges on blood sugar level of our body. So, if you are a diabetes patient, your physician may like to scrutinize the blood glucose stage throughout the exercise examination as well.
Make sure you are wearing loose, comfortable clothes on the day of exercise stress examination. Something, which makes you feel light and breathable, is the perfect clothing. Wear contented shoes, like athletic sneakers. Plus, your medical doctor will feed you with inclusive guidelines, about how to prepare for the test. These guidelines might contain these mentioned factors:
Don't Smoke . Don't Drink Caffeinated beverages for at least 3 hours before conducting the test. Report for any kind of chest pain. Report for any kind of complications you are feeling on the day of examination.
The whole process performed in a Tread mill test is given below in simplified points-:
Before initiating your exercising process, you will be linked up to the electrocardiogram. Various pads will be stuck and linked to your beneath your clothes. Your medical examiner or a technician will observe your heart rate and breathing rate before initiating to your exercising. . Report for any kind of chest pain. Your medical examiner may also make you breathe into a tube for checking the strength of your lungs. Then, the medical examiner will tell you to start the process by walking with slow pace on a treadmill. With the passage of time, the speed and grade of the treadmill will be enhanced and the test remains in the functioning phase. If you feel any kind of difficulties in the process, especially fatigue, weakness, or chest pain, then you may request to stop the test in between. Whenever your medical examiner feels contented with your results, s/he will tell you to stop exercising. But your breathing and heart rate will persist to be examined for a short span afterwards.

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New Delhi, 110009

India's Leading Diagnostics brand with presence across 19 States,115 Labs,2000+ Patient TouchPoints and 4000+ Test Menu & Profiles. Accredited by NABL & CAP. We are Metropolis-Ur p...

Modern Diagnostic & Research Centre Pvt Ltd Modern Diagnostic & Research Centre Pvt Ltd
Shop No 6, GH 9, DDA Market, Paschim Vihar, Opposite Safal Dairy
New Delhi, 110087

Maxlab Meethapur Maxlab Meethapur
Shop No-3 Khasra No-215 Sindhu Farm Road Meethapur Extn. Near Agarwal Dharamshala Badarpur
New Delhi, 110044

Package includes Diabetes, Kidney, Liver, Heart, Thyroid, Nerve, Bones, Radiology & more. Book a samp

Max Lab Max Lab
No C1/144, Keshav Puram
New Delhi, 110035

Max Lab Max Lab
Max Lab, C-I/110, Ground Floor, Lajpat Nagar-I
New Delhi, 110024

Metropolis Labs Metropolis Labs
No D 1/9, Rohini, Sector 15
New Delhi, 110089

India's Leading Diagnostics brand with presence across 19 States,115 Labs,2000+ Patient TouchPoints and 4000+ Test Menu & Profiles. Accredited by NABL & CAP. We are Metropolis-Ur p...

Max Lab Max Lab
27 Alipur Road, Civil Lines, Near Manglam Medicos
New Delhi, 110018

Modern Diagnostic & Research Centre Pvt Ltd Modern Diagnostic & Research Centre Pvt Ltd
No B 30, Bhagwati Garden, Sh**ha Godam Road, Dwarka Mor, Near Metro Pillar No 77
New Delhi, 110059

Cosmopolitan Pathlab Cosmopolitan Pathlab
A1 RZ126 FF Mahavir Enclave Paalan Dabri Marg.
New Delhi, 110045

A medical laboratory located near Palam railway station which conducts several kinds of tests like blood, hormones , urine, stool, sputum etc. at reasonable costs.

Dr Lal PathLabs Dr Lal PathLabs
New Delhi, 110044