G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna

Ask a hundred kids to write or draw a picture of “home” and some general themes would come up on the paper i.e. undamaging, balmy and joyful and that is th

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 25/05/2024

Grand Finale Gigglefest (Summer Camp) - 2024-25

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 25/05/2024

Glimpses of Gigglefest (Summer Camp)

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 24/05/2024

'Puppets are fun and engaging! '

Children love to play with toys and puppets.Their joy of watching puppets dancing and performing before them, is enigmatic.The pre-primary students of G D Goenka Public School Patna experienced the same joy during the puppet show. Fascinating puppets made the kids dance, sing and jump in excitement during the show.The show was planned to enable the kids to learn, to converse and formulate their thoughts and words to the best. The children were amazed to watch one of their favourite stories- The Elephant and his friends unfolding before their eyes.

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 23/05/2024

The felicitation ceremony for grades 10th and 12th was celebrated in GD Goenka Public School, Patna. It was a moment of pride, joy, and celebration for students, parents, teachers, and the entire school community.
During the ceremony, students who have excelled academically were honored with awards, certificates, and trophies. Achievements in various subjects, such as mathematics, science, humanities, and languages, were recognized to appreciate the diverse talents of the students.
The event was graced by the Principal, Mr Madhukar Jha who imparted words of wisdom, encouragement, and inspiration to the students.
Parents were invited to witness and share the pride of their children's accomplishments, reinforcing the importance of family support in academic endeavors.

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 17/05/2024

The investiture ceremony at G.D. Goenka Public School was a solemn yet jubilant occasion, marking the transition of responsibility from one set of student leaders to another. Held in the basket ball arena adorned with banners and flags, the ceremony exuded an aura of dignity and anticipation.
As the incoming student leaders, eagerly awaited their turn, they stood tall and proud, ready to shoulder the mantle of leadership. Each member was carefully chosen through a democratic process, based on their academic excellence, leadership potential, and commitment to service.
The ceremony commenced with an invocation, followed by the school anthem, resonating through the halls and instilling a sense of unity among the attendees. The principal delivered an inspiring address, emphasizing the importance of integrity, empathy, and perseverance in leadership.
The student council members then took the oath of office, pledging to uphold the values of the institution, serve the student body with dedication, and strive for excellence in all endeavors. The audience erupted into applause, acknowledging the commitment of the new leadership team.
It was a momentous occasion that inspired all to strive for greatness and make a positive impact in the world.

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 17/05/2024

Fire Safety Drill: In a proactive stride towards enhancing community safety and preparedness, the Fire Department orchestrated a comprehensive mock drill on disaster management in GD Goenka Public School, Patna. This exercise aimed to simulate real-life scenarios, allowing responders and stakeholders to assess, refine, and fortify their strategies in mitigating potential crises.

Under the vigilant guidance of seasoned firefighters and emergency response experts, participants were immersed in simulated disasters ranging from fires to chemical spills. The mock drill enabled students to witness firsthand experiences to deal with emergencies instilling a sense of confidence and reassurance in the resilience of our community.

Moreover, the drill provided an opportunity for introspection and improvement required to manage crises.
Through the demonstration of Mock Drill, students learned to mitigate risks, minimize harm, and safeguard their communities against the unpredictable forces of nature.

The demonstration reminded us of the importance of preparedness and inspired us to continuously improve our response strategies.


Congratulations to Goenkans for shining in Class 10 Board Results 2024


Congratulations to Goenkans for shining in Class 12 Board Results 2024

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 12/05/2024

माँ तुझे सलाम
Painting Competition organised by Hindustan Media Ventures.
Published at page no 8 Hindustan Hindi, Patna edition dated 12.05.2024 .

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 11/05/2024

Mother's Day is not just a day to honor mothers but a celebration of the love, sacrifices, and unconditional support they provide.
On this Mother's Day, our school organized a heartfelt tribute to honor mothers and mother figures. The event was a blend of appreciation, creativity, and heartfelt gestures, designed to make every mother feel cherished and loved.
The event commenced with a special programme dedicated to mothers, where students poured their hearts out through poems, songs, and personal anecdotes, showcasing the profound impact their mothers have had on their lives. One of the highlights of the celebration was the ramp walk performed by beautiful mothers creating cherished memories to last a lifetime.
Principal Madhukar Jha expressed heartfelt gratitude to all the mothers and caregivers, emphasizing their invaluable contributions to the school community and beyond.
As the echoes of laughter and expressions of love filled the halls of G.D Goenka Public School Patna, the Mother's Day celebration served as a poignant reminder of the profound impact mothers have on shaping the future generation.

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 02/05/2024

"Blue is the ocean, blue is the sky, blue are the blue berries ,I put them into the pie. "

The pre -primary section of our school celebrated Blue Day on 19th April, 2024.

The significance of blue color was reiterated through a series of activities. The enthusiastic children came clad in different hues of blue. They were introduced to different shades of blue.

Blue – the color of loyalty, strength, wisdom and trust had a very positive impact on tiny tots bringing in harmony and brotherhood.

Students were made to recognize blue color through different games and play-way activities. An array of blue coloured objects like umbrella, ball, cloud, flowers etc. was in display, providing opportunities to the students understand its importance.

The little ones of Nursery and K.G made blue fish and octopus by using bottle cap and tearing and pasting of paper.

It was an amazing and long lasting experience. Early identification of colours helped create the cognitive link between visual clues and words, making an important part of a child’s development.

It was indeed a visual treat to see the good effects of blue color on our little ones.

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 01/05/2024

English Poem Recitation Competition

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 01/05/2024

MATHEMATICIA 2024-25 was celebrated in G.D. GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL , Patna from 15/04/2024 to 19/04/2024. This Maths Week was an annual event organized in school to promote Mathematics education and its applications among students.

The primary aim of Maths Week was to engage students in fun and interactive activities that foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of Mathematics. The main objectives of this week were to promote student’s interest in Mathematics, enhance their problem solving skills, encourage creativity and promote team work and communication skills through group activities and challenges.
Students actively participated in the activities such as place value house , number related flowers, equation crosswords, number crosswords, reasoning questions based on basic mathematical operations, lab related activities , made working models on rational numbers, geometric shapes etc.

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 01/05/2024

On the special occasion of Labour Day, we gather together to honor and appreciate the contributions of the hardworking individuals who form the backbone of our society. Labour Day, also known as International Workers' Day, is a day dedicated to recognizing the efforts and sacrifices of workers worldwide.

At G.D. Goenka Public School, Patna we believe,it is essential to instill in our students a deep understanding and respect for the value of labor. To commemorate this significant day, students presented cards and bouquets to express gratitude and solidarity with workers.
Let us not forget the struggles and sacrifices of those who have paved the way for the rights and protections we enjoy today. Let us re-affirm our commitment to building a society that values and respects the dignity of labor in all its forms.

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 01/05/2024

The Student Council serves as a platform for students to actively participate in the decision-making process of the school and contribute to its overall development.

With great excitement and anticipation Student Council election was commemorated in GD Goenka Public School, Patna. The election process was conducted democratically, allowing all students to exercise their right to vote and elect their ballots anonymously through electronic voting systems.
By exercising their right to vote, the students learnt the importance of contributing to decision-making and shaping the community in which they live.
Through firsthand experience with the voting process, students gained a deeper understanding of democratic principles such as equality, participation, and representation. They learnt that every voice matters and that collective decision-making is essential for a thriving democratic society.

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 30/04/2024

Yellow is associated with sunshine, happiness, and optimism. It is a colour that symbolizes positivity, enlightenment, and intellect. Just as the golden rays of the sun brighten our days, yellow has the power to uplift the spirits of young children and bring a sense of joy to their lives. Dressed in shades of yellow, on 30th April 2024, our delighted Goenkans embraced the spirit of the occasion by participating in yellow themed hands-on activities.Students did bubble wrap printing which was displayed on the softboards. The classrooms was decorated with appealing craftworks highlighting the essence of yellow. They were encouraged to bring yellow-coloured items adding a fun and festive touch to the celebration. It was an amazing learning experience through personal expression, creative endeavors, acts of kindness, and embracing the beauty of nature.
Let Yellow Colour Day be a reminder to embrace the sunshine within and share it with the world.

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 27/04/2024

Competitions play a role in motivating students to perform, excel and offer a lot more reward than just winning the prize. Competitions offer a chance for participants to gain substantial experience, showcase skills, analyze and evaluate outcomes and uncover personal aptitude. Keeping this in mind G .D. Goenka Public School organised INTERSCHOOL SWIMMING AND PAINTING COMPETITION on Saturday 27/04/2024 .
All the students performed with great zeal and made the school proud by winning prizes.

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 27/04/2024

Career Counseling Session conducted by Allen Team for Grade 9-12

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 27/04/2024

Show and Tell is a chance for our little Goenkans to show off their “prized possessions”. Being the centre of attraction for a couple of minutes will make them feel special, more confident and valued.

It’s also a great way to encourage a child’s interest in a particular topic. It’s a chance for them to think ‘outside the box’ a little and invite their teachers and classmates to come into their own little world for a minute or two.

The Pre-primary children were so excited to bring their favourite toy to school. As soon they entered the classroom, they placed the toy on a table while waiting for their turn to share with the group. Each child was encouraged to come called to the front and show their toy to the rest of the class. All were eager to talk about their toys. Girls were happy to display their dolls, soft toys while boys were thrilled to talk about their cars, toy trucks , and airplanes. Some of them got domestic animals, whistle and superheroes, those who did not bring were provided with their favourite stuff available in the classroom. Most of them spoke with confidence, their eyes were gleamed when they were showed their favourite toys to others while some got encouraged by asking simple questions about their toy which made them describe more about their toy.

This activity helped children to build confidence, learn great communication skills that will serve as a solid foundation for future learning.

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 27/04/2024

*Awareness Programme on 'Organ Donation* ' is conducted by SOTTO(The state Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation) in the campus of G.D.Goenka Public school.

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 27/04/2024

World Earth Day 2024: Earth Day is an annual event observed across the globe to demonstrate support for environmental protection. On this occasion all students of
G.D . Goenka engaged in the various activities and spread awareness to each citizens of the world about the importance of environment conservation and sustainability.

In Morning Assembly students were encouraging and giving message to come together and take action for a healthier planet and brighter future.
The agenda of celebrating EARTH DAY activities to raise awareness and inspires change, fostering a deep connection with nature.

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 18/04/2024

Eid Celebration
Wednesday -10th April,2024
Eid celebration in school for pre primary kids was a joyful and colorful event filled with fun and excitement.
The children came to school dressed in their traditional attire, loaded with happiness and excitement. The teachers warmly welcomed the children with hugs and greetings,setting the tone for a day filled with festivities and fun. The day begam with a special assembly where students recited Eid prayers and sang traditional songs.
After the assembly, the children were treated with a variety of activities such as story telling, session about the significance of Eid, art and craft display.
This educational segment helped the young ones to understand the cultural and religious significance of Eid in a simple and meaningful way.

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 17/04/2024

‘Red Fruit Day’
Every little thing around us is colourful and children recognise it with its colour. We, at Kindergarten, train the children at an early stage to identify different colours and also relate the fruits, vegetables, flowers, birds and animals with their respective colours.

Our little Goenkans celebrated ‘Red Fruit Day’ on April 15th, 2024. Teachers and children came dressed in different shades of red. Children were asked to bring any red-coloured fruit in their lunch. The class was decorated with red-coloured hangings like cherries, strawberries, apples, etc. Children were amused at seeing red hangings and balloons. The day continued with the introduction of the colour - Red and several activities related to the colour. Each child participated and everyone rejoiced. It was lovely for the children to get introduced to the colour – Red .

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 09/04/2024

Eid, the festival that upholds the spirit of brotherhood, love and secularism, was celebrated with great enthusiasm . Through the performances, the students brought out the significance of Eid.
The celebration began with a melodious prayer song followed by a short skit.

G.D.Goenka Public School Patna believes that teaching cultural differences develops tolerance amongst students to co-exist with mixed people from different backgrounds. Most importantly, festival celebrations develop the students' communication skills and help them gel with individuals from other communities.

Photos from G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna's post 09/04/2024

A new session, a new beginning and good things will bring nothing but the best!

G. D. Goenka public School, Patna, welcomes students of Classes I to Xll for yet another exciting and enthusiastic new session.

Best wishes to all our dear students for Session 2024-25.
Learn, Serve and Excel !


My First Day in School

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Videos (show all)

Investiture Ceremony 2024
My First Day in School
Student Activities during Orientation Day 2024-25
Udaan in electronic media
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*Swachhata Campaign 3.0 in G D Goenka Public School Patna* The students and teachers of G.D.Goenka Public School, Patna ...
Happy Independence Day
Summer Camp  🏝️




G. D. Goenka Public School, Patna

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 5pm
Tuesday 7am - 5pm
Wednesday 7am - 5pm
Thursday 7am - 5pm
Friday 7am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm

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