Art of Shakti
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pimri, Pune
Drawings of Devi Shakti ����
ll Devi Kanchi Kamakshi ll
According to Bramhand puran the preaching of Lalithopakhyana ( the legendary of the Supreme mother Devi Lalita MahaTripura sundari ) was done at Kanchipuram by Shree Hygriva to Rishi Agastya. Devi Lalita MahaTripura sundari resides here in her Kamashi Devi swaroop as she gave boon to Pitamah Bramha who done her Tapasya for betterment of mankind. It is also believed that the Kanchipuram is the place were Kaal Bhairav become mukta from the Bramha hatya paap.
According to Lalitopakhyanam Devi Parvati performed tapsya of Devi Kamashi here and realised that she is non another than Devi Kamakshi.Kanchipuram is also one of the Shaktipeeth.
The refrence of above captioned is taken from the Bramhand puran ( Lalitopakhyanam ) .
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ll Devi Jagadhatri ll
After the goddess Durga killed Mahishasura, the gods of Svarga forgot about her powers. So, in order to test them and teach them a lesson, Parvati appeared before Agni, Vayu, Varuna, and Chandra, who considered themselves invincible and were engulfed by a false sense of pride in themselves, ahamkara, the infallible ego. She asked them to take out and move a tiny blade of grass. Vayu failed to pluck it, and Agni failed to burn it. One by one, every god tried but failed to do the task. In the end, they understood that Devi is the source of all forms of power in the universe, and even theirs belonged to her. The Devas realized their misgivings and the goddess appeared before them as Uma, riding on a lion. The goddess gave the ego of the Devas, the form of an elephant. That is why Goddess Jagaddhatri is depicted sitting on a lion with an elephant under her. The elephant, symbolizing ahamkara, lies under the fierce paws of here vahana, the majestic lion, who symbolises courage, valour and the strength to overcome any challenges.
It's my first time to make drawing in Bengali style.
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Forms of Devi Parvati
ll Devi Tripura ll
नागपाशाङ्कुश चैव (वा) भयदं वरदं करम् ।
त्रिपुरानाम सा पूज्या वन्दिता त्रिदशैरपि
त्रिपुरा के दोनों हाथों में क्रमशः नागपाश और अङ्कुश होते हैं तथा एक हाथ अभयमुद्रा में और एक हाथ वरदमुद्रा में होता है। यह देवताओं द्वारा वन्दित तथा पूजित है l
Gudiance by : Artist Siddhant Thapan
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Forms of Devi Parvati
ll Devi Totala ll
शूलाक्षसूत्र दण्डञ्च बिभ्राणा चैव चामरम् ।
तोतला कथिता चेयं सर्वकोपप्रणाशनी l
तोतला की प्रतिमा शूल, अक्षसूत्र, दण्ड और चामर धारण की हुई बनानी चाहिये यह सभी कोपों का नाश करनेवाली है ।
Gudiance by : Artist Siddhant Thapan
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Forms of Devi Parvati
ll Devi Rambha ll
कमण्डल्वसूत्रञ्च विभ्राणा वज्रमङकुशम् । गजासनस्थिता रम्भा कर्त्तव्या सर्वकामदा l
रम्भा की मूर्ति कमण्डलु, अक्षसूत्र, वय तथा अंकुश धारण की हुई तथा गज धर्म के आसन पर बैठी बनानी चाहिए। यह सर्व कामप्रद है l
Gudiance by : Artist Siddhant Thapan
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Forms of Devi Parvati
ll Devi Shriya ll
अक्षसूत्रं तथा पद्ममभयव वरन्तथा ।
गोधासना प्रिया (बिया) मूर्तिगृहे पूज्या थिये सदा |
श्रिया की मूर्ति अपने हाथों में क्रमश: अक्षसूत्र, कमल, अनव ( अभयमुद्रा ) तथा वर ( वरदमुद्रा ) धारण करती है तथा गोधाचमं के आसन पर स्थित है । घर में उसकी पूजा सदा कल्याणप्रद होती है l
Gudiance by : Artist Siddhant Thapan
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Forms of Devi Parvati
ll Devi Parvati ll
अक्षसूत्रां शिवां देवीं गणाध्यक्ष कमण्डलुम् ।
पक्षद्वयेऽग्निकुण्डञ्च पार्वती पर्वतोद्भवा l
पर्वतपुत्री पार्वती की मूर्ति के साथ शिव, गोद में गणेश, हाथों में अक्षसूत्र और कमण्डलु तथा उसके दोनों और अग्निकुण्ड होता है l
Gudiance by : Artist Siddhant Thapan
Pardon if any mistakes
Forms of Devi Parvati
ll Devi Uma ll
अक्षसूत्राम्बुजं धत्ते दर्पणञ्च कमण्डलुम् ।
उमानाम्नी भवेन्मूत्तिर्वन्दिता त्रिदशैरपि l
देवताओं से वन्दित उमा की मूर्ति के चारों हाथों में क्रमश: अक्षसूत्र, कमल, दर्पण एवं कमण्डलु है l
Gudiance by : Artist Siddhant Thapan
Pardon if any mistakes
ll Devi Lalita MahaTripura sundari ll
ll Devi Bhadrakali ll
According to Kalika Puran Rakshas Mahishasur was born in every Kalpa. To kill him at every Kalpa Devi Aadi Shakti took avataar.
1. Devi Ugrachanda
2. Devi Bhadrakali
3. Devi Mahalakshmi
4 . Devi Katyayni
योगनिद्रा महामाया जगद्धात्री जगन्मयी।
भुजैः षोड़शभिर्युता भद्रकालीति विश्रुता।।
क्षीरोदस्योत्तरे कुले विभ्रती विपुलान्तनुम्।
अतसीपुष्पवर्णाभा ज्वलत्काञ्चनकुण्डला।।
नागहारेण सहिता स्वर्णहारविराजिता।।
शूलं खड्गञ्च शङ्खञ्च चकम्बाणन्तथैव च।
शक्तिम्बज्रञ्च दण्डञ्च नित्यन्दक्षिणबाहुभिः।।
विभ्रती सततन्देवी विकाशिदशनोज्वला।
खेटकं चर्म चापञ्च पाशमङ्कुशमेव च।।
घण्टां परशुञ्च मूषलं विभ्रती बामपाणिभिः।
सिंहस्था नयनैरक्तवर्णैस्त्रिभिरभिज्वला।।
शूलेन महिषं भित्वा तिष्ठन्ती परमेश्वरी।
वामपादेन चाक्रम्य तत्र देवी जगन्मयी।।
Mahamaya, the Yogic Slumber (of Vishnu) who is the foundation of the universe and who pervades the universe is called Bhadrakali in her form with sixteen arms. She manifested on the northern shore of the Milky Ocean assuming a gigantic body. Her complexion was that of the flax flower and she wore ear ornaments of molten gold. Her hair was matted and decked with three crowns featuring the crescent. She wore a serpent as her garland and also a garland of gold. The goddess who had protruding teeth held in her right hands a trident, a sword, a conch, a discus, an arrow, a spear, a thunderbolt and a rod. In her left hands, she had two varieties of shields, a bow, a noose, a goad, a bell, an axe and a club. Her mount is a lion and she looked terrible with three bloodshot eyes. The Supreme Creatrix who pervades the universe pierced Mahisha with her trident having crushed him under her left foot.
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ll Shree Mahakaal with Mahavidya Kali ll
Mahakaal is the ferocious form of Shiv. He is the God of destruction and time. His Shakti and consort is Devi Adya Kali . He is the first Mahabhairav among 10 Mahabhairavs . During Mahapralay both Mahakaal and Adya Kali destroy whole bramhand by performing the Mahatandava.
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ll Shree Sadashiv with Devi Manonmani ll
He is the supreme and highest form of Shiv . The purush tatva or the Father of all infinite universes . He is always with his Shakti and consort Devi Manonmani . From him Tridev Bramha , Vishnu and Shiv emerges to create, sustain and destroy the universe .His faces are as follows
1. Sadyojata : Srishtikarta ( Bramha )
2. Vamdev : Palankarta ( Vishnu )
3. Aghora : Samharkarta ( Rudra )
4. Tatpurush : Tirobhavakarta ( Isvar )
5. Ishan : Anugrahakarta ( Shiv )
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ll श्री महाकामेश्वर सह श्री महाकामेश्वरी देवी ll
Shree Mahakameshwar is the purush swaroop of Devi MahaTripura sundari . She married with Mahakameshwar in her Mahakameshwari roop . Both resides in Manidweep ( Sarvaloka or Devilok ) .
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ll देवी महासरस्वती ll
वैकृतिक रहस्य
जो एकमात्र सत्त्वगुणके आश्रित हो पार्वतीजीके शरीरसे प्रकट हुई थीं तथा जिन्होंने शुम्भ नामक दैत्यका संहार किया था, वे साक्षात् सरस्वती कही गयी हैं । पृथ्वीपते। उनके आठ भुजाएँ हैं तथा वे अपने हाथोंमें क्रमशः बाण, मुसल, शूल, चक्र, शङ्ख, घण्टा, हल एवं धनुष धारण करती हैं l ये सरस्वतीदेवी, जो निशुम्भका मर्दन तथा शुम्भासुरका संहार करनेवाली हैं, भक्तिपूर्वक पूजित होनेपर सर्वज्ञता प्रदान करती हैं l
ll देवी महालक्ष्मी ll
वैकृतिक रहस्य
सम्पूर्ण देवताओंके अङ्गोंसे जिनका प्रादुर्भाव
हुआ था, वे अनन्त कान्तिसे युक्त साक्षात् महालक्ष्मी हैं। उन्हें ही त्रिगुणमयी प्रकृति कहते हैं तथा वे ही महिषासुरका मर्दन करनेवाली हैं l
उनका मुख गोरा, भुजाएँ श्याम, स्तनमण्डल अत्यन्त श्वेत, कटिभाग और चरण लाल तथा जङ्घा और पिंडली नीले रंग की हैं। अजेय होनेके कारण उनको अपने शौर्यका अभिमान है
| कटिके आगेका भाग बहुरंगे वस्त्रसे आच्छादित होनेके कारण अत्यन्त सुन्दर एवं विचित्र दिखायी देता है। उनकी माला, वस्त्र, आभूषण तथा अङ्गराग सभी विचित्र हैं वे कान्ति, रूप और सौभाग्यसे सुशोभित हैं l यद्यपि उनकी हजारों भुजाएँ हैं, तथापि उन्हें अठारह भुजाओंसे युक्त मानकर उनकी पूजा करनी चाहिये। अब उनके दाहिनी ओरके निचले हाथोंसे लेकर बायीं ओरके निचले हाथोंतकमें क्रमशः जो अस्त्र हैं, उनका वर्णन किया जाता है lअक्षमाला, कमल, बाण, खड्ग, वज्र, गदा, चक्र, त्रिशूल, परशु, शङ्ख, घण्टा, पाश, शक्ति, दण्ड, चर्म (ढाल), धनुष, पानपात्र और कमण्डलु - इन आयुधों से उनकी भुजाएँ विभूषित हैं। वे कमलके आसनपर विराजमान हैं, सर्वदेवमयी हैं तथा सबकी ईश्वरी हैं।
ll देवी महाकाली ll
वैकृतीक रहस्य
तमोगुणमयी महाकाली भगवान् विष्णुकी योगनिद्रा कही गयी हैं। मधु और कैटभका नाश करनेके लिये ब्रह्माजीने जिनकी स्तुति की थी, उन्हींका नाम महाकाली है l उनके दस मुख, दस भुजाएँ और दस पैर हैं। वे काजलके समान काले रंगकी हैं तथा तीस नेत्रोंकी विशाल पङ्किसे सुशोभित होती हैं l भूपाल ! उनके दाँत और दाढ़ें चमकती रहती हैं। यद्यपि उनका रूप भयंकर है, तथापि वे रूप, सौभाग्य, कान्ति एवं महती सम्पदाकी अधिष्ठान ( प्राप्तिस्थान ) हैं l वे अपने हाथोंमें खड्ग, बाण, गदा, शूल, चक्र, शत्रु, भुशुण्डि परिष, धनुष तथा जिससे रक्त चूता रहता है, ऐसा कटा हुआ मस्तक धारण करती हैं
महाकाली भगवान् विष्णुकी दुस्तर माया हैं। आराधना करनेपर ये चराचर जगत्को अपने उपासकके अधीन कर देती हैं l
ll देवी सभा ll
1 Devi Rajarajeshwari
2 Mahamatangi
3 Mahavarahi
4 Devi Rama and Devi Vaani
5 Sadashiv , Bramha , Vishnu , Rudra and Ishan
6 Astha Matrika according to Sri kul ( Maheshwari , Vaishnavi , Bramhani , Kaumari , Mahalakshmi , Chamunda , Varahi and Mahendri )
7 Mahaganpati
8 Devi Bal Tripura sundari
9 Skanda
10 Devi Sampatkari
11 Devi Ashwaroodha
12 Yoginis serving Devi Rajarajeshwari
ll देवी महावराही ll
She is the chief Commander of Devi Sena so she is also known as Devi Dandinatha. Devi Lalita created her from her ego . She is astha buja Devi holding shanka , chakra , pasha , ankusha , haal and musal with abhay and var mudra . She resides on Kiri Chakra and her vahan simha is name as Vajraghosham . She killed asur Vishukra brother of Bhandasur . In her Laghu Varahi form she is member of Astha Matrika and Shakti of Varaha Dev .
ll Shree Mahashodashi ll
चन्द्रार्कानल कोटिनीरदरुचाम् पाशांकुशामशुगान मुण्डं खड्गमभयमीश्वरीवरं हस्ताम्बुजैरष्टभिः ।
कामेशान शिवोपरि स्थितासदां त्रयक्षां वहन्तीं परां श्री चिन्तामणिमन्त्र बीज वपुर्षी ध्याये महाषोडशीम् ।।
The one, having the radiance of millions of moons, suns, clouds and that of fire, carrying a noose, a goad, a sugarcane bow, five arrows, a severed head, a sword and bestowing the gestures of assurance and fearlessness in her eight lotus-like palms. I meditate on that great goddess MahaShodashi, in the form of supreme Śrī Chintamani Mantra Beej, who's carrying three eyes and incessantly seated upon Lord Kameshwara, the god of desires.
ll देवी भैरवी ll
Fifth Mahavidya
| उद्याद भानु सहस्र कांती मरुणा शौमं शिरोमालिकम |
|| रक्तलिप्त पयोधरम् जप वाटेम् विद्याम् भीतिम वरम् ||
| हस्तब जैर धडातीम त्रिनेत्र विलासद वक्त्ररा विंदा श्रीयम |
|| देवीम बद्ध हिमांशु रत्न मुकुटम वंदे रविंदा स्थानम् ||
She is seated on a lotus with four hands, one with a book, one with rosary beads, one with abhaya mudra and another with varada mudra. She wears red garments and wears a garland of severed heads around her neck. She has three eyes and her head is adorned with a crescent moon.
She is the consort of Dakshinamurthy. Devi of Kundalini Shakti.
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