Global Road Technology India

Global Road Technology India

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"New generation road construction using state-of-the-art technology in CIPR, CTB & HIPR for better quality roads built faster".

"New generation road construction and maintenance using cutting edge machinery and CIPR, CTB, CTSB, BSM, DLC, & HIPR technology, and Dust and Erosion Control, Soil Stabilisation, & Water Management using our range of patented chemical products” Proprietary polymer products - for stabilised roads & dust control".

Demand Booms for Australia’s Critical Minerals 25/11/2022

Australia’s mining industry is in the box seat to benefit from the booming demand for critical minerals.Driven by the push towards Net Zero and Electric vehicle (EV) battery technology, critical minerals now represent the fastest-growing sector in Aussie mining.

The projected flow of nationwide economic benefits includes new downstream industries, jobs, and skills while helping decarbonize the global economy.

As the worldwide energy system transitions to renewables, companies, and countries looking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and adopt clean energy technologies will turn to Australia for a range of critical minerals.

Demand Booms for Australia’s Critical Minerals Driven by the push towards Net Zero and Electric vehicle (EV) battery technology, critical minerals now represent the fastest-growing sector in Aussie mining.

Global Road Technology works to reduce the impact of red dust 20/09/2022

Latest News from Australian Mining. GRT works to reduce the impact of red dust on communities across the Pilbara region, with recent failures in dust monitoring at Port Hedland, one of the world’s largest iron ore ports, were compounded by a separate incident at the Mount Whaleback mine that impacted the nearby community of Newman. In the latter instance, particulate pollution levels exceeded the agreed-upon limits set by the mining licence by a factor of 45 times, causing calls for a greater emphasis on dust suppression strategies by miners.

Dust pollution can also impact the health of waterways in the mining regions of Western Australia along with leaching events impacting the health of creeks and rivers that are vital to the ecosystem of one of the Kimberley region, which is one of the most biodiverse places on the planet.

Global Road Technology works to reduce the impact of red dust Evidence is growing that red dust caused by iron ore mining is causing harm to the communities that call the Pilbara region home.

Haul road dust control for iron ore mines - Australian Mining 16/09/2022

The importance of haul road dust control for iron ore mines. The Pilbara is located in the north of the state, bordered by the Indian Ocean to the west and extending across the Great Sandy Desert to the Northern Territory border in the east.

Western Australia Iron Ore (WAIO) is an integrated system of four processing hubs and five mines, connected by more than 1000 kilometres of rail infrastructure and port facilities in the Pilbara region of northern Western Australia.

Global Road Technology’s (GRT) client is one of the world’s largest mining companies and an Australian-based resource company, involved in the production of iron, steel, copper, silver, aluminium, oil, and gas.

Major concerns of the client with haul road dust suppression

● The reduction in visibility on haul roads caused by vehicle generated dust, preventing clear communication between drivers and increased risk of collision.

● The respiratory and environmental impact of uncontrolled dust.

● Regulatory compliance.

Haul road dust control for iron ore mines - Australian Mining Learn how GRT helped its client to solve problems related to haul road dust suppression with its state-of-the-art systems.

The Fascinating World of Mining Haul Roads - North American Mining Magazine & GRT 18/08/2022

Haul roads might not sound like the most exciting of topics. But scratch the road surface, and you’ll find a highly complex microcosm of the mining industry lies beneath. North American Mining magazine publishes news and editorial on the metallic and nonmetallic mining industries. Global Road Technology collaborated with their International Editor, Jonathan Rowland to pen a piece on dust suppression from a water management and conservation perspective. The July/August 2022 article discussed mine haul road design, construction, and maintenance in the fascinating world of mining haul roads. The Fascinating World of Mine Haul Roads captures:

• Why are good haul roads necessary?

• Rolling resistance

• Temporary constructions

• Getting it right from the start

• Operations and maintenance

• Thinking water: dust control and surface stabilization

• Autonomous haul roads

The Fascinating World of Mining Haul Roads - North American Mining Magazine & GRT GRT collaborate with North American Mining magazine publishes news and editorial on the metallic and nonmetallic mining industries.

Copper mining in Australia - Uses and statistics of Australian Copper 25/07/2022

There is a lot of exploration and development happening across Australia, this week we discuss Copper mining in Australia.

Australia produces 19 useful minerals in significant amounts, from over 350 operating mines and copper is one of these minerals. Copper mines in Australia are distributed across South Australia (69%), New South Wales (14%), Queensland (10%), Western Australia (6%) and Tasmania (1%). There are developing copper projects in Victoria and the Northern Territory. In this article, we discuss copper mining statistics in Australia, copper exploration projects, copper mines and copper mining companies in Australia, uses of copper mined in Australia and the best application for dust suppression in copper mines.

Copper mining in Australia - Uses and statistics of Australian Copper In this GRT Article, we discuss the significance of copper mining in Australia and how the country is meeting the global demand for copper.

Causes, effects and prevention of Spontaneous combustion of Coal 12/07/2022

Spontaneous combustion of coal is a phenomenon that happens when the rate of heat generated exceeds the rate of heat loss in heterogeneous and porous coal particles. This propagates internal chemical reactions in the inter-particle channels and microstructure leading to self-heating and spontaneous combustion. For example, in coal stockpiles, spontaneous combustion is a dynamic thermal hazard that results in the loss of coal as a resource and possible caking which creates health and safety issues. These include open fires and the production of noxious gases such as carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide in addition to harmful elements such as arsenic, selenium, mercury and lead. In this GRT industry article, we focus on the causes, effects, preventative measures and best practice dust control for spontaneous combustion of coal.

Causes, effects and prevention of Spontaneous combustion of Coal In this GRT industry article, we focus on the causes, effects, and best practices dust control for spontaneous combustion of coal.

Lithium mining in Western Australia - Prospectively, supply and resources 07/07/2022

This week we talk about Lithium Mining in Western Australia - Western Australia has a strategic advantage in the global demand for lithium. The State continues to position itself as a battery minerals hub due to its proximity to key markets, shorter construction and ramp-up times, and relatively low capital costs. As of September 2021, the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety in Western Australia reported the following lithium mining statistics:

~ $938 million in sales value

~ 1,627,771 tonnes sold

~ 1846 full-time employees

~ $4675 million in investment projects

~ 1st in the production world ranking

~ 5% royalty rate

In this Global Road Technology article, we discuss lithium prospectivity, supply, lithium mines, and lithium resources in Western Australia.

Lithium mining in Western Australia - Prospectively, supply and resources In this article, we discuss how Western Australia has a strategic advantage in the global demand for lithium.

GRT launches dust control system to support autonomous mining 30/06/2022

Global Road Technology (GRT) is launching an industry-first dust control system developed specifically to support the optimal usage of autonomous vehicles and equipment across the mining sector.

Designed to work hand-in-hand with the autonomous haul and water trucks that are becoming increasingly prevalent at mine sites to drive productivity, the Australian-made GRT: Haul-Loc dust control system effectively manages dust while helping to maintain the haul roads that are vital to the smooth running of mining projects.

It achieves this by reducing what the industry calls ‘slow’ or ‘stop’ events where the self-driving vehicles are impacted by deteriorating road conditions caused by a variety of factors including slippage (overwatering) and dust pollution that impacts motion sensors and other instruments that direct the vehicles.

GRT launches dust control system to support autonomous mining GRT is launching an industry-first dust control system developed to support autonomous vehicles and equipment across the mining sector.


This week I talk about Autonomous Mining – History, Companies, Benefits, Challenges and Solutions. McKinsey estimates that by 2035, the age of smart mining achieved through autonomous mining using data analysis and digital technologies like artificial intelligence will save between $290 billion and $390billion annually for mineral raw materials producers. As mines are becoming more interconnected, it has driven automation and digitalisation of key process controls.

Mining companies are increasingly turning to autonomous haulage systems to improve efficiency and productivity while increasing safety and sustainability. Historically, the mining industry lagged in the application of technology owing to the long lead times required to develop and commercialize new equipment in mining.

Local Exhaust Ventilation systems - Types and technical aspects 10/06/2022

This week we discuss what is a Local exhaust ventilation system? Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) is an engineering system designed to reduce employee exposure to airborne contaminants such as dust, mist, fume, vapour, and gas in the workplace. It does so by capturing the pollution at source and transporting it to a cyclone / prefilter / filter. LEV is the option highest in the hierarchy of control after elimination and substitution of the hazard, which is often not practical. LEV systems may include:

- Welding fume extraction systems

- Spray booths

- Wood dust extraction systems

- Grinding dust extraction systems

- Laboratory fume cupboards

- Soldering fume extraction systems

Local Exhaust Ventilation systems - Types and technical aspects Local exhaust ventilation is a system designed to reduce exposure to airborne contaminants such as dust, vapour, and gas in the workplace.


Global Road Technology (GRT) provided dust control solutions in the tunnelling and stockpiling component of the works for CRR’s Tunnel, Stations and Development (TSD) package, which is being delivered by a joint venture of CPB Contractors, BAM, Ghella and UGL.

Cross River Rail (CRR) is Queensland’s largest public transport project and includes 10.2 km of rail line from Dutton Park to Bowen Hills and 5.9kms of twin tunnels under the Brisbane River and the CBD. The $5.4 billion project is set to deliver four new underground stations at Boggo Road, Woolloongabba, Albert Street and Roma Street and upgrades to eight above-ground stations (two upgraded stations at Dutton Park and Exhibition and six upgraded Stations from Salisbury to Fairfield on Brisbane’s Southside). The project also includes development of three new Gold Coast stations.

Mining Industry's economic contribution to Australia - Overview & Outlook 20/05/2022

The mining industry is a huge part of Australia’s economy accounting for around ten percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). In Australia, mining has been the largest contributor to economic growth over the last decade Australia’s mining sector is worth more than two-thirds of Australia’s total merchandise exports. Australia has a strong mining equipment, technology and services (METS) sector with leading developments in innovation servicing the sector. Mining contributes to billions of dollars to federal and state governments each year in taxes and royalties. This funding assists all industries in Australia, making way for new schools, infrastructure, roads, hospitals and more. Major companies in the resources sector donate funding to support community programs and scholarships across our country.

Mining Industry's economic contribution to Australia - Overview & Outlook In this article, we talk about the mining industry's economic contribution to Australia. We look at the market overview and an outlook on major mining markets.


This weeks Industry Article we talk about Materials Optimisation & Dust Suppression for Haul Road Pavements ~ Dust suppression has certainly matured over the years, gone are the days of a product being sold to site with a promise of a magic fix to all their road problems. Suppression and stabilisation, although having two different performance goals, often have shared benefits, especially when applied to the uppermost layer (sheeting or wearing course) to increase density, strength, fines retention, etc. Given the variation in road-building materials from site to site, there’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach, each solution must be tailored to the specific materials and site constraint encountered, and this is where the supplier plays a crucial role. It is key to also implement haul road dust monitoring to complement the efforts of dust suppression.


This weeks Industry Article we talk about Haulage systems for open pit mines. There are three main haulage systems that are used in hard rock open pit mines. In this article we look at the advantages and disadvantages of these systems.

These three main haulage systems are:

1. Conventional truck haulage

2. Truck trolley systems

3. In-pit crushing and conveying (IPCC)

Autonomous mining trucks & haulage systems - Advantages & Dust Issues 24/02/2022

This week GRT looks at Autonomous mining trucks & haulage systems - Mining plays an important role in the world economy. With the pursuit of zero casualties and entering of an era of skilled workers shortage in developed countries, it was estimated that by 2020, 50% of the major mining companies in Australia, Europe and the Americas would be using the autonomous products, and some mines have decided to adopt autonomous mining equipment wholly. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and autonomous technologies in the mining industry started more than a decade ago with autonomous mining trucks (AMT) or autonomous haulage systems (AHS). Their applications improve the technological, economic and environmental outlook of the mining industry. The impact of advancement in technology and automation in the mining industry is realised in the following ways:

Cost reduction
Improved productivity
Reducing exposure of workers to hazardous conditions
Continuous production
Improved safety

GRT takes a closer look at autonomous mining trucks and haulage systems focusing on what they are, the best brands on the market, dust issues associated with AMTs and GRT’s shift to autonomy.

Autonomous mining trucks & haulage systems - Advantages & Dust Issues Take a closer look at autonomous mining trucks and haulage systems focusing on what they are, the best brands on the market, dust issues associated with AMTs and GRT’s shift to autonomy.

Dust control in tunnels - Challenges and Solutions 21/02/2022

In this article, GRT focuses on dust control in tunnels with emphasis on dust challenges, Mechanization in tunnelling has improved efficiency but exacerbated the problem of dust pollution to workers that ply their trade in the infrastructure sector. A 2021 case series analysis from Queensland reported the re-emergence of chronic silicosis amongst workers within the tunneling industry in Australia. The case series revealed that while undertaking pre-employment medicals, eight tunnellers were diagnosed with chronic silicosis and these eight had a minimum of 10 years of cumulative silica dust exposure prior to diagnosis. With several ongoing tunnelling projects in Australia across most Territories and States including one of note in New Zealand there is a cause for great concern.

Dust control in tunnels - Challenges and Solutions In this article, GRT focuses on dust control in tunnels with emphasis on dust challenges, GRT solutions and a case study of GRT’s work in Brisbane.

Silicosis in retrospect – A 2021 Overview 07/12/2021

This weeks Industry Article I discuss silicosis in retrospect – A 2021 Overview. Silicosis has been making headlines in 2021. This aggressive and deadly form of lung diseases has different types namely; acute, accelerated and chronic silicosis. It is caused by exposure to respirable and inhalable silica dust that is carcinogenic and lodges in the deep parts of the lungs and destroys the normal functioning of the pulmonary system which is often fatal. Silicosis in retrospect is an overview of the year of 2021 with regards to silicosis related news, legislative changes, cases that were reported in the news, legal battles, national reports, technological advancement in monitoring and surveillance of silicosis amongst many other silicosis related news in Australia. Global Road Technology gives you a 2021, January to December overview of silicosis in retrospect.

Silicosis in retrospect – A 2021 Overview In this article, Global Road Technology gives you a 2021, January to December overview of silicosis in retrospect.

Driving sustainability in mining through innovation 15/11/2021

This week we discuss sustainability in mining through innovation.
Mining accounts for 4% to 7% of global greenhouse gas emissions according to consultancy McKinsey. Carbon-intensive mining is under pressure to drive sustainability through innovation. World Bank has stated that meeting the Paris Agreement targets, will require ambitious climate action for a large-scale transition to clean energy which will drive significant demand for minerals. The sustainability drive in mining can be met through innovation and some of these actions make it attainable:

- Equipment, technology and data solutions to improve sustainability practices.
- Improving energy efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions.
- Leveraging new technologies to drive sustainability.
- Increase use of renewables to reduce energy costs.
- Long term planning for the future.

Global Road Technology’s discussion highlights where clean energy meets sustainability in mining, and how GRT’s innovation drives sustainability in mining and the future direction for haul trucks.

Driving sustainability in mining through innovation Learn about GRT’s innovation drives sustainability in mining and the future direction for haul trucks in driving sustainability.

Mine and quarry dust legislation changes in Australia 24/10/2021

Are you involved in a Mine or Quarry?

Is your employer aware of the Mine and quarry dust legislation changes in Australia... This week we talk about these changes and how it impacts you in the workplace.

Over the past 12 to 18 months changes have been instituted to mine and quarry dust legislation in Australia. Annually, around 600,000 Australian workers are exposed to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) dust at their occupation. The number at risk can be at least doubled as for every worker there is secondary exposure to a loved one at home via the non-occupational route of clothing. These silica dust particles are 100 times smaller than a grain of sand and are invisible to the naked eye which makes them dangerous once trapped in the lungs. Workplace exposure limits for respirable crystalline silica and coal dust are placed to protect the health of workers, families and communities within the vicinity of mining and quarrying operations. In this article, we unpack the different conversations around mine and quarry dust legislation in Australia.

Mine and quarry dust legislation changes in Australia In this article, we unpack the mine and quarry dust exposure legislation changes in across various states in Australia.

China reverses ban on stranded Australian coal import 15/10/2021

In this week's news China reverses ban on stranded Australian coal. After sitting in warehouses on China’s coast since Beijing’s unofficial ban began last October, an estimated 1 million tonnes of Australian coal is now being used, according to traders. The notice followed a meeting on the same day that regional authorities mapped out measures for winter energy supplies in response to mandates from China’s State Council, or Cabinet.

China reverses ban on stranded Australian coal import Sky-rocketing coal prices and the CCP’s emissions policy have driven power shortages in China. China has reversed the ban on stranded Australian coal import to deal with the power crunch.

GRT: Activate Underground Coal Mining and Processing 03/10/2021

This week I share our findings on managing dust in Underground Coal Mining and Processing. Our client had several major concerns in relation to managing coal dust, As a part of the solution GRT had to develop and engineer a intrinsically safe dosing systems to accurately dose the product. This is what we found.

Our client is a global renowned mining and resource organisation that owns large scale, underground and open-cut mines in central Queensland. The challenges they face underground and above ground differ, although the challenge has a commonality – how to best manage coal dust. In underground mining water is sprayed in order to prevent spark arrest, however performs quite badly in its secondary role as a dust suppressant. As it is conveyed, crushed, and eventually stockpiled, again water is typically used to wet the coal enough to prevent dust generation.

GRT: Activate Underground Coal Mining and Processing GRT: ACTIVATE is dosed into the water used for spark arrest and dust suppression at a dosage range of between 1:1000 and 1:5000 – dependant on the risk, speed, and state of the dust we are treating.

Agility in COVID-19 times: GRT’s 5 horizon response 24/09/2021

This weeks Industry Article we take a look at GRT's agility in COVID-19 times: GRT’s 5 horizon response. COVID-19 brought a lot of uncertainty to business operations across the world. The need for constant iteration of the business model in response to the uncertainty takes agility across the value chain of the business. GRT is not immune to these challenges and the only way through the COVID-19 uncertainties, is to keep fighting and doing so in an agile way.

Resolve through addressing immediate challenges that COVID-19 presents. Resilience by addressing near-term cash management challenges, broader resiliency issues during virus-related shutdowns, and economic knock-on effects. Return via creating a detailed plan to return the business back to scale quickly while the crisis unfolds and knock-on effects become clearer. Reimagine what the “next normal” will look like, its implications, and how GRT should reinvent itself. Reform in being clear about how the regulatory and competitive environment in the industry may shift.

Agility in COVID-19 times: GRT’s 5 horizon response The only way through the COVID-19 uncertainties is to keep fighting in an agile way. Here is GRT’s 5 horizon response.

Decarbonization in mining - Drivers, Commodity markets & Challenges 20/09/2021

Welcome back to another Monday, this week we go slightly off topic and discuss decarbonization in mining. Decarbonization is the practice of reducing the amount of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels by replacing fossil fuels with other forms of renewable energy that make mining greener. Replacing fossil fuels will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The reduction in use of diesel, gas, coal becomes the essence of the new shift to decarbonization in mining and the long term global trend in the development of the green economy in mining. In this article we focus on decarbonization in mining delving into areas of concern, drivers, commodity markets, what it takes to decarbonize, lessons learnt from different parts of the world and solutions towards decarbonization.

Decarbonization in mining - Drivers, Commodity markets & Challenges In this article we focus on decarbonization in mining delving into areas of concern, drivers, commodity markets, what it takes to decarbonize, lessons learnt from different parts of the world and solutions towards decarbonization.

How long does silica dust stay in the air? - factors, exposure limits 07/09/2021

This week we talk about a question we get asked regularly - How long does silica dust stay in the air?

How long silica dust stays in the air is a combination of factors such as particle size distribution, wind direction, wind speed and turbulence. It is not based on one factor, but multiple of factors which differ from one scenario to the other. Silica dust is an atmospheric contaminant that is emitted from different sources. It is amongst many types of airborne contaminants that may mix with and be diluted by ambient air and travel to a target person, object or area where it has the potential to cause health problems such as silicosis, chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD) and lung cancer.

How long does silica dust stay in the air? - factors, exposure limits How long silica dust stays in the air is a combination of factors such as particle size distribution, wind direction, wind speed and turbulence.

What are the effects of dust on the lungs? - Types, effects and solutions 30/08/2021

This weeks Industry Article we discuss what are the effects of dust on the lungs? There are critical types of hazardous dust and they come in different sizes in which they are classified as inhalable or respirable dust. The article highlights different aspects of the effects of dust on the lungs. Occupational and non-occupational exposure to dust damages the lungs. Dust must be dealt with at its source to prevent exposure and if that cannot happen corrective action must minimize the airborne dust from spreading in the atmosphere. Let us dive deeper and unfold the effects of dust on lungs.

GRT provide site specific dust management solutions for your workplace

What are the effects of dust on the lungs? - Types, effects and solutions The article highlights different aspects of the effects of dust on the lungs. The types, effects and GRT's dust control and dust suppression products are also highlighted.

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