OSHO International Meditation Resort

Explore methods designed to expand your awareness and support your growth, based on Osho's vision.


🌟 Free Yourself to Enjoy Intimacy! 🌟

"Everybody is afraid of intimacy... It means exposing yourself before a stranger. We are all strangers, even to ourselves. Intimacy brings you close to a stranger. You have to drop all your defenses. Only then, intimacy is possible." -Osho βœ¨πŸ’™

Discover the path to true intimacy with the OSHO Opening to Intimacy Course. Free yourself from fear and self-judgment by experiencing and letting them go consciously. Through meditation, see that these fears and judgments are not who you really are – they’ve been imposed from the outside. 🌺

Upcoming in person courses under this topic:

🌟 Opening to Feeling - Morning Mini Course
Jul 11, 2024 ~ Raj
Oct 16, 2024 ~ Raj
Nov 20, 2024 ~ Raj

🌟 Opening to Feeling: Breath
Nov 9, 2024 ~ Devendra


There's no one way to define the people at the Osho International Meditation Resort! 🌍✨

Visitors hail from over one hundred countries, with an average age around the mid-thirties. While many hold university degrees, when it comes to no-mind, labels fade away! Surprisingly, over 50% of the visitors are first-timers, making this a truly welcoming space where everyone feels at home. πŸ™ŒπŸŒΊ

Ready to experience it yourself? πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Come to the OSHO International Meditation Resort!

Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 16/06/2024

Is it hard to love yourself? β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή Osho shares that the path to love and confidence begins with self-acceptance. As Osho puts it:

"Unless you accept yourself as a blessing, unless you accept and welcome yourself, unless you accept yourself in deep gratitude, unless you love yourself, you will never become an overflowing energy. Then the energy can flow in song, in dance, in painting. A thousand and one ways of creativity can be found; or it can simply flow in deep silence. And whoever comes in contact with that deep silence will be transformed and will hear for the first time the music which is celestial. So not only accept, but accept with deep gratitude. Be thankful that existence has made you, you, and not anybody else." βœ¨πŸ’™

OSHO, Hammer on the Rock, Talk 1: Your Only Responsibility Is to Become Yourself

Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 15/06/2024

🌟 Only 15 days until your journey of transformation begins! 🌟

Come to the Osho International Meditation Resort for these in-person OSHO Multiversity Courses designed to enhance your meditation practice, offer therapeutic benefits, and foster your personal growth. πŸŒΏπŸ’«

πŸ‘‰ Know more about these courses in the link and plan your visit! today! https://www.osho.com/osho-multiversity/programs/courses


"...We don’t know what we are or who we are, we become nothing but public opinion. πŸ—£οΈ And then gossip becomes a very significant factor. πŸ—―οΈ The only way to get rid of it is to know yourself on your own. Then you are neither old nor young, neither man nor woman. You are simply a pure consciousness, which has no age because it is eternal. ✨

And it has no ge***al differences; a woman does not have a different consciousness from a man. πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈπŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ At the height of consciousness, all duality disappears. So the best thing that I can say to you is, discover yourself; otherwise, you have to depend on other people’s opinions, who don’t know themselves. 🌿

β€” Osho, The Great Pilgrimage: From Here to Here. Talk #19


"When you start relaxing, start from the circumference – that is where we are. We can start only from where we are. Relax the circumference of your being – relax your body, relax your behavior, relax your acts. 🌿

Walk in a relaxed way, eat in a relaxed way, talk, listen in a relaxed way. πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ Slow down every process. Don’t be in a hurry and don’t be in haste. Move as if all eternity is available to you – in fact, it is available to you. ⏳

We have always been here and we will be here always. Forms go on changing, but not the substance. Garments go on changing, but not the soul." 🌟

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol. 1, Talk #8


"When you start relaxing, start from the circumference – that is where we are. We can start only from where we are. Relax the circumference of your being – relax your body, relax your behavior, relax your acts. 🌿

Walk in a relaxed way, eat in a relaxed way, talk, listen in a relaxed way. πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ Slow down every process. Don’t be in a hurry and don’t be in haste. Move as if all eternity is available to you – in fact, it is available to you. ⏳

We have always been here and we will be here always. Forms go on changing, but not the substance. Garments go on changing, but not the soul." 🌟

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol. 1, Talk #8

Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 10/06/2024

Have you tried some or all of these OSHO Active Meditations? Which one is your favorite? 🌿

Unlike traditional methods, these meditations involve active movement to ease you into stillness, making it easier to let go of repressed emotions and bring harmony to your body and mind. Do you agree? πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈπŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ

Share your experiences and thoughts below! β¬‡οΈβœ¨


"Life is more than just surviving, but millions of people have decided just to survive and not to live. 🌟 Their only value in life seems to be how to survive and how to survive for a long time. Survival has become their god, and because of it, they have missed the whole opportunity of life.

When survival becomes the goal, you become afraid of living. Life is dangerous and one has to risk one’s survival again and again; only then can one live. βš”οΈ If one is too interested and obsessed with survival, then one tries to be secure, safe, and in being secure and safe, one becomes dead. One loses aliveness.

Then, one lives only superficially, with no depth, no height. One’s life is very dull, flat, and boring. There is no adventure, no exploration, no surprises, and no mysteries. Nothing is ever revealed to such a person. He remains closed to existence, and existence remains closed to him. They never meet; there is no communion. πŸšͺ

Being initiated into sannyas means that from this moment, survival will not be the goal, but life. Not security, but life. Not safety, but life. To live intensely and totally even for a single moment is more valuable than to survive for a hundred years. That is not life; that is vegetating. 🌱

So the real man knows no other goal than life itself. Living totally is his goal; living moment to moment, intensely, passionately, hot. πŸ”₯ That is his goal. Then each moment becomes so precious, such a gift. And only when you know those gifts can you be thankful to existence, can you feel grateful, and can prayerfulness arise in you. πŸ™

I see survival as one of the greatest calamities, the idea of survival and the obsession with it and the attachment to it. It is worthless; the whole idea is meaningless. We are not here just to survive and live long – one hundred years or one hundred and twenty years. πŸ•°οΈ We are here to live and to know life in its multi-dimensions, to know life in all its richness and variety.

"When a man lives multidimensionally, explores all possibilities available, never shrinks back from any challenge, rushes into it, welcomes it, and rises to the occasion, life becomes aflame, life blooms. 🌺 Life knows what spring is, and then the spring is something that follows you wherever you are; it becomes your very climate, your milieu." 🌸

OSHO, The ABC of Enlightenment. A Spiritual Dictionary

Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 09/06/2024

Curious about living in a space where each day feels like a celebration? πŸŽ‰ Experience it firsthand with OSHO Living In Programs at the OSHO International Meditation Resort, one of the world's largest centers for personal growth and meditation.

Live on-campus and immerse yourself in a life brimming with awareness, relaxation, celebration, and creativity. πŸŒΏπŸ’«

Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 08/06/2024

"Watch the mind and see where it is, what it is. You will feel thoughts floating and there will be intervals. And if you watch long, you will see that intervals are more than the thoughts, because each thought has to be separate from another thought; in fact, each word has to be separate from another word. The deeper you go, you will find more and more gaps, bigger and bigger gaps. A thought floats, then comes a gap where no thought exists; then another thought comes, another gap follows." ✨

"If you are unconscious you cannot see the gaps; you jump from one thought to another, you never see the gap. If you become aware you will see more and more gaps. If you become perfectly aware, then miles of gaps will be revealed to you. And in those gaps, satoris happen. In those gaps the truth knocks at your door." πŸšͺ

Osho, Ta**ra: The Supreme Understanding, Talk #2

Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 07/06/2024

As the sun sets and the day comes to an end, let's all embark on a journey within. Shall we? ✨🌱

Shake off your rocklike being, dance with joy, and find stillness in the silence with OSHO Kundalini Meditation, an effective way of unwinding and letting go at the end of the day.

Let your energy flow and transform into bliss. πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈπŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ

You can practice this meditation by yourself, with friends, at home, or any other place, or at the OSHO International Meditation Resort with more meditators like you.


"When you are sharing joy, you don't create a prison for anybody, you simply give. You don't even expect gratitude or thankfulness, because you are giving, not to get anything, not even gratitude. You are giving because you are so full, you have to give." - Osho

How does it feel when you give without expecting anything in return? Have you experienced the joy of sharing purely because your heart is overflowing? Tag a friend who embodies this spirit of giving and share your thoughts and stories below! πŸ’–βœ¨

Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 05/06/2024

🌍✨ Leave This Earth a Little More Beautiful 🌿❀️

"Leave this Earth a little more beautiful, a little more human, a little more lovable, a little more fragrant for those unknown guests who will be following you." - Osho

We are temporary guests on this planet. We have a duty to respect and care for our environment, ensuring it's better for future generations.

Comment "YES" if you agree πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 03/06/2024

β€œOne goal – truth – and one method. What is that method? I call it meditation, Atisha used to call it awareness, Buddha used to call it mindfulness. These are different words for the same quality – the quality of being attentive, alert, awake… πŸŒŸπŸ’™

β€œThat method is awareness. There are many illnesses but there is only one health. The quality of health is one, always the same. Whether I am healthy or you are healthy, the feel of health is the same. Diseases are millions, wrongs are many, but the right key that unlocks all the doors, the master key, is only one. And rather than cutting the branches, rather than pruning the leaves, why not cut the very root?” 🌱

Osho, The Book of Wisdom, Talk #17

Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 02/06/2024

🌟 Why do people come to the Osho International Meditation Resort?

Some come for joy, others to experience OSHO Multiversity courses, and some stumble upon it while traveling. As the world's largest center for meditation and personal growth, the Osho International Meditation Resort attracts diverse visitors.

Experience "Zorba the Buddha" - grounded yet reaching for the stars. Every color of the rainbow finds space to thrive here. Come, experience it! πŸŒΏπŸ’«


πŸŒΏπŸ’” What happened to love? Everyone seeks it, yet hate seems to prevail. Dive deep into the understanding of this shift about love in this Osho talk.

"Never judge anybody by their act, because the real thing is not the act but the consciousness through which that act has been performed."

πŸŽ₯✨ Access a new complete Osho talk video every day! Explore topics like love, meditation, psychology, emotions, s*x, money, power, and more. Sign up now to enjoy this and much more! here: https://bit.ly/4e6Z1YW

Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 02/06/2024

Do you know where to find Osho Active Meditations music, instructions, and more? Let's talk about iMeditate within the iOsho App! πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈβœ¨

With iMeditate, find all the content around Osho Active Meditations:

✨ Written and video instructions
✨ Insights and Osho's words about each meditation
✨ Music to guide and support these meditations

Get access to the transformative world of Osho Active Meditations and transform your life, one meditation at a time. πŸ‘‰ Download the iOsho App Today: https://www.osho.com/mobile/iosho-app

Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 01/06/2024

🌟 Your journey of transformation coming up in one month! 🌟

Immerse yourself in transformative experiences at the Osho International Meditation Resort with these in-person OSHO Multiversity Courses.

Experience the profound impact these courses can have on your life. Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your meditation practice and explore new dimensions of self-discovery. πŸŒΏπŸ’«

πŸ‘‰ Plan your visit today, and find all the info you need here: https://linktr.ee/oshointernational

Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 01/06/2024

"Meditation is enough. Everything else follows on its own. Meditation slowly, slowly turns into your enlightenment... ✨

You suddenly become aware one day, where is that darkness? where is that continuous rush of thoughts? where has the mind gone? Suddenly you are absolutely as hollow as a bamboo; but your hollowness is not empty – it is full of joy and full of rejoicing. You will dance for no reason at all, you will sing for no reason at all, songs that you have not composed, dances that you have not learned. They are just bubbling spontaneously in your consciousness. 🌟 That is enlightenment, but don't make it a goal." - Osho

Osho, The Great Pilgrimage: From Here to Here, Talk #9

Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 28/05/2024

In the next 2 months, immerse yourself in transformative experiences at the Osho International Meditation Resort.

Plan your visit and witness the profound impact in-person OSHO courses can have on your life.

Discover all the details about these amazing courses here: https://www.osho.com/osho-multiversity/programs/courses

Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 27/05/2024

Discover Osho's 'The Mystery Beyond Mind'!

With his signature wisdom and wit, Osho revitalizes the ancient teachings of yoga by Patanjali. Learn how to turn everyday situations into opportunities for awareness and relaxation. Understand that self-realization is key to transforming your misery into happiness.

For over three decades, Osho has inspired individuals on their paths to personal growth and fulfillment. Dive into his insights and let them guide you to inner peace and awareness.

Discover the books in OSHO’s shop: https://shop.osho.com/

Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 26/05/2024

"Of course there will be a resurrection, but that will be a totally new, fresh original being which you are not even aware is hidden in you.”


How has giving and receiving freedom in your relationships deepened your sense of trust and connection?

Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 23/05/2024

β€œBe in deep love, so much so that you completely disappear in your love, that you become a pure creative energy. To me creativity is prayer, creativity is meditation, creativity is life.”

β€œCreative energy has to come from meditation, because meditation has no other purpose. And meditation is vast, its resources are infinite. You can share in poetry, in music, in sculpture as much as you want, and fresh waters will run in.”

Who has a story to share from one of many Creativity nights at the OSHO International Meditation Resort?


These amazing courses are taking place in just 15 days at the Osho International Meditation Resort. Plan your visit and see what in-person OSHO courses can bring to your life.

You can find all the information related to the courses here: https://bit.ly/2TybHja


"Life means sensitivity: more sensitivity and you have more life…
Revive them, rejuvenate them, pour energy into them.
And the method to pour energy into them is by becoming aware."
- Osho

Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 17/05/2024

β€œI would like you to enjoy the wholeness of your being, when your body, your heart, your intellect all fall in tune. I have called that the new man – Zorba the Buddha.”

β€œZorba is the foundation and Buddha is the palace. Buddha is the peak, but the foundation stones are laid by Zorba. It will be foolish to choose to be a Buddha without having the foundation stones."

"If we want a whole man – and to me a whole man is the only holy man – then Zorba has to be absorbed into Buddha. They have to be accepted totally as one. And I don't see where the trouble is. In fact, Zorba plus Buddha will be a tremendous enrichment."


Photos from OSHO International Meditation Resort's post 16/05/2024

The magical monsoon in Pune, India, bathes the lush green surroundings of the OSHO International Meditation Resort with a new sparkle.

During this period, meditation attains a unique depth and celebration, a new height. A monsoon festival is being organized on August 11th-15th, 2024. This event is an excellent opportunity for visitors worldwide to participate in the intense energy field…

It incorporates Osho’s unique vision of blending meditation and celebration.

During the festival, no less than 71 programs will be offered on the sprawling premises of the meditation resort, such as various revolutionary OSHO meditations, morning classes of Tai Chi and Chi Gong, and Live music meditations by renowned musicians.

No pre-registration is required unless booking the guest house or living in program.

For more information, please visit out website πŸ™

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.


OSHO Multiversity – where you can discover the art of living your life to the full. Located right at the heart of OSHO International Meditation Resort, Pune, India, OSHO Multiversity may be the largest center in the world for meditation and personal growth processes.

This is the place where you can explore methods designed to support individual self-understanding and because these methods are combined with meditation, then changes start happening very intensely and very quickly.

Based on Osho’s vision and stemming from his scientifically developed methodologies, OSHO Multiversity offers a multitude of individual sessions, as well as group activities including classes and courses, encompassing all the current therapy approaches: the healing arts of East and West, esoteric sciences, creative arts, centering and martial arts, Ta**ra, Zen, Sufism, and Meditative Therapies.

Even more unique than this amazing diversity, is the fact that all the methods used, whether relating to the body, the mind, the emotions or the subtle energy bodies, have meditation both at their base and as their objective.

Videos (show all)

OSHO Meditative Art Intensive
OSHO: Everybody Has to Carry His Cross - Jesus Christ!
OSHO Monsoon Festival 2023 highlights
OSHO Mystic Rose: From Loss to Rediscovery
OSHO: You Should Care About Only One Thing
OSHO International Meditation Resort, Pune India
OSHO: Our Education System Does Not Support Intelligence
OSHO: reaching to the other shore
Work as Meditaion Program
Evening meeting
OSHO on meditation
Osho on Osho



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