U and I Business Consulting Pvt Ltd

We Assist to Grow your business, Productive your Manpower & Organised your business


Sell the problem you solve , Not the product


Don't promote your problems..
Promote your strength instead!!


It is imperative that you keep the end game in mind when you begin the race.

It is the same in Business. An effective Planning process will help you identify this goal and implement strategic decisions to get you there.

The planning process incorporates

Strategic goals- for products, pricing, marketing, supply and all other important facets of the Business Plan.

Milestones- are set for each function and process with measurable KPIs to allocate accountability.

Financial outlook- of all decisions and strategies ensure that the process in grounded to deliver acceptable financial performance.

For more detail or to get right planning for business join us

Call - 9826470320
U&I Business consulting Pvt ltd


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U&I Business consulting Pvt ltd


We have an exciting business opportunity for PAN India , we are providing city wise frenchise with Good Profit Margin

Contact for more detail - 9826470320


Here are some practical tips to help you grow your customer base.

Get to know your customers.

Offer great customer service.

Nurture existing customers and look for new opportunities.

Use social media.

Attend networking events.

Host events.

Give back to your community.

Measure what works and refine your approach as you go.

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Importance of Time Management. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. 04/08/2020

In this lockdown period
Improve & work on your skills that will give you much more benifits in future
Date - 4th August , Time -7:30 PM

Come & join today's live class

Topic - Importance of time management

Registration Link

https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LICpXamkQsWtOBQDItD8Lg -

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Importance of Time Management. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. Importance of Time Management why it's required , how all successful people manage the time


The quote said:

"One of the reasons many smart people aren't successful is that they just aren't LAZY enough! So when there's no more WORK to be done - they spend the rest of the their time breaking what they've just built. Just to show how much effort they can expend."

So, why does this happen?

It's easy to second-guess your strategies and HARD to sit with success when you are choosing uncertainty.

Uncertainty also shows up in the practice of dwelling on NAMING and PRICING your offers.

Seeking the perfect name or price is an exercise in futility before you actually test either.

None of it will be carved in stone.

We work online and everything can be optimized with the stroke of a key.

So, it's time to let go and step into certainty instead of choosing to stay stuck or break what you've created.

Love & Regards,

Pay Rs.100.00 to ICoachSP Sunil Pandey (@ICoachSP) on Instamojo 17/07/2020

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Note - Telegram application is mandatory

Live class - Every Wednesday & Sunday for 365 days

This is a limited period offer till 31st July

Pay Rs.100.00 to ICoachSP Sunil Pandey (@ICoachSP) on Instamojo 365 Days of Transformation


4 P's of marketing (old)
Product,price,place, promotion
6 P's of Digital marketing
Platform & Persistence

This will help you to PRESENT Everywhere


In one business we made team take the StandOut 2.0 assessment,

which results in each person’s top 2 strengths as a Leader.

We have weekly meetings regarding our strengths and how we can support each other to grow.

I know that there are a lot of assessments “out there” and after many years of using the StandOut 2.0, I am continually impressed with the outcomes and conversations and growth that teams experience.

No one is an expert and collectively, we all make a difference.

Make your team next version & increase productivity


Want to know the three most important words for any growing business?




Personally I don’t think it’s even debatable.

(Most people think it’s not scalable though...which it wasn’t, until now… keep reading.)

If you want anyone to invest their time or money with you they MUST first have some level of Trust in you and your abilities.

That’s because business is built on Relationships. It is a proven fact that humans have a deep rooted need for human connection.

And sustained success is impossible without being Efficient. Time is literally our most finite resource. You cannot create more. All you can do is learn how to maximize the way it’s spent.

The problem? Until now, technology has failed us as entrepreneurs, marketers, and sales professionals. It disguises ineffective and impersonal marketing tactics as “efficient” just because it’s automated. But who cares about the “latest and greatest” if it doesn’t work and the results are weak.


This is a topic that’s relevant to any business that needs more appointments on the calendar and leads in the pipeline.

If any one interested to join masterclass in free pls comments in inbox

Sunil Pandey


Everything big starts little.......just trust the process!!!!


Hi Team , Pls. find the Link for Joining Free Training for Personality Development Pls. register your self https://bit.ly/2UFkNMo Meeting ID -832 8333 6336 Topic

Free Training for Personality Development


Free Training for Personality Development , will share 6 Important tips to implement for success


Jun 13, 2020 08:00 PM in Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi


Let’s talk Some facts

Did you know that…

Only 3% of your prospects are ready to buy now?

And 92% of businesses, marketers, and sales professionals give up after the 4th touchpoint…
..even though 80% of prospects say no at LEAST 4 times before they’ll say yes??

It’s no wonder that more than 30% of businesses fail within the first 2 years. This is insane to me but honestly not really that surprising.

And it’s for one reason: Proper outreach and follow up tactics can take a lot of time and effort.

That’s why I set out to simplify the process. By combining time tested marketing and sales tactics with some of automation process ,

If you really want to grow your business to next level

Call for 1 to 1 , 30 Minutes Free consulting Meeting on zoom

Call - 6262621362


Habits that separate the Rich from the Poor?

#1 - Mindset

The rich and the poor have completely different mindsets.

There is a way of thinking that makes you magnetic to wealth and there is a way of thinking that repels wealth, and this, obviously, is the difference between the rich and the poor.

“Teaching a poor person how to be rich is like teaching a fish on how to live on land.”

#2 - Beliefs and Philosophies

The rich and the poor have a completely different set of beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, and philosophies about wealth and the outlook of life.

These beliefs and philosophies tend to extend into their habits, behaviors, language, and ways of life.

#3 - Goal Setting vs Wishing

Poor people make a few savings and leave everything to chance. If they invest, they leave everything to “financial advisors” to do everything for them.

By contrast, 70% of the wealthy pursue at least one major goal. Only 3% of those struggling to make ends meet do this.

Rich people are astute goal setters and planners. They don’t just leave anything to chance. They take control of their lives and get involved in everything they put their money into instead of just leaving everything to “financial experts”.

#4 - Hard Work vs Laziness

Here’s the hard truth — the rich sleep less than the poor. The majority of poor people are lazy because they lack the determination to escape the circumstances that make them poor.

Let’s face it. Lazy people despise work and prefer to sleep early and wake up late. They’d rather wait for the apple to fall from the sky than waste their time going for the apple.

By contrast, rich people work extremely hard and teach their kids to do the same because they don’t want to gamble with their lives or the lives of their families.

Most wealthy people hate procrastination and prefer to wake up early so that they can start implementing plans towards achieving their goals early.

They’re persistent and don’t give up or surrender to setbacks.

#5 - Reading

Did you know that top CEOs in the world, including the rich, spend most of their time reading self-improvement books?

Did you know that top CEOs in the world, including the rich, read about 50 books a year?

By contrast, did you know that the average person spends up to 95% of their spare time either watching movies, watching TV or surfing the net?

In comparison, the average person reads only a measly 1.5 books a year


*How to Set Goals to be able to achieve what you want in your life*

As you know how important is to set the goals which help you to stay focused and determined on pursuing your dreams...

So there are few ways to set goals whenever you start off with anything in your life..

Here are the few ways...

1. Decide.

Think of something you want to do or work towards it by making small and achievable targets.

2. Write it down. Carefully.

Once you decide your target, start writing it down in your dairy daily So that you don't get distracted

3.Tell someone

Telling someone who know about your goals that seems to increase the likelihood of sticking at your goals.

4.Break your goal down

This is especially important for big goals. When you break it into small targets they become easy and achievable and helps you to accomplish bigger one easily.

5.Plan your first step

Now Everything is set. You have set targets now Plan to take action by moving one step forward.

6. Keep going

Don't stop until you are not done. Just Keep going on.

7. Celebrate.

Every small success needs to be celebrated as it boosts your mind and motivates you for the next target.

I hope this will help you give a clear view of how to set goals and Plan it systematically.

Start Setting your Goals from Today and build a successful life..


*"The world plan for Success, I always plan to Fail"* ...

As I know there are _no failures only experiences in life ... either I earn or learn


Hi Everyone,

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

— Abraham Lincoln

Ever heard this quote before?

I just came across it the other day. And it got me thinking about the real reason most people don’t achieve their goals…

You see, I always hear people say:

“Oh, oh, I want to get rich...”

“I want to be successful and have 5 cars and 3 holiday homes...”

“Ohh I want to be debt free.”

But I don’t often hear people talk about the axe they’re using to get there.

It’s like this. They tell people they want to chop down a tree. They have an axe that they’re using to do it. But they just keep hacking away at the tree and never inspect how sharp their axe is...

Even if it’s completely blunt, they keep hacking.

Kind of stupid right?

That’s why Abraham Lincoln said what he said.

Sharpen Your Axe First - Chop The Tree Second...

And this is also the same reason I tell people, “don’t start a business until you’ve developed a high income skill.”

Because what happens?

You start the business. You don’t have the skills to grow it. (No sharpened axe.)

Then when you don’t get results, you find yourself back at square one: broke.

And it doesn’t make a difference if you’re smart or talented or something else.

You could be the strongest person in the world, but if your axe is dull - the tree won’t fall.

Listen to me, you could be the most determined, hard working, smart, creative, brilliant person in the universe, but if you don’t have any good entrepreneurial skills — it doesn’t mean sh*t.

It’s really that simple.

The Fastest Way To Sharpen Your Axe

Besides investing in yourself, and learning from a mentor…

I’ve found one of the fastest ways to sharpen your axe is by surrounding yourself with like-minded people.

..people that are sharpening their axes too.

That’s the best thing to do. Because when you’re with people that are sharpening their axes all day, it’s kind of hard NOT to sharpen your axe too.

It just feels natural.

Where do you find these people?

*You Can Join Our Online Programs where every one is positive, nobody not think negative*

Price Start with Rs. 5000/ Per Month


This is a Doers community

As a Doers:

- I am ready to DO stuff whenever whatever is required
- I am ALWAYS READY to take Massive Action
- Words like "Mediocre" or "Average" don't exist in my dictionary
- I am fond of "No Rules" except getting things DONE
- I believe in IMPERFECT Action
- I am not fond of watching the "clock"... my "Vision" is my Oxygen
- I am the POWER myself & I consistently look to IMPROVE myself
- I am the one who IMPACTS the world

I am doer not dreamer


How do doctors measure the health of a human being? They look at the data.

What kind of data do doctors look at?

- Blood pressure
- Blood Glucose
- Heart Rate
- Hormone Levels
- Vitamin Levels

And so on...

If some number is off the charts, then corrective action to restore health can be taken. That's why I do a full-body health check-up every year.

If data is what is required to measure the health of a human being...

Data is what is required to measure the health of your business.

"In God we trust; all others bring data." - W. Edwards Deming

Measurement is an important part of Business

You need to measure:

- How many visit sales person made
- How many people convert into customers
- What's your CPL (Cost per lead)
- What's your LTV (Lifetime Value of the Customer)
- What's your Per person expenditure

And a lot more.

- Just like there are various tools that measure the data of a human body (like a blood pressure monitor measures the blood pressure), we need tools to measure the health of our business.

That's why Analytics Tools are important

U&I Business consulting Pvt ltd



1) Realize it starts with you
2) Examine your limiting beliefs
3) Learn to respect yourself
4) Use the law of attraction
5) Get Inspired
6) Remember past successes
7) Face your fears
8) Create Goal
9) Learn a new skill
10) Always keep going


9 Steps to become successful
1) Define success
2) Adopt the right mindset
3) Take Action
4) Study Successes of others
5) Track your progress
6) Be Flexible
7) Ask for Help if you need it
8) Choose goals you can commit to
9) Think Outside the box

Still wants to implement all things with our assistance can call us

U&I Business consulting


Where FOCUS goes, energy flows!

Remember, what we FEEL is a result of what we’re choosing to FOCUS on.

Most people focus on how to avoid pain in the short-term. If we want to push our life to the next level and experience fulfillment and true quality of life we need to be laser-focused on our ultimate vision and our sense of mission — who we want to be, and how we can serve, and contribute.

Focusing on that highest vision helps create energy and momentum. We can kick feelings of frustration or depression by changing the channel of our attention to how to help someone in need.

It all begins with what you CHOOSE to FOCUS ON.




BHAGWAD GITA IN ONE Sentence per chapter

Chapter 1 :
Wrong thinking is the only problem in life

Chapter 2 :
Right knowledge is the ultimate solution to all our problems

Chapter 3 :
Selflessness is the only way to progress and prosperity

Chapter 4 :
Every act can be an act of prayer

Chapter 5 :
Renounce the ego of individuality and Rejoice in the Bliss of Infinity

Chapter 6 :
Connect to the Higher ConsciousNess Daily

Chapter 7 :
Live what you learn

Chapter 8 :
Never give up on yourself

Chapter 9 :
Value your blessings

Chapter 10 :
See divinity all around

Chapter 11 :
Have enough surrender to see the Truth as it is

Chapter 12 :
Absorb your mind in the Higher

Chapter 13 :
Detach from Maya and Attach to Divine

Chapter 14 :
Live a lifestyle that matches your vision

Chapter 15 :
Give priority to Divinity

Chapter 16 :
Being good is a reward in itself

Chapter 17 :
Choosing the right over the pleasant is a sign of power

Chapter 18 :
Let Go, Lets move to Union with God

Ved Vyasa.....author of Bhagavathgita .


Hi Everyone

I was sitting in my terrace yesterday and watching the blue sky!!!

I saw one Eagle/Vulture flying so high in the sky!!! It was so lovely to see his movements.

The fact that he’s not worried about whether or not he’ll find his prey.

He’s just hunting.

Calmly, 100% focused on the PROCESS.

Letting the outcomes take care of themselves.

He’s not up there flying around thinking to himself, “OMG. My family’s going to starve if I don’t pull it together and find a mouse soon. I’ve been flying around up here for TWO HOURS (!) already and I haven’t seen a single mouse. Where’d they go? OMG. OMG. OMG.” 🤓
Once a man worries, he clings to anything out of desperation; and once he clings he is bound to get exhausted or to exhaust whomever or whatever he is clinging to. A warrior-hunter, on the other hand, knows he will lure game into his traps over and over again, so he doesn’t worry.


To be fair (and to state the obvious), our Eagle friend in the sky doesn’t have the prefrontal cortex to engage in any anxiety-provoking overthinking. (Or, well, any “thinking” for that matter.)

Great performers focus on what they are doing, and nothing else…

They are able to engage in a task so completely that there is no room left for self-criticism, judgment, or doubt; to stay loose and supremely, even irrationally, self-confident…

They let it happen, let it go. They couldn’t care less about the results.

He’s the flying embodiment of great performers.

Let’s be like him a little more, today...
Have a High-Flying Day!

Impact on Real Estate after Lock down 11/05/2020


YouTube Live-8 PM, Date-11 May

Impact on Real Estate after Lock down Impact on Real Estate After lock down


We Are available 20 Hours & 7 Days till lockdown for free consulting & 1 video sharing daily regarding business from our YouTube channel pls subscribe


More than 70% of SMEs in India do not have an online presence and are misguided.

I was approached by SMEs to help them in their business. When I was analyzing the business model, I found they were lacking traction channels. They were depending upon only the traditional mode of gaining tractions.

I raised this issue with them and the straight answer was they don't believe in Online presence. Also, they were told it will cost them a big amount to set up the website and do marketing online.

This is a clear case of lack of awareness and misguided by some people.

I told explained to them how they can use .co.in to create a website (full control with them) and do some basic online marketing activities.

I helped them to create a website, open social media pages, and also helped them to create an account in the web directories.

Now their business model is changed and they are seeing positive growth in the business.

Change is inevitable now. Reinvent your business model and grow exponentially.

U&I Business consulting Pvt ltd

Grow my business Grow my life 05/05/2020


Starting a business is a point of pride. You’ve put in the work necessary to build a fulfilling career, and you’re confident the skills you’ve developed have prepared you to execute your business idea. You’ve worked hard to develop the resources needed to launch your company, and you’re ready to get started. Now that you’ve cemented your business idea, you need to craft a solid business plan. You’ll need resources on concrete strategies to create a business map that will stand the test of time.

Making a strategic action plan, finding investors, hiring the right team and building a brand that attracts your clientele are just a few of the challenges on your plate. As overwhelmed as you may feel, you’re asking all the right questions about how to start a business. Like all of life’s challenges, finding their answers will empower you to launch and scale a sustainable business aligned with your goals and passions.

Subscribe YouTube channel for all strategy for business -


U&I Business consulting Pvt Ltd

Grow my business Grow my life Assist individuals & Organisation to grow into Next Level & inspire 1 crore people to change life by 2030


A father before he died said to his son:
“This is a watch your grandfather gave and this is more than 200 years old, but before I give it to you go to the watch shop on the first street, and tell him I want to sell it, and see how much it is”.
The son went to the watch shop and then came back to his father, and said, “the watchmaker said he'll pay 5 dollars because it's old”.
The father said : “Go to the coffee shop”.
The son went to the coffee shop and then came back to his father, and said : “ The coffeemaker said he'll pay $5”.
The father said : “Go to the museum and show that watch”.
The son went to the museum and then came back, and said to his father : “They offered me a million dollars for this piece”.
The father said : “I wanted to let you know that the right place values your value in the right way. Don't put yourself in the wrong place and get angry if they don't value you.
Who knows your value is who appreciates you, don't stay in a place that doesn't suit you”.
Know your worth...

Moral - Right place values your value in the right way. Don't put yourself in the wrong place and get angry if they don't value you.


Do watch on YouTube live - https://youtu.be/OKbh37LU9fQ


Nowadays I see this very commonly with everyone around me.

They want amazing results, they want more money, they want awesome life...but,
I see them in an ultimate fantasy world.

They all expect spectacular results from mediocre efforts.

Mediocre efforts can produce only mediocre or even lesser results only.

That is why successful people put loads of hard work. Because there is no other secret to success other than hard work.

Mediocre efforts = Mediocre results
Ordinary efforts = Ordinary results
Extraordinary efforts = Extraordinary results

Where in your life are you expecting extraordinary results with only ordinary efforts?

What will you change? Share your answers...
Have an Extraordinary Day!

Sunil Pandey


Hi Our Company U&I Business Consulting comes in 1st rank in Google search in for top business consulting company in Chhattisgarh , it's proud moment , Ready to serve our clients in lockperiod also
For further details contact - 9826470320

Who is Good Leader & 12 Major Qualities of Leadership (Part-2) 06/04/2020

Leaders & Leadership Qualities 2nd Part

Who is Good Leader & 12 Major Qualities of Leadership (Part-2) Leaders inspire others to follow a certain path in life. These leadership skills are important because human nature requires that certain people need to take...

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