Sunrise hospital and child development center work for the comprehensive neurological and developmen and other developmental disorders.
At Sunrise hospital we provide Comprehensive diagnosis and management of Developmental issues in children under one roof….
1. Developmental pediatrics consultation:
For developmental assessments, autism, ADHD, poor school performance, behavioral issues in children, parental counseling.
2. Developmental an psychological testing:
DASII (developmental assessment scale in Indian infants): i
t is only standardized developmental test in indian children, which assesses motor development in five domains and mental development in ten domains. Vineland 2: adaptive behavioural scale in children to assess their functional level. VSMS: it measures the social quotient of the child, especially used in cerebral palsy and mental retardation patients to know the level of their social independence. It helps to decide the level of occupational therapy to be started. IQ test (Malin’s intelligence test, Indian adaptation of wechler’s intelligence test for children). For IQ assessment in children
Binet Kamat IQ test: for verbal and non verbal IQ
seguine foram baord test for non verbal IQ
SLD testing : ( NIMHANS INDEX OF SPECIFIC LEARNING DISABILITY) : for assessment of specific learning disability in children. M chat or autism screening
CARS (childhood autism rating scale) and DSM 5 : for diagnosis and scoring of Autism
ADOS 2 for autism assessment
ISAA score for sevierity
ATEC score for treatment evaluation
ADHD ( Vanderbilt scoring) for diagnosis of ADHD
3. Therapies available
Physiotherapy: physiotherapy by a neurophysiotheraists, who are well trained in neurodevelopmental therapy
Occupational therapy: sensory integration for autism ADHD by well trained and qualified occuaptional therapist. Early stimulation and early intervention for high risk new born: to pick up early signs and to start early interventions so that disability can be minimized
Psychological counseling: for behavioral and psychological problems in children
Speech and language therapy: for children with developmental speech delay, post hearing aids, children having clarity issues etc. We provide home based monthly programs for the out station patients of Autism, learning disability, ADHD etc.