Agarwal & Dhandhania - Chartered Accountants
Agarwal & Dhandhania was founded in 1960, having USP of presence across the India.
Agarwal & Dhandhania, Chartered Accountants stands out as one of the most prestigious Consultancy firm in the country with a client base of over 1500 top-notch companies. ADCA boasts a dedicated team of over 200, 8 branches and Strong PAN India presence.
The legacy of analyzing Union Budgets continues this year also for 2024-25. The spirit of the team is at a different level. It's like the celebration in the office ๐.
Current budget focuses on fiscal consolidation, job creation, and social sector spending. Announcements includes revised tax slabs, incentives for employment, investment in infrastructure and much more.๐
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๐ฅ ๐จ๐๐ผ๐๐พ๐บ๐๐พ ๐๐ ๐ซ๐ณ๐ข๐ฆ & ๐ฒ๐ณ๐ข๐ฆ ๐๐๐
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May the blessings of Lord Rama inspire our professional journey with courage, wisdom, and righteousness. Happy Ram Navami from our team!
Wishing everyone a vibrant and joyous Holi! May this festival of colors bring a spectrum of light into your life. Happy Holi! ๐โจ
๐ Happy Mahashivratri! ๐โจ
May this festival bring you joy, prosperity, and spiritual enlightenment.
May this auspicious occasion bring you closer to your aspirations, and may you find success in all your endeavors. Wishing you a blissful Mahashivratri filled with love, happiness, and prosperity.
๐ธ Happy International Women's Day! ๐ธ
Today, we celebrate the remarkable achievements, resilience, and strength of women worldwide. ๐๐ช
Let's take a moment to honor the women who have paved the way, shattered glass ceilings, and continue to inspire us with their determination and passion. Together, we can create a more inclusive and equal future for all. ๐ซโจ
๐ญ Laughter: The Ultimate Cure ๐ญ
Laughter is the key to happiness! It's incredible how a good laugh can cure a multitude of ills. In fact, I believe it's the most important quality a person can have who have the ability to make me laugh.
Let's celebrate the power of laughter and spread joy everywhere we go!
10 Golden Rules for Entrepreneurial Greatness: Passion, Risks, Teams, and More! โจ
1) Follow your passion: Pursue business opportunities that align with your interests and values. Passion fuels motivation and perseverance.๐ฅ
2) Take calculated risks: Assess the potential risks and rewards of a business decision before taking action. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone.๐ฒ
3) Surround yourself with the right team: Build a team of talented individuals who complement your skills and share your vision. Collaboration is key to success. ๐ค
4) Stay focused and persistent: Set clear goals and stay committed to achieving them. Be resilient in the face of challenges and setbacks. ๐ฏ
5) Continuously innovate: Keep up with industry trends and seek ways to improve your products, services, and processes. Embrace innovation as a competitive advantage. ๐
6) Network and build relationships: Connect with industry professionals, mentors, and potential customers. Networking opens doors to new opportunities and insights. ๐
7) Learn from failures and mistakes: View failures as learning experiences and use them to grow stronger and wiser. Adapt and make necessary adjustments. ๐
8) Stay adaptable and embrace change: The business landscape is constantly evolving. Be flexible and open to change, and be willing to pivot when needed. ๐
9) Practice effective time management: Prioritize tasks, delegate when possible, and focus on activities that drive growth and results. Time is a valuable resource. โฐ
10) Maintain a healthy work-life balance: Take care of your physical and mental well-being. Find time for relaxation, hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones. A balanced life contributes to long-term success. โ๏ธ
๐ Analysis of Interim Union Budget 2024-25 by ADCA Firm โ.
Since the last 20 years, we make all our efforts in compiling and provide analyzing Budget Proposals with its panoramic view to our Readers within 24 hours of its presentation by The Finance Minister in Parliament.
Key Features of the Interim Budget 2024-25:
๐ Lok Sabha elections are imminent, and the government, in the 6th consecutive interim budget, exuded confidence without resorting to populist measures.
๐ Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman focused on applauding the last decade's achievements and outlined a roadmap till 2047 for India's development.
๐ Termed GYAN, the budget emphasized Garib, Yuwa, Anndata, and Nari.
๐ The fiscal deficit target for FY25 was lowered to 5.1% of GDP, maintaining fiscal consolidation.
๐ The budget allocated Rs. 11.11 lakh crores to infrastructure, promoted solar on one crore houses, and aimed at two crore new houses under PM Awas Yojna.
๐ Significant initiatives included converting rail bogeys, funding research in defense and IT, leveraging technology for productivity, addressing demographic challenges, and boosting the e-vehicle sector.
๐ The FM highlighted lifting 25 crore people from poverty and providing free food to 80 crore individuals.
๐ The full budget post-Lok Sabha elections will reveal concrete steps and the government's direction.
The legacy of analysing Union Budgets continues this year also for 2024-25. The spirit of the team is at a diffeent level. It's like the celebration in the office.
Embarking on the 'Amrit Kaal' with FM Nirmala Sitharaman's fiscal roadmap: A comprehensive analysis of the budget, its impact, and the vision for economic growth. Here's to a Viksit Bharat echoing 'Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan,' and now, 'Jai Anusandhan.' โThe sky is the limitโ for our economic ascent. ๐๐ฎ๐ณ
Celebrating the 75th Republic Day of India with pride and gratitude.
Happy Republic Day! Celebrating the spirit of unity, diversity, and progress as we remember the day India's constitution came into effect. Let's continue to uphold the values of our great nation and work towards a brighter future together.
India is the only country in this world where there is diversity in culture and religion, and together all the people weave the beautiful fabric of the nation.
Grateful for a fantastic Kite Day celebration at the office with my amazing team! ๐ช The skies weren't just filled with kites, but also with laughter, teamwork, and pure enjoyment. ๐
Happy Lohri, Pongal, Makar Sankranti, Kite Day, and Bihu to you and your family!
These festivals reflect the rich diversity and cultural heritage of our country, as well as the gratitude and joy of the farming community.
Happy ! ๐ฅ๐ฝ ๐๐ฏ๐ฅ Lohri is a festival of joy and gratitude that marks the end of winter and the beginning of a new harvest season. It is celebrated with bonfires, folk songs, and delicious food in Northern part of India.
Happy ! ๐๐ช๐๐พ Pongal is a four-day harvest festival celebrated by Southern part of India. It is a time to thank the Sun, nature, and the farm animals for their contributions to the agriculture.
Happy ! ๐ช ๐๐งต๐ festival is a colourful and joyous occasion that celebrates the sunโs northward journey and the harvest season. It is also known as Uttarayan or Makar Sankranti in western part of India.
Happy ! ๐๐ฝ๐ช๐ช
๐ฅ๐๐ Bihu is a harvest festival celebrated in Assam, North-East India. It is a time to thank the Sun God and nature for the abundance of crops and enjoy the community feast and bonfire.
Heartiest congratulations to the remarkable residents of Surat and Indore for securing the top position in the Cleanest Cities of India at the Swachh Survekshan Awards 2023! ๐โจ
Your unwavering dedication to cleanliness and community well-being is truly commendable.
Let's persist in maintaining the brilliance of our cities and serve as an inspiration for others to embark on the path towards a cleaner, greener future! ๐ณ๐
AGARWAL & DHANDHANIA hiring Experienced Chartered Accountants in Australian Accounting - Surat Location in Surat, Gujarat, India | LinkedIn Posted 7:31:55 AM. ๐ Location: Surat, Gujarat, India๐ Type: Full-Time, On-Site๐ผ Position: Chartered AccountantsโฆSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn.
๐ข Urgent Job Openings for Chartered Accountants (Australian Accounting)
๐ Location: Surat, Gujarat, India
Type: Full-Time, On-Site
๐ผ Position: Chartered Accountants (Australian Accounting)
๐โโ๏ธ๐ Responsibilities:
As a Chartered Accountants in our team, you will:
- Collaborate closely with Australian clients and colleagues to provide expert Accounting services.
- Play a key role in the finalization of books of accounts, ensuring accuracy and compliance with Australian accounting standards.
- Provide insightful financial advice and recommendations to clients.
- Stay updated on the latest developments in Australian accounting regulations.
๐Skills & Qualifications :
To proceed in this role, you should have:
- 2 Years post Chartered Accountants (CA) qualification experience.
- Proven experience in Australian Accounting.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities.
- Ability to work collaboratively in a dynamic team environment.
๐ฌ How to Apply:
If you are passionate about Australian Accounting and ready to take on a challenging role, we want to hear from you! Send your resume highlighting your relevant experience to [email protected].
โโโ โ
AGARWAL & DHANDHANIA hiring Experienced Chartered Accountants in Australian Accounting - Surat Location in Surat, Gujarat, India | LinkedIn Posted 7:31:55 AM. ๐ Location: Surat, Gujarat, India๐ Type: Full-Time, On-Site๐ผ Position: Chartered AccountantsโฆSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn.
Kicking off 2024 with a blast at our office Sports Day on January 1st! ๐ Check out these snapshots of teamwork, friendly rivalry, and shared victories๐These pictures capture the heart of our team. A perfect blend of competition and camaraderie to set the tone for the year ahead! ๐ ๐ธ
Embracing the magic of Christmas at the office, where every employee turned into a Secret Santa๐
Beyond the festive gifts and laughter, it's a reminder that the spirit of giving brings us closer, fostering a sense of unity and warmth. In the hustle of work, Christmas reminds us to share joy, kindness, and appreciation for one another. ๐๐
๐ข We are for Location for the position of Back Office Executive at AGARWAL & DHANDHANIA for back office support/operations role in & . ๐ซ
๐ฉInterested candidate can share resume on [email protected] ๐ฏ
AGARWAL & DHANDHANIA hiring Back Office Executive(Finance) in Surat, Gujarat, India | LinkedIn Posted 12:10:53 PM. Company DescriptionAgarwal & Dhandhania (AD) is an ISO Certified organization comprising of a teamโฆSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn.
Chhath Puja is a Hindu festival dedicated to the worship of the Sun God, Surya, and his sister, Chhathi Maiya. It is celebrated with great devotion and gratitude for the blessings of life and prosperity.
wish you and your family a very happy and blessed Chhath Puja. May the Sun God and Chhathi Maiya shower you with their grace and fill your life with joy, health, and success. On this auspicious occasion, let us express our gratitude to the supreme source of energy and light, and pray for the well-being of all living beings.
May Labh Panchami bring you success and happiness in all your endeavors. On this auspicious day of Labh Panchami, may you open new doors of opportunities and achievements.
Happy and blessed Labh Panchami! ๐
Thrilled to share the joy of our dazzling office adorned with festive splendor! The collective creativity and spirit behind the decorations radiate our unity and enthusiasm. As we step into the Diwali season, let this vibrant ambiance ignite fresh energy and camaraderie.
May the brilliance of Diwali illuminate our path to success and happiness. Wishing you all a sparkling Diwali filled with joy and prosperity!
"As we celebrate Dhanteras in Agarwal and Dhandhaniaโ, let's embrace the spirit of prosperity and abundance. May this auspicious occasion bring forth new opportunities, success, and collective growth for our team.
Wishing everyone a season filled with wealth, joy, and professional accomplishments๐ ๐
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