Mood Zingers

Mood Zingers

Providing food for thought to enable the new "YOU"


Love is a very powerful emotion - just the right dose can make all the difference in your mental health. 

Spread love and attract love to be in sound mental health.



Love is a very powerful emotion - just the right dose can make all the difference in your mental health.

Spread love and attract love to be in sound mental health.


Photos from Mood Zingers's post 20/10/2023

Let's peel off the Mental Illness Stigma 

Stigma is a mark of shame due to the presence of socially undesirable characteristic(s) in a person making him/her different from socially accepted ones. When asked in general to describe a person who is mentally ill, themes of violence, dangerous behaviours mostly crop up. Due to this erroneous stereotyping from decades, prejudice & discrimination were bound to follow. So, it was considered taboo to even talk about mental illness or disturbances which meant that people grappling with issues had to suffer in silence.

A study at Harvard Medical school projected that half of the world' population would grapple with some form of mental illness sometime in their lives. Mental health influences not only physical health but also effective behaviour, positive emotions and good values / beliefs which form the fabric of our society. So, If we don't peel off this stigma & support each other now, it won't be long before mental illness becomes the ruin of humans. 


World Mental Health Day!

What does our "Mental Health" look like, today? 

Ask yourself honestly, "Do I have peace of mind, joy in my heart, gratitude & cheer on my lips & generosity in my deeds, MOST of the time?" 

If your honest answer is YES, then congrats, you are blessed to be healthier than MOST.
However, if your honest answer is NO, even then there is hope if you are striving towards making your answer YES in the future.
If NOT, then today is the day that you could start introspecting whether your definition of "mentally healthy" is working for you or on how to align your life to one that works for you.
You owe yourself that much at least.

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 07/03/2023

It's that crucial time to prepare even for those who do last minute studies. With proper planning & focused implementation, "IMPOSSIBLE" can become " I M POSSIBLE".

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 19/11/2022

Every child comes into this world innocent & helpless.... however, with the hope of seeing a bright future in this new world. Though the statistics of their hopes crashing are bleak & mind numbing, it should serve as an ALERT to all of us to pledge to protect our children from various forms of abuse that crush their hopes of a wonderful life in this world.


Happy Children' Day

There is a child in every one of us who is curious, imaginative, innocent, trusting, generous, loving, accepting of others and thus happy & content. Let us find that child within & keep it safe with all the above traits intact & enable it to shine like a star.

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 03/11/2022

Mental Hibernation when faced with so much that your mind is refusing to process, is OK. While hibernating, these affirmations could help calm self & be still in this moment.

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 26/10/2022

Mental Hibernation if visualised as
- licking your wounds in private... sounds a bit negative,
- ruminating & introspecting lessons learnt... sounds kinda tough

However, if visualised as seeing a reel of a movie without judgement or self-loathing, it is kinda easy mentally since stress is minimised.

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 29/08/2022

Work Life Balance

Everytime you feel out of sorts, take a pause & check whether your work-life balance needs tuning...

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 19/06/2022

It takes a man of gentleness & patience, strength & compassion to the fine example of FATHERHOOD.
You can be that man, perhaps unqualified, perhaps unprepared, however, like all dads would say - it is a journey worth undertaking if you are willing to learn on the way.

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 05/06/2022

"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit" - Napoleon Hill

Adults face a number of adversity in their day-to-day lives be it in their physical, mental, emotional, social or financial space. While you may or may not control the adversity in itself, you can manage an effective response instead of reacting sharply by building your adversity quotient. Start today!

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 29/05/2022

Up the Emotional Quotient!

Your Emotional Quotient can be the game-changer leading the way to fulfilling your potential. 

Research has shown that highly emotionally Intelligent people fare much better personally and professionally than high IQ individuals. Emotional Intelligence can be developed, enhanced and sustained throughout your life. The earlier you get on the bandwagon, the faster you could achieve happiness, well-being & contentment in life.

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 22/05/2022

Life can be messy. Nothing seems to be perfect. Outcomes may be uncertain or not as per expectations. People may be irrational. Relationships may be complex.
All said & done, if you put in the same effort that you did to win love, into keeping this love in your life, then it will last forever. Because, happily ever after is neither a fairy tale nor a destination, it is a journey that you choose to undertake.

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 15/05/2022

"Choose a job you love & you will never have to work a day in your life" - Confucius.

Some of us know what we are meant to do early in life like in our teens, some of us prod along the path that has been set for us, some of us find something that excites us, maybe find it even more exciting as time goes on or just plain boring. Some introspection & goal clarity can really make a difference. So, try career profiling early on to set yourself on the right track.

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 29/04/2022

"It's about being part of something in the community, socialising with people who share interests & coming together to improve the world we live in" - Zach Broff

Humans are social beings hence socialisation is the pillar to having the best environment to live in. The new-age socialisation may have taken on a different meaning & means so it is best to discern what works for you & what does not.

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 22/04/2022

Reflect on when we made that first decision on our own as a young adult? The sense of accomplishment & pride that was felt? If you are a young adult still struggling in managing emotions, making good decisions, or dealing with problems, then you are probably in the "dependency trap" with high expectations from others due to failure to launch into adulthood.
Don't worry! Relaunch is possible....

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 08/04/2022

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Developing self-identity is a gradual process that takes consistent & persistent effort & time. However, the best brand you can wear is your own self-identity.


RENEW dedicates this quarter to Young Adults delving deeper into the tasks & issues associated with these & some tips to manage young adulthood effectively.

Young adulthood is fundamentally a period of gradual maturation and change both biologically and psychologically.
Continued maturation of prefrontal cortex (the region that supports abstract reasoning & planning, control & modulation of behaviour), protracted development of motivational and emotional brain systems in limbic areas play a major role in decision making, such as adaptive choices or risk-taking behavior.
Thus, young adults take longer to consider difficult problems before deciding on a course of action, are less influenced by the lure of rewards & more sensitive to the potential costs associated with behavior, and have better developed impulse control.

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 25/03/2022

Teens show a great affinity to making friends. “Why would it be natural to turn toward your peers as an adolescent? Because that’s on whom you’re going to depend on when you leave home. Often, in the wild, a mammal without an adolescent peer group is as good as dead. So connecting with a peer group can feel like a matter of survival.” —Daniel J. Siegel, MD

A survey of approximately 1,500 adolescents and their families showed that the vast majority of young teens have friends who support each other’s efforts to do well, rather than being pressured by their friends to drink, smoke, use illegal drugs, or engage in other risky behaviours.
However, even in the age of constant virtual connectedness, teens may live with personal & intimate disconnectedness. Social media may be a blessing and a curse in that online communication between friends may get teens through stressful times but also make them feel worse about their own lives.

It is important for teens to know that making friends may take time & friendships change over time. However, if teen friendships stand the test of time, then they may very well be rock-solid for your lifetime.

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 19/03/2022

Becoming independent is part of healthy teen development. You get that power over your own actions. However, with that power comes great responsibility for your actions, emotions, thoughts & even your mistakes. If you take your responsibility seriously, the teenage years may be wonderful stepping stones towards blossoming into the best version of yourself.

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 15/03/2022

Everyone of us goes through some overwhelming situation or another in a day. Now, since the teenage brain is still developing, teens may be prone to risky decisions & behaviour so instead practise S.O.S. & convert overwhelming situations to calm ones.

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 04/03/2022

"NO!" is a full sentence, so no justifications or explanations are required. It is ok to say "NO", set boundaries of acceptability with persistence & without guilt.

Teens find it most difficult to say "No" because they are carving out an individual identity while trying to belong. That makes them more susceptible to risky situations which may be managed well with the art of saying "NO" at the right time.

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 25/02/2022

All of us are born with survival instincts; from a baby crying with unfamiliar faces around to a child refusing to get into unfamiliar situations.

By the time this child gets into adolescence, with social conditioning, the intuition takes a backseat.

Intuition is a very real psychological process where the brain uses past experiences and personal & social cues to make a decision so quickly that it does not even register on a conscious level.

Research on teenagers indicates that the limbic brain, specifically the amygdala & insula, send warning signs which if identified can protect them from unfavourable situations.

Develop, trust & listen to your gut instinct for your well-being & happiness!

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 18/02/2022

Everyone messes up & so teenagers are no exception. However, whether you rise & respond to your mess OR choose to wallow & fold is totally up to you. This mistake may be an opportunity to bridge the gap between your inexperience & wisdom so rise & shine!

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 11/02/2022

Teenagers may crave many exciting things that they never had before but to acquire them, they have to do something that they have never done before. Yes, you may feel safe in your comfort zone, however, you were made for the great things out of your comfort zone. So, STEP OUT or EXPAND!

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 04/02/2022

"If you want to be happy, BE!" - Leo Tolstoy

Adolescence can be confusing, annoying, learning, exciting.... BEING can become easier if you infuse that DOSE of happiness daily into your life.

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 28/01/2022

To all the teenagers out there,
keep the questions flowing
because that's key to your
knowledge & creativity growing!

Photos from Mood Zingers's post 21/01/2022

Maybe right now, all you are thinking about is having a good time with your friends. However, these unpredictable & challenging times call upon you teens to become adult-like overnight. Learning life skills will enable you to manage the daily demands & challenges better. This takes time & practice... so start today to equip yourself for a better tomorrow. (Part 2)

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