Have You DON Yogaa

Have You DON Yogaa

A Yogaholic teaching yoga from 1st March.Drop me a message for details about classes or anything rel


Got my leg behind the head today.
Was it my goal? Nope….. do I practise this asana daily?? Nopeeee. Is it an important asana to me? nope. Will I be sad if I can’t do it the next time? NOPEEEEE. This asana might be someone else’s goal. And will I teach and guide that person into achieving her/his goal (of leg behind the head) ?? Absolutely YES!!! Some poses just happen by chance. My intention is to always get on the mat without expectations and to explore. While Enjoying the journey and the surprises it has on the mat. Advanced poses or not, we come out stronger and a lot more stiller.


Spreading joy, love, good health and good times through Yoga ( Asanas, Pranayam and Gratitude Practise) with the wonderful children of Kripasaran Buddhist Mission Home. I personally feel blessed to kick start my days with them because of the pure and refreshing energy that they share with me. Thank you and for giving me this chance to share my love for yoga and mindfulness with these amazing children.

Photos from Have You DON Yogaa's post 09/05/2022

Day1: What made you smile today???

made me smile today. Every time I unroll my mat, he comes and gives me company. His presence never fails to bring a smile on my face❤️🧿❤️🧿

Sitting in for with .bree and sponsors


Don’t forget to love yourself this Valentine’s Day ❤️❤️❤️❤️✨

Photos from Have You DON Yogaa's post 25/12/2020

A merry merry, love filled, joyous, hopeful and healthy Christmas and holidays and winters to all of you ❤️❤️❤️

Timeline photos 23/11/2020

Mondayyyyyy 🎊🎊🎊🎊 how I miss the warm mornings but winter has her own beauty which is breathtaking.Looking at this peaceful moment on the mat while Iam currently wresting Sky over the Foam roller that he is walking around with because he thinks that is a log for him to drag. 🤣🤣🤣 love and good energy to all of you❤️


We love to plan and execute it perfectly but there are times when no plan gets executed because life happens. So what do you do? Stay bummed and sulk and spoil the day/occasion/trip? Nah, I rather go with the flow and learn to make the best of it.

After I was done with Sky’s play time, I unrolled the mat with big plans of 90 minutes of movement. But after 3 mins on the mat he woke up from his nap and came to the mat with his favorite toy. I couldn’t execute my plan, sadly my mat time didn’t happen, but I did the best that I could, I moved while I played along with Sky. Might not have been the best Flow time on the mat but definitely was a happy one. Just glad I did something today. “Work out” as a word is over rated 😜🐶❤️🐶❤️❤️❤️


Channelizing the goddess inside of me. Let the festivities begin. This one is for all warriors battling out in the world of adulting both men and women . Also wishing everyone a Happy Durga Puja. 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺


The ability to assist gives me the greatest joy and satisfaction during the class. I love to be assisted and Iam always assisting my students bother physically and now verbally. So when someone assists you in class don’t feel embarrassed or assume you are doing the asana in a wrong manner, we are just trying to help you get into the deeper yummier versions of it. Stay safe, keep moving. Contact me for personal and group online classes. 🌸❤️🌸


Hi fam! It’s been a while. I was playing with this fluid spine while enjoying the sounds of nature, I thought I should share it with you because it’s not every day that you get to hear them. I hope it brings a smile on your faces and take you to a happy place like it does to me. Rest well. Love and light 🥰🌸🌷

Timeline photos 05/04/2020

April’s sun brings out the best of the flowers. Here is a flower pose testing your core and balancing skills. Happy Sunday. Stay blessed and stay safe 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷❤️

Timeline photos 04/04/2020

The butter flew over a pot of beautiful Narcissuses and oh my what symmetry these flowers have..... it’s such a fun geometric flower. 🌼🌼🌼

Timeline photos 03/04/2020

After the cold winter days in the gloom, at last came spring and the lonely caterpillar 🐛 finally stepped out of its cocoon as a beautifully metamorphosised (is that even a word 🤔) BUTTERFLY 🦋
Day2: an inverted butterfly for the love of inversion and for the love of spring with with my lovely ladies and generous sponsors


Hello April, ready or not here I come. We should not forget that other things are simultaneously taking place along with quarantine, things like cleaner air, warmer lovelier sun, gorgeous blooming flowers and of course, Spring time love ❤️🌺🌸❤️ glad to have this front yard to get some air.

Timeline photos 31/03/2020

Take a moment to close your eyes and just breathe. Letting the last day of the month slide off my back as I take deep inhales and exhales. Time to stay within your premises and to take care of yourself and your family. Stay home stay safe ❤️

Timeline photos 07/03/2020

Two is better than one. Whenever you feel lazy or low, go grab your friend, partner, or team up with anyone but do not miss out on your practise/training. It’s always a treat sharing space with this one energies higher than my toes for sure 😝😝


Chilling with my two mains and .abhishek while Revisiting my long lost friend and who knows.... one day may be press to bakasana and then into a decent press to handstand eh .abhishek but right now let me turtle myself into a flat 🥞 pancake 😝

Timeline photos 03/02/2020

Spring time🌷🌸💐🌺 and sunshine 🌻🌞🌞 Happy Monday All ❤️🤗

Timeline photos 21/01/2020

“A kind of golden hour one remembers for a lifetime; everything was touched with magic”.

A mandatory mermaid by the sea because why not??? And also because it was so golden and magical. Happy to be back on the square. With lots of exciting plans. I hope it will be of good help to all❤️

Timeline photos 05/01/2020

Happy 1st Sunday 2020.... not writing a gratitude post of the past decade or 2019 (as tempting as it was) not gonna bore you with my 2020 goals too (equally tempting) just want to keep it really simple and wish you a wonderful weekend, a relaxed and blessed and happy 1st Sunday of the year. Use it well and mindfully too. I hope we learn from the mistakes of the past and never repeat them this decade, may we try to keep things simple and honest, more learning and reading and less binging on Netflix and most importantly let’s love and cherish the moment and the people we are blessed to have in our lives. It’s 🥶 cold, cosy up, hug those heaters and fire places and people around you. Too cold to extend my legs, so tucking myself nicely into a tuck headstand and keeping things warm. Lot of love. Donna ❤️❤️❤️ oh yes and FOOD and FORGIVENESS TOO. Eat well and learn to forgive those disappointments and disappointments moments. We are but humans 💜💐


Happy 1st of July ❤️❤️❤️ this month I will be sharing with you things I’m working on. This is my way of keeping all of you motivated and to remind you that it’s never too late to start. Stop pushing the to do list for the next week or month. Grab that book and read it, resettle the closet, sit and file those tax returns or just put your alarm and get active. You will struggle but after the struggle you will become stronger and better.

#1 is this movement. Tried it for the first time and it was super confusing cus when you are upside down things look so so so different. But I’m gonna work harder over the coming weeks and months and try to get better. Never thought I would be able to do this, guess July surely is a magical month.... and a wonderful start to the month.... now the fun part is, if you want to share anything with me you can use this hashtag or just DM me so that we can keep motivating eachother. It does not need to be yoga related things, it can be anything, I just wanna be the push that you need to carry out the things you have been avoiding. Lots of love and hugs. ❤️❤️🌺🌺🌺

Timeline photos 21/06/2019

Wishing everyone a wonderful fun and amazing International Yoga Day. Taking this day to give thanks to all the wonderful souls and energies that crossed my path. Thank you for trusting me and letting me guide you on your journey. Thank you to the kids at thank you to all of my kick ass yoginis and yogis at my studio too. For me today was a lot of reminiscing and reflecting and Iam so glad that I have the opportunity to teach this wonderful art from and Iam so glad to have had people like you to teach me in becoming a better teacher and learner. May this day be a reminder to us all to be kind, grateful and mindful and also to remind us that within us resides a universe with infinite power and strength. Let no one control your light what shines, you are unique, you are strong, you are amazing.... you are the warrior who can overcome any battle. Love to all and remember remember yoga is for all so don’t make those Iam not flexible excuses or I’m too old excuses. All you need is your body and your breath not even your mat. Xoxo


FriYAY✌🏼✌🏼sharing with you things things that I worked on this last 5 working days. I worked on opening my shoulders, strengthening my back and arms, opening my hips and quads and though that this transition was possible. We forget the things that make up the pose and focus only on the pose. It’s like cooking, don’t forget the salt and the seasonings and on the mat don’t forget the ingredients to the pose. Start with a simple practise, focus on the basics, simplicity does not mean dull, it actually is very challenging and takes you a long way on the mat. So keep things simple and smile cus that’s the other secret ingredient to a happy practise :) have a wonderful well rested weekend ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Timeline photos 12/06/2019

This is exactly how I feel on Wednesday. Sitting in the middle, looking forward to the weekend while a part of me knows that I have to do the Monday and Tuesday’s work that conveniently decided to avoid 😝😝😝
Cheers to making it though 3 days and it’s almost the weekend, so hang in there. Until then remember to hydrate, eat well and gobble up on the Mangoes because how can you NOT 😱😱😱 Big love to my yogis in Darjeeling. I miss you loads. Hope Iam giving everyone good amount of hiccups 😈😈😈

Timeline photos 06/06/2019

Tuesday and Thursday were my favorite days of the week because on these days I would have kid’s yoga. A major Throw Back Thursday to those Kid’s yoga time at and it would and will always be my favorite class and place to be ever. Special visit from my dear friend yogi Thomas from Europe. The kids loved him and we had such an amazing time. Sending lots of love to all my little yogis and teacher yogis too. Miss you 😢😢

Timeline photos 18/05/2019

Hello Saturday 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊 wishing you a blessed Buddha Purnima and a wonderful Full Moon day. Be kind to one another and always remember to SMILE.... cus you never know how your smile could change the moods of everyone around you ❤️

Timeline photos 12/05/2019

We are nothing without our guides. In our lives our first guides are our mothers and then comes the father and family and teachers and friends. For today let’s celebrate our mother. The most amazing and magical beings who have the ability to create life. No matter how strict, old fashioned or young and hep, a mother can and will always be the soul we connect to the most. Like it or not we are all our mother’s babies. So sometimes they get over protective or annoy the s**t out of you, and that’s okay cus you have been annoying too. We take our mothers (and fathers too) for granted. Stop doing that. Appreciate her presence in your life, not everyone is lucky to have their moms by their side. No one will love you as much as your mother (and father). I don’t want you to buy gifts and cakes, I just want you to take a moment and realize how blessed you are to have a guide in your life and take a moment and wish them well, send them loving healing vibes. If you are a praying person pray for their good health and happiness. Appreciate that you have a figure looking over and after you no matter how old schooled they are. You are who you are today because of her (and him). Happy Mother’s day to the mothers who have multi tasked and have been the living example of one man army. May we learn to be kind yet fierce, soft yet strong, aggressive yet gentle like you lot. Thank you for being our mothers. Whoever you are you are amazing and we are blessed to be guided by you. Happy Mother’s Day. (Also a Mother’s Day shout out to the teachers of our schools who wiped our noses and probably had to toilet train us lot. You are our second mothers too)


Happy Forearm Friday 💪🏼💪🏼❤️❤️Nope that sound is not the rain. Those are 7 fans trying to cool me down 😝 a little forearm play before I exhausted my energy for the day and passed out in shavasana. Sharing how my real practise is and that everything comes with time practise and it’s never always perfect and pretty (well except for these beautiful pants 😝) so get to your mats and get to your breaths and let your body move as you breathe. And be very very happy if you are living in a place with temperatures less than 20 degrees Celsius (just saying.... count your blessing hehehehehehe) love you all. ❤️❤️❤️ Happy weekend all❤️


Karan: Yo bum lets hang out and chill.... it’s a kick ass weather.
Me: yeah yeah let’s do this.... (After 10 seconds)
Me: hey it’s so much fun chilling.... don’t you agree??😁😁😁
Karan: umm I’m bored, you no fun to chill with. (The end) 😝😝

Videos (show all)

Spreading joy, love, good health and good times through Yoga ( Asanas, Pranayam and Gratitude Practise) with the wonderf...
We love to plan and execute it perfectly but there are times when no plan gets executed because life happens. So what do...



Opening Hours

Monday 16:00 - 18:30
Tuesday 16:00 - 18:30
Wednesday 16:00 - 18:30
Thursday 16:00 - 18:30
Friday 16:00 - 18:30