Sanjivani Wellness

Scalar Energy is a subtle energy that can be harnessed to produce healing energy frequencies frequen Fusion Energy Wand Pen

What is Nano wand energy pen?

For those who prefer complete wellness without any supplements!! —

The Quantum Science Scalar Energy Pendant is a wearable handmade jewelry pendant made from special Japanese volcanic lava containing over 70 Natural Minerals which emit energy which positively benefits the body, manufactured & processed under extreme temperature before it is coagulated to form bio-ceramics under low temperature


*गणनाथमनाथबन्धुं* *सिन्दूरपूरपरिशोभितगण्डयुग्मम्।* *उदण्डविघ्नपरिखण्डनचण्डदण्डम्* *आखण्डलादिसुरनायकवृन्दवन्द्यम्🔥*

*🔥भावार्थ: अनाथों के बंधु, सिंदूर से शोभायमान दोनों गण्डस्थलवाले, प्रबल विघ्न का नाश करने में समर्थ एवं इन्द्रादि देवों से नमस्कृत श्री गणेश का मैं प्रातः काल स्मरण करता हू*

*श्री गणेश चतुर्थी*
की आपको सपरिवार हार्दिक बधाई एवं शुभकामनाएं। गजानन गणपति महाराज की असीम कृपा आप सभी पर बनी रहें।

Gratitude 25/08/2022
Life = Enjoy happening & responding ! 24/08/2022

"Be clear about what you want in life. Don’t be left-right, left-right, just be clear in yourself. Then you will see that whenever you are clear, you will be at peace. Whenever you are at peace, you can make others happy, because you are happy. When you make others happy, you will make change in this world. It starts here, not with the mind but with the heart."

"As rain falls equally on the just and the unjust, do not burden your heart with judgments but rain your kindness equally on all."


Acceptance is the bridge.
Accept the pain, accept the wounds, accept yourself as you are!
Don’t try to pretend to be somebody else,
don’t try to show that you are not this.
Don’t be egoistic, and don’t go on pretending and laughing
while your heart is crying.
Don’t smile if your eyes are full of tears.
Don’t be inauthentic,
because by being inauthentic
you are simply protecting your wounds from being healed.
Your whole being will become rotten.


Forgive yourself for not being at peace.
The moment you completely accept your non-peace,
your non-peace is transmuted into peace.
Anything you accept fully will get you there.
This is the miracle of surrender.

Some people think that to be strong
is to never feel pain.
In reality, the strongest people
are the ones who feel it, understand it,
and accept it.

There are Moments when troubles enter our lives
and we can do nothing to avoid them.
But they are there for one Reason.
Only when we have overcome them
will we understand why they were there.

Paulo Coelho

How could you ever believe that you are broken?
The vibrational life force of energy that made you
does not judge you.
There is no anger, no spite, no retribution and no criticism.
It is pure love.

Panache Desai

I am telling you that whatever has happened, just drop it and move ahead. Do not sit and regret about what has happened -- neither about what you have done, nor about what others did. If you keep thinking about what you did, then you feel regret, and if you think about what others did wrong, then you get angry and worried.

~ Sri Sri Ravi

How do we overcome negative qualities like envy, jealousy and becoming hungry during meditation?

Sri Swami Vishwananda: I like this one. It depends what you are meditating on. If you are meditating on food, you are hungry, but here the person didn‘t mention hungry for what. You can be hungry for food, or you can be hungry for the Divine, or you can be hungry for the Divine prasad.

So, you see, all these qualities have this power, depending on how much you focus on them. If you are focusing on jealousy, envy or hatred, all this stuff - do you think you will be able to get rid of it? You won‘t be able to get rid of it. You know why? It is because your thoughts are focused so much on that. Even in meditation, if you focus on, “I will get rid of my envy, I will get rid of my jealousy, I will get rid of my hatred…” even then you are increasing the power, by focusing on this quality.

"In order to do what you love you must first learn to love and appreciate what you do. If you don’t appreciate what you presently do, you will not function from your full potential. Until you put your heart & soul into everything you do don’t expect to create or attract greater opportunities to do what you love. When you do more than what is expected, you increase the probability of creating greater opportunities."

Shiv - Mahadev 24/08/2022
Shiv - Mahadev 03/05/2022

🚩अक्षय सुख,
🚩अक्षय शांति,
🚩अक्षय स्वास्थ्य,
🚩अक्षय शिक्षा,
🚩अक्षय समृद्धि,
🚩अक्षय सम्मान,
🚩अक्षय सुन्दरता,
🚩अक्षय सद्बुद्धि,
🚩अक्षय शक्ति,
🚩अक्षय संपत्ति,
🚩अक्षय सुयश,
🚩अक्षय स्नेह,
🔱🚩के साथ अक्षय आनन्द की मंगल कामना.....आपको एवं आपके परिवार को अक्षय तृतीया व परशुराम जन्मौत्सव की हार्दिक बधाई और शुभकामनाएं

Life = Enjoy happening & responding ! 08/02/2022
Love - Oneness 27/12/2021
Gratitude 24/12/2021

Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.

मिले तो धन्यवाद ना मिले तो धन्यवाद

जो धन्यवाद से भरा होगा

इस जगत मे धन्यता उसी पर बरसी सदा से

� एक जगह बहुत अच्छी बात लिखी �थी

शुक्र कर
फिकर ना कर��

छोड़िए शिकायत,
शुक्रिया अदा कीजिये।

जितना है पास,
पहले उसका मजा लीजिये।

चाहे जिधर से गुज़रिये,
मीठी सी हलचल मचा दिजिये।

उम्र का हर एक दौर मज़ेदार है,
अपनी उम्र का मज़ा लिजिये।


*The qualification that gave you a job, is the same qualification someone has who still does not have a job.*
*Be grateful.*

*The prayer that God answered for you, is the same prayer others have been praying but without success.*
*Be grateful.*

*The road you use safely on a daily basis, is the same road where many others lost their precious lives.*
*Be grateful.*

*The temple in which God blessed you, is the same temple other people too worship in, yet their lives are still in discord.*
*Be grateful.*

*The bed you used in the hospital, you got healed and were discharged, is the same bed many other people breathed their last.*
*Be grateful.*

*The rain that made your field produce good crops, is the same rain that devastated someone else's field.*
*Be grateful.*

*Be grateful because whatever you have is not by your power, your might, your talent or your qualifications, but it's just the "Grace of God." HE is the giver of everything you have.*

*For everything you have, be grateful.*�

इबादत वो है
जिसमें जरूरतों का
ज़िक्र ना हो

सिर्फ उसकी रहमतों
का शुक्र हो.

"रास्ते पर कंकड़ ही कंकड़ हो तो भी,
एक अच्छा जुता पहनकर उस पर चला जा सकता है...."
"लेकिन यदि एक अच्छे जुते के अंदर एक भी कंकड़ हो तो,
एक अच्छी सड़क पर भी कुछ कदम भी चलना मुश्किल है...."
"बाहर की चुनोतियों सें नहीं हम अपनी अंदर की कमजोरियों सें हारते है".!!!

*Beautiful Message*
تذكر ان ما تصنعه الْيوم لنفسك ستكسبه في الغد سالبا او موجبا
لكن تذكر أيضا ان الحياة عبر
قال تعالى
فَاعْتَبِرُوا يَا أُولِي الْأَبْصَارِ
وايضاً قال
فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ يَا أُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا

A rich man looked through his window and saw a poor man picking something from his dustbin ... He said, Thank GOD I'm not poor;

*نظر أحد الأغنياء من خلال نافِذتِه فرأى فقيراً يلتقط شيئاً ما من سلَّة القُمامَة فَحَمَد الله وشَكَرَهُ أنه ليس فقيراً*؛

The poor man looked around and saw a naked man misbehaving on the street ... He said, Thank GOD I'm not mad;

*نظر الرجل المسكين حوله وشاهد رجُلاً عارياً يُسِيء السلوك في الشارع وقال الحَمْدُ لله أني لسْتُ بِمَجْنُون*؛

The mad man looked ahead and saw an ambulance carrying a patient ... He said, Thank GOD am not sick;

*نظر الرجل المجنون إلى الأمام ورأى سيارة إسعاف تَقِلُ مَرِيضًا وقال الحمد لله أَنِي لسْتُ مَرِيضًا*؛

Then a sick person in hospital saw a trolley taking a dead body to the mortuary ... He said, Thank GOD I'm not dead;

*ومِن ثُم رأى مَرِيضٌ في المُستشْفَى عربةً تَنْقِل جثةً إلى المشرحة فَحَمَد الله وشَكَرَهُ أنه لا يزال حيٌ يُرْزَق*؛

Only a dead person cannot thank God;

*المَوتَى هُمْ وَحْدَهُم الذين لا يَستطِيعوُن الكلام وشُكْر الله*؛

Why don't you thank GOD today for all your blessings and for the gift of life ... for another beautiful day;

*فبما أنك لازلت حياً تُرْزَق فلماذا لا تبادر بِشُكْر المَوْلَى عَزَّ وجَلْ على مَنِّهِ وكَرَمهِ وفَضْلِهِ وعلى هبة الحياة ومَنْحِك يوم آخَر جَمِيل*؛

*What is LIFE*?
To understand life better, you have to go to 3 locations:

*ماهي الحياة؟*
*لكي تفهم معنى الحياة، بصورةٍ أفضل، عليك بالتوجه إلى ٣ أماكن:*

*1. Hospital*
*2. Prison*
*3. Cemetery*

*١. المستشفى*
*٢. السجن*
*٣. المقبرة

At the Hospital, you will understand that nothing is more beautiful than HEALTH.

*في المستشفى سَتُدْرِك أن لا شيئ يضاهي نِعْمَة الصِحَة والعافِيَة*

In the Prison, you'll see that FREEDOM is the most precious thing

*وفي السجن سَتَعْلَم أن الحرية لا تُقَدَر بِثَمَن*

At the Cemetery, you will realize that life is worth nothing. The ground that we walk today will be our roof tomorrow.

*في المَقبَرَة، سَتُدْرِك أن الحياة لا تُساوِي شيئاً وأن الأرض التي نمْشِى عليها اليوم وستكون السقف الذِي نلتَحِف به غدا*؛

Sad Truth* : We all come with *Nothing* and we will go with *Nothing* ... Let us, therefore, remain humble and be thankful & grateful to God at all times for everything.

Could you please share this with someone else, and let them know that God loves them
96% of people won't share it, but if you are 1 of 4% share this truth to your friends.

*मंगल कामना*

बुद्ध अपने भिक्षुओं से कहते थे कि तुम *चौबीस घण्टे,* राह पर कोई दिखे उसकी मंगल की कामना करना।

*वृक्ष भी* मिल जाए तो उसकी मंगल की कामना करके उसके पास से गुजरना।

*पहाड़ भी* दिख जाए तो मंगल की कामना करके उसके निकट से गुजरना।

*राहगीर दिख जाए* अनजान, तो उसके पास से मंगल की कामना करके राह से गुजरना।

एक भिक्षु ने पूछा, *इससे क्या फायदा*�

बुद्ध ने कहा, इसके *दो फायदे* हैं।

*पहला* तो यह कि तुम्हें गाली देने का अवसर न मिलेगा। तुम्हें बुरा खयाल करने का अवसर न मिलेगा। *तुम्हारी शक्ति नियोजित हो जाएगी मंगल की दिशा में।*

और *दूसरा फायदा* यह कि जब तुम किसी के लिये मंगल की कामना करते हो तो *तुम उसके भीतर भी रिजोनेंस, प्रतिध्वनि पैदा करते हो।*वह भी तुम्हारे लिए मंगल की कामना से भर जाता है।

*ओशो �*

" *Gratitude* is Like a Magnet, the more grateful you are , the more you will receive to be grateful for"

If it is not happening to u ... then you are still on the wrong channel.... *Let's tune in together* . �

Consciously Chooose To Look For Magic around you

*Change Your Frequency & Change The World* * *

10-15 minutes of *Gratitude* Practice is adding to more joy, love and happiness in the world.

Being grateful is your way of transforming the world, so do it with love , do it with a sense of fulfillment and joy..

Try to see the sunset or sunrise, for few days and connect with nature, This will bring a shift and it will become easy to be in that frequency..

�Your high vibration raises the vibrations� around you . The happier� you feel, the more your *Ripple of Happiness * can spread outward to trees, plants,��� cars, homes, animals , and the earth� itself. The more people we have on this planet who feel good, the better the health of the planet will become as a whole. So you see *gratitude has to be a priority for all of us for the sake of our home* , *our friends and our family.* We all need this planet to survive and we all affect its health.
*Our Mental Baggage Is Getting in blocking our ability to feel grateful* *
With so much happening around us this small group effort will help change the *ENERGIES OF THE WORLD* and that is a part of WORLD� SERVICE YOU ALL ARE DOING �� at the time of need.


1. I am grateful for today.
2. I am grateful for my body.
3. I am grateful for having my loved ones and for all the new people I meet.
4. I am grateful for all my basic necessities which met always at all times.
5. I am grateful for my electronics and the internet.
6. I am grateful to the Universe for always having my back.
7. I am grateful to my family and friends for loving me as I am.
8. I am grateful to Me and My soul which is a part of the Divine and all consciousness.
9. I am grateful to my work and my home.
10. I am grateful for all the abundance around me!

As a teenager in Ghana, George Mwinnyaa fell seriously ill. After sacrificing three chickens to the gods, he miraculously healed. Now a student of public health at Johns Hopkins University, he doesn’t think it was the sacrifice itself that saved him. He thinks it was the act of giving thanks.

Growing up, Mwinnyaa’s father religiously sacrificed three chickens every week. It was how he gave thanks to the rivers, mountains, ancestors, and gods for the health of his 7 wives and 32 children.

Sacrifice was a way of life where they lived. People believed that failing to sacrifice enough could lead to drought, disease, and death. As Mwinnyaa remembers it, these beliefs seemed strangely accurate. When families offered chickens as sacrifices, their sick family members usually recovered. If they didn’t sacrifice, terrible things seemed to happen.

In his last year of high school, Mwinnyaa fell seriously ill. He was in bad shape and could not swallow water or food. Mwinnyaa’s uncle wanted answers. He rode his bicycle 6 hours to the next village to visit an oracle. The oracle told him that the river god, the god of the land, and his ancestors were angry. It had been too long since they had received thanks for blessing and protecting the family. The oracle told him that Mwinnyaa would die if they failed to appease them.

His family sacrificed three chickens. To make sure all their bases were covered, an herbalist also provided Mwinnyaa with a mixture of herbs, as well as shea butter to rub on his neck. Three days later, he was fit as a fiddle.

He is now a student of public health, and he lives with his wife and son in the United States. He says that he thinks of the experience a little differently these days. It was not the sacrifice that healed him. It was the act of feeling and giving thanks.

Mwinnyaa may be on to something. According to research, grateful people generally feel healthier. They take better care of their bodies through exercise, eating well, and sleeping. Feeling grateful also improves psychological health. It has been shown to increase happiness while decreasing stress and depression. But that’s not all. Recent research also suggests that gratitude can prolong relationships, enhance empathy, increase self-esteem, and even help people overcome trauma. In fact, a 2003 study found that gratitude was one of the biggest contributors to people’s resilience after the terrorist attacks of September 11th. The study showed that recognizing what you have to be thankful for can increase mental and emotional strength.

It seems that being thankful really can work wonders – especially when gratitude is hardest to find.
way of life
normal behavior of a group or person

in bad shape
in poor condition

a wise person who gives good advice about the future

bases covered
prepared for every possibility

fit as a fiddle

be onto something
realize something important, discover something

ability to recover after stress or misfortune

work wonders
have a very good effect, do amazing things


Professional musician Robin Spielberg says music saved her daughter’s life.

In 1998, Spielberg was pregnant with twin girls when she suffered complications. An emergency cesarean was performed during the 22nd week of pregnancy. Sadly, one of the twins passed away, but Valerie survived.

Valerie was born weighing only 12 ounces and was the size of a can of soda. She was so small that she didn’t meet the hospital’s premature baby weight limit necessary to receive life-saving treatment. A kind nurse put her thumb on the scale and recorded her weight at 17 ounces, just enough to make her eligible to receive medical support.

It was touch-and-go. To make matters worse, the hospital was very loud and busy. Spielberg thought it felt more like an emergency room than a healing environment. She wanted to drown out the hustle and bustle of the hospital.

She couldn’t bring her piano, so she played CDs for her daughter. Amazingly, Valerie improved. Her oxygen saturation levels increased, her blood pressure stabilized, and her heart’s rhythm became more steady. This wasn’t a fluke – it happened again and again for four months. And it affected all of the other babies in the room as well. Valerie’s health continued to improve after months of music and medical attention.

People have been using music and rhythm to heal since ancient times. It is finally starting to catch on in modern society.

One study of 272 premature babies showed that vital signs could be improved through interactive sounds and music therapy.

Music isn’t only beneficial for babies. Studies show that music is able to ease pain, enhance blood vessel function, reduce stress and depression, and boost the immune system in adults, too. Music also helps elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia to recall memories and emotions. It can even help them make new memories.

Having seen the amazing impact music had on her baby, Spielberg began working alongside music therapists. She also volunteered in nursing homes where she once inspired a mute man to speak with music. The elderly man’s wife had passed away and the pain seemed too much for him to handle. He had withdrawn from the world and hadn’t spoken in 6 months. When Spielberg unknowingly played his wedding song, the man broke out of his shell. He began singing and then asked to speak with his family.

Spielberg is still a professional musician. And these days she also teaches and speaks to audiences about the power of music. Her daughter, Valerie, is now a healthy and happy young woman. And she has become a musician herself, playing both the piano and percussion.

Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality. ~Alfred Painter

Gratitude turns what we have into enough. ~Author Unknown

Wouldn't it be an exhilarating tonic for the soul to take a moment to appreciate the simple, good things in life which are so bountiful...? ~Author unknown, c.1949

God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you?" ~William A. Ward

The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts. No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving. ~H.U. Westermayer

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart


From the moment I stopped approaching anything in life with DESPERATION,
everything starts flowing my way.

When we attach ourself with outcome, that gives rise to FEAR OF LOSING which eventually prevents us from giving our best shot.

Give your best and leave the rest.

If that's meant for you, you will get that or something better than that.

Life is not happening to you, it's happening FOR YOU.

Surrender and allow divine to guide you

Love - Oneness 10/09/2021

तू नहीं तेरे अंदर बैठे रब से मोहब्बत है मुझे

तू तो बस एक जरिया है मेरी इबादत का!!

दुनिया में प्रेम बहुत शक्तिशाली संजीवनी है; प्रेम से अधिक कुछ भी गहरा नहीं जाता। यह सिर्फ शरीर का ही उपचार नहीं करता, सिर्फ मन का ही नहीं, बल्कि आत्मा का भी उपचार करता है। यदि कोई प्रेम कर सके तो उसके सभी घाव विदा हो जाएंगे। तब तुम पूर्ण हो जाते हो--और पूर्ण होना पवित्र होना है।

जब कोई स्त्री आपके साथ अपने स्त्री होने के भय से खुद को मुक्त महसुस करे,
तो जान लो उससे आपका रिश्ता सबसे ज्यादा पवित्र है...

� *ओशो* �
� *प्रेम को प्रार्थना बनाओ* �

*जो प्रेम का रहस्य जानते हैं वे जीवन का महानतम रहस्य जानते हैं। उनके लिए कोई दुख नहीं बचता, कोई बुढ़ापा नहीं, कोई मृत्यु नहीं। निश्चित ही शरीर बूढ़ा होगा और शरीर मरेगा, लेकिन प्रेम यह सत्य तुम पर प्रगट करता है कि तुम शरीर नहीं हो। तुम शुद्ध चेतना हो, तुम्हारा कोई जन्म नहीं है, कोई मृत्यु नहीं है। और उस शुद्ध चेतना में जीना जीवन की संगति में जीना है। जीवन की संगति में जीने का उप-उत्पाद आनंद है।

"Love is a language, which even the limited words that we express, can’t express; it can be felt only. It’s a language that the mother understands. When a newborn baby comes on earth, it doesn’t speak. It’s a heart-to- heart communication and this heart-to-heart communication is the true language. This is the language of love, the language of your soul. Life without this language, life without love is of no use."

The most important aspect of Love is not in giving or the receiving: it's in the being.... Being in Love means seeing the Beloved all around me.

True love is a sacred flame
That burns eternally,
And none can dim its special glow
Or change its destiny.

True love speaks in tender tones
And hears with gentle ear,
True love gives with open heart
And true love conquers fear.

True love makes no harsh demands
It neither rules nor binds,
And true love holds with gentle hands
The hearts that it entwines.

Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get — only with what you are expecting to give — which is everything.

"Today I will allow my heart to be open and unguarded. I will trust my intuition and stop listening to negative thoughts. I am worthy to receive and give love"

"When you love yourself unconditionally, you justify and perceive through the eyes of love. Every relationship improves when you live with awareness of your love."

“Real love is a cosmic force which goes through us. If we crystallize it, it becomes the greatest power in the world.”

"Love is beyond time and space. Love is absolute. Real love is knowing someones weaknesses and not taking advantage of them. Knowing their flaws & accepting them."

"It’s only through Love that people will change and it’s only through that, that there can be peace and for that you have to open up."

"Freedom and love go together. Love is not a reaction. If I love you because you love me, that is mere trade, a thing to be bought in the market; it is not love. To love is not to ask anything in return, not even to feel that you are giving something- and it is only such love that can know freedom".

"What does always come together with Love? It is humility. Love and humility go together. When there is Love, there is humility and something dies at that moment. What is it? It is the pride, the egoism. In the presence of Love there is no egoism, there is no pride."

"Until we have seen someone's darkness,
we don't really know who they are.
Until we have forgiven someone's darkness,
we don't really know what love is."

"The purpose of relationship
is not to have another who might complete you,
but to have another with whom
you might share your completeness."

That is the true expression of love ,passion and intimacy ... That is How I experience my love on a soul level merging all the way down to all levels : mentally , physically and emotionally .

What really makes someone feel seen and loved, is when you listen with the fullness of your presence. Presence is a kind of silent vow to our inseparability.
And at some future point, when you hand back the other’s pieces, which you have been carrying as your own, to say, ‘I remember this,’ then the tenderness of your intimacy grows.

Shiv - Mahadev 10/09/2021

​केवलं शिव सर्वत्रम् । सर्वस्व शिव स्वरूपं ।।

हे आराध्य देव शिव जब तुम समस्त जगत से विरक्त हो श्मशान में निवास करते हो तो तुम अघोरी हो जाते हो,

जिसे ना मान कि कोई चाह है,

ना अपमान का कोई भय है.

जिसे कुछ नहीं चाहिए,

जो सबको दे सकता है और मात्र दे सकता है,

जो समस्त भय से मुक्त है,

जो सब कुछ कर देने में समर्थ है,

जो समस्त सृष्टि पर शासन करते है,

वही है अघोरेश्वर शिव.

वास्तव में शासन वही कर सकता है,

जो पूर्ण है,

जो समर्थ है,

जो दाता है,

जो शक्ति संपन्न है वही है अघोरेश्वर,

और इन्ही सृष्टि पर शासन करने वाले अघोर शिव पर शासन करती है महा अघोरा भद्रकाली ,

जो अघोर से भी ऊपर है.

जिसे तंत्र ने अघोरेश्वर कि भी जननी माना है.अघोर शिव और महा अघोरा काली ही है,जो समस्त श्मशान पर राज करते है.

भूत,प्रेत,यक्ष,गन्धर्व,किन्नर,यक्षिणी,आदि जिनकी निरंतर सेवा करते रहते है,और जो सब कुछ कर देने में समर्थ है,

वही है अघोरश्वर और अघोरेश्वरी।

जो सहज है,

सरल है,

अघ्रण है वह अघोर है अर्थात जो घोर या कठिन ना हो, कडवा ना हो वह अघोर है.

अघोर से बने शब्द अघोरी एवं औघड़ शब्द को एक दुसरे का पर्याय भी समझा जाता है.

सिद्धांत एवं दर्शन -

औघड़ का दूसरा नाम प्राणवायु है,

औघड़ ही अज्ञात है ,

जो हम सबके अभ्यंतर में व्याप्त है उस अज्ञात को पहचान लेने से ज्यादा आनंद उसे खोजने में है.

औघड़ ही आत्माराम एवं अनन्त का दूसरा नाम है.

औघड़ अंतर्मुखी होते हैं,

औघड़ों की देह-बुद्धि नहीं होती आत्म-बुद्धि होती है.

वह स्वयं प्राण-वायु है,

वह न ही नर है ना नारी है ,

दोनों है और दोनों से अलग है.

औघड़ एक ऐसी स्थिति को प्राप्त करता है,विभूषित करता है और साधना के शिखर पर पहुंचा होता है.

अघोर का धार्मिक सम्प्रदाय स्वरूप की प्रस्तुति शिव से है.

सरल शब्दों में यह निराकार है किन्तु शरीर है तब साकार है.

औघड़ को उसकी कृपा से ही जाना जा सकता है.

अघोर मत की ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमि और प्रेरणा-स्त्रोत मब वेद, उपनिषद और तंत्र-शास्त्र शामिल रहे हैं.

औघड़ों के अनुसार मन्त्र में बहुत बड़ी शक्ति है.औघड़ साधुओं को सिद्ध समझा जाता है जनता का सामान्यतः यह विश्वास होता है की वे अपनी सिद्धि के प्रभाव से रोगों का निवारण कर सकते हैं.

औघड़, तंत्र और तंत्रशास्त्र -

तंत्रशास्त्र को आगम भी कहते हैं.

यह आगम मार्ग, निगम (वेद-मार्ग) से भिन्न माना जाता है.

तांत्रिकों की यह धारणा है की कलियुग में बिना तंत्र -प्रतिपादित मार्ग का निस्तार नहीं है.

रूद्यामल तंत्र में अनेक श्लोक ऐसे हैं जिनसे यह स्पष्ट होता है की तंत्रशास्त्र एवं अथर्ववेद में घनिष्ठ सम्बंध है.

तंत्रशास्त्र एक सम्पूर्ण शास्त्र है, जिसमें मस्तिष्क,ह्रदय तथा कर्मेन्द्रियों (ज्ञान,इच्छा तथा क्रिया ) तीनों के लिए प्रचुर सामग्री मिलती है.

तंत्र -मार्ग सहज एवं स्वाभाविक होने के कारण सुगम भी है.

इसमें अन्य शास्त्रों की भाँती अध्ययन-अध्यापन,तर्क-वितर्क आदि की अपेक्षा नहीं होती.

कभी-कभी तंत्र -शास्त्र को मन्त्र-शास्त्र भी कहते हैं, साधन-प्रधान होने के कारण इसे साधन तंत्र भी कहते हैं.

तंत्रशास्त्र की मान्यता है की देह ही सभी पुरुषार्थों का साधन है.

अतः देह -धन की रक्षा करनी चाहिए,

जिससे पुण्य कर्मों के आचरण में सुविधा हो.

तांत्रिकों का विश्वास है की जब तक वैदिक रीति से साधना रुपी वृक्षों में फूल उगेंगे तब तक तांत्रिक पद्धति से उसमें फल लगने लगेंगे.

अघोर पंथ के पञ्च-मकार -

मद्य, मांस, मीन , मुद्रा , मैथुन

ये पांच-मकार कहे गए हैं इनका अर्थ यहाँ प्रस्तुत कर रहा हूँ


का तात्पर्य उस सुधा से है,जो योगावस्था में ब्रम्हरंध्रस्थित सहस्त्रदल कमल से टपकती है.खेचरी मुद्रा द्वारा इसका पान संभव है.

मांस -

पुण्य-पाप रुपी पशु की ज्ञानरूपी खड्ग के द्वारा हत्या और मन को ब्रम्ह में विलीन करना,यही मांस-भक्षण है.


इड़ा और पिंगला में प्रवाहित होए वाले श्वास और प्रश्वास मत्स्य हैं.इनका प्राणायाम द्वारा सुषुम्ना में संचार यही मत्स्य-भक्षण है.

मुद्रा- असत -संग का मुद्रण,अर्थात निरोध मुद्रा है.


सुषुम्ना में प्राणों का सम्मिलन अथवा सहस्त्रार में स्थित शिव का मूलाधार में स्थित कुण्डलनी से मिलन मैथुन है.

केवलं शिव सर्वत्रम् । सर्वस्व शिव स्वरूपं ।।

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