Noor Eye Hospital en

Noor Eye Hospital is the first private super specialty ophthalmology hospital in Iran.


تعتمدتقنية الفيمتوليزك على أشعة الليزر( الفيمتو ثانية) بشكل كامل و لا يحتاج فيها الجراح إلى استعانة بالشفرة الجراحية لشق القرنية علي الإطلاق.
تؤمن أشعة ليزر الفيمتو ثانية للجراح إمكانية استحداث شقوق القرنية الجراحية بدقة عالية و أبعاد متناهية في الصغر بسرعة و دقة فائقة لاتصدق دون شعور المريض بأي نوع الألم أو النزعاج أثنا.
#الفيمتو #العين #الجراحية #االايرانيه #الفيمتوسمايل #طهران #حول #ألم #نظارات #العراقية #اعلانات #الكتاراكت #صمام


ماذا یجب أن نفعله بعد عملیة المياه الأبيض "الساد"...

#مستشفيات #العين #الفيمتوليزك #الليزر #طهران #الساد #ايران #الطب

Photos from Noor Eye Hospital en's post 17/01/2023

شاهد شتاء الجمیل في طهران...

See the beautiful winter of tehran clearly...

#الفمتوسمايل #الفمتوليزك #الحول #طهران #

Photos from Noor Eye Hospital en's post 17/01/2023

Monofocal lens vs Multifocal lens

#الحول #العین


ما يجب معرفته حول الكتاراكت (الماء الأبيض) عند حديثي الولادة
قد تبادر إلى أسماعنا جميعاً أو قرأنا في العديد من الأماكن، تخصص داء الكتاراكت أو الماء الأبيض (الساد) بمرحلة الشيخوخة، أي في العادة لا تبدأ علائم المرض بالظهور إلا في حال دخول العقد الخامس والسادس من العمر. بالطبع لا تحيط المعلومة السابقة بكافة جوانب اختلال الكتاراكت على الإطلاق، وذلك بسبب وجود أنواع من الكتاراكت أو الماء الأبيض التي تصيب حديثي الولادة والأطفال يطلق عليها اسم (الكتاراكت الخلقي).
قد يعود ظهور داء الكتاراكت أو الماء الأبيض عند حديثي الولادة إلى عدد من العوامل الإرثية الجينية، متلازمات الأيض، العدوات المنتقلة عبر رحم الأم كالحصبة أو الحصبة الألمانية (العامل الأكثر شيوعاً)، جدري الماء، عدوى الفيروس المضخم للخلايا، الهربس البسيط، الحلأ النطاقي، شلل الأطفال، الانفلونزا، فيروس ابشتاين (EBV)، الزهري وداء المقوسات أو لعوامل أخرى كالصدمات عند الولادة أو استخدام بعض الأدوية كالمضادات الحيوية مثل التتراسايكلين. من الناحية الطبية العينية، تعد الإصابة بإحدى هذه العوامل من طوارئ طب العيون وتستوجب المداخلة الطبية الفورية دون أي تأخير.
في حال تشخيص الطبيب المعالج ضرورة خضوع الطفل للعلاج الجراحي للتخلص من داء الكتاراكت أو الماء الأبيض، من الضروري المبادرة في بدأ العلاج دون أي تأخير بسبب احتمال تعرض الطفل إلى اختلالات ومشكلات في النسيج العصبي البصري وحركات العين تؤثر بشكل كبير على سلامة البصر وقد تؤدي إلى العمى الكامل أيضاً.
تؤمن جراحة الكتاراكت المبكرة عند حديثي الولادة الطمأنينة والراحة الكاملة من امتلاك الطفل حدة وقدرة رؤية مناسبة تسمح بتكامل ونمو النظام البصري بصورة مماثلة للأطفال المشابهين في نفس الفئة العمرية. يعتقد بعض الأخصائيين بأن الوقت الملائم لجراحة الكتاراكت الخلقي عند دخول الطفل سن الستة أسابيع وحتى الثلاثة أشهر من العمر. على أي حال يقوم الطبيب المعالج وبعد الحصول على التاريخ الطبي الكامل والمعاينة الدقيقة، بتقديم الخطة العلاجية المناسبة.
للأسف وفي بعض الدول النامية ذات القدرات الطبية المتواضعة، تعاني مراحل تشخيص اختلال الكتاراكت الخلقي واختيار أفضل تقنية علاجية مناسبة، من صعوبات وبطأ في مرحلة العلاج ينتج عنها ارتفاع معدلات الإصابة بالعمى لدى هؤلاء المصابين الصغار. لحسن الحظ يتميز مستشفى نور التخصصي لطب العيون في العاصمة الإيرانية طهران وبالاعتماد على أفضل الأطباء ذوي الخبرة، بتقديم أفضل التقنيات العلاجية لداء الكتاراكت الخلقي في إيران ومنطقة الشرق الأوسط.
في حال الرغبة بالحصول على مزيد من المعلومات، الإستشارة أو تحديد موعد مسبق، يمكنكم الاتصال على الرقم 00989912909843 أو الحصول على موعد مسبق من خلال مراجعة الموقع الإلكتروني الخاص بالمستشفى على العنوان


High Blood Pressure and Vision Problems
High blood pressure, which is defined as a systolic blood pressure equal to or above 140 mmHg and/or a diastolic blood pressure equal to or above 90 mmHg, can cause extensive and complex changes in the body's arteries. Since the retina is the only organ that its arteries are directly visible, high blood pressure can be detected through retinal arteries; before its complications appear in other parts of the body. So don't be surprised if your ophthalmologist during an eye examination diagnoses that you have high blood pressure.
High blood pressure, especially chronic hypertension, can lead to a gradual narrowing of the retinal arteries, which may not be very detectable in its early stages, but gradually worsens as the disease progresses and causes hardening and thickening of the arteries.
In the later stages, small amount of hemorrhage may occur in the retina, and materials from the arteries may leak into the retina which appear as white spots on the retina.
In extremely high blood pressure, in addition to the above complications, swelling of the optic nerve may also occur. It should be noted that high blood pressure is so dangerous that it can lead to a heart attack or stroke, and should be controlled and treated immediately. Of course, none of the high blood pressure’s complications can cause significant changes in the person's vision; In addition, with proper treatment of high blood pressure, these complications gradually resolve and the retina returns to its normal condition.

However, that none of these blood pressure changes significantly affect a person's vision; In addition, with proper treatment of high blood pressure, these changes gradually return to normal and the retina becomes normal. Retinal examinations are a good way to assess proper blood pressure control.

These changes may not initially affect a person's vision.


The 13th anniversary of the establishment of Noor Eye Hospital.
The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined efforts of every individual. We have the honor to gather the best surgeons, professional staff and cutting-edge technology with a great and systematic planning. We have the mission to bring all people around the world, the best and qualified eye care services, and today we celebrate this success.
Wishing our physicians and staff many more years of success, good luck and joy, on this blissful and charming day of their Corporate Anniversary.

Photos from Noor Eye Hospital en's post 04/05/2020

Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

Lazy eye is a type of eye disorder in which reduced vision occurs in a seemingly healthy eye. In this condition, although the eye structure is normal, even wearing glasses do not help to correct the vision back to normal. When the vision development is normal in one eye, but abnormal in another eye, the eye whose sight has failed to develop will have a reduced vision and gradually becomes lazy. About 2 to 3 percent of children suffer from lazy eye, and the best time to correct this disorder is at infancy or early childhood. It should be noted that though only one eye is usually involved, in some cases, amblyopia can occur in both eyes at the same time. Tehran Noor Eye Hospital in Iran offers advanced treatments for lazy eye.


We had a guest from Iraq who had got familiar with Noor Eye Hospital through our official Facebook and Instagram pages.
She is happy because she doesn’t need any glasses by using the easiest procedure. She had gone femto second lasik surgery.
So you can contact us through Instagram, too.
Our experts know you in any language.


How do allergies stimulate the eyes?
The allergens existing in our environment, first of all affect the eyelids. They can even spread to the cornea. However, the lacrimal fluid can wash the eyes well and remove foreign bodies from the ocular surface, but unfortunately, in highly contaminated areas, the quality of tear film decreases, and as a result, allergens such as plants and flower pollen are not removed from the surface of the eyes. Therefore the individual will show more severe reactions. When allergenic substances enter the eyes, the ocular immune cells release histamine, which can affect various parts of the eye, causing itching and swelling of the eyelids or conjunctival redness and severe itching

Photos from Noor Eye Hospital en's post 17/04/2020

This is why Noor Eye Hospital is safe and life goes on here.

WhatsApp number : (0098)9912909843


Noor Eye Hospital is continuously removing the borders as an international hospital.
We are proud of our services and technologies, and hopefully our patients feel the same way.
Kazam Sayad, our dear Indian patient, who comes from Dubai, underwent femto lasik surgery at Noor Eye Hospital.
Let’s listen to his opinion and his view about Noor Eye Hospital.


Today, the 23rd of March marks the World Optometry Day and the following week marks the World Optometry Week. We are thankful to our dear optometrists who help each and everyone of us understand the important relationship between the condition of our eyes on the one hand and our overall health and well being on the other.

🌹Dear optometrist, thank you for helping us enjoy our eyes and vision.🌹


Put a smile on your face and celebrate the International Day of Happiness on March 20 by making a point to do something that makes you happy. 😊😊


🌹Happy "Nowrooz", Persian new year.🌹
is celebrated the first day of spring as the first day of the Iranian calendar. "Nowrooz" has become a part of our culture in time and now is celebrated not only in Iran but many other Middle Eastern countries like Azerbaijan, Afghanistan,etc.

Noor Eye Hospital wishes a year full of peace and happiness for all people around the world.


Congenital cataracts (cataract in infants) can occur due to genetic factors, metabolic problems, or prenatal intra-uterine infections such as measles or rubella, chickenpox, influenza, Epstein-Barr virus, syphilis and toxoplasmosis. It also can be caused by birth eye injuries, or some medications such as tetracycline antibiotics. Pediatric cataracts are classified as an eye emergency case and measures should quickly be taken in regard with these patients.


International Women’s Day is an international event celebrated to mark the overall contributions of the powerful and strong women in society across the globe. According to the famous saying, “The world needs strong women.
The strongest actions for a woman is to love herself, be herself and shine amongst those who never believed she could.”
A strong woman is both soft and powerful, she is both practical and spiritual.

“Where there is a woman, there is magic.”

Happy women’s day


Zakaria came from Turkey to Iran 5 years ago. He decided to correct his refractive errors at Noor Eye Hospital with Dr. Hashemi.
But at first he was doubtful about undergoing the operation. Let’s listen to Zakaria to know why he changed his mind and trust us.

Photos from Noor Eye Hospital en's post 06/02/2020

Coronavirus Transmission through the Eyes:

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently issued a worldwide warning about the spread of Coronavirus, and all of us heard about the danger.
But does coronavirus cause eye disease?
Coronavirus is "quite possible" through the eyes, the Daily Mail reported.
"Coronavirus transmission can potentially be possible by touching the eyes," says Dr. Michael Head, senior research fellow in global health at the University of Southampton.
The American Academy of Ophthalmologists also released a statement confirming the transmission of coronavirus through the conjunctiva. Reports suggest that coronavirus aerosols can be transmitted through the conjunctiva and in addition cause conjunctivitis (inflammation of the outermost layer of the white part of the eye).

So now the best and easiest way to prevent mouth and nose disease is prevention. The use of N95 Respiratory Mask, eye protection glasses and proper hand washing reduces the chance of developing coronavirus and prevents coronavirus .

Photos from Noor Eye Hospital en's post 04/02/2020

Noor Eye Hospital is the first private subspecialty ophthalmology hospital in Iran. It has facilities like referral system, subspecialty consultation services, knowledgeable and highly experienced team of ophthalmologists, modern diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, and well-trained personnel and it offers a full range of ophthalmology services to patients in a beautiful and peaceful environment. Thanks to having the state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge scientific techniques, Noor Eye Hospital becomes the top-notch ophthalmology center in Iran and the Middle East. In order to enhance patient level of satisfaction,
Noor eye hospital is proud of tapping into the skills and expertise of the best ophthalmologists in the region. There are 43 professional ophthalmologists in various specialties. You can find the best ones in:
Retinal detachment surgery,
corneal transplant surgery,
Refractive surgery (PRK, LASEK, Femto-LASIK, ReLEx SMILE),
Cataract surgery,
Keratoconus surgery,
Pterygium surgery,
Intraocular lens surgery,
Orbit and Lacrimal Duct
Lacrimal duct surgery,
Strabismus and orbital surgery,
Ptosis surgery,
Intraocular tumor surgery,
Glaucoma surgery,
By establishing Noor Clinic, we managed to provide ophthalmology services within a shorter period.


February is Low Vision Awareness Month, and this is the best time to protect your eyesight. Learning about the causes and risk factors related to low vision and scheduling a screening for yourself or a loved one is the key to protect your sight as you age.

Most people with low vision are age 65 or older. The leading causes of vision loss in older adults are agerelated macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, cataract, and glaucoma. Among younger people, vision loss is most often caused by inherited eye conditions, infectious and autoimmune eye diseases, or trauma. For people with low vision, maximizing their remaining sight is key to helping them continue to live safe, productive, and rewarding lives.

What is Low Vision?
Low vision is when even with regular glasses, contact lenses, medicine, or surgery, people have difficulty seeing, which makes everyday tasks difficult to do. Activities that used to be simple like reading the mail, shopping, cooking, and writing can become challenging.

For the millions of people who currently live or will live with low vision, the good news is there is help. Vision rehabilitation can make a big difference to a person adjusting to vision loss and should be considered a key part of a patient’s overall care.

Vision rehabilitation can include the following:
* Training to use magnifying and adaptive devices
* Teaching new daily living skills to remain safe and live independently
* Developing strategies to navigate around the home and in public.

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