Travel In Sicily

Tour Operator Incoming , D.M.C.,organizzazione eventi e gruppi turistici in Sicilia , escursioni, pr

TRAVEL IN SICILY Incoming Tour Operator con base a Catania siamo specializzati nell incoming in Siiclia per gruppi ed individuali .Offriamo pacchetti viaggi e vacanze in tutta la Sicilia incluse le isole minori. Viaggi organizzati , escursioni, visite guidate , prenotazioni alberghiere . Tour gastronomici, Tour Dei vino, Tour Classici , Gran Tour di Sicilia , Gran Touer Sicilia e Malta .Organizzi

Photos from Travel In Sicily's post 16/09/2024

Incentive Travel from South Africa ❤️


A Day Tour in Taormina

Dentro il Bayesian, gli interni extra lusso dello yacht affondato a Palermo: 6 suite e design giapponese in ebano e pelle 23/08/2024

Dentro il Bayesian, gli interni extra lusso dello yacht affondato a Palermo: 6 suite e design giapponese in ebano e pelle Un design d'interni in stile giapponese di sicomoro, abete, teak, ebano e pelle. Un area di seduta anteriore convertibile in veranda in vetro completamente chiusa. Le immagini della casa...

Photos from Travel In Sicily's post 04/08/2024

Etna 4 August 2024

Photos from Travel In Sicily's post 16/06/2024



Photos from Travel In Sicily's post 08/05/2024


Among all the numerous Sicilian marvels, medieval villages and towns are those who have, more than anything, marked the history and culture of the island. Savoca, a small town in the Metropolitan City of Messina, from this perspective represents the emblem of it all; with an ancient history dating back to Roman times, the village of Savoca was enriched by the Byzantines and the Emirate of Sicily. During the 9th century, it represented a small rural town inhabited mainly by peasants and farmers from the surrounding lands, remaining anonymous.

Everything changed with the establishment of the Kingdom of Sicily: it became the main center of the Agrò Valley due to its peculiar location, developing from an economic, historical and cultural viewpoint while maintaining its cultural architecture. During the Fascist period, the village of Savoca fell into ruin, with a demographic decline that is still present to this day. However, its medieval soul and the many architectural wonders it offers remain. Those factors have made Savoca one of the most beautiful villages in Italy and the movie set of impressive cinematographic productions such as The Godfather.


A visit to the village of Savoca lets you dive into a place out of time. In terms of materials, colors and styles, its architecture communicates all the island’s ancient heritage, also reminding the Middle Ages with its structures. Walking through the alleys of Savoca means getting into an archaic atmosphere, thanks to cobbled streets, roofs with typically Sicilian tiles and houses exclusively built with local stone.

What is more, a visit to Savoca can also amaze your senses due to the great mix of architectural works you can find in town. In particular, in the village of Savoca there are two of the most ancient monuments, which also reveal its old and more than secular nature: the Pentefur Castle, of Arab origin, which according to a legend was built by 5 thieves who escaped from the Taormina prison, and the synagogue of Savoca, an old building conceived for the Jewish community, which was present in the village around the year 1400.


Going through the fourteenth-century town gate that marks the entrance to the historic center of Savoca almost feels like traveling through time: the view is immediately seized by the much more recent Town Hall and by the Church of San Nicolò, built in the Sicilian Baroque architectural style, even if the battlements on the entire façade make it quite similar to a medieval castle. In the seventies, it was used to shoot a very famous scene from The Godfather.

The village of Savoca is also home to important noble palaces which, throughout the period of the Kingdom of Sicily, hosted some of the most influential families of the time. Palazzo Trimarchi is certainly the most famous one, also because today it hosts the Vitelli cafe.
Leonardo Sciascia defined Savoca as the village of the “Seven Faces”, analyzing its particularly branched urban structure, with alleys suitable more for the transit of carriages than cars: a refined literary expedient aimed at underlining how the village of Savoca represents one of the landmarks of what the term “Sicilian” meant in former times.

Photos from Travel In Sicily's post 25/04/2024

Etna 2500 mt

Photos from Travel In Sicily's post 06/02/2024

La nostra Sant 'Agata , che ci protegge sempre !! ❤️

Italy wants to build the world's longest suspension bridge. The Mafia and geography might make that difficult | CNN 05/02/2024

Michael Alea Italy wants to build the world’s longest suspension bridge. The Mafia and geography might make that difficult

Italy wants to build the world's longest suspension bridge. The Mafia and geography might make that difficult | CNN The dream of a bridge connecting Sicily to mainland Italy stretches back 2,000 years, but now Italy’s government wants to build a record-breaking span across the Strait of Messina – defying concerns over the Mafia, earthquakes and the environment.

Catania, la Candelora d'oro va al mecenate Antonio Presti 23/01/2024

Candelora D'oro ad un uomo incredibile , che ammiro e stimo !

Catania, la Candelora d'oro va al mecenate Antonio Presti Sarà il mecenate e maestro d'arte Antonio Presti a ricevere a Catania la Candelora d'oro 2024. La cerimonia sarà venerdì 2 febbraio.


Presentato alla stampa
il XX Congresso mondiale delle “Guide turistiche”
Si terrà dal 21 al 26 gennaio
Siracusa, 19 gennaio 2024- L’assessore al Turismo Fabio Granata, alla presenza dei vertici dell’associazione “Guide turistiche Siracusa” Carlo Castello, Donatella Minardi ed Elisa Ottaviano, e di Valeria Pennesi, event manager di Symposia, hanno presentato alla stampa il XX Congresso mondiale delle Guide turistiche che si terrà in città da domenica 21 a venerdì 26 gennaio.
La scelta di Siracusa era stata fatta nel 2022 a Madrid: in quella occasione la città era stata preferita ad altre città importanti di altrettanti Paesi in crescita nel settore quali Turchia, Giappone, Arabia e Malesia. In tutto saranno 289 i delegati di 45 Paesi di tutti i continenti che si confronteranno sui temi e le problematiche legate al turismo e che poi, a conclusione dei lavori congressuali, designeranno i nuovi vertici e la sede del prossimo congresso.
“Un risultato che parte da lontano- ha detto tra l’altro l’assessore Fabio Granata- e che nella scelta fatta a Madrid ha premiato un lavoro certosino portato avanti dall’associazione Guide turistiche e dall’Amministrazione comunale. Un’occasione di promozione del patrimonio materiale ed immateriale della Sicilia con interlocutori privilegiati quali le guide. Non solo il patrimonio Unesco paesaggistico, ma anche culturale ed eno gastronomico in un mix che riafferma la competitività unica dell’offerta turistica della Regione. E che riafferma inoltre il ruolo che Siracusa continua a recitare nel panorama turistico internazionale, premiando il lavoro fatto in questi anni”.
Apertura del Congresso al Teatro Massimo domenica 21 alle 19. Cineturismo, OverTursimo e Turismo delle radici i tre temi trainanti del congresso al quale prenderanno parte anche l’assessore regionale al Turismo Elvira Amata, Daniele Malfitana direttore della Scuola di specializzazione in Archeologia, Maria Francesca Corrao, ordinario di Lingua e letteratura araba alla Luiss, il nutrizionista Giorgio Calabrese.


Il torrone Siciliano

Photos from Travel In Sicily's post 08/10/2023

Continuano senza sosta i nostri incentive travel, club Med Cefalù, splendida giornata


I nostri incentive travel


Etna 14.08.2023



Photos from Travel In Sicily's post 25/06/2023

Al Via Al Taormina Film Festival Come annunciato, con il documentario su Pavarotti si apre finalmente il Taormina Film Fest 2023 che per festeggiare l’inagurazione della sua 69ma edizione e i nove giorni di incontri, proiezioni, masterclass, eventi e concerti in programma, annuncia tutto ciò che seguirà al Voglio vivere così… e felice Canto! di stasera. In primis i nomi degli ospiti italiani e internazionali che saranno in Sicilia dal 23 giugno al 1° luglio e che vedremo sul Blue carpet allestito in Piazza IX aprile, almeno in attesa che vengano rivelate le sorprese che scopriremo nel corso della settimana sui canali ufficiali del festival.

Photos from Travel In Sicily's post 07/05/2023

La Sicilia è sempre un punto di partenza....


Agrigento, capitale italiana della Cultura 2025.
Con questo importante riconoscimento ha vinto tutta la Sicilia. La città di Agrigento avrà una maggiore notorietà e come capitale della cultura italiana sarà vetrina per i turisti di tutto il mondo, sia per la parte archeologica sia per le numerose iniziative culturali che stiamo mettendo in campo.

Photos from Travel In Sicily's post 30/03/2023

Tour of Sicily Catania - Catania
Regular departures every Saturday

8 days - 7 nights
Day 1 - Saturday: CATANIA (hotel in Catania)
Individual arrival to your hotel in Catania (optional private transfer on request). In the evening meet the tour leader and your travel companions for a short briefing. Dinner on your own and overnight in hotel.
Day 2 - Sunday: SYRACUSE – NOTO (hotel in Ragusa)
After breakfast in hotel departure to Syracuse to visit the most beautiful and greatest Greek colony in Sicily and World Heritage Site! The visit will start with the Archaeological Park of Neapolis, with its Greek Theatre, the Roman Amphitheatre, the Latomie of Paradise and the Ear of Dionysius. Proceeding on and visit of the splendid Ortigia, a small island which is the historical centre of Syracuse. In Ortigia you will admire the beautiful Cathedral which dominates the square with its authoritative presence. The façade is a powerful Sicilian-Baroque composition but it gives no hint that this building was once a Doric temple! From Piazza Duomo you will reach a wide terrace on the waterfront surrounding the famous Arethusa’s Fountain, one of the most famous fresh-water sources of the Greek world. Free time for lunch. Departure to Noto, the capital of Sicilian Baroque, famous for its fine buildings of the early eighteenth century and declared Unesco World Heritage Site. Inspired by Baroque ideals of “open city”, Noto is a rare masterpiece and the clearest example of theatrical tastes in 18th century architecture whose local limestone has been burnt gold by the sun. Noto’s Baroque is a game of elegant curves, floral weaves, perspective views, palaces and gardens, capitals and ornaments that adorn the facades of churches and monasteries. Visit of Palazzo Nicolaci Villadorata, beautiful noble residence in Baroque style. Free time for a walk along the town. Transfer to Ragusa for dinner and overnight in hotel.
Day 3 – Monday: RAGUSA IBLA – MODICA – PIAZZA ARMERINA (Hotel in Agrigento)
Today visit of Ragusa Ibla and its historical centre cradle of Sicilian Baroque. Used as a location of the extremely popular Police Inspector Montalbano Tv series, it is today stated among the 44 Italian World Heritage Sites. This little precious ancient town hosts more than 50 churches and many Baroque architectural treasures! You will be fascinated by its Cathedral, situated in the beautiful Dome square and you will love the “Giardino Ibleo”, the oldest of the four main gardens in Ragusa… At 383 meters above sea level, from this beautiful garden you can admire a spectacular panorama! The tour proceeds towards Modica chest of innumerable Baroque architectural treasures and for this reason stated Unesco World Heritage Site. Walking along the tiny streets of this charming town, you will have a stop to visit Sabadì, one of the most renowned chocolate manufacturers whose chocolate has been awarded as the best Modica chocolate in the last 9 years! You will enjoy a multisensorial chocolate tasting discovering the authentic Sicilian perfumes… the local nepitella (wild mint), the orange blossom honey, the raw PGI - quality Sicilian lemon and the PGI – quality Sicilian red orange are just some of the many flavours you can taste! Proceeding on you will visit the beautiful and perfectly preserved noble seventeenth-century Palazzo Castro Polara Grimaldi. You will be astonished by its amazing balcony which dominates the town with a spectacular view and you will feel to be brought back to the past at the beginning of the XX century where time seems to have stopped. The style of the interior has the typical flavor of Sicilian noble palaces: frescoes of landscapes, wallpapers in splendid satins, vases and furnishings of the most precious manufacture, together with the private collections of Donna Grazietta Grimaldi are all signs which give you the impression that nothing has changed and that the ancient traditions of the house are still alive. You will then be brought back to present time savoring some local delicacies under the shadow of the amazing Orti di San Giorgio: 7 gardens suspended between light and beauty. A breath-taking panorama will be the setting of your relaxing lunch! The day goes on to the charming Piazza Armerina to visit the famous Villa Romana del Casale, Unesco World Heritage Site, to admire the splendid polychrome mosaics! This majestic villa, belonged to a member of the Roman Senatorial aristocracy, hosts prestigious mosaics representing mythological and historical episodes and scenes of hunting and entertainments: you will love it! Departure to Agrigento. Dinner and overnight in hotel.
Day 4 – Tuesday: AGRIGENTO - MARSALA- SALT ROAD - (hotel in Palermo)
This morning the tour continues in Agrigento visiting the famous Valley of the Temples stated World Heritage Site. It was defined by Pyndar “the most beautiful city of mortals”. As one of the most prosperous of the ancient Greek cities on the island, Agrigento presents a remarkable series of Doric Temples of the 5th century. Among hundreds of almond trees you will admire the rests of the ancient Akragas. You will see the “Temple of Hera”, the “Temple of Concordia” and the “Temple of Heracles”.
Proceeding on, visit of the charming and well-known town of Marsala, where Garibaldi went ashore in May 1860. Marsala is a Mediterranean modern city, divided between sea and land, featuring unforgettable colors: bright yellow, intense blue, strong red, dazzling white and natural green. After a walk along the city centre, guided tour of the Florio Cellars. The visit starts in front of the majestic giant vats, built at the end of the 19th century and still used for the refinement of Marsala wine. It continues inside the 3 fascinating barrel chambers, 165 meters long and running beneath 104 arches, under which 1.400 small barrels and about 600 larger barrels and vats of different capacities are arrayed, as c. 5.500.000 liters of Marsala wines age in silence and stillness. After a thirty minute tour through the barrel vaults, where the ancient tuff stone floor has been restored, you will reach the avant-garde tasting rooms named Donna Franca and Duca Enrico. You will enjoy a delicious light lunch and a memorable wine tasting experience!
The tour will continue visiting the popular Salt Road: here the salt marshes have given rise to one of the oldest salt-extracting industries in the world! Between Trapani and Marsala, the Salt Road is now protected for its interesting birdlife, and also as an important site of industrial archaeology. Transfer to Palermo, accommodation in hotel, free dinner and overnight.
Day 5 - Wednesday: MONREALE - PALERMO (hotel in Palermo)
After breakfast in hotel, the morning will be spent visiting Monreale, its huge Norman Cathedral, proclaimed the Eighth Wonder of the World, and its splendid Cloister in Arab-Norman style: admirable masterpiece of art, sculpture, and semi-precious stones marquetry! Later you will discover the stunning Palermo, one of the richest towns in the island for its history and art. Palermo stands on a bay dominated by Mount Pellegrino, a headland described by Goethe as the loveliest he had ever seen. While the Baroque predominates, there is a profusion of different architectural styles reflecting the city’s multicultural past: Punic walls, Art Nouveau villas, noble residences, 17th century squares, including an elegant opera house. Visit of the wonderful eclectic Cathedral, the astonishing Martorana Church and the amazing Ca****la Palatina, admirable example from an historical and an artistic point of view, and a prove of how different cultures, religions and way of thinking apparently incompatible can coexist. Ruggero II employed Bizantyne, Muslim and Latin workers. During the day, you will have a stop to enjoy a typical lunch with local food. Along the path you will admire the famous Teatro Massimo and the debated fountain in Pretoria Square, situated in the ancient Kalsa area and adorned with 16th century sculptures. Dinner on your own and overnight in hotel.
Day 6 - Thursday: CEFALÙ- CATANIA (hotel in Catania)
After breakfast transfer to Cefalù, charming Medieval town situated at the northern coast of Sicily. Visit of its stunning Norman Dome, free time to stroll through the town or to visit the famous and well-known Mandralisca Museum. You will have a stop to have lunch in a famous restaurant. Arrival in Catania to visit Catania’s historical centre stated Unesco World Heritage Site, with its original Baroque style and its unique streets built with black lava stone. The colour scheme of the city-centre buildings is black and dark grey, relieved with white limestone details around doors and windows. The effect is extremely elegant! The walking tour will start from the scenic Duomo square with its magnificent Cathedral and the famous “Liotru” statue, antique lava-stone elephant, symbol of the city. Not far from here we will reach University Square and we will have a walk along the splendid baroque Via dei Crociferi, the most representative 18th century street in Catania, where we will admire the famous S. Benedict Monastery, Unesco World Heritage Site. Continuing the visit enjoy a break in a historical bar of the city centre to taste the typical “granita & brioche”. Dinner on your own and overnight in hotel.
Day 7 – Friday: ETNA – TAORMINA (hotel in Catania)
This morning after a short visit of the famous “pescheria” (the ancient fish market) in Catania, the tour will continue with an excursion to the Mount Etna, the highest (c. 3350m) volcano in Europe and one of the largest and most active in the world, nowadays Unesco World Heritage Site. Its regional park protects 59.000 hectares of unique geology, flora and fauna, villages and farms, and traditional methods of forestry, bee-keeping, wine manufacture, stonework and carpentry. Views of stunning landscapes will amaze you heading to Rifugio Sapienza. You will reach the “Crateri Silvestri”, small volcanic cones now inactive, surrounded by ancient lava flows. The view beyond the mountain’s hundreds of subsidiary cones and craters, can extend across the whole of Sicily, the Aeolian islands and Calabria. The spectacle is unique! You will have the chance to enjoy the local homemade honey and some typical products of the area. Then you will have lunch in a lovely restaurant. The tour continues towards Taormina, charming town renowned for its magnificent position above the sea commanding a celebrated view of Etna. Visit of Taormina’s fascinating Greek theatre which will leave you breathless for its commanding view on Giardini Naxos bay and the Etna mountain! Free time for a nice walk among the picturesque Medieval typical narrow streets, to go shopping and looking around the local handicrafts (coral jewels, precious laces, ceramics, pastries and much more). The day will end with an overview of the beautiful Riviera dei Ciclopi. Back in Catania for dinner on your own and overnight in hotel.
Day 8 - Saturday: CATANIA
Breakfast in hotel and end of services.

Photos from Travel In Sicily's post 26/02/2023

Gli Orange Siciliani
Un vino bianco trattato da rosso.🥂🍷Importante approfondimento Evento di AIS Catania

Photos from Travel In Sicily's post 13/02/2023

Strepitosa Bit Milano ✅

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Video (vedi tutte)

Etna 4 August 2024
THE SEVEN FACES OF SAVOCA: HISTORY AND SPLENDOR OF A SICILIAN VILLAGEAmong all the numerous Sicilian marvels, medieval v...
Il torrone Siciliano
I nostri incentive travel
Etna 14.08.2023
Giro D Italia!!! 💚
I nostri tour a Palermo




Vecchia Dogana , Via Cardinale Dusmet Snc

Orario di apertura

Lunedì 09:30 - 18:30
Martedì 09:30 - 18:30
Mercoledì 09:30 - 18:30
Giovedì 09:30 - 18:30
Venerdì 09:30 - 18:30

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