INMA Massage Center

INMA Massage Center

Rigenerare corpo e mente e regalare momenti unici di puro relax.

E’ questo l’obbiettivo del nuovo centro massaggi INMA che nasce all’interno del Relais Stibbert Florence Rigenerare corpo e mente e regalare momenti unici di puro relax.
E’ questo l’obbiettivo del nuovo centro olistico INMA che nasce all’interno del
Relais Stibbert che ha uno stile minimalista ed essenziale che recupera l’eleganza
delle forme dell’architettura dei primi del 900, alleggerita e a t


INMA, Il vostro centro olistico, vi auguro un sereno Natale, Pieno di Gioia e Serenità

Scopri il Buovo Centro Olisitico Inma

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604

🎄 🎄 🎅


Che la gioia e magia di questo clima natalizio sia sempre presente con e con tutti i vostri cari.

Tanti Auguri Di Buon Natale Da Angjelin e Tutto lo Staff di Inma

Scopri il Buovo Centro Olisitico Inma

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604

🎄 🎄 🎅


Tantissimi Auguri di una Santa Pasqua serena e piena d'armonia. Con l'auspicio che questa radiosa festività porti la pace e la serenità a te e ai tuoi cari oltre che a tutto il mondo

Massage Center
Via Lambruschini 39
50134 Firenze


Il Natale non è solo un appuntamento, ma soprattutto uno stato d'animo: con il cuore pieno di gioia, tutti noi del centro vorremmo augurarvi felicità e speranza in questo giorno speciale.

Christmas is not just a date, but a frame of mind: with a heart full of joy, all of us frome the would like to wish you happiness and hope on this special day.
Scopri il nuovo centro Massaggi Inma

Info & prenotazioni :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604

🎄 🎄 🎅


Le varianti cromatiche dei nostri spazi

Toni Freddi

In cromoterapia il blu è il colore che simboleggia la calma, l’armonia e l’equilibrio emotivo. Riguardo la sfera psicologica, il blu dona pace interiore, appagamento e quiete. Dal punto di vista fisico, invece, rallenta il ritmo cardiaco ed abbassa la pressione sanguigna.

Scopri il nuovo centro Massaggi Inma

Info & prenotazioni :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604


Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 23/10/2021

3 motivi per cui scegliere il massaggio tradizionale Thailandese al Centro Olistico Inma

⭐ apporta benefici fisici e mentali
⭐ migliora la flessibilità e la mobilità
⭐ riequilibra l’armonia di corpo e mente

Vieni a trovarci e riscopri l'antica arte dei rituali Thailandesi.


3 reasons to choose the traditional Thai massage at the Inma Olistic Center :

⭐ brings physical and mental benefits
⭐ improves flexibility and mobility
⭐ rebalances the harmony of body and mind

Come and visit us and rediscover the ancient art of Thai rituals.

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604



🍁 L'autunno porta con sè il desiderio di calore, coperte calde, tisane profumate e candele. Il Centro Massaggi INMA è il posto perfetto per trascorrere qualche ora di pace e profonda distensione.
E per rimanerti accanto anche nei giorni più freddi, INMA propone diversi trattamenti, a seconda delle tue esigenze:

Visita il sito web e scopri tutti i dettagli! --> Link in bio!

🍁 brings with it the desire for warmth, soft blankets, fragrant herbal teas and candles.
The INMA Olistic Center is the perfect place to spend a few hours of peace and deep relaxation.
And to stay close to you even on the coldest days, INMA offers different traitment for you.

Visit the website and find out what's right for you! --> Link in bio!

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604



Trattamento a quattro mani

In una giornata cosi fredda e piovosa fatevi riscaldare da un bel trattamento a 4 mani eseguito dalle nostre operatrici, con l'effetto della cromoterapia, musicoterapia ed 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.

I benefici che ne traete sono illimitati..

Prendetevi una pausa e venite a provare i nostri trattamenti.

Scoprite il nuovo centro INMA.

Info & Prenotazioni :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604

Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 21/09/2021

Do you know the benefits of hot stone massage? The heat, penetrating deep into the muscles, balances the body’s energy centres giving a feeling of full well-being.

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604



L’uso intensivo dei muscoli dell’avambraccio provoca dolorose contratture comunemente chiamate “gomito del tennista”. Tale disturbo è comune anche tra coloro che svolgono prevalentemente attività manuali come ad esempio casalinghe, artigiani ecc.

Presso il centro INMA abbiamo studiato un trattamento ad hoc: il massaggio circolare e una serie di movimenti passivi che partono dalla spalla e arrivano fino al gomito favoriscono lo scorrere dei fluidi nei vasi sanguigni, sciogliendo le contratture muscolari e regalando un piacevole sollievo.


Intense use of the forearm muscles leads to tightness commonly referred to as “tennis elbow”.
This disturbance is common among people who carry out activities which involve heavy use of their forearms such as housewives and craftsmen etc.

The treatment in INMA includes a circular massage and a series of passive movements that start from the shoulder and move to the elbow. The treatment helps improve blood flow through the blood vessels, giving an enjoyable relief.

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604



Terra - Acqua - Fuoco - Vento

Nella cultura thailandese malesseri e disagi sono ricondotti allo squilibrio energetico degli elementi del corpo.
Le diverse tecniche di massaggio abbinate ai rispettivi oli essenziali mirano ad armonizzare gli elementi sbilanciati per riportarli all’equilibrio iniziale.

Prenota subito il tuo trattamento con i quattro elementi e condividi con noi il tuo benessere!


Earth - Water - Fire - Wind

In Thai culture, malaise and general discomfort are traced back to the energetic imbalance of the elements of the body.
The different massage techniques combined with the respective essential oils aim to harmonize the unbalanced elements to bring them back to the initial balance.

Book your 4 elements treatment now and share your well-being with us!

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604



Il relax del mare e della montagna vi accompagna nel rientro a casa, lasciando sulla pelle un colorito luminoso e disteso. Ma non possiamo dimenticare che la pelle esposta al sole estivo, subisce anche gli effetti del vento, dell’acqua salata e dei raggi uv, e per questo va curata costantemente.
Continua a prenderti cura di te stesso e della tua pelle presso il nostro centro INMA nel cuore di Firenze
Scopri il trattamento più adatto a te, trovi tutte le informazioni sul sito (link in bio).


Relaxation and well-being that a holiday gives you also accompanies you in the following days, leaving a luminous and relaxed complexion on the skin. But we cannot forget that skin exposed to the sun also suffers the effects of wind, salt water and UV rays, and for this reason it must be constantly treated.

Continue to take care of yourself and your skin in INMA, in the heart ff Florence
Discover the most suitable treatment for you, find all the information on the site (link in bio).

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604


Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 30/06/2021

Holistic Treatment Relaxing Anti-Stress Effect

Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 28/06/2021

Holistic Treatment Sea Salt

With this holistic treatment we want to recreate the perceived well being of a relaxing bath in the sea. Music, sounds, perfumes... perfect for recalling the psychoemotional memories of moments spent in marine nature.

Delicate caresses with salt, witch help you to relieve stress, improve your mood, increase concentration. Salt packs help the body purify itself by removing toxins and excess fluids.

Choose the fragrance of the essential oils, the colors and the music that will accompany you during this treatment.

Music & Sounds

- Classical

- Instrumental

-Sounds of nature

Lights & Colours

-Warm hue

-Cold hue

-Variable color


-Floral flavores

-Oriental flavores

-Woody flavores

-Fresh flavores

Inma, authentic well being.

We regenerate the body and mind giving unique moments of pure relaxation.

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604


Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 26/06/2021

Holistic Treatment Back Massage & Foot Reflexology

Foot reflexology is an ancient technique, which finds its origins in traditional Chinese medicine. This practice starts from the assumption that each area of the foot reflects a specific organ or apparatus of the human body. Through acupressure, stimulation and compression, it helps the body to relieve stress, fatigue, tension and to activate self-healing mechanisms, inherent in every living being.

By massaging specific points on the sole of the foot,we re-energize the body, leaving a pleasant sensation of lightness and relaxation. The treatment ends with a massage aimed at giving energy, relieving tension, and giving well being to the whole back.

Choose the fragrance of the essential oils, the colors and the music that will accompany you during this treatment.

Music & Sounds

- Classical

- Instrumental

-Sounds of nature

Lights & Colours

-Warm hue

-Cold hue

-Variable color


-Floral flavores

-Oriental flavores

-Woody flavores

-Fresh flavores

Inma, authentic well being.

We regenerate the body and mind giving unique moments of pure relaxation.

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604


Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 23/06/2021

Holistic Treatment Lymphatic Drainage Massage

This treatment, known in the aesthetic and medical fields, is used in our holistic center with a psychosomatic value. The lymphatic system takes care of the disposal of all that is in excess in our body.

It also helps to raise our immune defenses. The treatment accompanies the person to “let go”, in this way the stagnant emotions are eliminated, leaving them free to flow.

It gives lightness to the body, reducing swelling and all the imperfections related to the retention of excess fluids.

It is a technique which has been used for 10 years and has brought excellent psychophysical results

Choose the fragrance of the essential oils, the colors and the music that will accompany you during this treatment.

Music & Sounds

- Classical

- Instrumental

-Sounds of nature

Lights & Colours

-Warm hue

-Cold hue

-Variable color


-Floral flavores

-Oriental flavores

-Woody flavores

-Fresh flavores

Inma, authentic well being.

We regenerate the body and mind giving unique moments of pure relaxation.

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604


Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 20/06/2021

Holistic treatment Decontracting Massage For Sports

This massage prepares the muscle for physical activity, improving recovery times.
On a psychological level it has a positive effect on the state of general well being. It is useful not only after competitive activity, but also in preparation for a sporting performance or between one competition and the next.

Among the most requested treatments, it is suitable for those who practice any sport. It is also useful for people
who do not perform physical activity, but who, for example, suffer from chronic pain or limitations in movement.

Choose the fragrance of the essential oils, the colors and the music that will accompany you during this treatment.

Music & Sounds

- Classical

- Instrumental

-Sounds of nature

Lights & Colours

-Warm hue

-Cold hue

-Variable color


-Floral flavores

-Oriental flavores

-Woody flavores

-Fresh flavores

Inma, authentic well being.

We regenerate the body and mind giving unique moments of pure relaxation.

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604


Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 15/06/2021

Holistic Treatment Hot Stone Massage

Through the use of hot stones and a series of long and rhythmic movements, it relaxes the muscles and loosens the joints, resulting in synchronous relaxation and invigoration, and it is excellent for circulation as well.

Hot stones, with their energetic vibration, transmit and give a special balance between mind and body, restoring the right flow of energy.

Choose the fragrance of the essential oils, the colors and the music that will accompany you during this treatment.

Music & Sounds

- Classical

- Instrumental

-Sounds of nature

Lights & Colours

-Warm hue

-Cold hue

-Variable color


-Floral flavores

-Oriental flavores

-Woody flavores

-Fresh flavores

Inma, authentic well being.

We regenerate the body and mind giving unique moments of pure relaxation.

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604


Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 13/06/2021

Holistic Treatment Kobido Massage

Kobido is a Japanese technique, used for some time to give a natural lifting to the face, neck and décolleté. In the past it was used on samurai, as a technique capable of restoring a solid balance between mind and body. It was later enhanced by the Empress as an anti-aging massage, as it gives elasticity and hydration to the skin.

Kobido uses the reflex points of the face in order to activate self-healing processes, which then give new youth to the skin.

Choose the fragrance of the essential oils, the colors and the music that will accompany you during this treatment.

Music & Sounds

- Classical

- Instrumental

-Sounds of nature

Lights & Colours

-Warm hue

-Cold hue

-Variable color


-Floral flavores

-Oriental flavores

-Woody flavores

-Fresh flavores

Inma, authentic well being.

We regenerate the body and mind giving unique moments of pure relaxation.

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604


Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 10/06/2021

Holistic Treatment Relaxing Action

When in our life we find ourselves in a state of blockage, we feel discharged, our muscles are contracted so much that they do not allow the free flow of vital energy. This dynamic, deep and revitalizing treatment has a relaxing effect and stimulates self-healing processes.

This treatment relaxes the muscles, stimulates blood circulation and increases tissue oxygenation, with a general improvement in imperfections.

Choose the fragrance of the essential oils, the colors and the music that will accompany you during this treatment.

Music & Sounds

- Classical

- Instrumental

-Sounds of nature

Lights & Colours

-Warm hue

-Cold hue

-Variable color


-Floral flavores

-Oriental flavores

-Woody flavores

-Fresh flavores

Inma, authentic well being.

We regenerate the body and mind giving unique moments of pure relaxation.

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604


Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 08/06/2021

Holistic Treatment Hawaiian Massage

Also called soul massage.
Through a series of long and rhythmic movements, it relaxes the muscles and loosens the joints, resulting in synchronous relaxation and invigoration, and it is excellent for circulation as well.

The Hawaiian massage has the function of restoring a balance between the body and spirit, giving serenity and love to the person treated with the massage.

Choose the fragrance of the essential oils, the colors and the music that will accompany you during this treatment.

Music & Sounds

- Classical

- Instrumental

-Sounds of nature

Lights & Colours

-Warm hue

-Cold hue

-Variable color


-Floral flavores

-Oriental flavores

-Woody flavores

-Fresh flavores

Inma, authentic well being.

We regenerate the body and mind giving unique moments of pure relaxation.

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604


Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 06/06/2021

Holistic Treatment Indian Massage

In the first part a light scrub massage is performed with cotton gloves that remove dead cells and soften the skin.
The second part involves a relaxing massage with nourishing oils for the skin.

Choose the fragrance of the essential oils, the colors and the music that will accompany you during this treatment.

Music & Sounds

- Classical

- Instrumental

-Sounds of nature

Lights & Colours

-Warm hue

-Cold hue

-Variable color


-Floral flavores

-Oriental flavores

-Woody flavores

-Fresh flavores

Inma, authentic well being.

We regenerate the body and mind giving unique moments of pure relaxation.

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604


Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 03/06/2021

Holistic Treatment Californian Massage

Relaxation, pleasure, pure well being, the search for harmony and psycho-physical balance. These are the basics of the californian massage.

The Californian method
acts on the body to calm the mind, rebalancing the nervous system by manipulating the lymphatic system and blood circulation.

Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 02/06/2021

Holistic Treatment Relaxation Massage With Reiki

Relaxation and reiki massage, two treatments in one for an optimal psychophysical balance.

Reiki facilitates the well being processes that embrace the body, heart, mind, spirit
and inner evolution; while the relaxing massage gives physical pleasure.

Choose the fragrance of the essential oils, the colors and the music that will accompany you during this treatment.

Music & Sounds

- Classical

- Instrumental

-Sounds of nature

Lights & Colours

-Warm hue

-Cold hue

-Variable color


-Floral flavores

-Oriental flavores

-Woody flavores

-Fresh flavores

Inma, authentic well being.

We regenerate the body and mind giving unique moments of pure relaxation.

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604


Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 30/05/2021

Holistic Treatment Couple Massage

The couple’s massage is a ritual that allows you to share the experience of a relaxing massage with your partner or friend.

It is simply an experience where you can share the emotions of a massage, relaxing with a person close to you.
Choose the fragrance of the essential oils, the colors and the music that will accompany you during this treatment.

Music & Sounds

- Classical

- Instrumental

-Sounds of nature

Lights & Colours

-Warm hue

-Cold hue

-Variable color


-Floral flavores

-Oriental flavores

-Woody flavores

-Fresh flavores

Inma, authentic well being.

We regenerate the body and mind giving unique moments of pure relaxation.

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

[email protected]

+39 370 372 7604


Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 29/05/2021

Holistic Treatment Swedish Massage

Swedish massage consists of a practice of Western origin, conceived by Pehr Henrik Ling around 1800.
He was a doctor and a physiotherapist, son of olof Rudbeck, who discovered the lymphatic system. The technique involves stroking movements, percussion, friction vibrations and kneading

The Swedish massage is a highly relaxing, decontracting, revitalizing and invigorating treatment.

Choose the fragrance of the essential oils, the colors and the music that will accompany you during this treatment.

Music & Sounds

- Classical

- Instrumental

-Sounds of nature

Lights & Colours

-Warm hue

-Cold hue

-Variable color


-Floral flavores

-Oriental flavores

-Woody flavores

-Fresh flavores

Inma, authentic well being.

We regenerate the body and mind giving unique moments of pure relaxation.

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

+39 370 372 7604


Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 27/05/2021

Holistic Treatment Shiatsu Massage

he main peculiarity of the “Zen Shiatsu” we practice is taking into consideration the client’s energy vision as a “person” and not just as a “physical body”, which highlights a problem. Human health is not simply an autonomous physiological problem, but a more general imbalance that affects personal evolution, which includes function, energy, consciousness, and quality of mind.

There are many benefits of this treatment, in addition to ensuring well being
and relaxation, it’s also recommended for: neck
and shoulder stiffness, back pain, joint pain, muscle pain, insomnia, anxiety and depression, headache, digestive disorders.
Choose the fragrance of the essential oils, the colors and the music that will accompany you during this treatment.

Music & Sounds

- Classical

- Instrumental

-Sounds of nature

Lights & Colours

-Warm hue

-Cold hue

-Variable color


-Floral flavores

-Oriental flavores

-Woody flavores

-Fresh flavores

Inma, authentic well being.

We regenerate the body and mind giving unique moments of pure relaxation.

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

+39 370 372 7604


Photos from INMA Massage Center's post 25/05/2021

Holistic Treatment Cranium-Sacral Massage

It has its origins in osteopathy. It is a delicate treatment which, with light touches and manipulations on the cranial bones and the vertebral column, acts in depth. This type of treatment brings harmony, relaxation and helps in self-healing: the body “knows what to do”, but it needs support, it holds back what is useful and free from what is no longer useful.

Useful for the treatment of anxiety and depression. Also indicated after mouth surgeries, such as dental implants.

Choose the fragrance of the essential oils, the colors and the music that will accompany you during this treatment.

Music & Sounds

- Classical

- Instrumental

-Sounds of nature

Lights & Colours

-Warm hue

-Cold hue

-Variable color


-Floral flavores

-Oriental flavores

-Woody flavores

-Fresh flavores

Inma, authentic well being.

We regenerate the body and mind giving unique moments of pure relaxation.

Discver the new olistic center in Florence.

Info & reservation :

+39 370 372 7604


Videos (show all)

INMA, Il vostro centro olistico, vi auguro un sereno Natale, Pieno di Gioia e Serenità Scopri il Buovo Centro Olisitico ...
Tanti Auguri Di Buon Natale




Via Lambruschini 39

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 21:30
Wednesday 10:00 - 21:30
Thursday 10:00 - 21:30
Friday 10:00 - 21:00
Saturday 10:00 - 19:00
Sunday 10:00 - 19:00