CrossFit Venezia, Marghera Videos

Videos by CrossFit Venezia in Marghera.

Per il compleanno del boss @filippo.marcato73 🥳
WOD of the day “HB TO ME”

Team of two TC 45’

51 burpees I go u go one each
51 Alt hang DB snatches 15/22,5 synchro
51 cal of any machine I go u go
51 push-ups synchro
51 double unders each
51 toes to bar synchro
51 cal of any machine I go u go
51 alt DB squat clean and jerk I go u go 2 each
51 double unders each
51 DB overhead alt lunges forward synchro
51 cal of any machine I go u go
51 DB goblet squats synchro
51 double unders each
51 DB alt back lunges step back synchro

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Other CrossFit Venezia videos

Per il compleanno del boss @filippo.marcato73 🥳 WOD of the day “HB TO ME” Team of two TC 45’ 51 burpees I go u go one each 51 Alt hang DB snatches 15/22,5 synchro 51 cal of any machine I go u go 51 push-ups synchro 51 double unders each 51 toes to bar synchro 51 cal of any machine I go u go 51 alt DB squat clean and jerk I go u go 2 each 51 double unders each 51 DB overhead alt lunges forward synchro 51 cal of any machine I go u go 51 DB goblet squats synchro 51 double unders each 51 DB alt back lunges step back synchro

Workout of the day 🔥 AMRAP 20: 2 handstands push up 3 burpees 4 mb clean #crossfit #crossfititalia #wod #workout #clean #handstands #burpees #crossfitvenezia #training #community #gym

Workout del giorno 💣 EMOM 20 Min 1: 5 pwr snatch (40/60 kg) Min 2: 5 squat snatches Min 3: 5 overhead squats Min 4: 5 clean and jerk Min 5: Rest • • • #snatch #crossfitvenezia #emom #venice #workoutoftheday

Workout del giorno 💣 For load: 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Back squat then: BACK SQUAT CHIPPER 20 back squats (60/90 kg) 40 V-ups 10 back squats 60 cal of any machine 5 back squats • • #crossfit #powerlifting #backsquat #crossfitgirls #crossfitvenezia #situps #calrow #nutrition #venezia #friendship

Saturday workout 💣 TRIBUTE WOD “JORDY’S GOODBYE” For Time, with a Partner 800-m farmer carry (16/24 kg) 100 air squats / plank hold 90 pull-ups / spiderman hold 80 sit-ups / wall sit hold 70 burpees / hang hold 60 hand-release push-ups / handstand hold 50 buddy deadlifts (70/100 kg) 800-m farmer carry (16/24 kg) Or HYROX PARTNER WOD Buy-in: 1000-m row AMRAP 15 400-m run 20 wall balls 15 burpee box jumps 20 mb situp Directly into: AMRAP 15 15 heavy wall balls 20 dumbell walking lunges 30 light wall balls 40 walking lunges Buy-out: 1000-m run • • #crossfitlife #teamwork #venezia #crossfitvenezia #hyroxitalia #isometric #pullups #burpees #lifestile #plank #buddydeadlift

Workout of the day 💣 Pre-workout: EMOM 10 1 hang power clean ahap Workout AMRAP 10: 5 power cleans (61/93 kg) 10 toes-to-bars INTENDED STIMULUS 5-7+ rounds. Repeat from May 2022 Grip-intensive workout Moderate-to-heavy power cleans Small power clean sets to keep moving Toes-to-bars in 2 sets or less each round • • #powerclean #toestobar #heavy #crosstrainer #crossfitgirls #wodoftheday #healthylifestyle #venice #care #community #barbbell

Workout del giorno 💣 Pre-workout: On a 8:00 clock: Build to a heavy 3-reps overhead squat from the floor. Then: 3 rounds for time: 20 chest-to-bar pull-ups 10 overhead squats (43/61 kg) • • #overheadsquat #chesttobar #workoutoftheday #crossfit #venezia #boxjellyfish #fitnessmotivation #hyrox

Workout of the day 💣 Coach @alicemenin Bnchmark “THE CHIEF” 5 rounds of AMRAP 3: 3 power cleans (43/61 kg) 6 push-ups 9 air squats – Rest 1:00 between rounds • • #benchmark #workoutoftheday #training #coaching #crossfit #venezia #crossfitvenezia #fittest #powerclean #pushup #airsquat #amrap #happieness #pantelleria

Workout del giorno 💣 #1 EMOM 6: 1 squat clean thruster – Build to a heavy single. #2 AMRAP 12: 10-calorie row 3 thrusters (56/84 kg) 12-calorie row 3 thrusters 14-calorie row 3 thrusters – Add 2 calories each round until time expires • • #thruster #cluster #crossfitvenezia #crossfitlifestyle #concept2 #rowing #fitness #fitgirl #teamwork #venezia #crossfititalia

Workout del giorno per una classe speciale BENCHMARK “Mary” AMRAP 20: 5 handstand push-ups 10 alternating single-leg squats 15 pull-ups • • #benchmark #wodoftheday #wodmary #handstandpushups #pistolsquat #pullups #traslation #venice #fitness #crossfit

The Overhead Squat - “🔥I nostri coach non trascurano nemmeno un dettaglio tecnico, dimostrando quanto sia vitale avere una guida accurata per eseguire gli esercizi in totale sicurezza. Siamo orgogliosi di vantare un team di trainer altamente qualificati, garantendo un’attenzione maniacale ad ogni atleta. Siamo qui per farvi raggiungere i vostri obbiettivi 💪 #coaching #expertcoach #overheadsquat #crossfittraining #crossfitvenezia #teaching #stepbystep #metodologia #wheightlifting

Saturday WOD at CrossFit Venezia 🔥 . . . #crossfit #crossfititalia #crossfitvenezia #hero #herowod #team #gym #train #crossfittraining

Imparando insieme ai nostri coach CrossFit L2 la corretta e migliore esecuzione per realizzare uno dei movimenti fondamentali del CrossFit e del Weightlifting: lo SPLIT JERK 🔥 . Huge thank to @torokhtiy for giving us those helpful tips!! . . . #crossfit #weight #weightlifting #jerk #splitjerk #crossfitter #strength #heavyday #crossfititalia #crossfitvenezia

Due coach significano doppio sostegno, doppia attenzione, doppia tecnica e doppia motivazione, trasformando ogni sessione in un’opportunità, con il lusso di ricevere feedback personalizzati e specifici. . . . #crossfit #crossfititalia #crossfittraining #crossfitvenezia #clean #strength #coach #coaching #weightlifting

Alla lavagna con @roberto_cattarin. Oggi abbiamo una parte iniziale di monostrutturale e una parte finale di ginnastica. Workout del giorno AMRAP 35: 1 mile run 50 burpee box jump overs 25 front squats (70/50 kg) 50 hand stand push-ups in the remaining time: AMRAP of bar muscle ups • • • #muscleup #monostructural #running #burpees #boxjumps #handstandpushups #stamina #health #crossfitvenezia #wodoftheday

Alla lavagna con il nostro head coach @giako83 Oggi Giako ha permesso a tutti di seguire il wod trovando la scalabilità perfetta per ogni esercizio Workout del giorno Pre-workout: EMOM 9: 3 single-arm DB overhead squats, left arm 3 single-arm DB overhead squats, right arm – Use workout weight or lighter load Then WOD EMOM 12: Odd min | 2 legless rope climbs Even min | Max-reps devils presses (10/15 kg) • • • #ropeclimb #workoutoftheday #motivation #legless #devilpress #burpees #headcoach #crossfitgirls #venice #perfection #teaching #crossfitbox

Alla lavagna con @matildemarcato_ Oggi la nostra coach Matilde spiegherà e dimostrerà come adattare ad ognuno un esercizio di ginnastica che fa parte dei fondamentali del CrossFit, i muscle up ! Workout del giorno venerdì 26 aprile FOR TIME: 50-40-30 Wall-ball shots 5-4-3 Strict muscle-ups Then, Post-workout: 1 set: 30 V-ups 40 tuck-ups 50 hollow rocks • • #crossfitgirls #muscleup #gymnastics #fit #training #venice #crossfitvenezia #veneto #trevisoeventi #crossfit #health

Alla lavagna con @il_barbuto Oggi class capitanata dal nostro coach Mattia “il barba” 17/03 PARTNER wod AMRAP 20’ 400 m run 50 KB swings (32/24 kg) 400 m single KB farmers carry - partners run together and split the other movements as needed • #crossfit #coach #l2crossfittrainer #wod #farmercarry #venice #community

Alla lavagna con @ariannacomellopt.. Oggi la nostra coach Arianna spiega in dettaglio i due workout del giorno e dimostra come adattare le skill alle esigenze di ognuno • Workout of the day: ➡️ WOD CrossFit ✅ Pre-workout: Accumulate: 40 alternating handstand shoulder taps ✅ PARTNER WOD 3 RND FT with a partner 40 TTB 12 wall walks - One athlete works at a time ➡️ HYROX WOD - “FLINT” For total reps in 30 min 0:00 - 2:00 -> 20 cal ski erg 2:00 - 4:00 -> 20 burpees 4:00 - 6:00 -> 20 cal row - repeat 5x • #cossfitgirls #wodoftheday #wodhyrox #roadtohyroxriminni #crossfit #girlcoach #fitness #scaled #rx

29.03.2024, alla lavagna con Skeggia @enricoskeggia Workout of the day: BENCHMARK Strict Elizabeth 21-15-9 Squat Clean Strict Ring dip • Then post workout: On a 8:00 clock Built to a heavy 1 rep squat clean #crossfit #rm #wodelizabeth #clean #crossfitvenezia #enjoyvenice #weightlifting