MARU Milano

MARU ricerca, commissiona e vende oggetti originali, prodotti con cura meticolosa

Photos from MARU Milano's post 12/07/2024


The ‘iwai musubi’ knot is an amulet made from two rice straw’s ropes that are twisted in different directions and firmly tied together.

It is a symbol of peace, prosperity and family unit.

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Photos from MARU Milano's post 05/07/2024

Edo Uchiwa are typical Japanese summer and matsuri (traditional festivals) fans, characterised by their simple oval shape.

Those offered by MARU are handmade by expert craftsmen using ancient techniques and traditional materials.

From a Madake bamboo cane opened like a fan are obtained the handle and the structure on which are then mounted front and back two sheets of Washi paper; one decorated and one white.

The decorated sheet of washi paper was hand-dyed by Ishikita-san in Hiroshima Prefecture using a stencil dyeing technique called Katazome.


Photos from MARU Milano's post 04/07/2024

MARU sarà aperto fino al 25 Luglio nei seguenti orari:
martedì 16 - 19.30
da mercoledì a venerdì 10 - 13 | 16 - 19.30
sabato 10 - 13
CHIUSO domenica e lunedì
Per info scrivere a [email protected]

Il negozio online sarà attivo fino al 23 luglio
MARU opening hours till July 25th:
Tuesday 4pm - 7.30pm
from Wednesday to Friday 10am - 1pm | 4pm - 7.30pm
Saturday 10am - 1pm
Closed on Sunday and Monday
For enquiries [email protected]

The online shop will be working until July 23rd

Photos from MARU Milano's post 02/07/2024

In Toyama Prefecture, on the northern coast, a type of paper known as Yatsuo is produced – by hand – that is thicker and stronger than most other varieties of Japanese Washi paper. This characteristic lends itself to the stencil dyeing method – Katazome – from which high-quality decorations are obtained.

Yatsuo paper boxes are perfect for protecting memories or simply for decorating rooms.
-dyed #日本

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Photos from MARU Milano's post 29/06/2024

Grey-stained Japanese maple wood trays handmade by Masashi-san in Nagano Prefecture.

They can be used as an underplate or as a serving dish. Food containing grease isn’t recommended.

Avoid metal cutlery.

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KAKIGORI is a Japanese ice dessert, crushed so finely that it has the consistency of snow. A perfect summer treat for a refreshing break on hot days.

Greeting card or print for framing postcard size.

Washi paper from Yatsuo, hand-decorated in Kanagawa Prefecture by Chota-san using a stencil dyeing technique called Katazome.
-san #日本

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Photos from MARU Milano's post 21/06/2024

Available in two sizes, the Ume Musubi is a trivet traditionally made by farmers with the products of the rice harvest, weaving the straw with the palm of their hands.

Made by the Kai family in the Miyazaki Prefecture, this trivet takes the shape of the plum blossom ‘ume’.

The loop allows it to be hung on the wall when not in use, thus also serving as a decorative element.


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Giovedì 6 giugno saremo aperti fino alle ore 21.
Venite a trovarci in via G. Tiraboschi 8, Milano (P.ta Romana).

Per info: [email protected]


The Arcofiore is a sculptural vase - designed in 1968 by Alessio Tasca and now reproduced by his son Vittore Tasca - created by passing a piece of clay through a die with a triangular fl**ge and shaping it by hand.

Available at MARU in small and medium sizes with the “”Alessio Tasca Ceramiche”” brand impressed on the bottom.

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Photos from MARU Milano's post 18/05/2024

MARU online shop è attivo con spedizioni in tutta Italia ed Europa oppure con ritiro in negozio.

Scopri di piú su
MARU online shop is now running with deliveries throughout Italy and Europe or with shop collect.

Discover more on

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Photos from MARU Milano's post 15/05/2024

Don’t miss our papier-mâché’s tigers - TORA.
Finally back to MARU from June.

Hariko are Papier-mâché’s toys made by gluing layers of paper onto an original model (mold), allowing the paper to dry sufficiently, removing the mold, and painting the finished product. They have been made throughout Japan since ancient times.

From the habit of the tiger of “going out for a thousand miles and returning for a thousand miles,” paper tigers symbolize the wish that those who embark on a journey return safely to their old homes.

They are also used as a gift to wish children to grow up strong and resilient.
-mâché #日本

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Hand-dyed cotton tapestry by Chota-san using a dyeing technique called Katazome, Kata means stencil and Zome (or Some) dyeing.

The blue indigo color is a plant pigment obtained from a shrub belonging to the Fabaceae family called Indigofera Tinctoria, and is used for natural dyeing.

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Come and say hello :-)

Via Gerolamo Tiraboschi 8
MILANO (P.ta Romana)

[email protected]

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MARU 21/11/2023

Grazie Flawless e Maria Sole Gentilini per il bellissimo articolo! #

MARU Il concept store con prodotti unici e pezzi artigianali, per amanti della cultura giapponese, scandinava e italiana.

Photos from MARU Milano's post 07/07/2023

Tutti i cesti Korbo sono intrecciati a mano con un unico filo d'acciaio, utilizzando la stessa tecnica e gli stessi strumenti, completamente senza saldature. Dietro ogni cesto c'è un'abile maestria artigianale e ci vogliono anni per padroneggiare a pieno la tecnica e i materiali per realizzarlo.
Ogni cesto è firmato dall'artigiano che lo ha intrecciato.
Each basket has been woven by hand, made completely without weldings. Behind every basket lies skilled craftsmanship and it takes years to fully master the technique and materials to craft a Korbo basket which will never fall apart thanks to its resistance.
All baskets are individually signed by the craftsman who woves the basket.

Photos from MARU Milano's post 05/07/2023

La sedia Linea RMT3 è stata progettata dal maestro ebanista Rudi Merz nel 2009. L'elemento che più la caratterizza è lo schienale arrotondato, assemblato con giunti a pettine meticolosamente lavorati. L'ampio sedile curvo ed imbottito garantisce un buon comfort di seduta. Realizzata in frassino del Nord Europa è disponibile con finitura ad olio o tinta.
The Linea RMT3 chair was designed by master cabinetmaker Rudi Merz in 2009. Its most recognisable element is the distinctive, rounded backrest that has been made using meticulously crafted finger joints. The rounded and upholstered wide backrest ensures good seating comfort. Made with North European Ash tree, it is available with oiled or dyed finish.

Photos from MARU Milano's post 03/07/2023

Wood Wood è un arazzo in 100% cotone giapponese lungo quasi tre metri.
Tinto a mano da Takada-san seguendo la tecnica Katazome, il decoro rappresenta l'immagine di un albero, forte e vigoroso i cui colori con il tempo acquistano sempre più bellezza.
Wood Wood is a tapestry 100% japanese cotton nearly three metres long. Hand dyed following the Katazome technique by Takada-san, the design is based on the image of a powerful tree whose colours, over time, become more beautiful.

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Sabato 1 luglio MARU chiuderà alle ore 17. Buon weekend a tutti.
On Saturday July 1st MARU will close at 17.
Have a nice weekend you all.

Photos from MARU Milano's post 28/06/2023

Il bambú è di natura una pianta molto rigida, difficile da trattare. È solo grazie alla spiccata abilità degli artigiani che lo lavorano se diventa elastico.
Quando vengono intrecciate tra di loro, le strisce ottenute dal taglio della canna di bambù vanno a creare un disegno geometrico unico. Grazie alla combinazione dei modelli basilari si possono ottenere oltre 200 tipologie di intrecci.
The bamboo is originally a plant very rigid, difficult to handle. It is thanks to the craftsmen ability to process it so it can become elastic. When the bamboo strips are woven they create a unique geometric pattern. By combining the fundamental weaving patterns, more than 200 weaving methods are possibile.

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La “iwai game” (tartaruga celebrativa) è realizzata con spighe di riso coltivate nelle risaie terrazzate della città di Hinokage, nella prefettura di Miyazaki.
La tartaruga è famosa per la sua longevità, poiché si dice che una gru viva per mille anni e una tartaruga per diecimila anni.
Questo portafortuna è quindi un augurio di lunga vita e continuità.
The "iwai game" (celebratory turtle) is made with ears of rice farmed on the paddies on top of the terraces of the town of Hinokage, in Miyazaki prefecture. The turtle is famous for its longevity, as it is said that a crane can live for a thousand of years but a turtle for ten thousand. This good luck charm is then a wish of long life and continuity.

Photos from MARU Milano's post 23/06/2023

Cavallo in gres bianco realizzato con la tecnica della trafila da Vittore Tasca, figlio di Alessio Tasca. Vittore nato a Bassano del Grappa nel 1959, ha iniziato la collaborazione nel 1980 nella ditta di famiglia “Alessio Tasca di Pianezzola Elva”. E' grazie a lui se oggi la produzione dei pezzi più iconici realizzati dal padre è ancora attiva. Da MARU potete trovarne una piccola selezione tra cui l'Arcofiore ed il Cornovaso.
White stoneware horse made with the 'trafila' technique by Vittore Tasca, son of Alessio Tasca. Vittore was born in Bassano del Grappa in 1959 and started working in the family business 'Alessio Tasca di Pianezzola Elva' in 1980. It is thanks to him that the production of the most iconic pieces made by his father is still going strong today. At MARU you can find a small selection of them, including the Arcofiore and the Cornovaso.

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Lo sgabello 001 disegnato da Fredrik Paulsen in legno massello di pino Finlandese, è una seduta leggera e confortevole adatta ad un ambiente domestico ma anche pubblico. Sarà disponibile sullo shop online MARU dal mese di ottobre.
The 001 stool designed by Fredrik Paulsen in solid Finnish pine wood is a light and comfortable seat suitable for both domestic and public environments. It will be available on the MARU online shop from October.


- 1 GIORNO al pop up shop di .artisanat presso MARU. Accessori moda realizzati da artigiani in Colombia, Messico e Madagascar. Vi aspettiamo in Via Tiraboschi 8 (P.ta Romana). Aperto anche domenica 18 giugno con orario 10-13 e 15-19.
- 1 DAY at the .artisanat pop-up shop at MARU. Fashion accessories made by artisans in Colombia, Mexico and Madagascar. We are waiting for you at Via Tiraboschi 8 (P.ta Romana). Also open Sunday 18 June from 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm.


- 3 GIORNI al pop up shop di .artisanat presso MARU. Accessori moda realizzati da artigiani in Colombia, Messico e Madagascar. Vi aspettiamo in Via Tiraboschi 8 (P.ta Romana). Aperto anche domenica 18 giugno con orario 10-13 e 15-19
- 3 DAYS at the .artisanat pop-up shop at MARU. Fashion accessories made by artisans in Colombia, Mexico and Madagascar. We are waiting for you at Via Tiraboschi 8 (P.ta Romana). Also open Sunday 18 June from 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm.


- 7 GIORNI al pop up shop di .artisanat presso MARU
Questa l'anteprima di oggi; cappello colombiano intrecciato a mano, con foglie di palma mawisa, da una comunità indigena chiamata Wayuu situata nel nord-est della Colombia - PEZZO UNICO.
- 7 DAYS at the .artisanat pop up shop at MARU
Today's preview; Colombian hat hand-woven with mawisa palm leaves from an indigenous community called Wayuu located in north-east Colombia - UNIQUE PIECE.


- 9 GIORNI al pop up shop di .artisanat presso MARU
Questa l'anteprima di oggi; ventaglio colombiano - PEZZO UNICO - realizzato con foglie di palma Iraca da un gruppo di donne appartenenti ad un collettivo di artigiani nella Colombia del sud.

- 9 DAYS at the .artisanat pop up shop at MARU
Today's preview; Colombian fan - UNIQUE PIECE - made from Iraca palm leaves by a group of women belonging to a collective of artisans in southern Colombia.

Photos from MARU Milano's post 05/06/2023

E' iniziato il conto alla rovescia!
Tra 11 giorni potrete toccare con mano ed acquistare presso MARU gli esclusivi accessori moda di .artisanat che ha personalmente selezionato da artigiani in Colombia, Messico e Madagascar.
Continuate a seguirci, qualche anteprima verrà svelata nei prossimi post. Vi aspettiamo in Via G. Tiraboschi 8 (MM2 P.ta Romana) dal 16 al 18 giugno.
The countdown has begun!
In 11 days you will be able to touch and buy at MARU the exclusive .artisanat fashion accessories that has personally selected from artisans in Colombia, Mexico and Madagascar.
Keep following us, some previews will be revealed in the next posts. We look forward to seeing you at Via G. Tiraboschi 8 (MM2 P.ta Romana) from 16 to 18 June.


Oggi MARU è aperto con orario ridotto dalle 10 alle 12 e dalle 15 alle 18.
Today MARU is opened with reduced hours 10-12 and 15-18.


Questo arazzo in pura seta, tinto fronte e retro, è stato realizzato da Takada-san con la tecnica di tintura a stencil Katazome. Il nastro nero dello Chasen (frustino in bambù utilizzato per la cerimonia del tè giapponese) porta il significato di longevità mentre il colore verde della seta riprende quello del tè matcha. Dimensioni 133x62cm.
This pure silk tapestry depicting Chasen, a bamboo whisk used for the tea ceremony, is dyed on both sides with the Katazome technique by Takada-san. The black ribbon means longevity while the green colour echoes that of matcha tea. Dimensions 133x62cm.
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Maru sarà chiuso dal 25 febbraio al 1° marzo ..#marumilano #handmade #craftsmanship #japan #italy #scandinavia #interior...