
Open Innovation Company, Technology Transfer, Cross Fertilization

We are a young and smart start-up company, born in 2009 in the context of the Innovative Enterprises Incubator of the Politecnico of Turin. Today we work in a global framework with some of the most important companies from the industrial, automotive and energy sectors.


BlueThink ha voluto condividere i suoi traguardi con associazioni impegnate ad aiutare persone speciali a realizzare i propri sogni..
.piccoli gesti che possono fare tanto!


Samantha Cristoforetti has been criticized for having undertaken a 6-month space mission leaving her children at home.
We stand with because we embrace the ambition that she and others have to pursue their careers making their children a source of strength instead of a weakness.
In BlueThink, we support mothers that have the courage to engage important and meaningful ventures to pursue their dreams even if this means to go far away or to cross the horizon!
After all, as one of our Bluethinkers said, "Children have both parents, not just a mother to take care of them" - and if not both, they surely have someone else, like grandparents and other relatives.
Fortunately, many Bluethinkers still manage to split their time between family and career...
like our Franz Pennaroli, recently appointed Modelway's CEO (a consociate) who will be looking after his children in the next 4 months, while his wife works on the restoration of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre floor in Jerusalem.

isn't this the 3rd Millennium?


Best wishes from our team!


Hardware Massive

Interested to learn new concepts and advancements? Be part of this deep meeting on October 8 at BlueThink HQ. This event is supported by BlueThink and Rush Order, Inc.. Get your tickets at


Anniversary is a nice occasion to thank everyone who has taken part of our company’s success over the last ten years.




The missing link to future batteries

is the new frontier in small size batteries. Powerful enough to power wearable or medical devices, and completely , to the point you could it. Join us to see a demo and explore the potential of this revolutionary in your industry.

March Thu 28 | from 4.30 to 6.00 PM | 655 Montgomery St 7th Floor | San Francisco

Join us to see a DEMO About the event: BlueBattery is the new frontier in small size batteries. Powerful enough to power wearable or medical devices, and completely non-toxic, to the point you could recycle it. Join us to see a demo and explore the potential of this revolutionary battery in your industry. March: Thu 28 |...


New limits to gasoline car emissions may affect engine sound signature

New limits to engine can affect the noise signature for sport cars

The introduction of the (Gasoline Particle Filter) has created a new challenge for automotive engineers. Recovering the engine noise signature while balancing performance and emissions requires a multidisciplinary and innovative approach from teams.

BlueThink carried out a group od Resident Consultants with experience in NVH. The project involved the realisation of a simplified model able to predict the behaviour of the GPF in different conditions. This allowed the team to run a rapid that allowed them to test large number of scenarios

This approach, based on in-sector expertise, allowed the client to exceed the expected results, achieving better , GPF performance optimisation and lower cost of the component.

For more info

In the video: 488 GTB vs Huracan sound exhaust from


wishes you a very happy holiday season!



Benvenuti a Federica e Jacopo, arrivati da poco in azienda per potenziare lo staff. Buon lavoro ragazzi!


Want to be more creative? Go for a walk

Going for a walk might be all it takes to get your creative juices flowing. When trying to come up with a new idea, we all have times when we get stuck. But according to research by behavioral and learning scientist Marily Oppezzo, getting up and going for a walk might be all it takes to get your creative juices flowing. In this fun, fast talk, she explains how walking coul...


Viral Innovation Enabling Workshop, IV Edition


BlueThink ringrazia tutti coloro che hanno contribuito a realizzare il successo della IV edizione del VIEW (Viral Innovation Enabling Workshop). È stata per noi una piacevole occasione di confronto e un interessante scambio di idee. Ci auguriamo di mantenere con ciascuno di voi un costante rapporto collaborativo e vi diamo appuntamento alla prossima edizione per condividere la nostra idea di Open Innovation. .


Domani, presso la nostra sede di Milano, avrà luogo la IV edizione del VIEW (Viral Innovation Enabling Workshop), che vedrà la partecipazione di solver prestigiosi che esporranno alcune delle loro innovative tecnologie ad una platea composta dai nostri consultants e dai rappresentanti di alcuni dei nostri migliori clienti.


In nuove porte si aprono all’innovazione … Benvenuti nel nostro nuovo LAB!


6 space technologies we can use to improve life on Earth

" It wasn’t a miracle, it was the combined effort of a team of people who worked together to make what seemed impossible a reality " Danielle Wood leads the Space Enabled research group at the MIT Media Lab, where she works to tear down the barriers that limit the benefits of space exploration to only the few, the rich or the elite. She identifies six technologies developed for space exploration that can contribute to sustainable...


In BlueThink non mancano di certo le occasioni per brindare, ma quella di ieri è stata decisamente entusiasmante. Non capita infatti tutti i giorni di festeggiare la nascita di una nuova sede in USA. Auguriamo quindi a Francesco, il nostro nuovo Country Manager della sede di San Francisco, un grande in bocca al lupo per la prova che lo aspetta!!!


Dieci … Nove … Otto … Sette … Sei … disinnescata!


Diamo il benvenuto a Giovanni, laureato in Economia Aziendale, arrivato da poco in azienda per potenziare lo staff. Buon lavoro!


Giordano Pinarello, CEO di BlueThink, incontra gli allievi del MIP Politecnico di Milano per raccontare la sua idea di Open Innovation.

Per gli allievi dell'EMBA Part Time, è...ascoltare la testimonianza di Giordano Pinarello, CEO BlueThink, ospite durante il corso Technology Strategy del Prof. Frattini.


Da questa settimana la squadra BlueThink si è rafforzata con l'arrivo di un nuovo Ingegnere Energetico, Andrea. Benvenuto!


To design better tech, understand context

Biomedical engineer Tania Douglas shares stories of how we're often blinded to real needs in our pursuit of technology and how a deeper understanding of the context where it's used can lead us to better solutions. What good is a sophisticated piece of medical equipment to people in Africa if it can't handle the climate there? Biomedical engineer Tania Douglas shares stories of how we're often blinded to real needs in our pursuit of technology -- and how a deeper understanding of the context where it's used ca...


ASAP una significativa diminuzione della average age del team :)


Giordano Pinarello, CEO di , incontra la community di Bologna Business School per parlare di .


Da qualche giorno il team si è rafforzato con l'arrivo di un nuovo Ingegnere Elettronico, Giorgio. Benvenuto!


Benvenuto a Giovanni, Ingegnere Elettronico, arrivato da poco a rafforzare il team . Buon lavoro Giovanni!


Giordano Pinarello, CEO di , al parla di .


In stiamo lavorando per voi ... sul serio!


Ancora nuovi arrivi. La squadra si è rafforzata con l'arrivo di un nuovo Ingegnere Aerospaziale, Maria Bruna. Benvenuta!


Il futuro della comunicazione? È già qui e in lo stiamo sperimentando.

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Clicca qui per richiedere la tua inserzione sponsorizzata.

Our Story

BlueThink is an Engineering Consultancy that supports R&D teams of Top 500 Fortune companies by developing innovative products in the form of proof of concept and patentable intellectual property.

BlueThink operates according to the methodology of "innovation through cross-industry technology transfer" - A methodology prised by both customers and journals like the MIT Sloan Management Review.

We operates in Europe with our offices in Italy and in the UK, as well as in the US with our newly established office in San Francisco.

Video (vedi tutte)

New limits to gasoline car emissions may affect engine sound signature


Via Fabio Filzi 5

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