I don’t beat around the bush when it comes to design. I try only to produce good designs and ele Designer
FIORE DI MAGGIO -Baby shower for Abigail - Houston
This year we will be celebrating International Women's Day here in Houston.
Not that I care particularly, because I am of the opinion that women should always be celebrated, but it seems to me an excellent opportunity to be together.
So for this occasion we will play a little game and exchange a small gift.
The game focuses on the idea of bringing with us the name of a woman who has inspired us in life and telling it.
Don't you think it's a nice way to get to know each other more and share opinions?
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AlmaLatinaLunch : the choice!
Happy lunch in Dubai. The guests are happy to keep their own menu and bring it at home for fantastic food and friend’s memories.
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Event branding.
Often it's just a matter of color palette!
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A new frame for a beautiful baby girl new born,
It is always a good idea for a gift.
Do you need one?
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Valentine's Day always celebrates!
For me, Valentine's Day beyond the consumerist party is an opportunity to be together with the people you love.
Since I'm in the United States, it's really nice to think about a home decoration, because the shops are full of very inspiring themed gadgets.
I must say that here it is really easy to find anything to stimulate your imagination and impress your guests.
Happy Valentine's Day to all.
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Fun card with confetti 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
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The magic of start-ups.
Since I have been doing this job (brand designer), almost 10 years now, I have met many people, but those with whom I found myself most in tune are the people who reinvent themselves in new projects.
I love the enthusiasm of a new beginning.
How not to understand it.
I perceive the greed of those who want to embark on a new career path for which branding is an obligatory step.
I understood that start-ups are my target, because I recognize myself very much in that enthusiasm and desire to do well and I fall into the soul of the project as much as possible.
So every time it is a real journey.
Ah how much I like to travel….
is the story of a woman who is leaving and a strange astral conjunction wanted me to collaborate on her new project. Good luck!
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Valentine's Day is around the corner and I love finding new interesting things.
Do you know what these little spongy hearts are?
Come on guess.
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Prima stagione - Houston 2022
Di che cosa si tratta?
E’ un gioco per ridere e scherzare in compagnia.
Fondamentale è avere un regalo Brutto, ricevuto a Natale.
Tanto più brutto è il regalo tanto più alte saranno le possibilità di vincere un premio.
Ieri abbiamo inaugurato questo evento che ci ha fatto fare un sacco di risate, al nostro appuntamento del caffè delle italiane a Houston.
Tante risate che ad un certo punto è pure venuto il gestore del bar a vedere cosa stava succedendo … 🤣🤣🤣
Ringrazio ancora le partecipanti che si sono calate perfettamente nel gioco con spirito e simpatia.
A chi vuole più dettagli
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First menu of the year for Dubai, my second home.
INSPIRATION: blue color and frangipani flowers
Happy Sunday.
I prepare the last things for the RICICLONE to be held on Monday.
Who missed what kind of event will be go to my post a few days ago.
Instead to all those who participate I say: are you ready for a half morning of laughter?
Stay tuned!
Name badges.
Life as an expat often leads you to meet many people of different nationalities and often in gatherings at home, especially in the period of COVID.
Remembering everyone's names is not easy and sometimes some names are even complicated to pronounce.
So often it is convenient to read the name of each one, on a pin, especially if you organize a cooking class, which is then nothing more than a way to be happy and in good company.
Good weekend!
So chic!
Goodie bag.
Following yesterday's post, I want to tell you how detail always makes a difference.
How to make panzerotti class was a fairly improvised event, so taking a clue from the class itself the idea was born of giving the participants a small rolling pin, useful for making the panzerotto, with an attached recipe, providing that all the they would have asked.
This small detail was placed as a placeholder on the plate of each place at the table.
A note of merit goes to the hostess who prepared a welcoming and well-kept table that welcomed the small gadget very well,
With this little story I want to tell you that sometimes it takes very little to create something prettier rather than just pretty.
Happy Sunday.
Great expectations for the first appointment of the year: the Recyclone.
How many times have you received an unwanted Christmas present?
Well, I give you a fun idea to enjoy with friends in January, after the holidays.
Organize a party where the only obligation will be to bring an unwelcome or bad gift.
Through a draw, everyone will exchange their gift for another.
Wins the worst gift ever voted for by attendees.
You'll have a lot of fun, guaranteed!
Obviously I couldn't help but prepare a logo for the occasion and something else that I can't reveal yet.
Stay tuned!
Dear 2022 ….
Make yours be a year of:
- hope
- recovery
- no COVID
- Hugs
- kisses
- trips
- optimism
For everyone!
The late Christmas present 💝
This year I have given very few Christmas gifts, but as always, I like to personalize them.
What do you think of this double-sided tag?
I love it!
Advent Calendar DAY 25.
Christmas card.
Eccoci arrivati alla fine di questo viaggio.
Naturalmente dentro la scatola non poteva mancare un biglietto di Auguri.
Questo è un po’ speciale perché può essere usato anche come centro tavola per il pranzo di Natale.
Spero vi siate divertiti a scoprire, giorno dopo giorno, le scelte che ho fatto per questo calendario calendario dell’avvento.
Le scelte, appunto, possono essere davvero infinite dipende dai gusti e da ciò che stuzzica la fantasia.
Buon Natale a tutti.
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Advent Calendar Day 24
Christmas socks.
Eccoci arrivati alla vigilia di Natale, tanto cibo è soprattutto famiglia.
Ricordo le vigilie di Natale di quando ero piccola, ci si riuniva in famiglia, si mangiava soprattutto e si giocava a tombola.
Di solito era una serata informale senza frizzi e lazzi, dove un bel paio di calze natalizie ci sarebbero state alla grande.
Felice Vigilia
Advent Calendar Day 23
Christmas straw.
Dentro la box del calendario dell’ avvento, non potevano mancare le mie adorate cannucce.
Possono essere usate come segnaposto per il tuo tavolo di Natale oppure semplicemente come cannucce ad un aperitivo pre natalizio.
Siamo quasi alla fine di questo viaggio e ammetto che mi mancherà non avere più questo appuntamento fisso.
Vi aspetto per le ultime due sorprese e poi tiriamo le somme.
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Advent calendar DAY 22.
Christmas headband.
Le renne riscaldano i motori -4 a Natale.
Advent calendar DAY 21
Christmas cake topper.
Cake topper handmade, pronto da mettere sul tuo dolce di Natale.
Qual è il dolce di Natale della tua tradizione?
Advent calendar DAY 20
Christmas napkins.
Adesso cominciamo con qualche decorazione per la tavola, per ricevere i nostri ospiti.
Un tovagliolo a tema decora già tantissimo, ci avevi pensato?
Natale è davvero alle porte.
Avrai ospiti a casa o sarai ospite?
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But how exciting is it to receive paper mail?
I assure you that having a greeting card in your hands, in the American way, arouses great sensations.
And if the sender has the knack of having beautiful writing, well, this is the best.
Too bad I lost the use of handwriting, because of technology, I don't even know how to write anymore.
And you?
Advent calendar DAY 19
Christmas hair elastic.
Ho pensato che nella box non poteva mancare una decorazione per i capelli.
Sono rimasta sul classico.
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Advent calendar DAY 18
Christmas chocolate.
Oggi ti coccolo.
Advent calendar DAY 17
Christmas toilet paper 🎉
Oggi 17 Dicembre ti propongo una risata.
Torniamo a decorare il bagno con la carta igienica Natalia!
La conoscevi? 🤣🤣🤣
Advent calendar DAY 16
Coffee cup of Santa Claus.
Quanti caffè prendi in un giorno?
Da qui a Natale il caffè ristretto avrà una tazzina così speciale.
☕️☕️ ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️
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