Benvenuto Club of Milan
The Benvenuto Club of Milan welcomes all women to Milan and helps them settle into their new home. Write to us via e-mail.
Our common bond is we all speak English and have a desire to learn about our new life in Milan, while making friends along the way. Everyone at the Benvenuto Club of Milan wants to welcome newcomers, women who have newly arrived in Milan, to a forum where they can make friends and participate in activities together, and where they can also become acquainted with Italian women. Choose your contact
The evolution of Michelangelo,do not miss it!
Don't miss this!!!
The ltalian Job: creativity, culture and the creation of beauty
Presentato il report sulla situazione della cultura in Italia Fondazione Symbola ha presentato il report annuale sullo stato del comparto culturale in Italia: Io sono cultura 2022
From tomorrow Area B will be activated. Old cars including Euro 4 can no more circulate.
Milano, la nuova Area B «taglia» 47 mila ingressi al giorno: colpito il 13% dei veicoli circolanti Divieti effettivi da lunedì 3 ottobre per i mezzi più inquinanti. Si stimano 47 mila passaggi giornalieri in meno. Corsa continua alle deroghe. Arianna Censi, assessora alla Mobilità: «Meno emissioni e più benessere per i cittadini»
Benvenuto books, YOUR BOOKS will be part of this too!
Happy Ramadan Feast to our Muslim friends!
Friends of Benvenuto are inviting you to Care&Share, in May!
Benvenuto Women on a hike at Porto Ceresio, monte San Giorgio and Monte Grumello
January Drop-in Coffee Dates are January 12, 19, 26!!! See you there!
Merry Christmas!
Secret Santa dropped in today's(15.12.2021) Benvenuto Drop-in Coffee@Clotilde Bistrot.
The Benvenuto Christmas Lunch was organized by our Orientals Abroad group at the elegant Villa Antona Traversa. A lovely day musically accompanied by our choir! Lots of fun and tears of laughter were shed!
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