Fuorisalone Sarpi Bridge - Oriental Design Week

An Oriental Design Week in Milan and in Turin
A design project to create sinergies between East and West, city and city

The initiative is thanks to the interest and curiosity that we feel more and more for art and design offering by Oriental Countries. It is a novelty as Design Week, for your content, oriental and to East, and for your format, to give opportunity to all. It is the first and unique Oriental Design Week in Italy and in Europe. Oriental Design Week is not an event that only lasts 6 days of Milan Desi

Vuoi che la tua azienda sia il Evento/luogo più quotato a Milan?
Clicca qui per richiedere la tua inserzione sponsorizzata.



Fuorisalone Sarpi Bridge - Oriental Design Week that takes place during Milan Design Week, Italy.
Visit www.orientaldesignweek.it/apply/ to take part at the next edition of Oriental Design Week!



Via Sarpi

Informazione generale

Organized by Tomato Catch Up, Studio Akka

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