SOLITY makes Vocational and Educational Training (VET) a key factor for the economic and social deve

Photos from SOLITY's post 12/11/2020

"VET providers can contribute to tackle inclusion issues by developing targeted solutions addressed to profiles such as migrants, neets, adult unemployed, peopl with disabilities.

VET providers act as agents of inclusion... "

European Vocational Training Association - EVTA


We are already tuned in, and you?

Hurry up and join us here 👉

🔴 Giulia Meschino, the Executive and development manager of EVTA will give a presentation about - VET Social Utility during the Session 1: Inclusive Excellence of the European Vocational Skills Week!

Make sure to join the session through this link:

EfVET European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training - EVBB Endurance, the training company ENAIP NET ENAIP Veneto Lifelong Learning Platform VDAB Afpa


Looking forward to the Week session on Inclusive Excellence within the "Higher up! VET Excellence for Green and Digital Transistions" conference.

Stay tuned for a appearance 🧐

Join us here

Inizierà fra poco una nuova giornata di , la 4️⃣° e penultima… non vediamo l’ora!

Oggi saremo coinvolti veramente da vicino, in ben due degli eventi istituzionali organizzati.

⏰ Alle ore 9.00, Giulia Meschino di European Vocational Training Association - EVTA presenterà il nostro progetto SOLITY durante la sessione dedicata all’“Inclusive Excellence” nell’ambito dell’evento più ampio “Higher up! VET Excellence for Green and Digital Transitions”
📃 Info & Programma qui:

⏰ Alle ore 16.00, il nostro collega Andrea Giacomelli interverrà nel panel di speakers dell’evento “The spider VET in the Net: WBL for the future”, organizzato in cooperazione con la Platform of European Associations of VET providers.
📃 Info & Programma qui:

Unisciti a noi, ti aspettiamo!


Thank you to Teresa Damásio, official Ambassador of the in Portugal, for spreading the word on the project and on the importance of assessing VET .
Stay tuned to discover more interesting developments of SOLITY and the !
Social Europe

Hoje, desafio-o a conhecer o projeto e a ferramenta SOLITY, um recurso útil, grátis e muito simples de usar!

SOLITY significa “VET SOcial utiLITY Monitor”. O projeto SOLITY destaca o papel fundamental do Ensino e da Formação Profissional (VET) para o desenvolvimento económico e social a nível local, nacional e europeu. Este pretende partilhar uma nova forma de avaliar o impacto social e o desempenho das escolas de VET, numa oportunidade de autoavaliar o seu impacto social, qualidade e desempenho.

Este projeto pretende evidenciar o valor e a excelência do trabalho que as escolas de ensino e formação profissional prestam à sociedade, bem como o seu papel no combate à discriminação, através do desenvolvimento pessoal dos formandos, e no desenvolvimento sustentável, através do fomento de boas práticas ambientais.


🇵🇹 🇬🇼 🇨🇻 🇦🇴 🇸🇹 🇲🇿 🇧🇷 🇹🇱

VET Social Utility - The AFPA experience European Vocational Skills Week Commission 28/09/2020

🤓 is still going strong!

SOLITY appeared in one of the “Share Your Story” articles published by the European Commission in the framework of the 2020 European Vocational Skills Week!

Our partner Afpa described their experience with the SOLITY tool, and how it was useful for them to self-evaluate where they stand in terms of social utility.

Hurry up and start using the SOLITY tool now!
Social Europe

To learn more, read their full story here:

VET Social Utility - The AFPA experience European Vocational Skills Week Commission VET Social Utility - The AFPA experience


23 January 2020, Berlin

Photos from SOLITY's post 24/09/2020

Four multiplier events taking place respectively in France, Italy, Belgium and Germany to disseminate the outcomes of the project and engage with policy-makers and VET stakeholders


23 January 2020, Montreuil


The emergency has highlighted the importance of speeding up the change towards a digital society. In this process, training will play a fundamental role and VET providers will be a driving asset to meet these needs.
Many VET centers have seen in this period of paused activities an opportunity to re-evaluate their skills and areas for improvement: be one of them!
Log in to and get its extensive report comparing your performance with your main European competitors, self-assess now!

Solity 30/03/2020

One of the key actors who will benefit from the tool are Decision/Policy makers.
SOLITY, among other things, allows them to make public funding to VET more transparent.
Share the tool, help to make Vocational Education and Training (VET) transparent!

Solity How to make VET progress? Use SOLITY to self-assess! A project aiming at the generation of a new, shared approach to assess the social impact and performance of VET providers. Start using Solity - GET ACCESS HERE


providers are key actors to develop the local economy, answering to the needs of the territory’s job seekers, companies and communities, and generating public savings by favoring the return to employment.
What is your VET center contribution to the development of your territory, and how do you compare with the others VET providers?
Assess it with , the European online self assessment tool! ➡️


In order to self-assess with you must be added as a user first. If you still have not been registered, get access by clicking on this link and fill in the form with information of the respective VET Provider(s) you manage.
If you already have your credentials but haven't started to fill in the questionnaire take 10 minutes of your time and start to self-assess, NOW!⤵️


As VET providers one of our roles in society is to help people being part of a community whose members are linked by a common identity and share common values. Social inclusion aims at better living together conditions, equity and social cohesion. The VET centers' work, in terms of social inclusion, is a real support to local and national social policies.
What is your VET center’s level of social inclusion? Assess it with ! ➡️


What will I get after completing the online tool questionnaire?
Find out in this short video


Personal growth of your trainees is one of the axes that allow you to evaluate your center’s performance.
The online tool helps you to evaluate your efficiency in improving your students' confidence, communication skills and professional efficiency.
Assess your performances now at‼️


In order to self-assess with you must be added as a user first. If you still have not registered, get access by clicking on this link and fill in the form with information of the respective VET Provider(s) you manage.⤵️


Why should european providers use 🇪🇺 online tool?
Who will benefit from its use?
What is it for?
How to use it?
Watch this video and everything will be clearer ⬇️

Get access — Solity 16/03/2020

Have you already requested your credentials for the online tool but have not finished filling it out?
Remember to complete the questionnaire in order to obtain your final report and to keep your performances under control year after year and compare them with other European VET providers!

Get back to where you left off ➡️

Get access — Solity SOLITY - VET Social Utility Monitor(590169-EPP-2017-IT-PI-FORWARD)is developed by Wappla & designed by CNVNCIdentity design by Incipit


Yesterday in Montreuil took place a new dissemination seminar of the project organized by Afpa.
On March 5 we met some policy maker, yesterday we met centers AFEC SELFORME and FFOD.

They are determined, what are you waiting for?


online tool offers several features.
Discover them in this short video!
If you have already requested your credentials or have already started to fill in the questionnaire, remember to complete it to get your social utility report!


To respect the European state of emergency from SOLITY Final Multiplier Event: Forward - Looking Perspectives has been canceled.
The decision has been taken in light of the recent development of the outbreak and spread of the corona virus (COVID-19) and following the precautionary measures and the instructions issued by several national and international authorities and organisations concerning travelling across Europe and participating in events.
We very much regret this unfortunate situation and appreciate your understanding for the decision that was taken to ensure the health and safety of all participants.

Continue to follow us on social channels for all information and news on , the online tool for the development of Vocational Education and Training ( ) at European level


Tomorrow in Montreuil: Afpa organizes another dissemination seminar of the project with policy makers and centers!

VET providers, use SOLITY to self assess! ➡️


Return to employment: how does your VET center perform?
is the online tool that helps you evaluate your ability to provide the skills to enter the labor market or have access to more qualifying jobs, compared to the other 🇪🇺European VET Centers.
Use it now to assess how and where to intervene in order to enhance your performance!


The adoption of will increase the awareness about the social utility of VET within society.
One of the main goal is to encourage benchmarking and mutual learning practices in order to improve the quality of European VET.
So what are you waiting for?
Use SOLITY to self-assess! >>


The performance of training organizations should not be evaluated solely based on standard economic criteria.
The online tool defines an overall framework for the social utility of vocational training based on 5 axes:
⭕️ Return to employment
⭕️ Human development
⭕️ Social inclusion,
⭕️ Territorial development
⭕️ Internal practices

VET provider, get access now and self-assess!


Education is "socially useful" and VET has acquired a greater importance as it equips people with knowledge, know-how, skills and competences required on the labour market.
Social Utility of is perceived and evaluated differently from one country to another and from one training organisation to another. will change this and allow VET to be part of a United European training system.
Help to do it, share the tool! ↪️


The dissemination seminar of the SOLITY project with policy makers and centers organized by Afpa took place yesterday in Montreuil.
We talked about SOLITY, the axes and indicators, how the SOLITY online tool works and how it is indispensable for the social utility of Vocational Education and Training.
On March 12 the event will be repeated with other policy makers and VET centers!


Vocational Education and Training is one of the answers to enable 🇪🇺Europe to achieve its full growth potential in order to sustain our living standards, create more and better jobs, equip people with the right skills and promote more unity within our society to respond adequately to the future challenges.
So, better , better society.
Help make it for all of us!
Share the tool among other VET centers!


To be properly evaluated, ’s Social utility must be translated into observable and measurable criteria using indicators:
🔘Representative of the criterion they measure,
🔘Simple and understood,
🔘Accessible (data must be able to be collected),

Use and measure your social utility!

ENAIP NET Afpa Internationaler Bund Le Forem European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training - EVBB European Vocational Training Association - EVTA


What to expect from SOLITY?
After answering all the questions in the questionnaire you will receive a final report with a final score and details of the results for each evaluation axis.
VET provider, what are you waiting for? Use to self-assess!

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Video (vedi tutte)

SOLITY - Social Utility Report
#SOLITY online tool offers several features.Discover them in this short video!If you have already requested your credent...
ENAIP NET's national multiplier event
As a conclusion of this fruitful International workshop, two of the participants share with us their insightful feedback...
The #SOLITY project and its target groups are presented during the International Workshop in Berlin on 26 September 2019...



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