Marta Kurzeder's art
This is the page for my artworks, drop me a message for infos
Art of the Day: Traces - Marta Kurzeder's art Available now for purchase. This series of "Traces" is like a theater of the shadows. An early evening winter light warms and enlightens the bark of a tree. The shadow of a creature of the woods shows up its face, gazing at the yellow aura above him. The surface of the tree and its texture allow for...
“Cosmo” 115x160 cm, acrilici su tela
“Cosmos”, oil on paper, 35x48 cm. ho deciso di nuovo di approcciare i colori ad olio e forse questa è la volta buona 😎
“The Inner Planes”, 120 cm x 180, acrylics on canvas 🧡
“La Montagna Magica”, acrilici su tela, 70x100
Studying the oil tecnique
“Abstract Composition”, acrylics, sheer paper and glue in canvas, 70x100 cm
Mystic’s Dream, 40x50 cm, acrilici su cartone
“N*1” of a series, acrylics on canvas, diameter of 80 cm
Abstract Composition
“Gaia”, acrylics on canvas, 160x110
“Anima Mundi”, acrylics on canvas, 70x120 cm
“Feminine Ritual II”, acrylics on paper, 33x41 cm
“Hallow Blue”, 33x41 cm, acrylics on paper, photo by
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My artistic journey
As long as I can remember I have always been drawing/painting/sketching or creating something. I have had the luck of being introduced to colors when I was around three years of age and since that moment I felt instinctively drawn to them. I did not have a favorite media though. I wanted to draw mangas and comics, fashion design, later illustration and finally I received a graphics and photography education at school. Still without clear ideas and without a passion for digital creation and editing I turned my focus elsewhere and begun studying literature. But in 2015 the creative impulse came back very strongly asking me to depict some of my thoughts, feelings and experiences. Being an expat in a peculiar but lively and creative city certainly had an impact on me. After a brief workshop in Italy with artist Eugenia Liaci I had the confidence again to buy colors and paper and express myself. I did not think too much and simply let that creative energy express itself on paper, photographs, clay at some point and even print. I soon realized I embarked in a project that took an independent life and wouldn’t be easy to manage. I never really wanted to study at the academy of fine arts, for that reason I am partly self taught and partly learning from different artists from time to time, such as Flora Aube lately, whom I found thanks to Katrina Lea
I love to create and see what happens, love to see the reactions of people who, while trying to say what they think about it usually end up revealing more about themselves rather than the images. I believe that creativity is the founding pillar of life and that without art and self expression we would be lost, or at least sad and bored. For this reason I very much enjoy sharing my knowledge and letting other people try to explore their artistic talents and would like to do it more often. This constant dialogue I have with my gut and intuition are something that is not easy at all, sometimes they turn their attention elsewhere or I am afraid of listening them, but art has such a strong potential for self discovery and discovery of the other that I keep doing it. What words can’t reach, pictures and melody can, sometimes in a way that is less direct and rational but maybe even more powerful than a speech.
Contatta l'azienda
Modena, 41125
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